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What Kind of Phone Do You Have?


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Lollipop is awesome. I'm quite a fan. And assuming the 6 is about the same size as the 5, I might get it when I upgrade. Assuming they don't have a newer model out. I'm liking these Google phones a lot. (Oh, and did I ever thank you for helping me out with that? Because I am grateful. This phone is awesome)

:D Happy to help!

The Nexus 6 is much bigger than the Nexus 5. It is more like a Galaxy Note. It is also a lot more expensive than the Nexus 5 because they were going for premium rather than "hey let's get the best phone we can into the cheapest package" which they did with the N4 and N5.

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/6/2016 at 5:59 PM, Zathoth said:

I have a 4 year old HTC. I need a new one, basically all apps are starting to get outdated. I dont want an iPhone. Suggestions?

I'm told the Google Nexus is fairly good, or get another HTC, I've always liked their build quality.  (I'm an iPhone guy and always will be, so I'm not the best source. Just don't get a Samsung phone.)

Edited by Jondesu
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I had an iPhone 3 for a while, as a hand-me-down from my stepdad. I just really needed a texting thing. But I couldn't download anything and it was annoying. So then the 6 came out, so my stepdad got the 6, handed his 5s to his brother, who gave his 4 to me. The 3 is sitting in a sad drawer somewhere, its screen pretty broken. Then... I don't know exactly why, but then he got me the 6s for myself. 128 GB. I'm pretty happy with it - it comes with iMovie and Garageband, which makes me ridiculously giddy. I still use the 4 as a timer and alarm, especially when I'm giving presentations for school and need both a timer and my notes and a presentation device. I've created a lot of cool stuff and have no idea how I survived drawing on that tiny 4 screen!

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@Zathoth The Nexus phones are really good. The only problem I have with them is internal memory. There's no micro SD slot, so you're stuck with just what comes on the phone. Fortunately, there's the cloud, but for everything that's on the cloud, those apps (Google Photos, Google Drive, etc) get bigger and take up more space. So...yeah. But the phones themselves are really nice. I've had both the 5 and its upgrade, the 5x. I only had 16gb of space on the Nexus 5, and that started having issues toward the end of its life (though I'm not sure if that was because of lack of space or the fact that I dropped it on the pavement, cracked the screen pretty bad, and then dealt with that for about 4 months, until its malfunctioning just got to be too much >>). When I got the 5x, I made sure to get the 32gb version, and that's worked great.

Another small problem with the Nexus line is that....well. Google isn't sure they're going to continue the line, apparently. They've got a new smartphone line--Pixel--and they might just focus solely on that. @Chaos Do you have thoughts about the Google Pixel phones? Are they comparable to the Nexus line? (Chaos is my go-to person for smartphone recommendations, by the way. He knows good phones. :) ).

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LG G3 Vigor, or so it said on the box. It's a decent phone; the design is nice and the software works well enough. It's a bit buggy at times, though, and the fact that just over half the 8GB of storage is taken up by system software is supremely annoying. <_< 

I would be interested in the iPhone 7 -- I've been an Apple geek forever -- but the lack of headphone jack is really a turn-off for me (same goes for the lack of proper USB ports on the new Mac line). So maybe, if I ever get a new phone, I'll look into Google, or maybe just an earlier-model iPhone.

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9 hours ago, Slowswift said:

the fact that just over half the 8GB of storage is taken up by system software is supremely annoying. <_< 

My old Samsung Galaxy Tab has three and some odd gigs out of its 8 taken up by the operating system, and more on top of that in the form of "system applications" that I can't remove. I hate it that we're forced to keep unnecessary functions installed like text-to-speech, because due to classes I rarely even have my volume on.

9 hours ago, Slowswift said:

I would be interested in the iPhone 7 -- I've been an Apple geek forever -- but the lack of headphone jack is really a turn-off for me (same goes for the lack of proper USB ports on the new Mac line).

I think the reason that they don't use standard ports is because it shrinks the supply of compatible products, giving them much more sway over the prices. Great from a corporate perspective, but not from a user perspective.

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I have a Galaxy S6 and I'm very satisfied with it. The camera is great and other specs are fine too. After armoring it with a Griffin Survivor Core and a protective glass I'm pretty much not worried about any mechanical damage from falling. My only complaint is that it could have microSD slot and water resistance like S7 :/

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On 11/11/2016 at 4:28 PM, little wilson said:

@Zathoth The Nexus phones are really good. The only problem I have with them is internal memory. There's no micro SD slot, so you're stuck with just what comes on the phone. Fortunately, there's the cloud, but for everything that's on the cloud, those apps (Google Photos, Google Drive, etc) get bigger and take up more space. So...yeah. But the phones themselves are really nice. I've had both the 5 and its upgrade, the 5x. I only had 16gb of space on the Nexus 5, and that started having issues toward the end of its life (though I'm not sure if that was because of lack of space or the fact that I dropped it on the pavement, cracked the screen pretty bad, and then dealt with that for about 4 months, until its malfunctioning just got to be too much >>). When I got the 5x, I made sure to get the 32gb version, and that's worked great.

Another small problem with the Nexus line is that....well. Google isn't sure they're going to continue the line, apparently. They've got a new smartphone line--Pixel--and they might just focus solely on that. @Chaos Do you have thoughts about the Google Pixel phones? Are they comparable to the Nexus line? (Chaos is my go-to person for smartphone recommendations, by the way. He knows good phones. :) ).

What a coincidence, I just got my Pixel XL last week!

It's a really great phone. I'm not sure if it's worth the asking price but it is a very premium device. More premium than the Nexus 6P. Don't consider this that Nexus is dying, but just Google getting more control over stuff and making it more premium. They are nice.

Now my Pixel has a screen flickering issue when on low brightness, so I probably have to RMA this particular one, but aside from that it's really great.

I've personally never had issues with storage on a phone. 32GB is more than enough for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/29/2012 at 7:33 PM, Eerongal said:

well, there's plenty of things an internet connection is useful for when driving. Streaming music via internet radio/cloud music players/such things, getting alerts of speed traps via an app like trapster, live traffic updates, navigation/directions (with a GPS, of course), and probably other things i cant think of off hand :P

Granted, if the majority of your driving is basically "5-10 minutes in the car" type of driving, these things may not seem important, but back when i was driving an hour to and from work every day, the above things helped me out quite often.

 I just audible Sanderson books offline for long drives. Or I listen to NPR, KSL, or something on the radio. 

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  • 2 months later...

I've got an inherited Iphone 6, with a very finicky charging port, and I use textnow's minimum plan. So I piggy back on Sprints network, get a tiny amount of 3G data and then it switches over to the slow stuff, and most importantly to me it's $14 a month. I'm an incredibly cheap person, and most of my life I've been happy just using wi-fi and living without cell service, but life changes and so I went with the absolute cheapest option I could find. I am pretty happy with it except that I have to use the textnow app instead of Imessages. 

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  • 1 month later...

Personally, I'm using my OnePlus One.  Love this phone.  Looking to get a new cell phone to replace it in the near future, and the price of OnePlus' phones, can't be beat.  Though the blackberry is looking pretty good with that keyboard.  Its a tough call to be sure.

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