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Acer Tuy didn't want to be here, but someone had to bite the bullet. Someone had to protect the village. There wasn't any place else he could go. He had to protect this place.


Signing up again. This game looks really complicated, so let's hope I'm able to keep up with all the intrigue. Also, hello to all our new players. I hope you guys enjoy this game.

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Karlin surveyed the village from the hilltop

"blast, it would have been much easier to leave as soon as this started" he muttered to himself as the mist began to coil around his ankles "I've gotten myself into a whole mess of trouble this time haven't I" he said before slinking off into the darkness.

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I don't know where Meta and Gamma are though.


Meta's not here yet, if I recall.


That's one less bogeyman to watch out for. 


Be careful what you ask for! ;) 


Malrick was confounded by all of the "outsiders" who had somehow found their way into their isolated little village. 


"What was the Founders' point of secluding us all away if every ash-covered traveler could so easily find their way to us?" He'd mumble as he pretended to clean a glass. 


Even so, he couldn't complain too much. His great-great-great grandfather had supposedly been one of the Founders and, in his infinite wisdom, had carved out the alehouse that Malrick now ran out of the prime real estate that was Town Square (his ancestors were incredibly astute hagglers). After all, even back during the beginning, his great-great-great grandfather knew that the Founders needed a place to relax and enjoy themselves. Though they were relatively regarded as ancient, almost religious figures now, Malrick's ancestors knew them to be humans with human needs. 


So Malrick bit his tongue about the newcomers. They were (mostly) human and thus, they would have need of his services and they'd increase his coffers. He cleaned his glasses as best he could in a cavern that seemed to fight him every step of the way with its deposits. The added stress these "outsiders," whether they be Spiked or long forgotten villagers or travelers or just rumors thrown to the wind, they just added to the chaos. 


All that concerned him was maintaining his family's name. Let it not be said that Malrick A'Lees was the last of his name! 


So he smiled to every customer and made small talk with those too far into their drink. It was surprising what you could learn when people were twice past tipsy....

Every good town needs a good meeting place and since we have so many people that want to be either newcomers or don't have an occupation, Malrick will fill this hole! :)


The biggest question I have (that I'm surprised no one has asked yet) is about the phases during the night turn. How do they work exactly? Let's say, for example, that someone protects themselves/others during their first turn. Does that carry on through the rest of their turns? Do the protection roles not only have to guess whom to protect, but also the phase that someone would attack in or does it follow through to additional phases? If someone says, "I'm protecting ____" as their first action, but an attack happens on said person during the third phase, does that protection count?


If not, this seems like an incredible boon to the Spiked team, as they already have a 1/3 chance of avoiding any protection (though there seems like there could be quite a lot of it available). Plus, the Spiked have the added benefit of exploiting the twinborn system more until the village gains traction. They can use their powers far more effectively early, which could allow them to steamroll this game. 


Just something I noticed. If this has been accounted for, feel free to give me a P.A.F.O. ;) 


Let the games begin! 





EDIT: Also, I put forth the motion that GMs should be allowed to decide the occupation of any player that doesn't give one! I also suggest that the GMs be as hilarious/evil as possible when deciding such roles for said players. I think that would not only be great fun for the GMs, but would throw an entire new dynamic on player relations! :D

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Metacognition said that the GM should assign roles to payers that don't give them (sorry I don't know how to quote an individual line)


If someone requested a role at the beginning do they get it, I was under the impression that it would be random despite RPing and introductions to make things fair, but I'm kind of confused


Edit to add: Are the spiked twinborn as well as being spiked? Do they only have one spike or multiple? Do they have preset allomantic or feruchemic abilities from their spikes?

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Ooh, this looks too fun to pass up!


Signing up as Jaelre.

Can I subscribe to Meta's suggestion? In the sense that I'd like to see what I end up with in a rp sense? :D

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Metacognition said that the GM should assign roles to payers that don't give them (sorry I don't know how to quote an individual line)


If someone requested a role at the beginning do they get it, I was under the impression that it would be random despite RPing and introductions to make things fair, but I'm kind of confused


Edit to add: Are the spiked twinborn as well as being spiked? Do they only have one spike or multiple? Do they have preset allomantic or feruchemic abilities from their spikes?


think Meta was talking about RP jobs, not game roles. For example, Meta is a bartender, and I am a metalsmith and metallurgist. Many of the players who have signed up for this game have given names, but not character descriptions. Meta was suggesting that the GMs assign these players jobs, as well as alignments and roles, and that, for the sake of hilarity, these jobs should be ridiculous or demeaning as the GMs can manage. So for example, the honorable lord Mattias Mountford could be named the Village's official shroomherd, in charge of keeping diligent watch in cave A2 ("Mushroom Farms") to ensure that none of our precious mushrooms wanders off and gets itself hurt.


I too, would like more info on how the spiked are going to work. If information is being kept from us intentionally, to make them more terrifying, that's fine, but please tell us so. As it stands, it sort of seems like someone just accidentally left that part out of the rules.

EDIT: Oh, and you quote an individual line by deleting the rest of the quote. Once you have a quote in your post, you can edit the text inside it freely; it doesn't hold you to the actual text of the original post. For example:


I fully admit to being spiked. Please lynch me.


You have some explaining to do! ;)


Seriously, though, it's a sense of integrity, and not some limitation of the quote system, that keeps us from altering what someone said when we make a quotation.

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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My job is being a Smoker, protecting from Inquisitor Seekers.


I thought that the whole point in fleeing the Final Empire was so that we wouldn't need things like that! Do you know how difficult it is for a metallurgist to get rusting aluminum out here? If we still have to hide from the Ministry out here in the middle of nowhere, I'd rather be hiding out somewhere in the outer Dominances.


Wait a minute, does that mean my hard-earned tax money is paying you to sit there, doing nothing but draining my copper supply!?

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Cylkan wandered through the caves looking at all the new and strange people. He listened to the talk of murder and enemies in their midst. He saw and heard all this and ignored it. He understood that his ancestors had come here for safety and freedom but now the world had changed. It used to be unheard of for anyone from the outside world to come here. All this fear and suspicion is just from all the old thinking in Twinborn village. Anything new to them is automatically wrong or evil. 


Cylkan saw a dead streetlamp above Malricks alehouse and set up his ladder beneath it. No matter what happens here I will still be needed anyways. Living in caves we will always need light and that is what I do. Cylkan got out his flint, relit the streetlamp and got off the ladder.


Light is the one thing people will always need. Well, that and beer. Cylkan set his ladder by the door and walked into the alehouse for a drink. 

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The copper was low.


What else is new, thought Kwon bitterly. He carefully stoppered the glass vials and placed them on the appropriate shelf, replacing those he had sold earlier that day. He picked the block up off the smooth stone worktable, staring gloomily at the newly glittering upper edge. It was just his imagination, of course, but he couldn't help feeling that the block was lighter than before.


It was that thrice-cursed Smoker, Cleo. Well, her and her ilk, he reminded himself; the girl had only just arrived in town, and could hardly be blamed for the bulk of the shortage.


There seemed to be a lot of that going around, all of a sudden. Newcomers, that was. Wasn't this supposed to be a secret village? Kwon could only surmise that their arrival had something to do with the rising tensions in town. Could it be that the Final Empire had found them at last?


Kwon shook his head, quickly breaking off that line of thought, and headed down the stairs to his storage cellar. The Lord Ruler isn't going to find us, he reminded himself as he replaced the block of copper with its dwindling companions, because the Lord Ruler isn't looking for us. If he were, then Drell and the others would be right in insisting on maintaining Village Smokers, and they're NOT. That settled, Kwon climbed back up the steps into his lab to close up for the night.


As he prepared to leave, he took a final look over the premises and took a quiet satisfaction in the orderly workplace. Then, he turned, closing the door and locking it behind him. Key in his pocket, Kwon whistled as he made his way toward the town square. He needed a drink; and if there was one person who could always be counted upon to listen to his grumblings, it was Malrick.


I invented an NPC, Drell, because I didn't want to assign an opinion to any of the other players. That's okay, right?

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Drell, what in rust are you doing, manm?  We ahd an agreement that you would keep that between us.  He's been telling others?  That troll.  Oh well.


Anyway, I have something to ask Drell, the tyrant of information (Wonko, you now have to rp Drell too, deal with it).  What exactly was the talk about devotion and odium?  This is getting really condfusing for those of us who have always lived in twinborn village.  You should know, being a tineye and archivist.  (I also gave Drell some rp powers, you're welcome)

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I suppose I can pick up Drell, if you'd like, but I'd prefer if he not become a central character. My focus is really on Kwon.


I need some more info on the scene before I can start the Drell-Faliu conversation. Most importantly, where are we? I can come up with this stuff if you want, but since you started the scene, I wanted to give you that opportunity. Just tell me if you would rather I fill in the blanks.


Winter, who is Devotion talking to? I'm not entirely certain whether Kwon (or Drell, I guess) should respond. For reference, Kwon is on is way to Malrick's alehouse, and Drell is wherever Faliu is.

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Drell glanced at his newfound companion with distaste. Couldn't a man go out for a quick drink without being accosted by some imbecile?


"I assure you, friend, that I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. An upstanding citizen like myself would never get involved in such clandestine matters. As to the discussion of this 'Devotion' and 'Odium', I confess myself as baffled as you." Drell paused. Surely this fool didn't have the coin to afford his more... private services? Still, it was best to make sure.


"However, if you'd like, I might be willing to discuss the matter over a drink -- if you are willing to pay, of course. My time is, after all, very valuable."


I'm not rejecting the secret-monger idea for Drell, but he's hardly going to discuss that in the middle of the street, now is he?


Winter: Like, in our minds? I'd have a hard time responding to that, so I'd prefer if you left my character(s) out of worldhopper stuff -- or at least try to keep it behind-the-scenes, like it tends to be in the novels. I'm fairly sure that direct communication from a Shard would unsettle the town.

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"Of coure, I found 58 boxings in the last week, I even fail at being poor.  Weird how the universe works.  Spend it or lose it, that's my way."  After Faliu said this, Drell invited him, reluctantly, into Maverick's Alehouse.


before Faliu could walk through the door, some drunk Thug barreled out the door and ran into him.  Faliu started floating off into the sky, screaming in terror as he faced the prospect of falling into the sun.  Anything that he could have used to grab hold of and pull himself down with were out of his reach, just his luck.  Many shocked faces look up at him as he floated away.


Drell simply looked at Faliu incredulously. Faliu stopped going up as he crested the arch he was launched in.  He smiled.  his favorite thing about being an Iron ferring was the float-into-oblivion prank.  Faliu landed lightly on his back and stopped filling the iron shackle he foundit was more than half full, so he tapped it to get make it so.  Drell already knew he has a Skimmer, he knew everyhting, so he wasn't even surprised when Faliu Fe Faliu took to the skies.


Some of the crowd grumbled about how they "should have known" and that Faliu was "misusing his powers, storming man."  He'd have to make a note of that new swear.  "Quit showing off, come on."  Faliu was not going to pass up a perfectly good opportunity for such a classic skimmer prank.  He entered the Alehouse grinning stupidly.


Idea for the game:  Kill off Drell to start the game.  It's just an idea, and he would be igniting spark that starts the game with a death.  He's just an npc anyway.

edot: grammer

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Winter: Like, in our minds? I'd have a hard time responding to that, so I'd prefer if you left my character(s) out of worldhopper stuff -- or at least try to keep it behind-the-scenes, like it tends to be in the novels. I'm fairly sure that direct communication from a Shard would unsettle the town.


I agree with this. It was one game. Let's leave it mostly to that game and not have it roll over into other games too much. When those types of things do roll over into another game, they should be almost like little easter eggs IMO; If someone spots them, they should get a good chuckle out of it and be able to leave it at that. It shouldn't be something that's shoved down everyone's throats. For example: Malrick is evidently a descendant or at least related to my character from LG7. Not everyone would notice it (especially our new players*) and it doesn't affect game play. My character being a descendant doesn't change how players interact with me. 

If you like, Winter, you could always make it so Cleo now hears Devotion's voice in her head rather than Ruin's now. That would be a neat twist for her character story after all! :) But I think we should leave most of what happened in one game isolated to that game, but that's just my opinion.


Also, could someone fix the downvote on one of Winter's posts? I accidentally hit it when scrolling down. >.<


*Also, Welcome! :) I hope you have as much fun with these games as we've had with them! I'm sorry in advance for any of you whom I wind up killing or getting killed. I look forward to being stabbed in the back by you as well! ;)

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