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I would like to announce Part 2


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I'd like to announce that all the epigraphs from WoA and HoA are now in their own pretty tables on the wiki. And I've added anchors to all the epigraphs from every book that has them, so now when you click on a citation for one of them, it doesn't simply dump you on the page full of epigraphs, but rather brings you to the actual epigraph that you wanted to see. Hopefully this will help someone out! :)

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I would like to announnce that I eagerly await a future with teleportation and no driving. I hate driving. Have since the day I started. The drop in accidental deaths would just be a sidebonus.


Driving's awesome. It's the one place I can turn my inward anger at people blaring dubstep as they drive by when I crank up the volume on Iron Maiden, driving by a group of tracksuit clad cretins.

Edited by Lyrebon
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Driving's awesome. It's the one place I can turn my inward anger at people blaring dubstep as they drive by when I crank up the volume on Iron Maiden, driving by a group of tracksuit clad cretins.


Personaly, I prefer this solution.

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  • 1 month later...

I would like to announce that passing kidney stones really sucks :wacko: .


Edit:  Vicodin makes it interesting though.  I either hurt too much to sit still to effectively work or I am too drowsy from the medication to think clearly to work.

Edited by Shardlet
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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to announce, that I have come up with some pretty crack-pot theories regarding the Cosmere that I want to share.


Also.... HI GUYS!  I miss your faces.


Edit:: You jacked my thread! xD

Edited by Miyabi
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Shardlet, you were working while taking Vicodin? How? XD When I was on Vicodin for my wisdom teeth extraction I wasn't even in a fit state to drive, let alone work.


Also, I would like to announce that I, the girl who never wins anything ever, won a Super Sentai/Power Rangers helmet kit! With a bit of time and effort, and a couple of tools I don't have yet, I'll have my very own shiny helmet to display or wear! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to anounce that it has been the most crazy month on 17th Shard ever. Why? Well, for one, record amount of hits, clocking in at 3.3 million hits. Additionally, this month has had the most posts ever, with over 4500 so far (there's still a few days of October left too!). The previous record holder is in the low 3000s. 


Thanks for coming to the site, guys. It is very humbling.

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Thanks should probably be extended to Team Sanderson as well. Oh, and the 17S members who went on signings and shamelessly plugged our community there. And to a lesser extent, the new official website and its shiny link to 17S there.

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Thanks should probably be extended to Team Sanderson as well. Oh, and the 17S members who went on signings and shamelessly plugged our community there. And to a lesser extent, the new official website and its shiny link to 17S there.


I've looked at the analytics and can definitely say that Brandon's site is the top link to 17th Shard. No surprise there, but it definitely makes sense.

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It's not just the time needed to read the book. . . .  You have the 24-36 hours to read, a day of sleep and recovery from eye strain due to the binge reading,  the re-read because you know you missed some of it while reading at 3am, and then you have all of your relationships to repair because you haven't answered your phone in 4 days (its awful having non book-reading friends and family :( )

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  • 1 month later...

I would like to stop lurking for a moment in order to announce that I am one exam and one day away from being done my first semester of law school AND my boyfriend Craig and I got engaged this past month :D.  Have to say I am very excited for the holidays!

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