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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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Well, I think this is it. I was going for the record of person who took the longest to read RoW. Did I get it? 

I haven't finished but I can feel the thing. The thing where you know you won't stop reading until you're done, even if you have to stay up until 3am. Hopefully that won't be necessary, but either way this ends today. Really excited. 

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By taking the longest I actually mean that I started reading this on release. Even longer if you count the preview chapters.

Still, what a great close. This is the first time ever that I feel this much closure to Kaladin's character. I do wish I hadn't been spoiled about


Teft and Taravangian

but what can you do.

It wasn't as bombastic as Oathbringer but I think this has the highest amount of my favorite moments in any of the books so far, which must mean this is my favorite of the four.

Design is the best spren ever. Change my mind.

Navani's arc was definitely my favorite here. Moash is delightfully twisted. Lirin is stubborn but cool, and Hesina is the perfect counterpoint. Teft is good. Teft is always good.

This does feel like the calm before the storm. no pun intended. It wasn't a Sanderlanche in the full sense of the word, but so many things have been set up for book five (are we calling it KoW already?), I can only feel excitement.

Oh, to think I can go back to the book subforum after my two year banishment. This day is unreal.

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18 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Navani's arc was definitely my favorite here.

Navani had a cool arc, but I’m mad Rlain isn’t a Bondsmith.

I’m rereading the Silmarillion and other Tolkien stuff getting a little mad with all the liberties they’re taking with Rings of Power. 

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My English class is reading The Things They Carried.  I read ahead and finished the whole thing, but since we're going slow through it, I have to go back and... this book is really depressing.  I like the way O'Brien writes - the way he jumps back and forth between events and monologues and makes it weave together is really pretty, and I've been messing around with it to see if it can help with my never-finish-anything problem.  But the story is really depressing and it is not fun.  Which is entirely the point.

Next up, The Fires of Heaven and The Romanov Sisters by Helen Rappaport, and probably more Dresden and some historical fashion books.

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Powered through the Fires of Heaven in three days and now I'm reading four books at once -  I need to finish 'On Fairy-Stories' to finish Tales From The Perilous Realm, I'm up to December of 1916 in The Romanov Sisters, and I'm reading two different historical fashion books - Tudor Fashion by Eleri Lynn, and 18th-Century Fashion In Detail by Susan North.  And I haven't started the Regency fashion book yet, but that's coming.  And more Dresden and Russian stuff (More about the Romanov sisters and a fiction book called Laurus).

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I recently started a book called The First Binding, by R. R. Virdi.

The research I've done online tells me that it's supposedly really good, and compared it to The Name of the Wind and even The Stormlight Archive.

Has anyone else here read it, and can they testify about how good the book supposedly is?

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I'm reading the shatter me series by Tahereh Mafi, I just finished the second book and am waiting for the third.

I'm also reading the Unwind series by Neal Shusterman, It's a bit on the creepy side, but I've really enjoyed thus far,

I've also been working my way through The Darkest Minds series by Alexandra Bracken. It's a fantasy/dystopian that I've really enjoyed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got around to finishing The man in the Brown Suit. Didn’t really have much time to read thanks to plenty of late shifts and moving.

This book was more espionage based compared to Christie’s other books but did start with a death. It eventually turns from ‘Who is the mysterious Man in the Brown Suit’ to ‘Who is the Evil Mastermind known as The Colonel’ and frankly I can’t tell you why the evil mastermind needed to be taken down. The people responsible for the earlier thread were dead and he was just an associate of theirs for the crime. It would be like Gaston dying halfway through Beauty and the Beast and focusing on bringing Lefou down.

Going to take a brief break from Dame Christie to read something a little seasonal, House of Leaves. And yes I’m reading the full color edition.

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1 hour ago, Draginon said:

Got around to finishing The man in the Brown Suit. Didn’t really have much time to read thanks to plenty of late shifts and moving.

This book was more espionage based compared to Christie’s other books but did start with a death. It eventually turns from ‘Who is the mysterious Man in the Brown Suit’ to ‘Who is the Evil Mastermind known as The Colonel’ and frankly I can’t tell you why the evil mastermind needed to be taken down. The people responsible for the earlier thread were dead and he was just an associate of theirs for the crime. It would be like Gaston dying halfway through Beauty and the Beast and focusing on bringing Lefou down.

Going to take a brief break from Dame Christie to read something a little seasonal, House of Leaves. And yes I’m reading the full color edition.

I love Agatha Christie! She was the first mystery author I read that I couldn't figure out what was gonna happen straight away. The man in the Brown Suit was one of the first of hers I read, I agree with Draginon, it was a bit confusing but 11 yo me LOVED it.

Edited by Cinnamon
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7 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

I love Agatha Christie! She was the first mystery author I read that I couldn't figure out what was gonna happen straight away. The man in the Brown Suit was one of the first of hers I read, I agree with Draginon, it was a bit confusing but 11 yo me LOVED it.

I did like the relationship between the lead and her eventual husband but the overall mystery is a dud for me. I like how her early stuff is random like this, since in her first decade she was still figuring out what worked for her, and I wanted more stuff with Anne after this but we do get Colonel Race again as an old friend of Poirot so this is connected to her main canon of work, unlike Tommy & Tuppence which are fun offshoots not connected at all. I’m not sure what to think of Race himself since he takes a weird role of being a good guy but also a suspect and red herring antagonist so I’m hoping his role is better defined when he’s next seen. I’ll also be glad to get back to a Poirot since I’m reading her stuff in publication order and I have another one off next before returning to ‘that pompous man’ that I enjoyed in that first book. Also interested to see what Marple is like when I get to her books, though I have heard she’s different in her first book so I’ll have to read and hope I like the real Marple when I get to her.

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7 hours ago, Spren of Kindness said:

I just finished Lord of Chaos and I'm up to Cold Days in Dresden.  I've also started reading the Foreigner series by C.J. Cherryh, and The Count of Monte Cristo is up next.

Lord of Chaos is good, my only negative is that it’s the start of that dumb long summer plot that I hated reading during summer and needed a break from.

Good luck finishing Monte Cristo in a reasonable time.

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12 hours ago, Spren of Kindness said:

I just finished Lord of Chaos and I'm up to Cold Days in Dresden.  I've also started reading the Foreigner series by C.J. Cherryh, and The Count of Monte Cristo is up next.

I've been reading The Count of Monte Cristo for the past two months... (Admittedly, it's taking forever because of school work, but it's still a really long book.)

I'm at least halfway through and I love it. I just wish I had more time to read it. 

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I just finished a book (that I mentioned here earlier) called The First Binding, written by R.R.Virdi. It just came out this year.

It was really good, and I highly recommend it for anyone hungry for a new epic fantasy world to explore.

Like seriously. Read this book.

(Also, in the Acknowledgements section, it says among the many thank yous: "To Brandon Sanderson, for listening to me talk about this project, and bouncing things back and forth with me." So it's basically Sanderson endorsed.)

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Finished A Crown of Swords, Skin Game, and Peace Talks.  So I'm almost caught up with The Dresden Files, and I'm on the downhill slope for my Wheel of Time reread.  Next up: Frankenstein, Post Captain from the Aubrey-Maturin novels, Battle Ground, and The Path of Daggers.  Oh, and Thorn, a goose girl retelling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm reading the Skyward series, I got the first three books. I'm having a bit of trouble getting into a readers mindset though. Eh, I'll get around to it eventually.

Mostly just waiting for Lost Metal to come out, then I'll have to wait longer because I live in Australia, all the while doing my best to avoid any spoilers because I want a (mostly) fresh read through.

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I know this isn't realated to the book I'm currently reading, but should I read the malazan trilogy? Some people say it's really good, but I've heard a few people say that it's kind of confusing. I'm not a very "experienced" reader compared to the people at my schools book club btw :rolleyes:

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