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I have a theory.


I believe Dowanx is Spiked. I'll admit, I could be wrong, but I have a few reasons for thinking this.


He helped us get our first Spiked kill, but that was after a few cycles where things were going nowhere. An honest vote, or an attempt to gain trust and kickstart the game moving? Remember, it is possible for the Spiked to gain new allies this game, so a deliberate sacrifice is not out of the question, and Winter would be a good choice for this, as he (or she?) is running their own game.


Since then, he has waited until the late hours of a cycle, and jumped onto the bandwagon votes for the other lynched (apart from this last one. He said he voted, but it didn't show.)


Also, practically all of his comments since that first successful lynch have basically been saying "Yay! Go Villagers!" But he has added nothing of significance. Occasionally, he would claim "I have further info, but will explain it later," then doesn't.


I'm willing to listen if anyone has anything to say in his defense, but at the moment, he is looking most likely to me.


Edit: Oh, almost forgot. Add all this to the fact that neither I nor those I trust seem to know anything about him.

Edited by Bort
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I did vote, but it didn't show so I am guessing I got soothed.  You can go back and look at the posts to verify this.  I don't believe I have been really jumping on bandwagons merely voting for the person who I believe is most likely to be spiked.  So far I think we have been doing a great job lynching spiked.


When you are referring to I have further info, but will explain later?  I thought I outlined my thoughts, but if I didn't I can rectify that now.

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Only one I can recall specifically Dowanx, is the one right before Winter died. You joined in the bandwagon, saying 'Yes, I'm suspicious of Winter, and I have reasons. If they don't die, I'll tell you later.' They died, so we never found out. Ever since then, any posts to add your name to a vote has been short and to the point. Nothing to give away your reasoning, which makes me think that you are waiting until the lynches are certain, then adding your name to the list to appear as one of us.


There was at least one more occasion when you said this ("I have info, but I'm not sharing yet"), but I'm at work here. I'm not going to trawl back through 30+ pages of posts looking for the one I spotted last night. (And yes, last night I did go through all 30 pages looking people up to see who I feel is dodgiest.

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I didn't really explain further about Winter because well she died.  I would of pointed out her activity as the largest suspicion.  Although there were other things such as her suggesting everyone say if they slept or not and a couple things that were merely gut feelings on how she worded her posts.  Between those things I felt she was the most suspicious.


As for voting only when a lynch seems certain... I don't think a lynch is ever 100% certain in this game except maybe Jaerle's lynch.  The sleeping mechanic plus vote manipulation roles makes it so lynches can go badly if people aren't careful and coordinating.  Look at how many votes went on Jaerle yet how many actually counted.  Also in Winter's case I was the 3rd vote when others had votes on them.  I don't see how that made that vote certain.


I hope that answers some of your questions.  If not point out what you want me to clarify and I can.

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I do not think we need to waste our time on Dowanx.  He has supplied information to a trusted few of us that has lead us to two of the spiked.  Also, I know that he has been very involved in PM's, which were necessary before we caught so many of the spiked.  Anyways, keep Dowanx on your watch list if you'd like, but we would all be wasting time to do more than that.  Wonko, what were you saying about some of the other kandra?  Are there any that we need to be worried about?

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Yeah, we seem to have gone our separate ways. I think it was my fault; I was the first to choose a side, which sort of forced the others to decide where they stood concerning my Team Twindra.


Fel, you should be ashamed of yourself.

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These Night Cycles are going so long that we're discussing typical day time activities during the night, basically just because we can. :P

Newan is still part of this, right? Can't say I've heard or seen from him in quite awhile (I hope it's not because of something horrible in RL! If so, you have my sympathies, Newan). As such, I'd like to extend my thanks to Aonar for basically running this solo, as he's had to do. 

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Day Eight: Destruction


Lord Pifferluke the Third held his aluminum war-hammer casually, whistling a simple tune as he walked. He’d carried this thing around for almost a week, and while it wasn’t exactly heavy, it was nice to be able to put his burden to actual use. His target wasn’t far. A claimed pewter ferring, but still no match for the Hazecrusher’s might.


Acer was sleeping when Pifferluke found him. Aw, this is too easy. He kicked Acer in the ribs, giving him a rude awakening. The other man instantly tapped enough strength to look more like a mountain than a man. Better. Pifferluke jumped backwards, swinging the Hazecrusher. It connected solidly with the Brute’s head, leaving a sizeable indentation. Acer staggered for a moment, then collapsed and went still.


After wiping the Hazecrusher off on Acer’s shirt, Pifferluke started searching for spikes. Nada. Rust. I just killed a man for nothing.


Unfortunately, Pifferluke didn’t get much time to ruminate upon his breach of morality. The groan of wooden support columns was his only warning before everything went black.




As the rumbling faded, a pair of figures staggered out from the Town Square’s wreckage, barely conscious. Kirrah and Ostrich were the only survivors.




Bortington was hiding. He felt like a coward, but what was he supposed to do? He’d seen and heard the destruction the spiked had wreaked in the square. He most definitely didn’t want to be next.


Of course, hiding meant finding somewhere out of the way. Somewhere dark. So dark, in fact, that he didn’t even see the spike that plunged into his chest.




A killer stalked through the tunnels, looking for a suitable target. Someone stood alone in one of the rooms, intense concentration written on their face.


Works for me. Let’s level the playing field a little, shall we?


Raising a crude metal spike, the hemalurgist plunged it towards their victim. As soon as they did so, it leapt out of their hands, embedding itself harmlessly into the wall. Rust.


“Good try, but not good enough.” The would-be victim tore the spike out of the wall, brandishing it at their attacker. “How about a taste of your own medicine?”


The would-be murderer fled off into the night, sprinting as fast as their legs would take them.


Room B2 has been destroyed!


Acer Tuy has died! He was a Twinborn with Allomantic copper and Feruchemical pewter!
Edrab Leah Heatherlocke has died! He was a Kandra with a Blessing of Awareness!
Pifferluke the Third has died! He was a Twinborn with Allomantic nicrosil and Feruchemical tin!
Failu Failu has died! He was a Kandra with Allomantic tin, Feruchemical electrum and a Blessing of Presence!
Bortington Smythe has died! He was a Twinborn with Allomantic copper and Feruchemical steel!
Kirrah was attacked, but survived!
Ostrich was attacked, but survived!
Someone was attacked, but survived! 


Two Awesome items and a Pretty Cool item have been found! Rooms A1 now holds an Awesome item!


The Day will end on Friday, at 10:00 PM CDT.

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Oof! You know, maybe one of the people in the trusted group should have revealed that Meta's scan showed somebody storing iron in the middle room. But oh well. I'm going to vote for Twelfthrootoftwo for general suspicious activity regarding the lynch over the first couple of days. I'm not going to go back through the thread right now and find them, but anybody can go and see.


(Just a thought, I'm not too great with forums and such, but would it be possible to edit links to the start of each day into the original post?)


Also, I would like to call out Spencer for similar suspicious behavior. The reason for my vote going on Twelfth is because Spencer is newer and that sort of activity may just be part of figuring everything out. But he is my second best guess, without any role type information.


Edit: Actually, I am even more interested in Twelfth now. He/she didn't show up at all in Meta's scan, which comes as a result of storing iron, and the scan indicated that the iron was hemalurgic. Just missed the name. Sorry. And you can show up even when storing Feruchemical iron if the tin scan is enhanced.


Edit 2: Sorry for all of this, but I keep seeing new things. So this scan was done by a Kandra(Feligon) more recently than Meta's was, and should give a good indication of who was the Feruchemical iron person:

B2: Faliu, Ostrich, Pifferluke, Kwon, Acer, Jaelre, Kirrah, Haelbarde

Kirrah(Twelfth) and Jaelre are in italics because they either moved into or out of the room during the scan. So it seems like we have a couple other people that are candidates for spikiness, although this scan didn't happen last night so it won't be completely accurate

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Jain had thought the previous night was as tiring as it could get. The morning had promptly come and slapped him across the cute and cuddly panda cheeks for thinking so. Five more crude headstones (Jain still hadn't mastered the finer details of headstone carving) had joined the ranks, and two of them had been his brethren. Poor FarDoom and Rheeblaad. Rheeblaad had just been promoted from a Mistwraith, too.



"We can't help everyone, but we can kill everyone."

~Anonymous Sages

O==ll=========>    <=========D==#

Faliu Fe Faliu

"Woah, a kandra."

~famous last words


Pifferluke III

He died for House Pifferdoo, and for the good of civilization


Acer Tuy

Looked up the mine shaft

to see if the cart was on the way down.

It was.



OK, Joke’s over. Let me out now!


If you have any headstone requests, please PM me.

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Mother of God! With the center destroyed, this game just got a heck of a lot trickier.


Araris, Spencer wasn't in the room for Meta's sweep, so he can't have been the hemalurgic Feruchemical iron.


Also, many condolences to Haelbarde, who died a turn after he was born, before many people even knew he was playing the game.

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I don't have a lot of time right now. I wanted to do up an entire RP about how Malrick is distraught with the loss (at least temporarily) of the Alehouse, but for now, I'll just give you guys the basics. 


Kirrah was the one to pull the roof down on everyone. Ostrich was scanned by Vine and we know Vine was good, so Kirrah is the only other person left! On top of that, she lied to Ella about what powers she had and the only reason to do that is if you have a reason to want to hide your powers. And finally, one of my Bronze scans pulled up hemalurgic Feruchemical iron, so this was likely a Spiked attack. Ella and I were trying to figure out where it was coming from when the ceiling fell in and solved that mystery for us. 

I was also attacked last night (I was the "somebody"). If today doesn't finish off the game, we have only a few people left that haven't been checked out and there shouldn't be more than one or two more Spiked; at least that would be my guess!


EDIT: Araris, Acer was in B2 last night. They're dead and thus proven to be good. 

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Nope; try again. I know for a fact that your name shows up if you protect yourself with iron. That may be why you didn't die, but not why you're listed as 'Someone'. So what else could it be? I know you're not a Trueself.


Also, how do you know Kirrah lied about her powers?

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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Nope; try again. I know for a fact that your name shows up if you protect yourself with iron. That may be why you didn't die, but not why you're listed as 'Someone'. So what else could it be? I know you're not a Trueself.


Also, how do you know Kirrah lied about her powers?


That's the only reason I know because it's the one given to me by the GMs. So unless you want to argue with them about it, I don't have a better reason. 


Are you calling Ella a liar as well now? After she was scanned by Vine and is thus a confirmed villager? What would be the benefit of her giving me a false list of those that had claimed to her? To get villagers killed? Do you see why I don't find that to be very likely?


Do you have another explanation for last night's activities?

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