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Cosmere Conspiracy Theories

Forts Board

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There was a great thread about wearing Aluminum Foil hats to bypass flaws on Scadrail.

I've noticed this and I love it... Makes me wonder if there are other Conspiracy theories that translate to be real things in the cosmere. 

Here we go:

Birds aren't real- Aviar are spying on us for First of the Suns government! They are gaining control of the Cosmere through all the knowledge they have gained!!!! They recharge on investiture lines, which are also controlled by the government. Beware! 

U.S. caused 9/11- It's obvious that the Alethi brought about the True Desolation. We know the Sons of Honor were working for it, and I'm sure Dalinar and Elhokar truly were as well. They love conflict, it makes them more powerful over many other Rosharan kingdoms. They wanted an excuse to try to ruin parshmen lives and gain power. Its all a plot!

Do you guys have other ones? Wow they translate so well!

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Chemtrails: Obviously Stormlight isn't real and the Radiants are just using it to spread around their nefarious chemical and biological agents.

22 hours ago, Forts Board said:

They recharge on investiture lines

Yumi and the Nightmare Painter


OHHH so they're hion lines. Makes sense.


Edited by Argent
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8 hours ago, Moistborn said:

Chemtrails: Obviously Stormlight isn't real and the Radiants are just using it to spread around their nefarious chemical and biological agents. (YatNP Spoilers)


OHHH so they're hion lines. Makes sense.


7 hours ago, Forts Board said:

Yes Exactly!

JFK isn't dead: Jasnah already proved this!

Please spoiler tag the SP3 references while that book is still in its spoiler period.


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YatNP Ending Spoiler


The Matrix - The Father Machine was never disabled by Yumi, the rest of the residents of Komashi including Hoid and Design were consumed and fed into the simulation. Hoid's protections didn't activate, he only thinks they did and the Father Machine was able to do soooo much more with the Investiture harvested from Hoid, including freezing him in place. He's still standing there as a coat rack and only thinks he's been freed. Everyone is still a Nightmare, and with the power gained from Hoid's former status as a Dawnshard, The Father Machine is slowly expanding its soul-sucking range as it incorporates more and more souls into the shroud. UTol is next, then stray travelers passing through the Cognitive Realm, then more and more planets are consumed... All of Hoid's memories, cleverness, and storytelling prowess are processed as fuel for True Art - rote mechanical rock stacking.

And this is why he's never going back even though he finally has access to instant noodles.


Edited by Duxredux
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13 hours ago, Forts Board said:

I've noticed this and I love it... Makes me wonder if there are other Conspiracy theories that translate to be real things in the cosmere. 

Do you guys have other ones? Wow they translate so well!

Did you ever hear about the Greatshell Roshar society:

On 10.01.2023 at 10:04 PM, Frustration said:

Well, I was looking at the continent on a globe projection earlier, and from a certain angle, it looks like a very large creature.:D

Healing crystals on Roshar are real. Almost.

Space deniers would be Shadesmar deniers in Cosmere and Adolin's expedition to the Lasting Integrity is a hoax.

Reptilians run US government - Kandra run Elendel government.

Illuminati, I mean Ghostbloods, run the whole Cosmere.

And of course classic "Cosmere is a simulation".

13 hours ago, Forts Board said:

JFK isn't dead: Jasnah already proved this!

Gavilar isn't dead (this theory was really popular in the fandom), or better, Dalinar was behind Gavilar's assassination - just look at him, he literally took control over the entire Alethkar since then.

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4 hours ago, alder24 said:

Space deniers would be Shadesmar deniers in Cosmere and Adolin's expedition to the Lasting Integrity is a hoax.

"But... but... i brought back letters and Honorspren and everything!"

The Scadrian looked at Adolin in disbelief. "You truly are crazy. I saw the evanotypes you took, and the light was obviously wrong. It must have been all done in a giant set you built in Urithiru." 


All the Fjordells are flat-earthers.

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Depending on how widely known Hemalurgy was throughout Scadrial's history, it could count as a conspiracy theory.


"They're always watching. And if they see anything, they'll come for you and steal part of your soul! They'll spike it right out of your heart and into their own body! But don't worry, you can still escape! Aluminum allows you to hide from them!"

"Yeah right, what kind of crazy idea is that? Impaling people to steal their soul? Where do you come up with this? What's next, you have to have silver at all times to keep ghosts away?"

"Well, actually..."

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16 hours ago, Forts Board said:

All the Fjordells are flat-earthers.

Yeah, and they all think that the other two enormous continents on their planet are fake. They're (who's they? I have no idea.) just trying to convince them (the Fjordells) that their mission of converting the world is incomplete. There aren't entire empires that don't believe in Jaddeth. Obviously.

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38 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

Yeah, and they all think that the other two enormous continents on their planet are fake. They're (who's they? I have no idea.) just trying to convince them (the Fjordells) that their mission of converting the world is incomplete. There aren't entire empires that don't believe in Jaddeth. Obviously.

Funny thing is that’s basically the plot of the Elantris sequel:



In The Lost Metal, it mentions Autonomy having avatars in other worlds. In Shu-Dereth on Sel, Jaddeth speaks directly to Wyrn, who then propagates his will down the hierarchy-

Brandon Sanderson



Within the religion, ambition is rewarded, but only if it aligns with the orders of the hierarchy. That sounds similar to the philosophy used in the Set, but replacing Jaddeth with Trell. Is Jaddeth an avatar of Autonomy?

Brandon Sanderson

*chuckles and points at screen in very satisfied way* RAFO. You're a very smart person.

It's [pronounced] "Yaddeth", by the way. That is also one of the Y-J's. ...

So, I will say this. Here's what I'll canonize. There is something happening, and the people there legitimately believe, and have reason to believe, that their god is going to return. And I have said before, many times, that Book 2 of Elantris begins with the return of their god. 'Cause they've said "God can't come back until everybody converts". But they've found a loophole. They're like "well, except those heretics in Elantris. And also that other little place, that tiny little region that's over in the mountains, where they talk about roses, they don't count either. Because they're, um, not actually part of the planet." Um, so. So that's something to look forward to, if I ever get around to writing Dakhor, is the return of Jaddeth, the god of [Shu-Dereth].

YouTube Spoiler Stream 5 (Dec. 2, 2022)


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3 hours ago, Nameless* said:

Funny thing is that’s basically the plot of the Elantris sequel:

  Reveal hidden contents


In The Lost Metal, it mentions Autonomy having avatars in other worlds. In Shu-Dereth on Sel, Jaddeth speaks directly to Wyrn, who then propagates his will down the hierarchy-

Brandon Sanderson



Within the religion, ambition is rewarded, but only if it aligns with the orders of the hierarchy. That sounds similar to the philosophy used in the Set, but replacing Jaddeth with Trell. Is Jaddeth an avatar of Autonomy?

Brandon Sanderson

*chuckles and points at screen in very satisfied way* RAFO. You're a very smart person.

It's [pronounced] "Yaddeth", by the way. That is also one of the Y-J's. ...

So, I will say this. Here's what I'll canonize. There is something happening, and the people there legitimately believe, and have reason to believe, that their god is going to return. And I have said before, many times, that Book 2 of Elantris begins with the return of their god. 'Cause they've said "God can't come back until everybody converts". But they've found a loophole. They're like "well, except those heretics in Elantris. And also that other little place, that tiny little region that's over in the mountains, where they talk about roses, they don't count either. Because they're, um, not actually part of the planet." Um, so. So that's something to look forward to, if I ever get around to writing Dakhor, is the return of Jaddeth, the god of [Shu-Dereth].

YouTube Spoiler Stream 5 (Dec. 2, 2022)


(I think that was the joke)

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