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14 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

With risk of offending some people, Biden.

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I honestly could care less about polotics. It's literally just a bunch of kids running around in adult bodies. All of it. It's absurd. I say Biden because I think - and this isn't my political bias - that he's legitimatley senile. From a scientific perspective, I believe that he is not fit for president.

Again, I could care less about polotics. I have no bias and I know I can't vote, but if I did I wouldn't. It's all just completley idiotic.


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Why do you like chewing?

I just don’t care about presidents, I will say that the reason I did this was so you could send them to one of the Cosmere planets.

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On 4/24/2024 at 10:34 AM, TheFrugalWizard said:
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TwinSouls, the correct answer to the non edited question is no. Just no. If you enjoy stoichiometry, I think you should be examined.

17 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:
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17 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:
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18 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:
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Agreed. It's stupid, a waste of time, stupid, pointless, stupid, unreasonably difficult and stupid. It's also quite stupid.


*agreement and internal screaming*

Yall are over reacting. Stoichiometry is stupid, but chemistry has stuff that is way worse. Like acids and bases. Or Redox equations. Or Kpa and everything related to K. DON'T TAKE AP CHEM

a blueish purple would be cool


If everything tastes like chicken, what does chicken taste like?

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On 4/25/2024 at 8:50 AM, Pineap-spider said:
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Yall are over reacting. Stoichiometry is stupid, but chemistry has stuff that is way worse. Like acids and bases. Or Redox equations. Or Kpa and everything related to K. DON'T TAKE AP CHEM

Oh god… Redox :I

The bane of my grade.


Best place to take a nap in a submarine?

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You're probably too tired to think straight. I've been there. Often.

What object would you choose to make into a Type IV BioChromatic entity?

Edited by Soulbinder
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Posted (edited)


Please calclate the density of a mollecularly compounded substance being accelerated at 995 m/s with 6 newtons of force being applied at a 16 degree angle to the back of the substance. the substance is made of 8 different elements, each found on defferent sections of the periodic table. The substances have a combined molar density of 235.18 g/mol squared, a mass of 334.19 grams (using the theoretical law of mass assumptions and Korbucke's law of applied gas pressures) and a volume of 626 L, converted into centimeters squared. The substance also contains certain ppm, determined by Bolikin's law, of course, according to the exact rock-friction ratios of seven dirt roads and Denimar's main street hypothosis. Also beware of wind speeds going 42 degrees west and 16 degrees north. The wind contains a total of 72 ppm of dirt, gravel, and other such particles moving at speeds proportional to the wind speeds divided by the square root of the polar molarity constant of each of the respective substances. The particles were picked up be the wind at varying respectibilities, averaged at the following numbers: 229.667 mol/K/newton *degrees of applied pressure *volume/molarity, 66,0821.615 g/molarity/polar degrees celcius*applied pressure*avagadro's constant/inverted newtons and 6,129.436 molar super-units*molarity/newton's squared/mass constant of applied angles*newton's sixteenth constant. The substance is in a container weighing 16.21 grams and has an inverted curvature slope of 200.85 degrees of northwesternness, applied to lavoisier's constant of applied gravity. Please use 10^2 * (99/342) *square root(4*3^4)/2*90/square root(26) *universal or earthbound constant of significant figure calculations (or the Gavrilo constant, if you factor in the Yumitis law into your calculations on applied gravity) multiplied by your calculations for the Gemini constant for this equasion significant figures in your final answer. Be sure to use the Barquin equasion, which you should have been able to get by dividing the Maxton law of partial pressures by the GCU prime equasion of volume-temperature variations.

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3 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

What do you think of that animated movie about the trenager kraken? There is a right answer to this question.

I haven't seen that movie; what do you think the right answer is?

Look, M-Bot would approve, and what more encouragement do I need?

Best pick-up line?



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27 minutes ago, Soulbinder said:
1 hour ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

I haven't seen that movie; what do you think the right answer is?


It's the worst video ever to dirty the screens of the united states. It sould be illegal, because people are likley to turn violent after seeing that movie for the first time.

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1 hour ago, Soulbinder said:

Look, M-Bot would approve, and what more encouragement do I need?

Favorite Studio C quote? 



I wanna talk about cheese!

What do you want to be played as you walk down the aisle at your wedding?

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14 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

It's the worst video ever to dirty the screens of the united states. It sould be illegal, because people are likley to turn violent after seeing that movie for the first time.

That's a very bold statement to make when the Emoji movie, the Artemis Fowl movie, and the live action ATLA movie all (sadly) exist.

There's a variety of possible answers, and the majority of them mean you should probably see a doctor.

What's the name of a major you want to have in college?

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That's a difficult question. Most of the characters I hate with every fiber of my being as people were intended to be hated that way, so I actually like their writing a lot. There are a lot of characters with bad writing that I dislike, but I don't hate them the same way I hate the well-written ones. With this said, I'm going to avoid answering the actual question and hope nobody calls me on it. I think that covers all the bases.

What's your most recent hyperfixation?

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