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And now for something completely different--a brief reminder:

Phat: Night 1 - Wilson, Night 2 - Ren, Night 3 - Neo

Meta: Night 1 - Winter, Night 2 - Kas (I'm guessing, let me know if this is wrong), Night 3 - Twei.

If we grant that our two safe roles are Phat and Meta, that leaves us with 7 people currently cleared :)

As mentioned before, I'm rather uneasy about Ostrich's ongoing silence, since it's clear he's been PMing. Karlin's been posting barely enough to stay afloat, which is par for the course. Aonar can be struck off the list since he went through a wormhole, regenerated, and turned out to be Wyrm. [Edit: I mean the crouching inactive list.]

With regard to who boarded the lynch train on Meta, it's difficult to say. Twei and Wilson both were the most enthusiastic about it, while Winter was careful to distance herself from it, which makes me think that they're generally adopting that strategy. Letting us cut our own throats, so as to speak. (In any case, at least in my view, Twei and Wilson have both been cleared. I add the fact she (Wilson) was attacked last night to Phat's scan, and it seems to me to be way too expensive a gambit to set up. And I'm generally on board the 'Meta is our badchull Priest' train, so I'm taking his word for it that Twei's cleared.)

In my own take on the lynch train, I've drawn a list of what I generally feel are the rough positions that began to coalesce:

1. Meta, wait, what exactly is going on here?

-Kas: early boarder, got uneasy and backed off once the train hit 5-6 votes. [cleared by Meta]

-Twei: early boarder, but while pressing Meta, also questioned Winter. [cleared by Meta]

-Ren: via Kas--expressed worries concerning Meta's immediate response to Wonko over the Zas lynch. [cleared by Phat]

-Wilson: questioned Meta, and defended Winter's behavioural shift as being the understandable product of recent circumstances. [cleared by Phat.]

-Seonid: questioned Meta's behaviour.

-Emerald: voted for Meta because felt his suspicions of Winter were unfounded; questioned arguments for Winter's guilt.

2. Fence-sitters

-M'Hael: Tentative suggestion he might vote for Meta but preferred to figure out Kas's Dulaness and to consider.

-Hufflepuff: notes Winter is behaving differently, but does not feel strongly enough about Winter or Meta to place a vote. Says will look into Meta's past behaviour to come to a decision.

-Winter: Agrees with prior defenses of her, but argues Meta has a point and should not be lynched for it.

3. Meta-backers

-Kipper: agrees that Winter is behaving differently, suspects the reason is her being an Eliminator. Later convinced to remove vote from Winter, but chose to abstain from joining vote on Meta.


I know we've had a dominant number of cleared people in Category 1. I kind of feel it's too early to say much about Emerald, and this is the first time Seonid's participated as substantially in a prospective lynch. At the same time, if what was going on with Maili is any indication, my inclinations are that the Cultists will be mostly hiding in Category 2 or simply just being semi-/inactive--they seem to favour letting us cut our own throats. Look at Winter's behaviour, which I've included. She preferred to let other people do most of the heavy lifting defending her, and similarly tried to call for a position of measured restraint concerning Meta. Presumably because she knew he was innocent, and it would help her distance herself from the lynch if/when it came about, as it was looking at that point in time.

For obvious reasons, only a limited sample of the game population was even involved in the Meta almost-lynch. Consequently, it's really hard to know what to say of those who remained silent for most of it--like Claincy. Furthermore, I'm not comfortable assuming that any of the inactives replaced by pinch-hitters weren't Eliminators. We've had those before--just off the top of my head: Dui in MR3, and Aonar, Jasnah and Karlin in MR4 (well, he had at least a substantially lower activity level, Jasnah was being strategically inactive and posting just enough to avoid being purged, while Karlin actually died from inactivity!) and Newan in LG7, whom we pretty much had to poke with the lynch stick before he would say anything. (Probably Urbain paranoia speaking. Really simply, it's Wyrm, ipso facto, do not trust without evidence, as much as I'd long to.)

While the analysis is mine though, I'd like to hear what conclusions everyone else drew from the lynch.

Edit: I feel like this is becoming a thing--that whenever Meta and I are on the same side in a game, I'm bound to suggest we lynch him at least once. MR4, QF6, and now here. :/

Edit 2: Added entertaining link for additional demonstrativeness.

Edited by Kasimir
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I suspect that we won't find any Eliminators in the Meta lynch-train. I know I'm clear, and I offer myself to Meta to scan either tonight or any future night as proof of that. That leaves only Emerald as an uncleared person, who I am not 100% convinced of, but since we villagers were doing so well at building that train of our own accord, I see little reason for an Eliminator to jump on the bandwagon at the last moment, especially as, once Meta's priestliness was revealed by the lynch, all those who voted for him would come under extreme suspicion. It's just bad strategy.


Now, of course, Eliminators do make mistakes, and we shouldn't clear Emerald based on this alone, but I provisionally propose that Emerald is not an Eliminator.


That's my take.

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It occurs to me--for no particular reason--that in future games, it might be interesting to have a role capable of 'silencing' a player and preventing them from posting in the thread for a cycle...Huh.

That's an interesting idea. Except instead of just silencing them, we should make it so that the target player goes off to some side-quest part of the game, perhaps with just a couple other players to interact with. And instead of 1 cycle, let's make it 2, so the target had a little bit of time to enjoy the side quest. But we don't want to make the role too powerful, so let's just make it a one time use thing. Like an item.

We could call it "poison vial."


(But seriously, it's an interesting idea. I hope you don't mind if I steal it for a future game.) ;)

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That's an interesting idea. Except instead of just silencing them, we should make it so that the target player goes off to some side-quest part of the game, perhaps with just a couple other players to interact with. And instead of 1 cycle, let's make it 2, so the target had a little bit of time to enjoy the side quest. But we don't want to make the role too powerful, so let's just make it a one time use thing. Like an item.

We could call it "poison vial."


(But seriously, it's an interesting idea. I hope you don't mind if I steal it for a future game.) ;)

Then you'll understand if I say that comment was born out of missing that poison vial. I'd write an ode to it if I wasn't already poetry-ed out :P

Honestly, loved that concept once I was brainstorming ways to use it effectively, even if I went with the scanning one in the end :)

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While the analysis is mine though, I'd like to hear what conclusions everyone else drew from the lynch.


Unlike Seonid, I'm not so certain that one of the eliminators didn't jump on the Meta-lynch train. It's unlikely, but it is still possible. However, my eye is on Seonid for the eliminator position as opposed to Emerald.


Hael and Honey Badger are worth looking into as well, but personally, I'm most suspicious of Kipper. He seemed too certain about it and then when it was proven that Winter was actually a Cultist he didn't hesitate to gloat about his initial rightness.


I think most of the rest abstained from getting involved at all--including posting. While Winter was talking about the deal the Cultists were making with the Gyorn and the Lovers here in the thread, I was talking to her in the PM, and I know she was in communication with at least one of her teammates in the doc. I tracked who was online or had been online in the last hour of that time period. The people who did not get involved at all:


Mckeedee (who was online a lot around there and constantly checking the thread and board, but never posted, which I think is somewhat out of character for him, considering how vocal he's been in past cycles with similar circumstances)


Zas (unknown if he got involved, as he's in Elantris)



The following people were also online at that period of time (or around there) and only posted in the thread to place a vote on Winter:




Out of the above, I'm most interesting in Mckeedee and Luckat, though the rest are definitely on my watchlist as well.


Winter also mentioned that at least one of the Cultists was very interested in killing me last night. I understand this could be fruitless, but I find that fact interesting. Did they kill me because I was vocal? Perhaps, though Kas was just as much vocal, if not more-so. Plus, my voice ended up helping get Maill, an innocent lynched. That's a help to them more than anything. So was it something I said? Perhaps. I'll have to go over that, because the only thing that I really remember saying was to Bort, but he engaged me in that argument a little too heavily for an eliminator so I'm not sure he is. Unless they were trying to make him seem like an eliminator, but that gets us nowhere. Was it my threat level? Maybe, though that still begs the question of why me over people like Meta, Kas, Alvron, Twei, and Claincy. I'm far more a threat on team evil than I am on team good, and I've always said that, and it's always true (though I'm trying to fix that, but I tend to not be given much of a chance). I still feel that if I was voicing suspicions in the wrong direction, my threat level would work in their favor so they wouldn't have to worry about killing me. Unless they just always have a semi-irrational fear of me, though if that's the case, out of the unconfirmed players, that makes me wonder about Luckat and Claincy the most. Jain's on that list as well as is Araris.



Anyway, that's my current list. My strongest suspicions are towards Mckeedee, Luckat, and Kipper with secondaries of Claincy, Clanky, and Seonid, backed up lastly by Dow, Jain, and Araris. And Ostrich is someone I think needs be scanned, though I'm not sure he's an eliminator, since he's gone dead silent, and that's not how he was in MR6 (though he was quiet in that game, but he made sure to speak up once in a while as well).

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Unlike Seonid, I'm not so certain that one of the eliminators didn't jump on the Meta-lynch train. It's unlikely, but it is still possible. However, my eye is on Seonid for the eliminator position as opposed to Emerald.


Hael and Honey Badger are worth looking into as well, but personally, I'm most suspicious of Kipper. He seemed too certain about it and then when it was proven that Winter was actually a Cultist he didn't hesitate to gloat about his initial rightness.


I think most of the rest abstained from getting involved at all--including posting. While Winter was talking about the deal the Cultists were making with the Gyorn and the Lovers here in the thread, I was talking to her in the PM, and I know she was in communication with at least one of her teammates in the doc. I tracked who was online or had been online in the last hour of that time period. The people who did not get involved at all:


Mckeedee (who was online a lot around there and constantly checking the thread and board, but never posted, which I think is somewhat out of character for him, considering how vocal he's been in past cycles with similar circumstances)


Zas (unknown if he got involved, as he's in Elantris)



The following people were also online at that period of time (or around there) and only posted in the thread to place a vote on Winter:




Out of the above, I'm most interesting in Mckeedee and Luckat, though the rest are definitely on my watchlist as well.


Winter also mentioned that at least one of the Cultists was very interested in killing me last night. I understand this could be fruitless, but I find that fact interesting. Did they kill me because I was vocal? Perhaps, though Kas was just as much vocal, if not more-so. Plus, my voice ended up helping get Maill, an innocent lynched. That's a help to them more than anything. So was it something I said? Perhaps. I'll have to go over that, because the only thing that I really remember saying was to Bort, but he engaged me in that argument a little too heavily for an eliminator so I'm not sure he is. Unless they were trying to make him seem like an eliminator, but that gets us nowhere. Was it my threat level? Maybe, though that still begs the question of why me over people like Meta, Kas, Alvron, Twei, and Claincy. I'm far more a threat on team evil than I am on team good, and I've always said that, and it's always true (though I'm trying to fix that, but I tend to not be given much of a chance). I still feel that if I was voicing suspicions in the wrong direction, my threat level would work in their favor so they wouldn't have to worry about killing me. Unless they just always have a semi-irrational fear of me, though if that's the case, out of the unconfirmed players, that makes me wonder about Luckat and Claincy the most. Jain's on that list as well as is Araris.



Anyway, that's my current list. My strongest suspicions are towards Mckeedee, Luckat, and Kipper with secondaries of Claincy, Clanky, and Seonid, backed up lastly by Dow, Jain, and Araris. And Ostrich is someone I think needs be scanned, though I'm not sure he's an eliminator, since he's gone dead silent, and that's not how he was in MR6 (though he was quiet in that game, but he made sure to speak up once in a while as well).

I am a stick.
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Wilson, I realize that you think me suspicous and that can't be helped, but but what on earth did I do to make you think I was certain about Winter? I said I was a "bit suspicious" of her and that it was a "feeling."

And the gloating was just because it's nice to have a hunch, even a hunch, about something you got wrong. Your reputation is too big not to give me a bit of glee once in a while if I get something right.

Edit: And somehow, I missed Surgebound Rainspren's posting. Stalking players and counting posts ain't my thing.

Edited by Kipper
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And the gloating was just because it's nice to have a hunch, even a hunch, about something you got wrong. Your reputation is too big not to give me a bit of glee once in a while if I get something right.


See, this is the bad thing about reputations. They blow up, and often times, you can't control the way the blow up, and it really can get irksome when that reputation spins you into something you loathe and would never be.


I got taken in by Winter, yes. I'm also 100% positive that I explained why that happened. You can say that it wouldn't have happened to you, because it's clearly an eliminator strategy. That's you. Not me. When a pre-teen is conversing with me and at one point expresses the fact that they suck and feel utterly useless and want to bail on the game, I feel bad. I help them out. I give pointers. I encourage them, because this is a game and if we're not having fun, there's no point in playing. That's just what I do. If it ends up with me getting manipulated and defending an eliminator, so be it. I'll take that. But I would appreciate it if I didn't have to endure gloating simply because I have a heart. I'd do everything in that PM with her the same way as I did, even knowing her alignment now. I regret nothing.


Also, you want to know how I got the Bloodthirsty Goddess nickname? I got horribly deceived by an eliminator and then killed. It wasn't until I read the dead doc that I realized Claincy was an eliminator, and I may have gone a little overboard with my threats to take his life in an upcoming game. Hence, Bloodthirsty Goddess. I think people tend to forget the origins of that name and focus on the threat that it makes me sound like. Now, sure, I'm a threat. But I'm not inhuman. I don't have superhuman abilities like being able to pick out eliminators from a mile away and kill them in my sleep or manipulate people into doing things when they're ignoring everything that I'm saying, or anything of that sort. But based on comments made about me the last few months, that's what it feels like people think. And it doesn't exactly make me want to continue playing because that's not me. A constantly lying manipulator who can't keep an alliance even if she tried? Why would I ever want to be that person?


Basically, keep in mind that the people you're playing with, regardless of their threat level, are more than just the avatar you see on the screen. We are human and we make mistakes just like anyone else. You may not mind gloaters, but not everyone feels the same way, so it's best to just refrain.

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Guys. Kind of urgent.
1. PSA: All citizen vote manipulators. Calling all citizen vote manipulators. We [Ren and I] need you to target Winter and/or Bort and make sure their votes go to Winter. No harm in stacking the lynch train at this point and we don't want to risk setting up an opposing lynch. (Vote manipulators of any other sort, just hit Winter.)
2. This is the current state of the votes in Elantris:
Zas (3): Ren, Phat, Neo
Phat (1): Bort
Winter has a vote on Phat. So does Bort. One more Cultist vote and one of our two Priests becomes Hoed. It won't be the end of the world, but guys. Don't make it easier for the Cultist Prince/Princess. Vote for Winter.
Ren's about to come down hard on Bort, but let's make sure our side is doing our bit too, alright?


Edit: ...Scratch that. You can't make Winter hit herself but you have to hit the same target. So. Shift the vote to me. I'll be able to tank it, kolo?


Edit 2: According to Ren, this is pretty much what happened. About one hour after Meta's reveal of his role and Winter's alignment, Bort decided to go and vote for Phat, citing a dispute about how Phat was treating him. (Apparently, Phat had suggested potentially Hoe-ing Bort on a future turn. Ren can't find anything else that might've sparked the dispute.) They're currently trying to sort matters out.


In addition, just a quick reminder: I'd request one more Seon-holder get in touch with Elantris each Day cycle so we can cross-check information and make sure it's flowing well, reliably, and accurately. Thanks.

Edited by Kasimir
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Wilson, I have only one thing to say in response to your accusation, and that is to reiterate my offer to be the next individual scanned by Meta. Or, if Meta doesn't want me to do it, poison me and send me to Elantris to have phattemer scan me. Or if this cycle is inconvenient, do it next cycle, or some future one.


I'm not afraid of the results of a scan. My alignment has nothing to hide, and can endure the bright light of day and the searching light of a priest's inquiry with equal tolerance.


EDIT: For what it's worth, I think you did the right thing with Winter, even if you did get taken in. Compassion is more important than winning a game, and all of us having fun together is more important than making sure all of our playstyles are optimal.

Edited by Seonid
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Once again I have to offer my humblest apologies. I wasn't actually gloating. I was just being sarcastic as a vain and (as I now know) somewhat meanspirited attempt to inject humor into the thread. I thought the times I used :P made that obvious, but as you say, I'm only human. Don't worry, I learned my lesson about real gloating in LG10 and consider myself a better player for it.

Once again, I'm sorry. And in the future, if you see a :P in my posts after a possibly offensive passage, the said passage was probably ny feeble wit.

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Once again I have to offer my humblest apologies. I wasn't actually gloating. I was just being sarcastic as a vain and (as I now know) somewhat meanspirited attempt to inject humor into the thread. I thought the times I used :P made that obvious, but as you say, I'm only human. Don't worry, I learned my lesson about real gloating in LG10 and consider myself a better player for it.

Once again, I'm sorry. And in the future, if you see a :P in my posts after a possibly offensive passage, the said passage was probably ny feeble wit.


Thank you for the apology. All is forgiven. I would like to comment though that if you need to put a :P after a passage that you recognize could be taken offensively, you might want to rephrase it so the emoticon isn't necessary to portray the inoffensiveness of the statement (even if you still use the emoticon). Having to put a cheeky emoticon with a questionable statement to downplay the offensiveness is sort of like saying "No offense" before you say something offensive. But that's just my two cents. :)

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Final Roleplay (Part 1): 


Kae looked around the crowds and saw no pity. Nothing. Just an empty hatred. Cleo... I never said goodbye... He'd said he hated her. He said he could never forgive her. But then he did it too. Something unspeakable. He killed-again. He'd promised-he'd swore that he'd left it behind. 


He said he'd never kill again. Never. But... what did he do? He'd killed him! He'd killed him! Cleo... Kae thought. I'll come back. I'll make it through this. 


Kae backed up. 

"I... broke it." Kae whispered. "My promise." It cracked. His voice did, he meant. "I can't. I'll..." Live for me, will you? Cleo's laughter. Spinning around. A Shardblade forming out of mist. I'll be right back. 


Metallic spikes. Blood on her hands. 


Blood in him. Broken. Broken. He was broken. She broke him. It was her fault. She deserved it. She deserved... to live thinking he hated her? When that was only an excuse-and a poor one? 


He'd killed too. Blood on her hands. Blood on his hands. 




It was them, wasn't it? They shared it. Here on Sel, the home of Devotion, would he forget? Would she ever stop haunting him? Her face in his mind. Spikes torn through her face. 


Kae made a choice. He called for his Seon.


"Call Cleo." Kae said. 


"Are you sure this is wise?" The Seon asked. (Most useful spike ever, that one.)

"No." Kae shrugged. "But I might die. I can't let her live thinking I hated her."


The Seon transformed into Cleo's head. 


"So." Cleo's voice was cold.


"Cleo." Kae's voice melted. "I... need you."


"Why? You hate me."


"I hated you as much as I hate our Shard. And..."






"I'm going to die." He whispered. "I don't think I can get away this time." 


"What did you do this time, Kae?" Her voice melted, all ice gone. "Rightly or wrongly?"


"Rightly. But I can't bring myself to care anymore. Where are you?"


"A city. Not sure its name. I'll come."

"Thank you." Kae turned to face the crowd. "One dance. And I'll let you take me away. Kill me." Kae stared into the eyes of the crowd. "I don't hate you." It was to her, yes, but it was to all of them as well. It wasn't their fault. It wasn't even Kae's. 



Final Roleplay (Part 2):

It was just how it was. 


Kae stared into the crowd. People looked away when he made eye contact with them. 


A whisper returned through the Seon.


"It's okay. I'll be there and we can go back to where I'm living."


Do I have any honor left?




"Yes." Kae said. A frown fell over his face. Will it work? "Come." 


Stares. Hard, cold, stares. Kae met each person's eyes. One after another. They all looked away. They couldn't see. Couldn't see who he was. He didn't know who he was. 


I'm coming. That wasn't through the Seon. It was through their link. They were entangled through Devotion. 


"Cleo!" Kae screamed out. The ground shook and bright red light exploded. The ground trembled as a red light flashed. 


"KAE!" A voice. It was hers! Kae jumped towards the red light, while the crowd panicked and fled. The light faded away and an exhausted Cleo collapsed on the ground. Kae grabbed her and burned Brass. He Soothed her exhaustion. Then he burned Zinc and Rioted her awakeness. 


"Cleo?" Kae pulled her to her feet. "Are you okay?"


"No..." She stumbled up, but she seemed to wake up. As if she was burning pewter. "Sel is really hard to worldhop to."


"I figured. Are you burning copper?"

"Yes." Cleo shrugged. 


"Couldn't you have gotten here earlier? Then I wouldn't even be in this mess because you could've blocked my pulses."


"You can burn copper too." 


​"My supply ran out." Kae admitted. 

"Just shut up and kiss me." Cleo grabbed Kae. He melted into the embrace easily. They swayed gently from side to side. They kissed. "I missed you."


"So did I. Even if I didn't know it." Kae smiled. They danced around the room, flowing with the grace of two Mistborn. Both born from hemulargy. 


Cleo didn't say anything for a long while. Then, she said, "Let's make our escape now."




Is dead. 


I can live with that. I'm not Honor. I'm Devotion. And I can't leave her to live without me. Let her watch me die. 


The crowd surged forward and attacked. Cleo and Kae dodged all of the blows with ease. Kae Pulled on the ceiling, getting herself up. Cleo followed suit and they vanished into the rafters. 


"Time to worldhop?" Kae asked. 

"Sure." Cleo nodded. Pewter burned inside of both of them, keeping them awake. 


Kae wrote a note on a piece of paper. 


I'm not dead. But I'll let you pretend. I won't come back. I'll never come back. Ever. If I do, you have permission to kill me. If you're alive then. Atium Compounders live a long time. 

Edited by Winter Cloud
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Kiireon pursed her lips and eyed the trembling man before her. She was intrigued by his words, she couldn't deny that. Intrigued and a little flattered too. She leaned forward. "Retribution shall not fall on your head, my dear subject. At least, not by my hand." She grinned and continued, "With such sweet words, it's no wonder Kaian is so taken with you. If you didn't seem to be in such bliss with him, I might consider a little something myself." She shrugged. "Ah, well. Love. 'Tis a fickle thing, and hard to predict. Comes at the worst times for the strangest of people....." She trailed off and stared at the wall for a moment before remembering the man before her. "I wish you two the best, should you be a true Arelish Citizen. And if not.....well. I'll just have to console the poor Kaian after you are gone."

"If I may trouble Her Awesomeness with one last question, does The Great Kiireon have a favored honorific?"

(will get back to actually playing here on in)

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"If I may trouble Her Awesomeness with one last question, does The Great Kiireon have a favored honorific?"


Kiireon almost said it. She almost blurted out her true calling. Wilson, the Bloodthiirsty Goddess, but she caught herself just before opening her mouth. She swallowed and considered her options. And found she had no preference. If she couldn't be called by the honorific inherent to her true name, it didn't much matter to her. "Anything that esteems my position suitably. I shall leave you to determine what that position may be." He surely wouldn't land on her immortality and divine nature (she'd be worried about her cover if he did), but she was immensely curious to see what the man would come up with.

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Sorry for the double post, but I've been waiting until late in the cycle, when Winter can't fix this, to say it: Winter never retracted her vote for herself. The only vote on Phatt is from Bort and whatever the Cultist Prince(ss) puts on there. He should be fine.

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I finally got caught up reading everything. Hopefully I’ll be able to stay caught up and actually contribute going forward. I don’t have a lot of time right now, but I’ll try to write up some thoughts in a few hours.

For now, since Winter is clearly a Cultist, I’ll vote for her just for in case anything weird happens.

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Sorry for the double post, but I've been waiting until late in the cycle, when Winter can't fix this, to say it: Winter never retracted her vote for herself. The only vote on Phatt is from Bort and whatever the Cultist Prince(ss) puts on there. He should be fine.


Still, can't hurt to make sure

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little wilson, on 03 Jun 2015 - 8:36 PM, said:

Sorry for the double post, but I've been waiting until late in the cycle, when Winter can't fix this, to say it: Winter never retracted her vote for herself. The only vote on Phatt is from Bort and whatever the Cultist Prince(ss) puts on there. He should be fine.

Normally, rules as written, that would be true. However, in this case it's pretty clear what Winter's true intent is (unlike Kas's post the other day where he declared twice that he would be voting for different players, for example). I'm willing to make allowances to players when it's clear what they really intend.

EDIT: Truth be told, I had forgotten that it was required that players retract their votes if they wish to make a new one. I've just been counting the last vote that they cast without checking to see if previous votes had been retracted.

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