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What order did you get on the radiant quiz

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I was looking for a place where I put what order I got but couldn't find one. Personally I'm a windrunner. I took the quiz and got that just barely over the lightweaver in percentage. I have always thought of myself being the most like a windrunner even before I took the quiz. I want to know what you guys have gotten on the quiz and why that fits you.

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14 hours ago, strmblsd said:

I was looking for a place where I put what order I got but couldn't find one. Personally I'm a windrunner. I took the quiz and got that just barely over the lightweaver in percentage. I have always thought of myself being the most like a windrunner even before I took the quiz. I want to know what you guys have gotten on the quiz and why that fits you.

Here is the most recent topic for this, with a poll: 


Edited by alder24
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14 hours ago, strmblsd said:

I was looking for a place where I put what order I got but couldn't find one.

Search - Quiz - Summaries

At the risk of being considered a narcissist, I'll just quote a previous answer:

On 11/4/2023 at 9:17 PM, Treamayne said:

For myself, I find it easy to identify which Radiant Orders I do not identify with easily, but significantly harder to ID which of the remaining orders I would fit with best.

However, I also feel no burning need to make decisions like this because I feel I do not have enough information (e. g. POV scenes from members of that order) so any current choice would be presumptive and subject to revision anyway.

Hope that helps

Edited by Treamayne
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25 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Here is the most recent topic for this, with a poll: 


Huh, you get pinged when you get linked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Depends on the quiz. If it's the one from this thread, I'm a Stoneward. If it's the official one, I bounce between Willshaper and Truthwatcher (today's test came out Willshaper), with a healthy dose of Edgedancer on the side (and Stoneward was at the bottom of the list, so... huh).

Edit: Going through the order descriptions, Stoneward and Willshaper both fit different aspects of my personality. Also, Truthwatcher and Edgedancer both still fit me, but more as secondary Orders rather than primary ones. I'm going to have to think about this... :)

Edited by Ookla
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  • 2 weeks later...

From the official quiz, I first took it and got Lightweaver, then took it again and got Windrunner. With the other quiz Ooka linked above, I'm a bondsmith. I think Windrunner fits me best with Lightweaver in close second.

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I got Windrunner my first time with Stoneward second, but took it again recently with Elsecaller first and Skybreaker second. However, it was all four neck and neck. I didn't think to take a screenshot sadly. Looks like I could fit in many different orders. I'll take it!

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