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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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Personally, though I don't know if its true, I bet it's aluminum. Those would be very interesting answers to see from Brandon...


EDIT- What was the Herald's response to the Recreance? Did they approve or disapprove?

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Got myself a chunk of questions:


Are Ideals and Connections the building blocks of spiritual aspects, or is there something else?


Are Ideals in the Spiritual Realm like elementary particles in that there is the category "Ideal of Fire" but multiple perfect instances of it (the same way there are multiple electrons but they're all identical), or is there only one singular Ideal?


Are the qualia (i.e. color, sound/tone, etc) that make up sensory experience Spiritual in nature?


(Related to above)  Are the sensory experiences of humans (or similar sentient beings) a combination of un/subconsciously perceiving the spiritual aspect of an object in combination with sense-based information input (detecting light with eyes, etc)?


Could one describe an object's spiritual aspect as "the nature of the thing" and its physical aspect "the presentation/manifestation of the thing"

Edited by Master_Moridin
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Are Ideals in the Spiritual Realm like elementary particles in that there is the category "Ideal of Fire" but multiple perfect instances of it (the same way there are multiple electrons but they're all identical), or is there only one singular Ideal?


Myself I'd always interpreted the "the" in that quote as meaning that the ideal was singular. This along with the fact that Platonism is all about their being singular ideals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I seriously doubt you could destroy the ideals.

My own personal headcanon has the ideals constantly reinforcing (and being reinforced by) the objects in the physical and cognitive realms, so the more ubiquitous the thing, the stronger/more well-defined the ideal.

Of course, there is an inherent not-quite contradiction, as the more prevalent something is in the physical world, the more variations that can exist, so the spiritual ideal will in fact most likely be quite unlike any individual example, but will rather be some kind of abstract distillation of "fire" or "stone" or "human" or what-have-you.

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Has the God King just gained enough breath that he can Return his dead child through a certain Awakening Command, much the same as Shashara could only awaken Nightblood after gaining a certain amount of Breaths? Is that how this "The God King can have a child" stuff works? Is he basically so Invested that he can Return people like Endowment?

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Has the God King just gained enough breath that he can Return his dead child through a certain Awakening Command, much the same as Shashara could only awaken Nightblood after gaining a certain amount of Breaths? Is that how this "The God King can have a child" stuff works? Is he basically so Invested that he can Return people like Endowment?

My understanding was always that they claim the child was born after a baby Returns somewhere and force the God King to do the My Life to Yours thing, then silence anyone who knows the truth.

Of course, royal locks implies that Returned can indeed conceive through some unknown method (Vasher says at much) but I don't think anyone related to the God King knows the method.

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My understanding was always that they claim the child was born after a baby Returns somewhere and force the God King to do the My Life to Yours thing, then silence anyone who knows the truth.

Of course, royal locks implies that Returned can indeed conceive through some unknown method (Vasher says at much) but I don't think anyone related to the God King knows the method.

I think there is a WoB that says the God King could conceive a child, though doesn't go into how.  You are right on how the priests deal with it.

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My understanding was always that they claim the child was born after a baby Returns somewhere and force the God King to do the My Life to Yours thing, then silence anyone who knows the truth.

Of course, royal locks implies that Returned can indeed conceive through some unknown method (Vasher says at much) but I don't think anyone related to the God King knows the method.


I think there is a WoB that says the God King could conceive a child, though doesn't go into how.  You are right on how the priests deal with it.


I recommend the Warbreaker annotations for further reading on the subject as well as this:




A question that's been on my mind for a while. If Returned can't have children, how are Siri and Vivenna descended from one? 
Excellent question. One I have to RAFO. When I was writing Warbreaker, I was planning on two books. I seeded two questions to be answered in the next book. One was the origin of the royal family. The second was how Vasher was able to survive while hiding his divine Breath. I will answer these questions. Eventually. (It has to do with restoring Breath and life to the child while still in the womb.).
We have seen that Taravangian has "echoes" of his brilliance by which he remembers stuff he once knew. Did the Lord Ruler ever have that from his time holding Preservation?
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If Hemalurgy can take a trait I see no reason why it can not pass it on. That is what Hemalurgy does.

Well, it could possibly be that you can steal some kind of "healthfulness" trait from someone and transfer that to yourself to remove an allergy, but that you couldn't actually use hemalurgy to steal and transfer an allergy.  not saying it is that way, but could be.

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