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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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I think it's just much more difficult to non-fatally spike someone, so spikings are almost always fatal.

I always just assumed that Ruin preferred to fatally spike people because he's Ruin, it's what he does.
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I always just assumed that Ruin preferred to fatally spike people because he's Ruin, it's what he does.

Well, by virtue of all bind points being in places that draw blood, using a huge spike for the sake of efficiency usually would get pretty gory. You are impaling people with a metal stake. Sure, you can use a needle or an earing but the bigger the spike the less decay matters.

It's just easier to die from spike wounds than not. I don't think the system protects from dying from spikes on donation, only from receiving a spike. If you know what you're doing or the victim has a full goldmind he can probably make it out alive. Otherwise they likely have a gaping hole in their torso going through their heart and lungs.

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Well, by virtue of all bind points being in places that draw blood, using a huge spike for the sake of efficiency usually would get pretty gory. You are impaling people with a metal stake. Sure, you can use a needle or an earing but the bigger the spike the less decay matters.

It's just easier to die from spike wounds than not. I don't think the system protects from dying from spikes on donation, only from receiving a spike. If you know what you're doing or the victim has a full goldmind he can probably make it out alive. Otherwise they likely have a gaping hole in their torso going through their heart and lungs.

unless of course you are stealing their gold feruchemy ability, anyway
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Hi all.


Some of these have probably been answered but I didn't see them in the big list of answers. I am rereading the Mistborn stuff to help me run an Alloy of Law game and these questions popped into my head. Hopefully they can get asked at some point.


Q. What exactly is the source of Feruchemy? Preservation creates Allomancers, and Hemalurgy appears to be universal, so it probably isn't caused by Ruin (possibly Odium? Getting off-topic)


Anyway, is Feruchemy created by Preservation as well? Ruin? (unlikely) Or did the Terris people evolve it on their own?



Q. Can a Compounder use metal that another Feruchemist has filled when compounding? Or does the Investiture need to be something they did themselves to provide the compounding effect? (I assume the latter)


Q. If an Allomancer or Feruchemist had access to another form of Investiture, could that also be used to Compound? Or is it something specific to the relationship between these two magic systems? (Ex: burning metal that had been Awakened)


Q. Would a person given an Allomantic or Feruchemical ability with a Hemalurgic spike be able to pass that ability to their children?


And one last random question


Q. Did Steel Inquisitors (or any Hemalurgist, really) need to tap gold constantly to keep from getting infections. Or is the ignoring of physical damage/infection a property of the spike?

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A. Feruchemy is from both Preservation and Ruin. It's a mixture of the two.


A. In order for a Compounder (or anyone else) to use another Feruchemist's stores, there has to be a fairly major amount of 'fiddling' with the identity of one or both parties. There is a relevant thread that I'll link you to in an edit (See page 2. It has further links to more threads). So far all we have are theories about the mechanism, but there are a few WoBs floating about in relation to it. Generally the known route is for a Feruchemist to rely solely on their own stores.


A. Good question. Investiture can generally be tampered with to work between magic systems, but it's very difficult, and may not always be very efficient. Theoretically possible, but likely not very plausible. #48 is best. #27 also applies.


A. As far as I understand, hemalurgy literally grafts a portion of the donor's spirit web onto the receiver (I'm not sure if it's as a replacement/overwrite, or as a supplement). Spirit webs are tricky; even a 'pure' allomancer (descended from the first people to burn Lerasium) has no guarantee of having an offspring with the requisite patterns and cracks to become an allomancer. To be concise, I don't know, but I do believe that the graft would be hereditary, in the same way a grafted peach branch onto an apple tree will still produce peaches. Edit: Found a relevant thread with WoB.


A. Investiture in general protects somewhat from infection (i.e. Rosharans are generally healthy because of the abundance of investiture lying about). I believe you are asking specifically about the sites of infection around the spikes, to which I would say... "I don't know, but I'm sure tapping gold couldn't hurt ;)"


I'm trying to be as broad with my answers as I can. I have some fairly set opinions about a few of these topics, but they are just opinions, so I tried to hide my bias... sorry if I did a bad job :)

Edited by Darkness
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Imagine Honorium on Scadrial.

Some random, slightly storm-colored metal that turns people into Shaving-o-mancers. Like the powder mages from Brian McClellan, but with metal. 

Iron Shavings snuff iron and turn into the equivalent of Windrunners as long as they are burning Iron.

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And Reidsb... Happy first post!


Here's a question for Brandon:

Does Hoid have any bits of metal piercing his spirit DNA or physical body?

(Referencing a WoB that says Hemalurgy is one way to short-circuit magic systems and use investiture on various worlds)

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Any allomancer that can already burn the metal the metalmind is made of can technically sense the feruchemical reserve, IIRC. Vin has swallowed one of Sazed's metalminds before out of curiosity, and she can definitely feel the extra reserve. However, the power was unusable, and Sazed confirms his suspicions as feruchemists are similarly Identity-restricted.

So, theoretically if the feruchemist's identity was somehow eliminated you can feed his metalminds to a Misting and they can draw the power. As they can't store it though compounding cannot be achieved. Or if a compounder has his feruchemy spiked out he can still burn what he has left, but (obviously) can't tap it or store more.

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Any allomancer that can already burn the metal the metalmind is made of can technically sense the feruchemical reserve, IIRC. Vin has swallowed one of Sazed's metalminds before out of curiosity, and she can definitely feel the extra reserve. However, the power was unusable, and Sazed confirms his suspicions as feruchemists are similarly Identity-restricted.

So, theoretically if the feruchemist's identity was somehow eliminated you can feed his metalminds to a Misting and they can draw the power. As they can't store it though compounding cannot be achieved. Or if a compounder has his feruchemy spiked out he can still burn what he has left, but (obviously) can't tap it or store more.


I assume that's the case, but Vin wasn't a Feruchemist, so it's possible she just couldn't channel it.


TBH I wonder if you could compound any of the magical systems with another. So, compounding breath with Stormlight, or using an Emperor's Soul 'seal' on a metalmind.


Probably not for most of them, as I assume compounding is related to Preservation having a hand in both Allomancy and Feruchemy... but there may be one or two interesting combos out there.

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Additional question I just thought of...


Is Hemalurgy created by Ruin or something else? I know he's said Hemalurgy would work anywhere in the Cosmere... I can't imagine Ruin's reach being that far... and even less so once Harmony comes into play.

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I believe I've asked this somewhere, but I never actually put it in this thread:


Do the Unmade need to consume Investiture to live, like Returned? If so, is this why there's so many references to them eating people's souls (eg. the screams of those Blightwind consumes are still heard, Moelach consumes the spark of a soul as it dies, Nergaoul causes people to die to the Thrill)?

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Here's another: Why do the Returned need to consume investiture to stay alive?

It might be because the human body is an imperfect container for Investiture, so the Returned need to continuously top up on Breaths. Or because the Divine Breath is constantly trying to escape so normal Breaths are needed to hold the Divine Breath inside their body.

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I also have a question, and I have checked Theoryland and found nothing alike it so it should still be valid:

What methods of taking care of those who have died are used on Roshar? For obvious reasons normal earth burial should be hard to achieve outside of Shinovar. I know we have seen the Parshendi leave their dead where they have fallen (and the Alethi not do it because they remark on it), but are methods such as cremation, sky burial or hewn toombs and others used and if so, does this depend on where you are and what culture you are part of?

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I also have a question, and I have checked Theoryland and found nothing alike it so it should still be valid:

What methods of taking care of those who have died are used on Roshar? For obvious reasons normal earth burial should be hard to achieve outside of Shinovar. I know we have seen the Parshendi leave their dead where they have fallen (and the Alethi not do it because they remark on it), but are methods such as cremation, sky burial or hewn toombs and others used and if so, does this depend on where you are and what culture you are part of?

Lighteyes try and get their bodies soulcasted to stone or something, presumably to be put in fancy family tombs. No idea about darkeyes. I like the question

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Lighteyes try and get their bodies soulcasted to stone or something, presumably to be put in fancy family tombs. No idea about darkeyes. I like the question

This is correct. Also darkeyes are generally cremated.

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Brandon has made works for every type of Literary Entertainment Medium. Books, Comic Books, Video games, Movies and Television Shows. The only one missing, is a play/Musical.


So, when will Brandon write a play or Musical, and what will it be about?


I want to see Kaladin get an angry power ballad in StormLights! Camera! Action!

Shallan gets a burlesque song about manipulation 

Dalinar has the slow song that makes everybody's hair stand on end

Sadeas would probably get the awesome sinister song


And Hoid would have a polka. 

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Wayne trades something valuable for a pocketwatch with an aluminum case. If it is synchronized with a clock in the train station in the morning, will it still be synchronous at the end of a day filled with intermittent time bubbling?

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