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About KelsierFortnite

  • Birthday October 23

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  • Member Title
    Idle Villager
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  1. Anyone want to guess what the context for this was?:
  2. 722. When leaving a friend's house, say goodbye but keep adding comments on to it, making your goodbye longer and longer until you have to move into their house.
  3. 717. Fill a jar of mayonnaise with vanilla pudding and eat it with a spoon in public.
  4. Nice! Which test was it? I got my scores today as well. 5 in AP Euro and 4 in AP Seminar.
  5. I have no idea what's going on here, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
  6. I believe Dai-gonarthis is one of the Unmade we have not seen yet. Perhaps his power is somehow related to Odium's drawing of sorrow?
  7. Fair enough. On a more serious note, does anyone know what happened to @Thaidakar the Ghostblood? I left the shard for a couple months and he seems to be gone.
  8. Please explain how 2026 is not logically followed by 2013.
  9. If it's 2026 now, doesn't that mean 2013 is next?
  10. If next year isn't 2013, then what is this year?
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