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Surprisingly my Switch still works. No idea if the dock is damaged yet. I’m gonna throw it on generator later and see if it will charge. Also debating on if I wanna take my daughter’s tv off the wall by myself and setting up my PS4 on it as well but that’s a lot of hassle alone when I’m already barely able to lift my arms after taking out or moving rooms almost half our houses things and ripping out smelly wet carpet.


Stupid hurricanes man I swear 

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11 minutes ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Only next gen game I'm super excited for atm is Miles Morales. Not to say I'm not excited for others (I very eagerly anticipate Resident Evil and Ratchet and Clank for instance), but I'm still more excited about games for systems I already have because I don't know when I'll be able to get a PS5.

Demons Souls is a big one for me even tho I played it on PS3. I also expect Final Fantasy 16 to be announced at the PS5 event tomorrow, though not as a launch title.

Speaking of final fantasy, I got a tribute to FF7 recently :) 


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I decided to give into the itch and break out Persona 5 this week...which happened to be an incredibly busy week school-work wise, so it was terrible timing. BUT I HAVE NO REGRETS!

Overall I think I'm doing good! I beat Kamoshida's dungeon in one day. (I died about 5 times though.) I already consider this dungeon one of the hardest dungeons in the game to complete in one day due to the price of healing items and armor, and the lack of SP healing tools. My focus on recruiting Personas this time around didn't help, since that would cost me SP to stun them and minimal exp & money - if any at all - once I did recruit them. But I did it, and my compendium is looking GOOD. Right now I'd like to level up one of my Personas to learn Psi before taking on the next dungeon (I want to gain a Jack Frost with Psi), but I'd also rather spend my days working on social links and skills. 

My Proficiency and Knowledge are still at Rank 1, I need to make more coffee and work on getting Sojiro to Rank 4 so I can stop worrying about him and work on other stats (or work at jobs) during the night, start on Ann's social link, and somehow balance that with Ryuji's link and Tae's social link...this game is so stressful and I LOVE it. I'd like to gain Charm, Guts, and Knowledge Rank 3 ASAP as well, so every Monday & Thursday that I can I'm spending at the onsen. Other nights are spent with Sojiro but now should be spent studying or building something. 

Honestly, it would have been far easier for me to simply NG+ my Persona 5 Royal file, but I like the challenge of the base game (although being able to read/study/make coffee after a day in a dungeon or Mementos was a LIFESAVER.) Besides, if I play P5R, I'd feel guilty about not romancing Kasumi. This playthrough is for Makoto and/or Hifumi! (I'll probably create to save files so I can have one for each.) 

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I’m pretty excited for FF16! I wasn’t expecting anything for a longggg time but here’s hoping we don’t still have a few yrs to actual release. I’d love a shot at 2 new FF’s on PS5. One early life one end life. Just have to hope the other ain’t one of those mmo’s though I have a feeling FF17 probably would be one.

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8 hours ago, NattyBo said:

That FF16 trailer was HOT.


I've got my PS5 preorder and a new PC preorder locked in.  Lets go, next gen! Can't wait to play the rebuilt Demon's Souls.

I haven't played an FF game since 12, and that one looked better than any of the trailers I saw for 15 or any of the 13 and its sequels

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10 hours ago, NattyBo said:

@Use the Falchion are you playing P5 Royal or P5 Vanilla? I plat'd the Vanilla, I just dont have the heart (nor do I want to pay) for largely the same game with a little additional content.

P5 Vanilla. I've beaten P5 Royal though. I think the price of P5 Royal was worth it, as the extra semester and material were stuff that fit the story incredibly well...probably better than P5's original ending in a lot of ways honestly. But I understand your perspective and know people who share it.

The only reason I'm NOT playing P5 Royal is because that game ships Joker really hard with Kasumi, and I don't want to romance her this time. It's a perfectly fine romance, I just want to romance Makoto or Hifumi instead. (Most confessions are along the lines of "how do you feel about me?" Kasumi's is a full blown "I LOVE YOU!")

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Ive been been playing the heck out of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate since this past weeked. Got back into the game to try to unlock the first Valstrax for the Village 8 star Urgent. thanks to transferring from Monster Hunter Generations for Nintendo 3DS, I manage to still keep a few G rank armors and weapons but some of them still need to be upgraded. 

Dunno why but ive been using the Khezu X armor to get through some of the Village 7 and 8 star stuff.  Even joined online to do a G rank Gore Magala to get a few more materials for whatever

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Finished Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The main story was good but the additional stories were hit or miss, like the side quest missions were mostly miss but there were some that were funny or heartbreaking, the Cult story was fun but it was too easy to accidentally kill members before finding the clues, the Atlantis story was a pain with one of the bosses, Legacy was a good three parter and Fate was quite the slow burn since it didn’t pick up until the third part.

I played as Kassandra since she’s the canon character and her acting is much better than Alexios’. I played her as the mercenary with a heart of gold for the most part.

The environments were beautiful but very copy and paste after awhile. I gave up doing the question marks since about 80% were military camps, forts and caves that had variations on three designs that made them very repetitive. Greece was also way too big compared to Egypt in Origins. To show how big it is I spent a day doing Discovery Tour in Origins but spent a week for it in Odyssey since it’s more spread out and a couple require swimming to islands which wouldn’t be a problem if they let you have a boat or if a fast travel was available on said islands.

Otherall I say Odyssey was a nice game but you leave it with a feeling of not wanting to do it over again.

I’m thinking to do FFXV next but I seriously need a break from gaming for now.

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I have a new gaming PC set to come on Monday and I'm sooooooooooo psyched to play Star Wars Squadrons on it, not to mention Cyberpunk 2077 next month(!! where is the time going!?).  My plan this next gen is PC for multiplatform games, PS5 for sony first party, Switch/Switch Pro for Nintendo first party and multiplatform JRPGS. My new PC is a beast so I expect it to handle things better than PS5 or XSX will.


Nothing makes me feel like a kid again quite like new gaming hardware.  CANT WAIT

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videogames I just started playing a day ago


Paper Mario Origami. Was doing great until I got up to the pencil boss.  i was getting frustrating with the moving around of the circle rings and I didnt have enough fire flowers. So I pretty much restarted the game.


Zelda Breath of the Wild for Nintendo Switch.  


main game im mostly playing whenever I get the chance is Assassins Creed Brotherhood but last time i was playing it was last year

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8 hours ago, urrutiap said:

Paper Mario Origami. Was doing great until I got up to the pencil boss.  i was getting frustrating with the moving around of the circle rings and I didnt have enough fire flowers. So I pretty much restarted the game.

You don't need fire flowers for that fight, or for any other that I can recall

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Persona 5 update time! I haven't really played much since Monday, and that's fine. I've been busy. Anyways, I'm at the final palace before the prologue scene and we've just gained Crow as a crew member.

I'm doing really good on levels and Personas for the most part (roughly 45% through the Compendium), so the main problem - as always - is SP. I don't have a lot of SP healing items, but I have enough for this dungeon.

In terms of Social Links, I'VE FINALLY MAXED OUT KAWAKAMI'S SOCIAL LINK!! I've finished Mishima's and Tae's as well, so while I'm not doing the best, I feel like I'm doing pretty good. I have max Intelligence and max Charm too, so I'm going to need to make a decision about Makoto and Hifumi relatively soon. Hifumi (Star), Chihaya (Fortune), and Ohya (Devil) are all waiting for their Mementos quest to be filled out, and that'll be done the day after I complete the latest Palace. I also moved forward on Yusuke's social link (Rank 6 or 7 I believe) as well as Futaba's (Rank 4 or 5). The Tower and Sun social links are progressing pretty good as well. I may not complete them before we catch up to the present, but I'll be able to complete them before taking on That One Boss.

I also made a little more improvement on Sojiro's social link, but now I need max Kindness to progress any further. And I FINALLY have enough Guts to move forward on the Hanged Man social link! It most likely won't be maxed out, but any progress there is good progress. Haru is the final piece of the puzzle, and there's nothing I can do with her until I have max Proficiency. I'm not sure how to gain that in the most efficient way just yet.* As such, she'll unfortunately stay benched until I can unlock that proficiency, since Baton Passing is too powerful, and she can't complete it just yet.

As such, I should be able to complete around 3-4 more social links before things heat up again, if all goes well. Maybe even as many as six (Hifumi, Chihaya, Ohya, Makoto or Yusuke, the Tower, and maybe the Sun). But the main problem links will remain out incompletable for the moment.

Overall - solid progress is being made, but sadly nothing too special.


*Making tools is pointless now since I have the eternal lockpicks (two of them!) and have built the P.C. Working at the beef bowl place may be good, but it takes up time I could be using to finish a different social link. The same is true for Lala's bar, but there is worse since there's no guarantee I can talk to the patron that raises my proficiency. Reading MAY work once I max out all of the day-time confidants, but I've read pretty much every book I could. Maybe I could play a game or watch a DVD...

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36 minutes ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Are you playing original Persona 5, or Royal?

Edit: Never mind, you're playing original. The Baton Pass comment proves that.

Yup, original. If this was Royal, I'd have probably maxed out most of my stats by this point with all of that extra time after dungeons...or at least I wouldn't have to worry about SP items with all the coffee I could have made!!

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