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Quick Fix Game 6: A Time of Nightmares


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sorry guys, work happened. I've been at work for 13 hours today and am still here. So I will start the game tomorrow and make sure we have at least 24 hours for the first cycle. After that things should settle down and I should be better about my schedule. I think. :\

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This game just got a WHOLE lot more scarier...

I don't see what's so scary about scepticism.

Hmm. Hreo, I just want to clarify that I'm understanding the rules correctly. We are not allowed to RP in the thread (i.e. in the White Room), but we can RP in the Room PMs (i.e. the group PMs.) Would that be a correct way to understand what you mean?

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I don't see what's so scary about scepticism.

Hmm. Hreo, I just want to clarify that I'm understanding the rules correctly. We are not allowed to RP in the thread (i.e. in the White Room), but we can RP in the Room PMs (i.e. the group PMs.) Would that be a correct way to understand what you mean?

Yes, but add discussions, accusations, and most everything else to RP. Literally all that is allowed in the white room is one post a day saying "I vote for player X, and tomorrow I'm going to room Y."

Edit: everything goes in the room PM groups, though.

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Crap. Why can't someone rum a game in EST for once?


I actually live in EST. Problem is, I'm a night owl, so the best time for me to do write ups is after everyone else goes to sleep. According to this, you really need someone who lives in China or Japan to run a game! That way, they're off enough for your schedule and yet will likely have the free time to do write ups around then as well! ;)

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I actually live in EST. Problem is, I'm a night owl, so the best time for me to do write ups is after everyone else goes to sleep. According to this, you really need someone who lives in China or Japan to run a game! That way, they're off enough for your schedule and yet will likely have the free time to do write ups around then as well! ;)

Of course, my timezone is also listed as being in the same bracket as China... ;) 

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Heh, I'm EST, but with my wonky schedule, when I GM from now on, my post times will be all sorts of messed up! :P

Din tried to stay towards the back of the group as they ambled about and shouted at each other. It had taken all of his self control to not bolt from the room on multiple occasions, but he knew that there was no backing out now. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves and glanced at those standing around him, also silently waiting for the festivities to begin.

We are at a party, right? He asked himself, not exactly certain. He raised his finger up and turned to the person standing next to him to ask them what they were waiting for exactly, but then froze up.
No! He yelled at himself. Don't ask that, you'll just look like a fool! Who the heck shows up somewhere and is unsure why they're there? He closed his mouth and then felt awkward as whomever he was about to talk to just looked at him expectantly.

Din flushed and brushed his upraised hand through his hair, trying to save the motion and make it look smooth. Great! Now they'll think you're stupid and awkward!

"Uhm, waiting for these things can be quite nerve wracking huh?" He finally asked, fishing for something to work off of. He consciously avoided grinding his teeth as he nervously tried to act nonchalantly.

As always,this was just exactly how he had expected it to go. He tried to hang back and stay silent, to avoid as much attention -- and judgement -- as possible, but of course he had to put his foot in his mouth before he could even open it.

So he made a firm decision. He was going to make a new rule for himself. Before he mustered up the courage to come here and overcome his anxiety, he had promised himself a set of guidelines of how he would act, to avoid uncomfortable situations. So, to adapt to the situation, he had to make himself a new promise. a new Rule to abide by.

Whenever he was the room, this White Room, he wouldn't even barely speak. Maybe a sentence or two, but he doubted he could manage much more than that. There were too many people in this room anyway, he reckoned. It was almost a full Legion of people he had to contend with, way too much for him to handle. He would wait til he had smaller groups to contend with. Less people to worry about. Yes. Much safer that way.

Feeling a little better, and less daunted by whatever tasks were ahead, Din retreated back to a small corner by himself and slowly started repeating The Rules in his head to relax him until the time came.

He even shrugged off the murderous glance some indistinguishable face shot at him from across the room. He figured it was just his paranoia getting at him again, misinterpreting a look, or seeing something in it that wasn't there.

Although, he just couldn't help but feel the slight building of panic as a small bead of sweat began to leak down the back of his neck. He gulped.

I've made a huge mistake.

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Hey it's been worse. Claincy ran games in Australian time and that threw me off. The turnovers were always early, early in the morning. Most haveJust wait been fairly reasonable. :P

Well, we can only post when you guys are either sleeping or just woke up. Time zones are annoying.

I don't see what's so scary about scepticism.

Hmm. Hreo, I just want to clarify that I'm understanding the rules correctly. We are not allowed to RP in the thread (i.e. in the White Room), but we can RP in the Room PMs (i.e. the group PMs.) Would that be a correct way to understand what you mean?

Kas, you are one of the scariest players I know. Just collaborating with you requires a nappy on my behalf.

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Just collaborating with you requires a nappy on my behalf.

You get an upvote for that. It tickles my funny bone when someone says "nappy."

Edit: How many rooms are there?

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Day 1: Out with the Old...

“Ten! Nine!”

I shouted along with everyone else in the room. I don’t normally get too excited about things like holidays and celebrations, but somehow I always find myself getting caught up in the moment on New Years Eve. Every eye on the room was fixed on the 60” flatscreen TV that Pifferd had dragged down into the White Room earlier that day.

"Eight! Seven!"

I usually spend holidays alone. It’s just a lot… easier… that way. Which is why I found myself all alone that night, yet surrounded by a few dozen of my closest friends. Or well, if you can call them “friends,” that is. These days… I’m not sure anymore.

"Six! Five!"

If anyone else had been in the room at the same time, they would have seen me standing by myself amidst the scattered chairs and tables, shouting exuberantly along with the crowds in New York on the TV. But to me, the room was full of people.

"Four! Three!"

On most any other day Wilson would have been there with me, but I had given him the day off to be with his family. Heaven knows he deserved it. Wilson was not only the best butler I had ever had, he also put up with all of my...eccentricities.


You see, aside from Wilson, all of my closest companions aren’t real. I hallucinate them. But I’m not crazy- I’m perfectly aware that they are imaginary. I call them my “Aspects.” Each one of them helps me in their own specific and unique way. Or well, that’s what they were supposed to do. That is what they had always done in the past.


Little did I know, standing there with a cardboard party hat on my head and holding a glass of lemonade in my hand, that everything was about to change.

"Happy New Year!"

All around me my aspects broke into cheers and shouts. Jain started banging two pots together, while Joe blasted an air horn he had found somewhere. Behind him JP handed out presents to Claire and Melvin, who both looked slightly confused.

I mingled with everyone, clinking lemonade glasses together and toasting the New Year. After my glass was empty, I meandered over to the buffet table to get some more, as well as my third helping of Bubba's southwestern chip dip. As I stood there munching, I looked over the room, something niggling in the back of my mind.

After a minute I figured out what it was; a few of my aspects were missing. All of them had been there when the ball dropped, but it appeared that a few of them had slipped out afterwards. Smiling to myself, I slipped out into the hall to see where they had gotten off to.

It took me a few minutes to find them. I wandered down the hall until I reached the main entry way. I heard muffled voices coming from the floor above, so I climbed the stairs. Reaching the top of the staircase, I saw a light coming from a door that was slightly ajar down the hall. As I approached the door I was able to make out what they were saying.

“...so sick of his lording over us, bossing us around.

“I say we do it tonight.”

“I agree, Let’s grab Stephen and-”


I suddenly realized that the handful of Aspects in the room were plotting against me, but by then it was too late. My hand was already on the door and my momentum was propelling it forward. Someone killed the lights in the room just as the door swung open, before I had a chance to see who was in the room. There was a long awkward pause- it felt like several minutes, but in reality was probably only a second or two- while the dark figures and I stood motionlessly in the darkness, then one of them shouted, “Grab him!”

I bolted. I sprinted down the corridor as fast as I could, but not fast enough. They caught up to me as I reached the landing to the stairs. I struggled and fought, but two of them managed to grab my arms and pin me against the banister. In my mind I was aware that it was all in my head- nobody was really holding me in place, but to me it felt real.

I shouted, calling for help, hoping the Aspects still in the party could hear me, but one of my attackers punched me hard in the gut, knocking the breath out of me.

“Do you have the knife?” one of them hissed.

“Yeah. Hold him still!”

I wasn’t sure exactly what would happen to me if I was stabbed by an imaginary knife, but I was sure it wouldn’t be good, and I didn’t wait to find out what would happen. As the Aspect wielding the knife drew close I jerked up and backwards, throwing myself over the railing. The sudden lunge broke the assailants’ grips on my arm, and I had a brief moment to consider if what I had done was wise before I struck.


Sometime later I awoke, laying in my bed. There was a throbbing pain in my head that seemed to pulse and radiate through my whole body, but it was muted somehow. I had been drugged. I stirred, reaching my hand up to gingerly touch the bandage on my head.

“He’s awake!” someone said. Lily’s voice. My aspects gathered around my bed, anxious looks on their faces.

“What happened?” I asked as I struggled to focus on their faces.

“We heard you shout,” Abe said, “And came out into the hall just in time to see you fall from the upstairs landing.”

“We didn’t know what to do, but-” Din started to say, but cut off nervously. Liam took over for him.

“Wilson found you in the morning, and called the doctor in. They’re downstairs right now. The Doc’ wants to admit you to the hospital, but Wilson is refusing.”

“Good man,” I said, closing my eyes and breathing deeply. The drugs were taking over again, sapping what little energy I had.

“That was pretty crazy, you know,” Cheesy said. “You’d never catch me throwing myself off a balcony.”

“I didn’t,” I mumbled. “Some Aspects… attacked me… threw me off… I couldn’t… make out… faces... Find them. You… have to find them… for me.”

Unconsciousness overtook me again, as my Aspects glanced around at each other nervously.


Day 1 begins!

A couple quick reminders. The only thing you are allowed to post in this thread is your vote for the day and which room you’d like to move to tomorrow. Not even OOC posts are allowed. You may only post in this thread once per cycle. If you need to change your vote just edit your previous post.

There are 5 rooms that you will be able to discuss things in, the Dining Hall, the Library, the Lounge, the Billiard Room, and the Theatre. For the first day I have assigned everyone to a room randomly, as follows:

Dining hall
Cheesy Rogers (Cheese United)
Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian)
Gerald "Snoopy" Hobbes (Snoopy)
Hondren (Eolhondras)

Bubba V (vineyarddawg)
Jain (Lightsworn Panda)
Herr Pifferd (Lord Pifferdo)
Joe (The Only Joe)

Liam (Mailliw73)
JP (JasonPenguin)
Bernie Kassig (Kasimir)
Lily Carter (Luckat)

Billiard Room
Clare Wintris (Winter Cloud)
Abe Smith (A Smart Guy)
Mortimer Jennings (Antillar Maximus)
Melvin (Metacognition)

Ron Lav (Alvron)
Din (Gamma Fiend)
Adrian Fox (Aonar Faileas)
Roger De Bree / Alex Wunkel (Phattemer)

I will be sending out PMs telling you your specialty/role/alignment and will be starting PM groups for each of the rooms as quickly as my computer will allow me too. Good luck, and have fun everyone!

The cycle will end tomorrow (Thursday) at 8:00pm MST

EDIT: All PMs have been sent notifying people of their roles, and the Room PMs have been started. If you have not received your role or have not been invited into a Room PMs yet, please PM me asap.

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Updated Player List
Clare Wintris (Winter Cloud)/ Asian girl who is convinced she's a ghost
Liam (Mailliw73)/ -
Bubba V (vineyarddawg)/ a southern redneck who's convinced that Stephen is actually a figment of his imagination
Jain (Lightsworn Panda)/a man paranoid about toy pandas
Cheesy Rogers (Cheese United)/ the only aspect who isn't crazy.
Ron Lav (Alvron)/ an agoraphobic
Din (Gamma Fiend)/ Not so good with crowds or new situations
JP (JasonPenguin)/ Believes he's Santa
Adrian Fox (Aonar Faileas)/ Chronologically impaired
Abe Smith (A Smart Guy)/ Always losing things
Joe (The Only Joe)/ Identity disorder. In other words, He doesn't know who he is, metaphysically speaking.
Mortimer Jennings (Antillar Maximus)/ -
Melvin (Metacognition)/ He's convinced he is Malphas the Destroyer. He's a teenager with a gothic complexion and is a kleptomaniac.
Hondren (Eolhondras)/ hypochondriac, but for other people.
Bernie Kassig (Kasimir)/ a Swiss man with detachment issues, and who thinks the world isn't real.
Lily Carter (Luckat)/ -
Roger De Bree / Alex Wunkel (Phattemer), a man with dissociative personality disorder and a man with dissociative personality disorder. 


Gerald "Snoopy" Hobbes (Snoopy)/ Convinced that the world is going to end and revert back to the Stone Age any day now, and is more than prepared for it. Astronaut (no special abilities)

Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian)/ A nobleman with a penchant for playing pranks on those around him. Anthropologist (no special abilities)

Herr Pifferd (Lord Pifferdo)/ a German man with an outrageously pompus Walrus mustache and PTSD. Archeologist. Nightmare Aspect



Day 2: Imaginary Murderer?

Day 3: Going Out With a Bang

Day 4: Tough Decisions

Day 5: Eine Zeit der Alpträume

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Updated Rule Clarifications

1. Moderator: I should note to whoever is moderating, I'll simply be adding you to all the PM groups so that you can see and moderate everything that needs moderation.

UPDATE: Welcome and a big thank you to Little Wilson as our moderator

2. Observers: due to the pm-group nature of this game, it probably won't be too exciting to follow just the main thread. All you'll see is a bunch of votes and then a writeup at the end of the day. :\ if anyone comes along and wants to watch, PM me and we'll work something out. Once the game is finished I will be posting transcripts of all of the PM groups for everyone to read, too.

UPDATE: I've decided that the best way to work this will be as follows: I will keep a record of all the PM groups in a google doc. If anyone wants to observe the game, PM me and let me know, and I will invite you into the google docs so that at the end of each cycle you can read everything that was discussed that cycle.

3. Questions for the GM: once the game gets started, if you have any pressing questions for me, please send them to me in a PM titled "QF6 Question" or some such. I'll see them and respond to them much quicker that way than if you post them in the PM groups.


4. Roles: "Nightmare Aspect" is considered to be a role in of itself. Thus, anyone who is a Nightmare Aspect will not have any other special roles, and anyone with a special role cannot be a Nightmare Aspect. The one exception is the "lover" role- which can be given to any player irregardless of role or faction.


5. Inactive Players: Hopefully we won't have to deal any of these, but it could certainly disrupt the PM-group nature of the game quite a bit if a few inactive players build up. Therefore, to deal with that: Stephen Leeds will start to grow suspicious of any Aspects who aren't contributing, and if too much time goes by he will eliminate them automatically. If any player doesn't post in the white room or in their PM group rooms for a span of 3 days, then they will be eliminated. I will give players warning before I do this though.


6. Action order: Each cycle, the actions will be resolved in the following order:

1. The Bodyguard

2. The Psychologist

3. Nightmare Aspect Kill

4. The group Lynch kill

5. Any triggered kills from the Demolitionist or the Lovers

6. The Cryptologist, the Espionage Agent, and the Matchmaker


7. The Matchmaker: The matchmaker can only use her power once during the entire game, to target two people. If either of those people are killed during the same cycle that the Matchmaker targets them, then the Matchmaker's action is canceled, but she still retains her power and may use it again during a future cycle.


8. Copying/Pasting: This hasn't come up yet this game, and hopefully it never will, but there should never be any reason for the players to copy/paste in this game. Just to be perfectly clear though: No copying and pasting anything I send you in PMs. No copying and pasting anything from the White Room. And absolutely NO copying and pasting posts from one Room PM into another.

9. A couple more, in responses to questions that have been asked
- Each role is represented once and only once, with the exception of the Nightmare Aspects (and the Lovers, but that's not technically a role).
- If the Nightmare Aspect who has the Kill order for the day chooses not to use it, or targets an invalid target (such as a player in a different room), then nobody will be killed by the Nightmares that cycle. That player loses his turn for the kill order and it passes on to the next Nightmare Aspect in line the next cycle.
- Over time the number of available rooms will gradually be reduced so that people don't get spread out too thinly. I will try to keep the average number of players/room around 3-4.
10. Secret Codes- This has been asked about more than once, so I thought I'd make it clear. Using secret codes in the White Room is actually not expressly forbidden, as long as all the other rules for White Room posts are followed- ie: 1 post per person, which contains their vote and room choice, plus any redactions, no white text or any other statements beyond your vote/room choice. But if you want to do things like phrase your votes in a particular way, or bold/underline/italicize parts of your post, these things are allowed (just don't mess with the colors please, since I use those to track votes and redactions).
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Attention everyone: the game is temporarily on hold.


It has come to my attention that there was a minor rule breach. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but in this case it resulted in one player getting information that he should not have. I am trying to figure out how to handle the situation such that it will be fair to everyone. So far it looks like not matter how I rule it will give an unfair advantage to one faction or the other. I may have to restart the game and redo everyone's roles. 


My apologies for this, and bear with us as we figure it out.



Unfortunately, I can't think of any other way of resolving this that would be fair. So I will be restarting the game. Stay tuned to receive new role-assignments. My sincerest apologies to anyone who had a special role originally that doesn't get one this time around. :( Room PMs will remain the same, for simplicity's sake.


Sorry everyone. I'll have the game up and running again ASAP

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Game on!


One last time, sorry again everyone for this. I'm sure many of you are curious, so here is what happened. One of the original Nightmare Aspects got a little too excited and made a comment to one of the other Nightmares in a PM in the game that Joe is running. The comment was something along the of "Yay we get to be bad guys together!" Normally I wouldn't worry about it too much, but Joe saw the post, thus learning right out of the gate who two of the Nightmare Aspects were. There wasn't any way to undo the info leak, and any of the solutions I could think up gave an unfair advantage to one team or the other.


The guilty party, by the way, is very sorry and feels really bad. I don't think he needs any more punishment than that.


Anyway, a little bit of work later, and everything has been reset. All of the roles were redistributed randomly. Everyone is in the same Room PMs as they were before.


And one last reminder: Absolutely no discussing the game with other players outside of the Room PMs or the Dead doc (once you die). If it happens again I won't be so lenient next time. 


Now back to your regularly scheduled massacre program.


EDIT: All of the new roles should have been sent out. If you have not had your original role PM deleted and received a new role, please message me asap.


Also, all of the votes before this post are canceled (sorry Maill and Winter) and will need to be reposted

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