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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. However, before doing literally anything else, you are compelled to rescue my book and bring it back to me unharmed. 

I wish we could talk about Oathbringer spoilers. 

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10 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Granted. However, before doing literally anything else, you are compelled to rescue my book and bring it back to me unharmed. 

I wish we could talk about Oathbringer spoilers. 

Granted, but that's all you can talk about. No more tWoK and WoR and the Cosmere, and the Reconverse.

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Granted, every bone in your body aside from your skull and spine is transformed into a wishbone or several smaller wishbones in the shape of the original, leaving you a twisted mass of snapping bones and ill-fitting flesh.

I wish for the ability to never get icecream headaches.


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Granted, you receive a full frontal lobotomy and never experience the temporary pain from rapidly eating frozen treats in your frontal lobe ever again. The Nightwatcher, after watching you drool on yourself feels kind of bad for you, so you also get a magic tub of ice cream that is perpetually full of your favorite ice cream.

I wish that I could have 3 additional pairs of arms attached to my body like the Hindu God Ganesh, and the mental acuity to use my eight arms simultaneously yet independently. If it not too much to ask, I'd also like each of my 6 new arms to have cool tattoos, like a Camaro belching fire and flying off a cliff under the full moon with an oversized wolf on top of the car howling with bared fangs. The Nightwatcher can decide what text to put on my arms with the cool new tattoos.

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
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16 hours ago, Zath said:

Granted.  You are able to draw a unicorn;  you draw the unicorn to you by feeding it carrots and sugar cubes.  It now follows you everywhere and is your best friend.  It's not very intelligent, though, so keep it away from traffic.
Your bane is that you are now a terrible artist and can't sketch or paint anything worth crem.  It's very sad, and all your fellow Sharders mourn the loss of your graphic arts skills. 
Also, Melody from the Rithmatist universe is extremely jealous of your unicorn, and is constantly sending you letters asking if you'll give it to her.  I'll let you decide whether that's a bane or a boon.

Hey, I’ll take it. I’ve always wanted a unicorn as a pet! I mean, like, who wouldn’t?

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33 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

I wish for a mini raft made of macaroni and cheese, that I may use it to sail the seventeen

The Nightwatcher scratches her head with a wispy green tendril, then shrugs her vaporous snake-like shoulders and gives you a small raft made of 18 cheese coated macaroni noodles fashioned into a raft, covered in water tight epoxy that is tethered to a spool of string.

Figuring your boon is also your bane, she points a green curling tendril over a small prominence.

With dragging steps, you walk over the small hillock and see 17 miniature puddles all shaped like the letter C. You quickly get bored and try to leave, but the Nightwatcher stops you as you attempt to leave. She points back at the puddles, and you realize with horror that this sailing the 17 "C"s is going to be your life's only work.

Consolation prize is that the Nightwatcher always fixes you Mac n cheese to eat, and she makes the best Mac n cheese in the world. Unfortunately it's a non-native dish to Roshar, but she gets it mostly right.

I wish that I had a magic tattoo on my arm of a half chocolate half maple bar donut that I could take off and eat anytime I wanted. Further when I take it off it turns into a real honest to goodness earth style donut, and the magic tattoo would always reappear on my arm.

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
typos, like usual
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45 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

I wish I could make up my mind of what to ask for.

After the words leave your lips you have it! The iron-clad ultimate wish that is un-baneable, that will grant you ceaseless happiness for the rest of your life. You turn to the Nightwatcher to ask for this perfect boon, but she tells to Scram, she already gave you your boon. Your curse is a painful boil on your backside that weeps a pungent fluid that smells not unlike rotting fish.

I wish the Nightwatcher would clarify one thing, do I indeed have to eat the rotting fish tattoo? Or could I use it to fertilize my garden beds?

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58 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

I wish I could make up my mind of what to ask for.

The Nightwatcher grants your boon.  Once a day, everyday, you now know precisely what to ask for in whatever circumstances you find yourself.  
Your bane is that everything you say is now a question.  Your friends tell you that you should be more assertive.  You respond, "I am assertive?"  Your friends shake their heads sadly.

...ninja'd by hoiditthroughthegrapevine and Gancho Libre.  I feel like a shuriken practice target...

6 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

I wish time became just another dimension I could wander around through, forwards, backward, who knows. I wish time gave me as much freedom as space does.

The Nightwatcher grants your boon, with a small, suppressed smile that sends chills down your spine.  You discover that you can move through time as easily as you move through space.  Hope you're a good long-distance runner, 'cause that's the only way you're travelling through time, and for long trips you'll need a lot of stamina...
You discover your bane after your first "voyage."  You can stay in one place -- in space or time -- for no longer than a single day.  You are not merely a time traveler.  You're a time vagrant, cursed to wander the ages forever.  
Hoid makes fun of you.

This has prob'Iy been done before, but oh well:  I wish for this wish to have never been wished in the first place.

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17 hours ago, AonEne said:

I wish I could talk about all that stuff again...

Granted, but your bane is to answer this. Because no one ever did.

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