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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. Unfortunately, Rosharan dolphins possess gemhearts. Every year the Alethi slaughter them by the thousands.

I wish for delusions of grandeur.

Granted, you think you are the king of kobolds  :P


I wish to teleport like a gatemage but not have to live through the horrible plot, strawmen arguments, and brain dead over sexualized female representations. 

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Granted, you think you are the king of kobolds  :P


I wish to teleport like a gatemage but not have to live through the horrible plot, strawmen arguments, and brain dead over sexualized female representations. 

Granted. But you don't get to make two part wiiszhes the first paart is your boon, everything after 'but' is ylur bane.


PS the Nightwatcher thanks you for making her decisio s easeier.


PSPS typing upside ddown is really hard. especially propping the laptop base on yur chin to free  bup your hands fr typing. it really hurts too


EDIT. Nuts i forgot to request a boon fr myself... lets see i wish for some aspirins for my blood rudshed new headache, being upside down sucks!!!

Edited by ChocolateRob
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Just one question how are you planning to swallow the aspirin if you're upside down? 

Well take them anyway, your curse is to not have any water to swallow them with


I wish someone would salt my walkway.

And with this answer my upside down compuldsion banre is lifted woo!No longer cdo I need to sit on a sofa  like Mork from Orrk trying to type witicisms vand cruelty with all my blood rushing to my head. thecanswer is - ' with great difficulty' but its do-able, iits a lot eadsier without the wwaterv actually. you gtfy drinking upside down, solids aare much simpler.


ps the someone salting your drivde is you.

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Granted. Despite your immortality, 2 years as a statue has atrophied your body, leaving you a withered husk of your former self. As such, the only voidspren who wishes to bond with you is one who is equally decrepit ~ a grumpy old voidspren from the days when Jezrien himself was a toddler, who abhors all of them "newfangled forms". You are left with only one option - Voidform. Intimidating as this may sound, it is the oldest of all forms, and its only ability is opening minute black holes that can only suck in nonorganic matter. Why only nonorganics, you may ask? Anything else gives Odium indigestion. Of course, you retain an honored place in the hearts of the malevolent scientists, but because of your overall state of pathetic, you are relegated to a place where your abilities will fit ~ Voidbringer janitor. You live out the rest of your days unclogging the toilets of those higher up in the despot scientist hierarchy, listening to your geezer of a voidspren telling you about how back in his day, people put spirit into unclogging toilets with black holes.


Chouta Connoisseur, you are making me more terrified of asking for a boon than I've ever been before. 0.o

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Granted. Despite your immortality, 2 years as a statue has atrophied your body, leaving you a withered husk of your former self. As such, the only voidspren who wishes to bond with you is one who is equally decrepit ~ a grumpy old voidspren from the days when Jezrien himself was a toddler, who abhors all of them "newfangled forms". You are left with only one option - Voidform. Intimidating as this may sound, it is the oldest of all forms, and its only ability is opening minute black holes that can only suck in nonorganic matter. Why only nonorganics, you may ask? Anything else gives Odium indigestion. Of course, you retain an honored place in the hearts of the malevolent scientists, but because of your overall state of pathetic, you are relegated to a place where your abilities will fit ~ Voidbringer janitor. You live out the rest of your days unclogging the toilets of those higher up in the despot scientist hierarchy, listening to your geezer of a voidspren telling you about how back in his day, people put spirit into unclogging toilets with black holes.

I wish I had a singing koloss.

I want you on some of my next curses!


Granted. You can only remember every other minute of your life.


I wish for a pizza.

Granted, it has your least favorite toppings and is cooked in your least favorite style, if you refuse to eat it it will force you to eat it.


I wish for a non-cursed pizza.

Edited by TheDarkDesperado
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