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Like some of you, I'm also left handed and yes, watches go on the right, that makes obvious sense. But I'm a weird kind of left handed, in that I only write, eat, and do a scarce few of other activities left handed. I play every sport I've ever tried right handed(or footed). Shooting, I do right handed, do to being right eye dominant, but, while my left eye has 20/20 vision, my right has something like 20/25, which makes a far away target storming hard to see clearly. It's not bad enough to wear glasses, and usually only has been a problem in shooting, when I can't differentiate certain rings of the target from others. :P

I am very white. Tanning does not come easily to me. Despite the fact that I am 1/8 Italian, I'm pretty sure, I got none of those genes and all of the Danish ones from my dad's family. Also, despite being very white, I have what has been described to be as "black man hair". I have very tight curls that I once grew into a decent Afro, but have since kept shorter and brushed as flat as I can(which is pretty wavy).

My parents were both born deaf, and I have grown up around Deaf/ASL culture. None of my five siblings or I are deaf. I am fluent in ASL because of this.

I live around 10 minutes away from Brandon Sanderson and he came to my school once to meet me as a going away present from my newspaper advisor.

Edited by Mailliw73
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At the local Wally World, they sell piggy banks made to look like Pinky Pie, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkles. I almost got the Pinky Pie one for a friend, but then I changed my mind and got one for myself instead.


And that, folks, is the story of how I came to own a TARDIS piggy bank!


I'm such a great friend.

Edited by The Crooked Warden
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those piggy banks sound cool.


My one and only problem with the TARDIS is that my sister and her friends try to convert me to Whovianism with it.  They just don't get that you can't force someone to like something.  


Here's my bit:  When I am tired, I can stare without blinking for about 3 minutes or so.  All I can think about right now, hence the TIRED part of it.  :(

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I'm kinda hypersensitive to textures: I can't stand using pencils or crayons. Also the main reason I don't like most meat or beans is the texture.

Also, I can tell you the name of almost every Collective Soul song within the first ten seconds of it playing (not counting the live or acoustic albums), with like a 70% accuracy rate, give or take a few percent. Not sure of that counts, but it's a thing I can do, so...

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I am blind in my left eye. Unfortunately, I am also left handed, or at least, I was when I was a child. My parents forced me to do everything with my right hand, so now I suppose I'm technically right handed. I still do a lot of things with my left hand, but writing isn't one of them.


One of my legs is approximately half an inch longer than the other, so when I stand up straight, one of my feet hovers just off the floor.


Thanks to a chullhole of a father, I wasn't free to read what I wanted as a kid, so I didn't get into the fantasy genre until I was about 19. Now, 16 years later, I have a library of about 150 books, all fantasy or sci fi.


The only jewelry I wear is a ring, in honour of my grandfather, who it belonged to. This is despite having my ears pierced 5 times.


Because I embrace the phrase 'kittens like to play rough', I look like I self harm. I don't, but I don't mind picking up a few scratches while playing with Dibley.

Edited by Bort
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One of my legs is approximately half an inch longer than the other, so when I stand up straight, one of my feet hovers just off the floor.



I have scoliosis, which is just a fancy word that means my back curves sideways. Anyway, when I put my hands straight into the air my right fingertips are an inch or two higher than my left. It's trippy.

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In second grade, I did not receive the "Advanced Reader" award.

But I did get the "So Into the Book That the Teacher Practically Had to Yell My Name to Get Me to Look Up" award. :P


Story of my life. I just tune anyone and everyone out whilst immersed in something.

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In second grade, I did not receive the "Advanced Reader" award.

But I did get the "So Into the Book That the Teacher Practically Had to Yell My Name to Get Me to Look Up" award. :P


I don't remember that much from so early in elementary school, but I remember that in sixth I started the bad habit of sneaking a book under my desk when I got bored.  One teacher for a while would try and catch me out with questions, but I always knew the answers.  She told me many, many years later that she finally just threw up her hands and gave up and let me get away with it because she knew that I knew the material.


I was really bored in sixth grade.

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I don't remember that much from so early in elementary school, but I remember that in sixth I started the bad habit of sneaking a book under my desk when I got bored.  One teacher for a while would try and catch me out with questions, but I always knew the answers.  She told me many, many years later that she finally just threw up her hands and gave up and let me get away with it because she knew that I knew the material.


I had the same thing in the third year of middle school (age 12-13, not sure how it works out to the grade system you're using). I didn't bother hiding the book though, just had it lying on my desk.

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Speaking of reading, in my sophomore year of high school (15-16), I was the only person in my English class to get a B in Reading. However, we used the Accelerated Reader program, so we not only had reading levels (mine was 5.6-12+, so about halfway through fifth grade (10-11) to college/university level) but we also had to take tests on the books we read and the tests accumulated points. I was also the only person in my class to get over 200 points (no one else even got over 100).

So why did I get a B? Because Ender's Game was one of the books I read and it has a 5.4 reading level. Never mind that Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide were higher. Or any of the other books I read that were 11-12+ reading levels. Nope. My teacher didn't care about that. All she could focus on was the .2 points below my reading level that Ender's Game was. So I got a B.

And this is one of the reasons I did not get anywhere near a 4.0 when graduating high school. :P

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I had the same thing in the third year of middle school (age 12-13, not sure how it works out to the grade system you're using). I didn't bother hiding the book though, just had it lying on my desk.


I was 11 in sixth, and some of this stuff kept going into junior high.  So, yeah, about the same age.


Mind you, none of this was good.  Yes, it kept me from being bored, but it was a symptom of a failure on the school's part.  I should have been in an accelerated learning program, but the school didn't have the resources to accommodate that.


So I slacked off and breezed through.  And got used to breezing through, all the way through high school, such that by the time I started college I had absolutely no idea how to study.  I'd never had to do it before. 

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I don't remember that much from so early in elementary school, but I remember that in sixth I started the bad habit of sneaking a book under my desk when I got bored. One teacher for a while would try and catch me out with questions, but I always knew the answers. She told me many, many years later that she finally just threw up her hands and gave up and let me get away with it because she knew that I knew the material.

I was really bored in sixth grade.

this was me in 7th grade geography. That was a terrible class.
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