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Beowulf Boast: Game

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I am a stick. I am a stick.

I am a stick. I am a stick.

I am a stick. I am a stick.

I am a stick. I am a stick.

I am a stick. I am a stick.


I am the master of the hearth-fire, the wielder of weapons,

An uncrowned king, I am; lord over these waters, my domain.

I have survived blows that would slay lesser men;

Name me Silvertongue and Swiftmind: with these, I have carved a place for myself.

I am a stranger in a strange land; instead of the music of gulls

I am lulled by the soft music of coins. Wealth has been and is mine.

Above all, I have found my treasure: that which is precious beyond all things.

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Got it in one, nice! How about this:


In order to reach wisdom I took the path of Denial,

my task was to teach the wisdom to the people and I relished in it.

But when I got to teach at the top I found that our student had seduced my fellow teachers

and they hadn't resisted her temptations.

They tried to tempt me with the pleasure of evil, but I resisted.

They tried to to stop me with the satisfaction of the lesser good, but I went forward.

In night painted the truth so that no one could close their eyes to it,

in the morning I paid the ultimate price for it,

in the evening the voice of the people cried for revange.

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I hold four things in my hands, bloodstained.

The first is the light, that fills all with fear,

For strenght and hate bring death, if untamed.

The second is blacker than the night,

It marks the bond and pact, out of sight.

The third is the clean blade, the tool of the trade,

By wich my hands, bloodstained, their mark they made

The fourth is the lie, the sorrow, the price,

The flowing emptyness that follows the dark.

For all is lost, yet four things remain, the light, the pact, the blade, the wine.

In my bloodstained hands, in mourning, in vice.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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I hold four things in my hands, bloodstained.

The first is the light, that fills all with fear,

For strenght and hate bring death, if untamed.

The second is blacker than the night,

It marks the bond and pact, out of sight.

The third is the clean blade, the tool of the trade,

By wich my hands, bloodstained, their mark they made

The fourth is the lie, the sorrow, the price,

The flowing emptyness that follows the dark.

For all is lost, yet four things remain, the light, the pact, the blade, the wine.

In my bloodstained hands, in mourning, in vice.


Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful and heartwrenching.

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It is not Szeth. Also, I am glad you liked, it was in the back of my head for quite a long time.

Also, what is the connection between the oathstone and wine for drowning one's sorrows?

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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The fourth is the lie, the sorrow, the price.

Words of Radiance spoiler:

his Oathstone is a lie. He didn't actually need it since he was given it for telling the truth about the Radiance. It brings him sorrow beyond belief. It is his price for saying that the Radiants were returning.

Edited by Sirce Luckwielder
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