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There was another pendant, yes. Orlok sent it to me Day One. And I thank him heartily for it, because I knew I'd be getting attacked eventually (probably tonight), and I was right.


It would be nice if we can get the results of Phatt's scan asap, since I'd really like to lynch one of the Cultists. I'm not a fan of nearly dying.


How did you convince Orlok to send you his pendant when it was only Day one? He already trusted you then?

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I am gonna be PISSED if this is some elaborate deception with Phatt, Wilson, and Wonko.

But it seems unlikely.

I might be mildly annoyed as well. But at least it'd probably serve to stop me trusting most things at face value. But I agree. Feels fairly solid to me.



Before I forget, I'm just going to put a vote on Kasimir, just to see if he's the Dula or not.

Edited by Haelbarde
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Sorry, I just saw this from the previous night phase:

So, GMs, a question for you:

If I as a Keeper of the Secret Tunnels voted in thread for the Dula, but used my secret vote on someone else, what would show up?

Or in other terms:
Bob is Keeper, Reginald is Dula, Frank is a normal townsperson.

In thread, Bob votes Reginald
Bob uses his secret vote on Frank.

Your name would show up by the Dula, with 0 votes (assuming that nobody else voted for the Dula. Whoever you used your secret vote on would have 1 extra vote added to their tally.


Or, per your example, the tally would look like this:


Reginald: 0 (Bob)

Frank: 1 ( )

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I figure I should post this before I go to bed:

The Gyorn decided to target me for conversion again. I have no idea if it was because they really wanted me to be converted or because they didn’t want to give more info about who they were by spreading out the targets, or just because it was likely converting me would be successful since my Pendant was already used and it was unlikely I had another one.

The other convert is Zas.

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Ok, sorry guys. I'd crashed right after receiving my semester results [a nerve-wrecking experience, but it's over!], and had as a result sent in an early order on Bort. Any other people with poison, however: feel free to send Meta or any of the other mentioned names on a free, all-expenses paid trip to Elantris.

Before I forget, I'm just going to put a vote on Kasimir, just to see if he's the Dula or not.

Tch. I know personal privacy is overrated in the Digital Age, but seriously, bhai? :P Fine. I am the Dula. I just didn't want to pass up an opportunity to troll--and more importantly, I did not want to make a confirmed Arelon player any more tempting a target than she already was. When I saw Kipper's post speculating that I'd made Wilson and Claincy Lovers, I decided to put a stop to any attempts to speculate on who I'd paired up by trying to divert the heat to myself.

Let me make several things clear. First, to forestall attempts to guess who I've paired based on my psychology and pre-game banter, I can confirm I rolled dice to decide on the Lovers I eventually paired up. So, trying to work based off how I think is not going to be of help here :) Second, we know I'm against wanton role reveals, and I consider this to be especially wanton. The odds are in the favour of the Lovers being a Citizen-Citizen pair, and if they are a Cultist-Citizen or Cultist-Cultist/Cultist-Gyorn pair, we'll soon discover that as we work to uncover the Cultists through discussion. It does not change the nature of our task. Third and consequently, as their Secret-Keeper, I am set upon taking the names of the Lovers to my grave :) I hope y'all will understand.

Edit: Lovers, if you're pretty upset right now, curse my dice. They were the ones who decided your fate. (It is written.)

Edited by Kasimir
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MenE started the day off anxious. He had heard whispers during his cleaning in the night that Kiireon (Awkward walk; as if gravity itself was different. Gestures are a second late. Someone not likely from this culture. As if she'd grown up outside the confines of Sel, MenE couldn't see how that was possible) and Tehen (The quick hands of a thief. Likely hands that had held a syre as well. Likely from the Eastern providences) were starting to suspect him! If only he could figure out a way to explain himself clearly! He knew that he'd be able to assuage their suspicions. 


Instead he was left muttering the name, "Kae" in his sleep. Until one night he awoke with it being a shout.


No, not the city, as the rest of his bunk mates thought. Though the city was in great danger, his mind was elsewhere. 


His mind raced, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. There were so many parts and twists and cogs, but one thing his mind kept turning to was Kae. His face kept looming in his thoughts. 


If. Only. He. Could. Expl- No, it was lost again. He couldn't make the words come out of his mouth.


He fell to the floor, beside his bed, spasming and shaking. 


He needed to get up and clean, but his body betrayed him. 

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Tch. I know personal privacy is overrated in the Digital Age, but seriously, bhai? 


I was sorting expecting to just wait for the vote tally to come in at the start of Night 4. And I might keep it there (unless, for some reason, votes get piled on you), just to make sure, if you don't mind. But presuming it's true, I feel it sorta soft confirms you. While not technically a safe role, it would feel unbalanced if it were given to a Cultist, and I wouldn't think the Gyorn would be able to also be Dula. Hope you don't mind.

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I was sorting expecting to just wait for the vote tally to come in at the start of Night 4. And I might keep it there (unless, for some reason, votes get piled on you), just to make sure, if you don't mind. But presuming it's true, I feel it sorta soft confirms you. While not technically a safe role, it would feel unbalanced if it were given to a Cultist, and I wouldn't think the Gyorn would be able to also be Dula. Hope you don't mind.

Sure, guv'. I ain't bovvered. After all, you can't be my Lover too...could you? :P

Edit: To Throat: I apologise. It'd been a long and nerve-wrecking day, and I'd gone to bed without seeing your message. I understand the decision you made, even if I think it was somewhat unnecessary. However, know that should I die, you will find yourself in the same position.

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Sure, guv'. I ain't bovvered. After all, you can't be my Lover too...could you? :P

Well, Kas, if I remove my vote, they'll never know, will they. :P



(And as fun as it would be to attempt to troll everyone with that, I still want to actually vote for you, just to make sure. So, Kas)

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(And as fun as it would be to attempt to troll everyone with that, I still want to actually vote for you, just to make sure. So, Kas)

Fair enough. As I always say, strategy before trolling ;) As much as it would've been fun to go with my pre-game banter (excluding threats of Wilson murdering me in all subsequent games), strategic concerns mandated I actually roll the dice. Or, as they say in Randland: 'Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.' So I can understand the need to be sure.

What's up guys? Surely just because we have our Priest, we shouldn't be focusing on just what he finds! That has to wait until our Seon-holders can present us with something useful, but in the meantime, let's kick off some discussion! Among the candidates for poisoning, there were myself, Claincy, Meta and Bort. Bort is currently enjoying a two-night stay in Hotel Elantris, if the actual Shaod doesn't take him in there. But what about the others?

Meta, what's your reason for going after Kae again? I've read what you've said in the thread, but it seems as though you're just doggedly going after her again and again, which seems to me quite strange since you've always cautioned us against tunnel-vision. Would be nice to hear some more response to Twei's and Wilson's concerns (which I do share), besides 'Well, I did that before.' As I see it, you're too canny a player to be that obtuse about trolling, so either you were a Villager trying to aid my attempt to draw flak by highlighting what a tempting target a purported Lover would be, or, as Twei suggested, you were trying to deflect the Warriors. Which is it?

To the M'Hael, my new Lover, with my undying devotion: (Kipper was nothing, I swear!)


Remember your lips

gently crushed like soft petals

of the blushing rose

driving your hooked thorns deep

into this weak flesh.

Endless affection, mio caro.

Forever yours



Edit for colour.


Edit 2: I have information from Ren, over in Elantris. He has confirmed that Wonko misunderstood the reasons for Zas's lynch. Zas was to be lynched not because he was a convert, but because the Elantrians felt that with the attack on Phat (his possessing the Pendant was not publicly known), the only unconfirmed players who would've attempted to kill Phat were either Zas or Wonko. Consequently, they reasoned that having a 50-50 chance of lynching a Cultist was better odds than lynching Maili. All that then remained would be to Seek the survivor (if Zas was no Cultist), upon which Elantris would be cleared of Cultists. As Zas had not been forthcoming about his role, they decided that Zas was a better lynch candidate than Neo.

Ren expresses, as well, suspicion of Meta, noting that it is strange that Meta cast suspicion on Wonko (and by extension, what Wonko might've further said) with incredible alacrity, to defend the Maili lynch.

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For one who claims to not want to be on my list, you're doing an awful lot to poke me at every opportunity. I'm starting to see your disclaimers for what they really are: a weak attempt at covering your true desires to be on every list I have. (Not that I have lists, and even if I did, I wouldn't fall to such clear manipulation.....or would I?)

Oh, one more question about that. Are these lists of yours anything like Sydney Scoville's List?


For a particular someone

Oh Kasimir, how could one speak ill of thee,

Whose knowledge and wisdom is clear to see,

With whom none could disagree,

And when you vote for an enemy,

I would likewise vote most freely.


(I would lift my vote again, and vote Meta, but same reason as before, and I want more time to decide what I think of everyone)

Edit: Also, poetry is not my thing.


EDIT: GM Question: Would we be told if a person who was in Elantris due to poison was taken by the Shaod? Or would they just never leave?

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Kasimir, Winter does seem a bit suspicious to me as well. In the games I've read over, she doesn't normally play like this, and I don't understand such a drastic change. Her “explanation" feels more like an Eliminator trying to excuse the change rather than a villager who is making a real change.

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I'd really rather not be poisoned you guys, just an FYI and not for the reasons you would think! Also, I have a history of taking Kas far more seriously than he really is. See MR4 where I tried to call his bluff and wound up dead for it when we were both on the same team.

The MR4 incident (those who weren't around during that game, see here for where it came to a head) involved weighing up both the bluff and double-bluff possibilities in-thread. This time, there was no consideration; Kas' trolling was just taken at face value. Meta. (Yes, I said I didn't want to lynch him without serious evidence. Well, that's either going to come from a lynch discussion or our Priest, and in the absence of another poison vial, well...)





I'm bored of watching analysis. During my time as a GM, I started wanting to say something. But I couldn't because I was the GM. So I want to overcompesate here. However, that's not how I normally play. So I've resisted saying much of importance because it's different from my normal incompetence playstyle. I didn't notice that my resistance to overanalyze was leading me to underanalyze. I've decided to explain so that you understand.

What made you want to analyse more?



I note that both Karlin and Seonid didn't vote in thread, but showed up in the writeup. Was one (or both) of them moved by a Duke/Duchess? (Seonid was moved to a potential lynch target, Zas, so at a guess I would expect their vote was moved by the Cultist Prince/ss.)

Edit: formatting

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Of the Winter/ Meta feud, I think that Winter is acting much differently than she did in LG11, where she was an eliminator. I am not convinced of any player enough to put my vote on. But I will be looking at some previous games, to see how Meta has acted in the past. I will keep on digging to see who I think is acting more Maf- like. 

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I note that both Karlin and Seonid didn't vote in thread, but showed up in the writeup. Was one (or both) of them moved by a Duke/Duchess? (Seonid was moved to a potential lynch target, Zas, so at a guess I would expect their vote was moved by the Cultist Prince/ss.)

Twei: Seonid did not get votejacked. That was only Karlin. You might've confused Seonid's character with Sienene, who is being played by Phat. As it stands, we have confirmation that Bort made the Duke/Duchess vote, and that the suss-Prince/Princess has struck again. Still a count of two vote changers.

I should clarify that I did not discuss Meta with Ren or attempt to influence his suspicion list. I simply asked him point-blank for his suspicions and to shed light on that kerfuffle with Zas. (Yes, to those of you who are reading between the lines, I have been given a Seon. I consider this a temporary loan.) Ren has also noted that it seems few people have been communicating with Elantris and they're running into timezone issues, meaning most exchanges have not been so informative.

I am no wordsmith, O M'Hael, my Lover, but I will shower you with poisoned kisses and I will make of your name a living poem.

Gleaming like the first

sunlit drop of wild honey

is your name, on my

tongue, whispered, at the first dawn

on far horizons.

Edited for colour.

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Just thought I'd say, in case anyone's uses them, I finally edited the link to night 3 in the second post of this topic. Also, I plan to post those contents things at the start of each cycle if I can manage it.

Not even the greatest foe,

the ever moving dimension,

will stop our communications

from ever ceasing.

Nor will any dimension,

neither the barriers between,

end these songs we're sing.

Like Ta'veren, the Wheel spins

us both together, again and again,

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Meta, why have you been blindly tearing after Winter, but cautioning the rest of us against tunnel-vision? Kipper, what exactly is it about her explanation that feels eliminator-ish to you? She just got done GMing a game. It was her first time ever GMing. Do you really think that that kind of an experience wouldn't tweak a person's playstyle? Your reasoning for voting for her is a stretch at best.


And for those of you looking at Winter's change and thinking this is a sudden mid-game change, let me direct your attention here. That's her first post in the game. While her post may not be as detailed in analysis as Kas or mine, Winter has never been one to analyze or strategize. She just hasn't. But let's look at her past two games: LG11, where she was evil, and MR6, where she was the GM. I have a rather strong feeling that the back-to-back nature of these games where she had to strategize with her team as a Spiked and then where she saw strategies and analysis and the entire big picture as a GM taught her a lot. And now she wants to try it out. I don't think lynching someone when they have perfectly good reasons for changing their playstyle is a good precedent to set. Now, lynching someone who has absolutely no reason to change their playstyle and is playing radically different than they ever have in the past? Sure. But that's not Winter. There are plenty of reasons for her to be playing the way she is.


And if you're wondering about why she stopped analyzing and strategizing, well. She's not stupid. She knows people pay attention to playstyles and she knew hers was different and she knew people would find her change suspicious. So she tried to stop. But that didn't work either. That just got Meta on her back (though I suspect that he's coming down on her like he is because he's a Cultist who suspects she has an important role rather than a regular who just wants to try something different), and it got her feeling miserable about the game enough that she almost bailed on it and had pinch-hitter take over.


Yes, I've been in contact with her. I'm 99% certain she is not a Cultist and I'm 90% she's a villager. Lynching her would be a mistake.

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EDIT: GM Question: Would we be told if a person who was in Elantris due to poison was taken by the Shaod? Or would they just never leave?

There would be an announcement in the writeup clarifying the situation, and yes, they would never leave.

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There would be an announcement in the writeup clarifying the situation, and yes, they would never leave.

Welcome to the Hotel of Elantris

Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the Hotel of Elantris

Any time of year (any time of year)

You can find it here!

Last thing I remember, I was

Running for the gate

I had to find the passage back

Before I met a dark fate.

"Relax, " said the Veteran,

"We are programmed to receive.

You can check-out any time you like,

But you can never leave!" :ph34r:


Edit: colour, storming colour.

Edit 2:

I first knew you on

a night, ink-dark as this, the

silver moon embracing the

unknown waters of the lake,

deeper than any other.

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Well, now I think I have enough suspicion to actually place a vote. I've been rather careful this time round with my votes, as I haven't had enough suspicion to actually put a reason behind my votes (and I know better than to place a vote without a reason).


But now? Well, I think I have just enough reason for a tentative vote on Meta.



In the first place, his response to the vote on Zas was questionable. Highly questionable. When I first read it, I gave it a pass because of experience (it's a bad habit, and one I've been weaning myself off of, but I have tended to give the arguments of more experienced players more weight), but the more I look at it, the less it makes sense. The reasoning for not voting Zas was perfectly sound - I made a strong argument for not lynching converts a priori (yes, Kas, I used it again :P ) several days ago.


But the attempt to push that towards suspicion on Wonko and Phatt, especially given what we now know about Phatt seems poorly done to me. The more information that we are getting out of Elantris, the more suspicious that seems to me.


As far as the supposed attempt to push the warrior protection off of Phatt - that seemed innocent enough. It only becomes worrying in light of my newly-found suspicion. That could be read as a frustrated rebuke for what seemed like a damaging role reveal. But it could also have been an incredibly subtle ploy to create panic in the minds of the warrior(s?) - who, as far as we know, have not managed to get into contact with anyone in the thread. A panicked warrior, with more targets than s/he could hope to cover, would be far less effective (and easier to beat at games of I know you know I know) than a calm, reasoning one. It's very subtle. From anyone else, I'd discount it. But Meta has been this subtle before (like in the Game of Shards).


But finally and most completely, his responses to everyone else's questioning seems to be dancing around the point. He's had pointed questions asked of him and has not responded with direct answers. This goes beyond mere trolling.


I guess my tentative suspicions were more firm than I thought they were. I just had to write it all out. I do not know if you are a Cultist, Meta, or if you are the Gyorn/Odiv, or if you are just a Villager caught in a love triangle with a member of a different team. But I am increasingly suspicious (and perhaps even growing certain) that your goals do not line up with the Village.




Sheon Idris was a simple man. A grocer, really. He had never been troubled with events outside his own little neighborhood, until he had come to petition the king on behalf of his neighbors. Poor, sick, and starving, they needed the assistance. But then he had found himself caught up with the rest of the court, wrapped up in a witch hunt to find the cultists who had murdered the poor patriarch. None of them were permitted to leave, with the exception of the poor souls who found themselves taken by the Shaod. Thank Domi he had never had anything to do with that!


Well, he had never considered himself to be much of an investigator, but the patriarch had been a kind and gentle man, who had not deserved his fate. For him, Sheon would look for his murderers.


The one who called himself MenE kept catching his attention. He was well-known in the court as a man of sound logic and reasoned discussion. So what was this supposedly logical and reasoned courtier doing spouting on about dreams and phantoms? His fits were more than a little frightening. Unless...could it be? Could they be attempts to sway the king towards executing someone? But why not just reason his way to the conclusion. He could convince the entire court...unless the reasons weren't logical. Unless the reason was that he was one of the murderers, who wanted to steer the king toward a target that logic couldn't support. Well, the queen was known to be a sound reasoner and a cool logician as well. She could probably see through it.


And she did. As he watched, she called him out on his recent actions, accusing him of treason in the name of the king. That was a good start. A few of the court spoke up, but most remained silent. MenE, for his part, tried to evade the accusations, but poorly, and with little dexterity. Finally, Sheon could bear it no longer.


"Murderer!" He called out, drawing his side sword and pointing the thin blade at the courtier. "How dare you speak here, attempting to pass yourself off as a loyal subject when your hands are dripping with our patriarch's blood!" Stepping forward, he fell into a martial stance. He'd done a stint in the army, half a lifetime ago, and he still remembered how to hold a sword. He adjusted the eyeglasses on his face, their tinted lenses blocking out the glare of the rising sun through the eastern windows.


"Defend yourself, traitor!" Briefly, he felt a stab of fear. What was he doing, in the king's palace, accusing one of the most influential courtiers at the court? But he shoved it down. The rapier was out. The die was cast. It was time to see things through to their conclusion.


(Sorry, I may have gotten a little bit carried away with the roleplaying... B) )

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Hey all.
Here are my thoughts so far: (and yes, I've been following the game the whole time)


My primary suspicion so far has landed on bort, but since he's on his way to confirmation, I'll leave that alone for now. I'd like to hear something from Alvron and Clanky who, in the games I've played at least, are usually a fair amount more active then they've been so far. (granted, this is my first LG, so maybe were not far enough in yet.) Surgebound Rainspren hasn't been replaced by a pinch-hitter, which means he's been at least somewhat active. That smells to me of MR6, where we (the eliminators) intentionally had him hide behind a smokescreen of inactivity.


for those suspecting winter: why would being an eliminator cause a change in Winter's playstyle that fundamentally helps the villagers? (yes, I know she could be throwing suspicion on innocent players, but talking about it more openly and giving more reasoning makes it easier to find gaps and inconsistencies.)


So, I'll be voting for Meta. I just don't see the reasoning behind your suspicion of Winter. 

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