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Insanity Clinic: Season Two


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10 minutes ago, Cash67 said:




Pic grabs Lundyn, and moves over to Aventine. He couldn’t heal, but he could at least protect. His increased the volume of his humming, and the shield spreads over the three of them. 


Psst. Lerac is right there. He could heal her


10 minutes ago, Cash67 said:





Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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3 hours ago, Cash67 said:

Once Lundyn fell, time seemed to move in slow motion for Pic. Rocks flew at Aventine, at him, striking glancing blows. Pic’s anger grew until all he heard was a deep thrum. Was it his voice? His imagination? The music drew him to action.

He knew he would survive these rocks, but what about the child? These people were about to move in and execute her for being stuck in a tree. It wasn’t fair. It never was, and it never would be, outside the clinic. Pics eyes followed a rock as it arced towards Lundyn’s unconscious body, and in that moment, Pic knew he had a choice to make.

He chose to break. 

Something in him snapped like an overused guitar string. He may have experienced this before, but he would not let this happen again to a mere child. He began to hum a thrumming tune; one of death, destruction, and justice. 

The mob saw the staves move from the tree to around Pic. They glowed red and enveloped his arms. Shadows followed Pic as he ran towards the rock The staves made it seem as if light was being sucked out of his very surroundings. He punched the rock, shattering it and scattering shrapnel in every direction. Pic’s face had a few cuts, but he didn’t notice the blood dripping down his nose and neck. Pic’s voice unleashed an unholy scream as he launched himself at the mob. Rocks shattered, pitchforks and bones alike snapped, and no injuries seemed to slow Pic down.

As he clawed his way through the mass, Pic was driven by a desire to protect. He would NOT let Lundyn be crushed. He would NOT let Aventine take any more scars than she already had. These people, however? They seemed to need a few scars. 



3 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

Her muttering continued.

You guys need to get out of here.

No s-, Sherlock.

Not now, Li. Ave, just let me have a little control.


We're losing her...

Stay calm, all of you.




2 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:


Yes you can. We'll all help you.

Her hair turned yellow, a feather wrapped around Pic's arm, and all of the villagers were lifted a foot off the ground by more feathers. She was touching Lundyn and Jar Man, so no more contact needed to be made.

And just to prove our point...

AveRui, Lundyn, Jar Man, Pic, and Pete disappeared and reappeared in the Clinic...

In the middle of yet another conflict.

@shortcake @Cash67 @Edema Rue @The Aspiring Archivist @The Bookwyrm @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @RoyalBeeMage



2 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

"This was me, not her." The voice was Aventine's, but the tone and accent were Akarui's.


2 hours ago, Cash67 said:

Pic voice roared a deep bass, causing everything around him to rattle. 


Pic disappeared right as he swung at a villager, screaming a fast bassline. He reappeared, and swing right where a pager used to be, shattering the door to Thaidakars room. 


2 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Akarui just went home and she does not want to have to immediately come right back. If she does, she will kick your (donkey)."


1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:


1 hour ago, Cash67 said:

Pic grabs Lundyn, and moves over to Aventine. He couldn’t heal, but he could at least protect. His increased the volume of his humming, and the shield spreads over the three of them. 

Lundyn tries to get away, clawing at the floor, not realizing it was Pic.

1 hour ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:




which one? Lundyn, or Aventine?


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2 minutes ago, shortcake said:









Lundyn tries to get away, clawing at the floor, not realizing it was Pic.


Darkness envelopes Lundyn, making everything pitch black.

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2 minutes ago, shortcake said:









Lundyn tries to get away, clawing at the floor, not realizing it was Pic.


Pic wills his shield to grow faster to protect Lundyn, but he can’t move it fast enough to protect her and Aventine. 

Just now, Aeoryi said:

Darkness envelopes Lundyn, making everything pitch black.

Pic stares blankly at the darkness. “No, no, no,” he mutters to himself. 

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4 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Darkness envelopes Lundyn, making everything pitch black.

Lundyn tries to scream, but no sound comes out. She feels like she's falling, but... to where? there's nothing below her, nothing above her, nothing around her. There was just.. nothing. She tries to scream again, but she just starts to choke. She manages to cough out a tiny "help" before blacking out completely.

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14 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

Pic wills his shield to grow faster to protect Lundyn, but he can’t move it fast enough to protect her and Aventine. 

Pic stares blankly at the darkness. “No, no, no,” he mutters to himself. 

8 minutes ago, shortcake said:

Lundyn tries to scream, but no sound comes out. She feels like she's falling, but... to where? there's nothing below her, nothing above her, nothing around her. There was just.. nothing. She tries to scream again, but she just starts to choke. She manages to cough out a tiny "help" before blacking out completely.

The Darkness avoided Pic, because it wanted to leave him unharmed. The child, however, would have to pay. The shield was simple enough to disarm, requiring only some pressure to pop it like a bubble.

Reaching forward, the Dark Quintessence snatched Lundyn's soul and started withering it, deteriorating it, generating a feeling of hopelessness and despair.

Elsewhere, the Light Quintessence struck Jar Man with a sword of light.


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18 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

The Darkness avoided Pic, because it wanted to leave him unharmed. The child, however, would have to pay. The shield was simple enough to disarm, requiring only some pressure to pop it like a bubble.

Reaching forward, the Dark Quintessence snatched Lundyn's soul and started withering it, deteriorating it, generating a feeling of hopelessness and despair.

Elsewhere, the Light Quintessence struck Jar Man with a sword of light.


Jar Man was dead, so what could that do? Eyes slams into the thing, then sucks it in.

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54 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

The Darkness avoided Pic, because it wanted to leave him unharmed. The child, however, would have to pay. The shield was simple enough to disarm, requiring only some pressure to pop it like a bubble.

Reaching forward, the Dark Quintessence snatched Lundyn's soul and started withering it, deteriorating it, generating a feeling of hopelessness and despair.

Elsewhere, the Light Quintessence struck Jar Man with a sword of light.


Pic’s panic increased as the shield broke, and he looked around in panic as his melody was abruptly ended. The feeling was worse than the time the talked with He Who Ends. His eyes landed on Aventines unconscious, pale face, and he heard her breathing get quieter. 

A plea, a desperate hope, and a wish, were all he could think about. His emotions, wants, and needs boiled over into a single word he could barely speak. 

“Help,” he whispered. 

39 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

@shortcake @Spark of Hope @Edema Rue

34 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Jar Man was dead, so what could that do? Eyes slams into the thing, then sucks it in.


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8 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

Pic’s panic increased as the shield broke, and he looked around in panic as his melody was abruptly ended. The feeling was worse than the time the talked with He Who Ends. His eyes landed on Aventines unconscious, pale face, and he heard her breathing get quieter. 

A plea, a desperate hope, and a wish, were all he could think about. His emotions, wants, and needs boiled over into a single word he could barely speak. 

“Help,” he whispered. 

@shortcake @Spark of Hope @Edema Rue

Lerac heard, and stopped thinking about Thaidakar for a moment. When he located Pic and Aventine, he immediately strode over. "What's wrong?"

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2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Lerac heard, and stopped thinking about Thaidakar for a moment. When he located Pic and Aventine, he immediately strode over. "What's wrong?"

Aventine was pale, unconscious, and covered in blood. 

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7 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Lerac heard, and stopped thinking about Thaidakar for a moment. When he located Pic and Aventine, he immediately strode over. "What's wrong?"

Pic laughs to himself, “What isn’t,” he mutters, pointing to Aventine and Lundyn. 

4 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

Aventine was pale, unconscious, and covered in blood. 


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2 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

Aventine was pale, unconscious, and covered in blood. 

Lerac grimaced. Bad timing...

He touched her forehead, healing her completely in an instant. Unfortunately, he would now feel her pain many times over. It hit, and he silently collapsed, disappearing into agony.

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Just now, Cash67 said:

Pic laughs to himself, “What isn’t,” he mutters, pointing to Aventine and Lundyn. 


Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Lerac grimaced. Bad timing...

He touched her forehead, healing her completely in an instant. Unfortunately, he would now feel her pain many times over. It hit, and he silently collapsed, disappearing into agony.

Her eyes shot open and she jumped to her feet, looking around.

”What the (heck) happened while I was out.”

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6 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

Her eyes shot open and she jumped to her feet, looking around.

”What the (heck) happened while I was out.”

 Near the deathly still Lerac, flowers been growing out of the ground, despite the lack of soil. They seemed to have something of a violent theme, a variety of dark reds and oranges with angular petals, many with thorns.

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1 hour ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Jar Man was dead, so what could that do? Eyes slams into the thing, then sucks it in.

The light prevails, and blasts him away with a strong force.

29 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

Pic’s panic increased as the shield broke, and he looked around in panic as his melody was abruptly ended. The feeling was worse than the time the talked with He Who Ends. His eyes landed on Aventines unconscious, pale face, and he heard her breathing get quieter. 

A plea, a desperate hope, and a wish, were all he could think about. His emotions, wants, and needs boiled over into a single word he could barely speak. 

“Help,” he whispered. 

@shortcake @Spark of Hope @Edema Rue


The darkness of Quintessence attempted to commune with Pic. 

"What do you require?" it asked.

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5 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

 Near the deathly still Lerac, flowers been growing out of the ground, despite the lack of soil. They seemed to have something of a violent theme, a variety of dark reds and oranges with angular petals, many with thorns.

She looked down at him. “Lerac!” She knelt down by him.

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