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Suvudu Cage Match 2012


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Theodrin was raised to full Aes Sedai shortly after, so I don't think it was a lack of knowledge. And there's still the whole test for the shawl to explain, the whole point of which is to be able to stay calm and therefore channel under extremely frightening circumstances.

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I actually don't even know how much fear a Trolloc would put into a full aes sedai. Moiraine is used to battling Trollocs, and she knows that she can easily kill them off. rioted fear would be completely irrational. There's no trolloc there that the aes sedai can easily kill off. There's nothing there besides kelsier. I think rioting fear would give Kelsier a small window of time to kill off Moiraine while she's trying to figure out how he's doing it, or how to fight back, or whatever.

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You are assuming Moiraine would care. Nobody seems to quite get what "control over ones emotions" actually means. It does not mean that you cannot feel fear, or anger, or sadness, but that you DO NOT LET IT AFFECT YOU.

Kelsier can riot her fear as high as he wants, but it means nothing if the fear has no effect on Moiraine.

Emotion has nothing to do with saidar. Controlling saidar is about surrendering to it, and for many, yes that means being calm, like a man who has accepted his execution. But being calm is not a requirement. Aes Sedai are taught to be calm when embracing the Source because that's the easiest way to learn how to do it. Once they get better, they can do it without thinking, and the calm is unnecessary. Soothing away her calm will not break her connection to the Source.

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Theodrin was raised to full Aes Sedai shortly after, so I don't think it was a lack of knowledge. And there's still the whole test for the shawl to explain, the whole point of which is to be able to stay calm and therefore channel under extremely frightening circumstances.

The whole point is to teach them how to deal with their emotions and do what needs to be done, which is why they're put through every single emotional stress that can be done. Also, the only person whose test we have to go off of is nyaneve's, and she channels every time we see while giving in to the emotion, not remaining calm.

I actually don't even know how much fear a Trolloc would put into a full aes sedai. Moiraine is used to battling Trollocs, and she knows that she can easily kill them off. rioted fear would be completely irrational. There's no trolloc there that the aes sedai can easily kill off. There's nothing there besides kelsier. I think rioting fear would give Kelsier a small window of time to kill off Moiraine while she's trying to figure out how he's doing it, or how to fight back, or whatever.

The Aes Sedai still experience every emotion they do just as strongly as they normally would. They just don't ACT upon them. In order to get them to act upon them, the Allomancer would HAVE to be able to push it beyond their breaking point, which for an Aes Sedai who has trained her whole life in ignoring emotion is going to be VERY high. And even then, i'm not convinced they couldn't channel (as the examples before of people channeling while NOT keeping cool).

Also, in order for Kel to riot fear, there HAS to be fear in the first place. I highly doubt one lone man who can't channel is likely to inspire ANY fear in a hardened Aes Sedai like Moraine.

Edit: apparently ninja'd by shiv on my second point.

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Also, in order for Kel to riot fear, there HAS to be fear in the first place. I highly doubt one lone man who can't channel is likely to inspire ANY fear in a hardened Aes Sedai like Moraine.

This is another very good point. Now, I'm not trying to say that Kelsier has no chance at all against Moiraine - although I believe she would win - just that using emotional Allomancy on her would be rather pointless.

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What about "strobing" the emotions - increasing and decreasing them suddenly, randomly, and all over the place? I think that strobing would be harder to deal with than simply strengthening emotions.

Can you Soothe concentration?

Also, there are some emotions that Aes Sedai are good at ignoring, but does that mean that they're good at ignoring all emotions? I think that attacking Moiraine with anger, fear, and hatred would be pointless, but what about distraction and confusion? And of course, heightened distraction and confusion make it inherently harder to deal with the emotions.

Can you Riot thoughtlessness? What about dizziness?

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"Dizziness" is more of a sense than an emotion; I don't think you can affect that (just like you can't affect how good someone's eyesight is). You could strobe them though, or riot their confusion. That could be effective.

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"Dizziness" is more of a sense than an emotion; I don't think you can affect that (just like you can't affect how good someone's eyesight is). You could strobe them though, or riot their confusion. That could be effective.

So it is. But Breeze Soothes hunger and fatigue, so...

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So it is. But Breeze Soothes hunger and fatigue, so...

He soothes the feelings of being hungry and tired, but not the actual hunger or fatigue. This is a grey area, I think, in emotional allomancy, because honestly I don't think that should have worked with the rules as they have been laid out. It felt like a bit of stretch for me. Dizziness is not an emotion - trust me on this. It might be possible to Riot someones emotions so they feel dizzy, but you cannot Riot dizziness itself.

And remember, you cannot Riot or Soothe an emotion that is not there to begin with.

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Peoples emotions are very complex, we all feel a little bit of each emotion all the time, so I doubt that would cause a problem for rioting. Not showing an emotional response but still feeling the emotions sounds MUCH more like saidin to me, not saidar, the flame and the void are about distancing your thoughts from your emotions, every exercise for saidar that I can think of involves remaining calm and serene. Even if Moiraine could channel under emotional circumstances allomancy can affect some very odd things sometimes, fatigue and hunger were mentioned. Fatigue in particular could be useful, I would challenge anyone to be able to channel when they feel as though they haven't slept in weeks.

I can't be absolutely sure but I think at some point that Breeze soothes pain in the books, another very useful ability when used correctly.

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I guess that the only emotions that would affect Moiraine's ability to reach saidar would be Rioting her fear of saidar (so that she'd be afraid to surrender to it), and similar emotions (uncertainty, etc). I doubt you could Riot them enough to disrupt someone who's been using the One Power for decades. I'm not even sure if you can Riot a specific fear, rather than fear in general. Breeze might be able to, but I doubt Kelsier can.

I still think that strobing her emotions would make a powerful weapon, though.

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We will definitely find out Brandons take on it tomorrow. Even if Kell didn't win the coin toss, if emotional allomancy is effective on Moraine, he will put it in just to make an interesting fight. Probably.

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Will be interesting to read what brandon writeson it, kinda special when both´s chars are his, well, sortof his anyway ;)

And completely unrelated, Im sad that revan lost ;/, original Kotor is the videogame I´v plaed so far that had the best story.

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Alright, that was pretty awesome....


Incredibly funny, though I am a little sad we didn't see a little Allomancy. That said, I love Kell! I prolly shouldn't have read this in school, I am pretty sure my rampant giggling into my book/phoneshield looked a little odd.

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Absolutely loved the write up!

EDIT:(and it's clearly getting late for me as I had to make three attempts to use the correct 'write' for this sentence :P)

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