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Nope, just a missed vote on my part. I thought I had caught them all, but missed that one. I even went through thread twice! >.<


To answer your question though, If a vote is Soothed, it would show up as a "No Vote." Similar with Rioting. The vote itself will be moved, including the person who was moved (The Rioter's vote would drop off similarly to a Soothed vote). 

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Well, as cold-hearted as it sounds, that was a reasonably good day 1 as day 1's go. It would have been much better if we had hit a spiked, but that's a really rare occurrence on day 1. But we did get a remarkable amount of information from the day and, again as cold-hearted as it sounds, at least we didn't lose one of the more important roles. Sorry to see you go though A Smart Guy.


(Pst Meta, your updated player list is missing the update ;) )

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Some questions I'd like answered. Will follow them up the next morning where possible. Of all the things I'm most wary of, it'd be narrowing down on our suspect pool at the moment. At this point in time, we don't have enough to have tunnel-vision. Keep 'em fluid, as the Lord Twinborn Almighty would say!
1. Peng, you voted for Dom in a quick one-liner. Do you suspect him, or did you feel that using him as a buffer for Eliminator kills is pointless? What are your other suspicions? Did you have nothing to say despite the few debates going on in the day?
2. Wilson. When I did up my vote trackers, I recalled that I'd only really put one vote: that on Hreo, and that'd stuck, until I shifted my vote to myself. In other words, despite being active in discussion, I had low vote flexibility. Given that, I'm curious about why you considered that part of Sart's logic to be faulty?
3. Ostrich. This is in connection with something I felt Wilson didn't give enough weight to. She noted that Sarcomere had asked a somewhat legitimate question about exactly why Ostrich felt the need to communicate privately with all involved in Eoldren's stunt. I find myself with the same question, and I think it shouldn't be ignored. I'll take Wilson's word for it (...a dangerous sign, Kas, stop that now!!!) that role reveals happened in that clusterchull. My question is: why then take it to the PMs? Why not bring it up publicly in thread?
4. Newan. As far as I can tell, you've had a single post in the Day Cycle, and that was a one-liner which can be read in many ways. You asked why the dogpile on Hreo. Which could mean just about anything from the fact that you think it was a bandwagon, that no-one had any good reason to go after Hreo, or that the last few people didn't have any good reason to vote for Hreo. I find it interesting that you didn't take note of the different motivations aired for voting Hreo, nor that some were more shaky than others. The lack of specificity in your one-liner and the fact that it can be passed off as being confused about what is going on in-thread really makes me wonder. More to say, have you, Supreme Lynchmaster? Hmm?


People I'd especially like to hear more from and who've yet to be pushed on this: Jain, Joe (I know he's said he's busy with homework--but you've also said you generally find innocents rather than suspicious people. Who are you increasingly convinced by?), Cleo.


If there are people you feel I'm leaving out, feel free to shine the spotlight on them too. I'm simply highlighting those who, at the moment, appear to be flying under the radar--generally a sweet spot for an Eliminator to be in.

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It's a shame that Satram didn't get back on and explain why he voted for Karand. Might have actually managed to get some of the votes removed if he had (though mine would've stayed, since it would've been early morning for me). Regarding that vote, I would like to ask Eoladdin why he decided to go for Satrams out of the four possibilities for a lynch, rather than Herywynbe, Ashette and Karand.


I would also like to press Jain for information. After being so eager to vote, why did you not in the end?

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Apologies for the inactivity. I didn't have anything particularly good to contribute yesterday, and I spent most of today writing essays and such.


Peng, I second Kas in calling you out. Ever since the game started, you've made only one post, and that was:




Okay then... dom


You gave no reasoning for the post, other than hinting that you were swayed by someone's opinion. You haven't given a reason for your inactivity, and you've been active elsewhere on the forum.  Could you please pop in and explain your actions?


Wyrm, it's the Night Cycle. As for why I didn't vote, I didn't have any particular conviction in any of the suspects being evil. Also, I wasn't exactly very eager to start the lynching. I just wanted to win the award of being the first person to vote in the game  <_<  (My award list is feeling a bit empty after My Goodie Two Shoes Award was finally struck off).


Edit: Colour

Welcome to the the club, Wyrm.

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Wyrm, it's the Night Cycle. As for why I didn't vote, I didn't have any particular conviction in any of the suspects being evil. Also, I wasn't exactly very eager to start the lynching. I just wanted to win the award of being the first person to vote in the game  <_<  (My award list is feeling a bit empty after My Goodie Two Shoes Award was finally struck off).[/size]

Welcome to the the club, Wyrm.

I'm well aware that it's the Night Cycle - I only put that in red this Night Turn because you did the same during the first Night Turn :P.

But I'm still not buying that as a real reason. You say you weren't eager to start the lynching, but that's entirely the point of the first day. I was pretty sure that, as the Right Hand of the Inquisition, you were behind the whole 'voting to get people to talk' thing. To come back and say that you didn't want to lynch anyone... Well, that's suspicious to me still.

Also, while I remember. I mentioned to Wilson a thought I had about Satrams maybe voting for Karand to save someone. Now, obviously we know that's not true now, but it was a possibility (actually, in hindsight, it's a pretty terrible idea to do that this early in the game, unless the person you're saving has a really useful Role). But regardless of that, I find it interesting that Wilson went and used that idea to vote in the thread, without discussing it in the group PM at all.

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I'm well aware that it's the Night Cycle - I only put that in red this Night Turn because you did the same during the first Night Turn :P.

But I'm still not buying that as a real reason. You say you weren't eager to start the lynching, but that's entirely the point of the first day. I was pretty sure that, as the Right Hand of the Inquisition, you were behind the whole 'voting to get people to talk' thing. To come back and say that you didn't want to lynch anyone... Well, that's suspicious to me still.


You know, we should make an (good-natured) award for making the first accidental post in a game. 


Pardon me for not explaining it clearly. I wasn't exactly "gung-ho" in my enthusiasm to get everyone started. I just wanted to nudge people into getting a conversation started. Also, by the time I had checked in on the forum again on Day 1, we already had a pretty good discussion going, and since I really only wanted to get it started, I wasn't particularly inclined in joining.

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2. Wilson. When I did up my vote trackers, I recalled that I'd only really put one vote: that on Hreo, and that'd stuck, until I shifted my vote to myself. In other words, despite being active in discussion, I had low vote flexibility. Given that, I'm curious about why you considered that part of Sart's logic to be faulty?


Yes, you'd only put one vote, but it was also the very first vote of the day, and like you said, you didn't retract it until you voted for yourself. Let's take a look at exactly what Sart said again:


I'm going to move straight to voting for Kassad. He's been very active in the thread lately, but he hasn't been active in voting for anyone. Furthermore, he's voted for himself, which makes me very suspicious of why he's trying to buy trust.


(emphasis mine). I found it faulty because it was incorrect. You had voted for someone. Plus, he's suspicious of you for trying to buy trust? Hero was doing the exact same thing by insisting, numerous times, that he wasn't spiked. So why does that peg you as being the highly suspicious one? Because it was coupled with the fact you hadn't voted for anyone?.....except that you had. So....both points make no sense. Faulty logic.



Also, while I remember. I mentioned to Wilson a thought I had about Satrams maybe voting for Karand to save someone. Now, obviously we know that's not true now, but it was a possibility (actually, in hindsight, it's a pretty terrible idea to do that this early in the game, unless the person you're saving has a really useful Role). But regardless of that, I find it interesting that Wilson went and used that idea to vote in the thread, without discussing it in the group PM at all.


....Huh. I'd thought I had responded to that in the PM, but I must've seen it as I was getting ready for church. Oops. Before you brought it up, that idea hadn't occurred to me, and for the next few hours, as I kept up with everything going on (despite the fact that I should've been paying attention in church, but whatever...), I considered it. When I finally sat down to write that post, I'd concluded that it was a possibility, but ultimately, it was all circumstantial. However, tied with the faulty logic, he was the best suspect at that point in time.


When I listed my suspicions and said "but who to vote for?" that wasn't really rhetorical. When I typed that, I actually had no idea which of them I was going to vote for. Ostrich and Ash were mostly gut at the time, Winter was a big worry because I was paranoid about a PM, and Sart was where the little bit of evidence was. Ultimately, I went with the evidence.


While the evidence proved incorrect (unsurprising for this early stage), I don't really feel bad about the lynch. I saw him online, checking the thread, after Eol's vote on him, so he no doubt saw that he was leading in votes. Maybe he wasn't in a position to respond, or maybe he just didn't really care. I have no idea. But if he'd even posted a little response like "Hey, I can't respond in depth right now or even before the end of the cycle. I'll explain after the rollover," I would've switched my vote to someone else on good faith.

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4. Newan. As far as I can tell, you've had a single post in the Day Cycle, and that was a one-liner which can be read in many ways. You asked why the dogpile on Hreo. Which could mean just about anything from the fact that you think it was a bandwagon, that no-one had any good reason to go after Hreo, or that the last few people didn't have any good reason to vote for Hreo. I find it interesting that you didn't take note of the different motivations aired for voting Hreo, nor that some were more shaky than others. The lack of specificity in your one-liner and the fact that it can be passed off as being confused about what is going on in-thread really makes me wonder. More to say, have you, Supreme Lynchmaster? Hmm?


I actually did write a second post.  I took a Araris's post about why he was voting for Hero and started breaking down why its motivations were conflicting and didn't make sense, and that's why I was voting for him.  Then as I was finishing writing my post, I realized that Araris's post did make sense after all, and that I was talking out of my chull.  So I didn't submit it.  


I'm sorry I wasn't active yesterday.  RL stuff.  But I promise that as soon as I find someone who I actually do suspect, I will do my absolute best to live up to my title.  

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Quite comfortable, actually, but that's probably because I'm used to it. I rent a summer house down there anyways. Me and 'the Beebz' are tight, so he cuts me a deal. As long as I can cause enough chaos and despair in each game I run, I get a 20% discount! :P


But I'll stop being a distraction now and let you guys continue. Come on, guys! I need that discount! ;)

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"Draw attention to myself"??? I already had all the attention on me- just as much if not more than Eolhondras, and all because I agreed with the most sensible player and lobbied for a no-lynch strategy.

As far as it being a rookie move- well like I said this is only my 4th game- and the last game I played was several months ago- so yeah, I'm rusty, but that's besides the point.

The point is that I'm NOT spiked, and I don't want to be lynched simply for doing the best I can to help out team good. ;) Now if you want to go ahead and lynch me, well unfortunately there is nothing I can do to stop it other than vociferously defend myself- which I've already done. But if and when I die, and you see I was telling the truth, maybe my arguments will hold a bit more weight. :P


It's just the way I see it saying "I'm not spiked" is kind of a useless statement, no matter how true it may or may not be.  Villagers will obviously say it, because it's true.  But so will the Spiked, 'cause you know it would be stupid to admit being spiked (though very useful for us).  The "draw attention to yourself" was probably not the best way of phrasing what I was thinking, basically a good defense is being so obvious that people immediately discount you.  Not the best of course, but if you are already gathering unwanted attention...


And apologies, I didn't realize you hadn't played in a while, must have missed that if you mentioned it.

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Wait...so we lynched Satrams!? Going back over the last few pages of last night I'm...not sure how I feel about this.


Now, maybe I'm just projecting his confirmed innocence back onto those interactions, but all of the pretexts given seemed extremely flimsy things to base a lynch on. Wilson's after-the-fact justifications are a little better than the reason she gave yesterday, and Wyrm's vote started as a poke vote (and he seems to be implying that the time zones are aligned in such a way as to make it impractical to expect him to have removed it). So, I'm going to second the call from Wyrm for Eoladdin to explain his vote.

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Baron Von Piffertiff had been making revisions to his book when he heard the news that Satrams had been lynched. The Baron had sat in shock for a few moments, then wrote up a short note to Captain Teys, ordering him to remind the town of the very, very specific "No lynching unless absolutely necessary" clause to the town constitution. This town is devolving quickly into savages. I'd double the guard, if we had enough guardsmen to double them. The Baron had received many anonymous letters throughout the day, trying to convince him that so-and-so was a saboteur or what's-his-face was behind the murder. His steward had gently pushed most of those letters into the hearth, though not before they were read and then scowled at. 


"Now, where is my other robe? That mist-touched tailor better have finished it. The other one's covered in ash and smells like hard work, which I detest." The Baron declared, to no-one in particular.




Does anyone else suspect Soother/Rioter shenanigans? Also, any reports from Seekers?

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Okay, the lynch on Satrams was surprising to me. I assumed that either Hero or maybe even E, although he's off the List Of People To Lynch List for now, would get lynched. It was very last minute and I'm really confused on how there was enough evidence to merit a lynch.

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Alright, so obviously my hopes for a no-lynch strategy are long gone. It's obvious that enough people want lynchings that they're going to happen no matter what. So let's see what conclusions we can draw from today's lynching:

Based on how close the vote was, with several people only having two votes, and Sart getting lynched from 3 votes, it was a prime opportunity for the Spiked players to lynch whomever they wanted. So, looking over the day's posts yesterday, Eolhandras voted for Sart relatively early in the day. Wyrm came next, after waffling around voting for several other people (ostensibly prodding for responses from people, trying to gain info). Then Wilson put the final nail in Sart's coffin at the last minute.

We have one of two situations going on here: Either the Spikeds decided that out of the potential candidates up for lynching, they wanted Sart out of the way the most, and added a vote or two to him to help make sure it would happen. If this is the case, 1 of the three lynchers (either Eolhondras, Wyrm, or Wilson) is spiked, probably Wilson.

The other possibility is that the Spikeds did not participate at all in Sart's death, which to me seems odd. There was a lot of changed votes throughout the day and the Spikeds had plenty of opportunities to sway things one way or the other. Near the end, with a near-tie vote spread across several players, I would think that they would be paying close attention to the proceedings to make sure things didn't go badly for them.

So in conclusion, if it was possibility 1, then I highly suspect WilsonEolhondras, with Wyrm and Eolhondras Wilson a little ways behind him.

If it was possibility 2, and the Spiked didn't have a hand in Sart's death, then it's likely that the runners-up (Ashette, Karnad, and myself) are also innocents, because otherwise the spiked would have wanted to get involved to protect the member of their team who was in danger of being lynched.

(And yes, I also know that it's night time, not voting-time. I highlighted Wilson in red in case that the Spiked decide they want me out of the way, my suspicions will stand out a little bit more after I'm gone.)

EDIT: my apologies everyone, I somehow missed Eolhondras's last minute vote for Sart, and so I assumed that he must have voted for Sart much earlier in the day, as I only looked back through the last 4-5 pages of the thread. Changed things to reflect my current suspicions, though I left my errors there (but struck through) so as to not create confusion for anyone reading this later.

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I find Wilson's late vote strange because it's a very eliminatory thing to do. Sneak a kill in. Wilson doing this is unusual, because if she was spiked she wouldn't draw suspicion on herself by doing so, but if not spiked, why suddenly decide to kill Satrams? Curioser and curioser. There's more on the list of strange things. Early on, she was explaining to me how Eol would likely be a sTineye. Just to me, not to the thread, the collective. A logical reason for this would be her trying to put me against him, have me argue that point for her, get me to kill an innocent. Admittedly, it could've just been a theory, but something's fishy over here.

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Why is Wilson the most suspicious, exactly? E has contacted people trying to find out who the Tineye is. And you should never dismiss Wyrm. Or anyone, as a possibility.

Because Wilson, more than anyone, was responsible for Sart's death. But like I said, I am not dismissing Wyrm or Eolhondras, they're also on my list of suspects. And if Wilson does turn out to be spiked, then you will be jumping to the top of my suspects list, Cleo. Just saying.

Edit: made a mistake, accused the wrong person.

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So in conclusion, if it was possibility 1, then I highly suspect Wilson


Wilson has been pretty active into trying to get us all together with PM's, I think. That's not really an eliminator strategy. They want us to be disparate, right? I'm pretty sure that's why the tineyes are considered targets by them

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