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You know, they make cars with built in wi-fi these days. So... why not just try living outside your car? All you'd really need is a job at the local fast food and a computer and you'd be good to go.

My car is from before the days of free wifi, unfortunately. And my job requires me to shower daily, so that plan is a bust. But I'll be able to move out soon, though.

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My car is from before the days of free wifi, unfortunately. And my job requires me to shower daily, so that plan is a bust. But I'll be able to move out soon, though.

Have you ever thought of simply returning to College and living on campus?

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You know, they make cars with built in wi-fi these days. So... why not just try living outside your car? All you'd really need is a job at the local fast food and a computer and you'd be good to go.


Because look what happened to Skye...


oh wait.

Edited by Slowswift
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Well. My family is officially full of Bigots.


Over the past year, I've had my eyes open to how intolerant and bigoted my Family is. Most everyone online knows I'm a brony, and a few of you know that I'm a closet Brony. No one IRL knows that. Since I became a Brony, I've been noticing little comments and attitudes about my family that I never noticed before. Things like:


Me: I just watch whatever amuses me.

Older sis: Ugh, don't tell me you're one of those damnation pony boys.


Or things like my cousin coming out of the closet, and the entire family blacklisting her. Classical TV Blacklisting, where we get in trouble for mentioning her name.


Or like yesterday, a guy wearing a tail sat down on a bench next to us. My dad saw it, and had us all stand up and find a different bench.


Would it hurt them to be a little more open to things they didn't understand?


You cannot control people's behavior.  It's hard to accept sometimes, especially when it's your own family, and you're having trouble reconciling their bigoted actions with them being your family, but the only people with the power to change them is themselves.


The only thing you can really control is your reaction to them.  It's hard to set healthy boundaries, and even harder if you happen to be in a situation where you are living with the family members causing you distress.  Unfortunately, until you're out of the house, the best thing to do is to just keep your head down around them.  But reach out to your cousin, and let her know that there is at least one member of her family that accepts her for who she is - that can make all the difference for someone who's just come out.  She's got a hard road.  The one thing you can do is let her know that she's not alone in this.

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Guys, can we officially declare Kaymyth to be Forum Mother? She's awesome.



I second this motion. 



I third it. How can we give her this award?



Fourth. Although I think Twi is slightly more deserving...



Count me in fifth. Though I agree, Twi and many others have made this thread not just a veritable bastion of compassion. :)



Forum Mother? No way. I'm not nearly wise enough. Forum Crazy Big Sister Who Loves Pugs Too Much is more accurate. :P


*bluuuuuuush*  :wub:


You guys are all awesome, you know that? 



Nah. Twi is everyone's favourite aunt who you can go talk to about anything.


So, would that make me Twi's big sister?  'Cause I'd be down with that.  Clearly, we're related - I mean, we're both ponies, right?

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I would love to do that. I've tried it several times. Here's how it'll go: 


Me: Mom, it hurt my feelings when you said X. 


Mom (frowning, as though in thought): When did I say that


Me: Last night, when you were lecturing me. You said X, and it hurt my feelings. 


Mom: I didn't say that. 


Me: You did, and I remember—


Mom (angry): No, I never said that to you! Maybe I said it to someone else and you overheard, and if you were listening in on my private conversations, SHAME ON YOU! Shame on you!


Me: Okay, I'm sorry, I must've misheard—


Mom: You did, because I would never say that, if you think I'd say something that heartless….(ensuing lecture omitted for brevity)


And I know that cutting me off to talk over me is different, but her reaction if I confronted her would be about the same. She'd have some "reason" for why she always does that, which would probably entail a list of my character flaws ("You can be flighty sometimes, and I feel like I have to come down on you like a hammer just to get you to remember what you'd planned to do next….") and wouldn't end until she'd covered the same points at least three times apiece. 

What if you just simply started treating her the way she treats you? Or just simply not saying anything?

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Is Kobold like the Mythbusters-type scientist cousin who shares all of his smart ideas through jokes? :ph34r:


Or the mad scientist dad who secretly created half of the forum denizens?

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Or the mad scientist dad who secretly created half of the forum denizens?





"KAYMYTH.member" issuing existentialist questions


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KAYMYTH.member v2 loading


Please shutdown your existence and restart.

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"KAYMYTH.member" issuing existentialist questions


Initiating shutdown procedure


KAYMYTH.member v2 loading


Please shutdown your existence and restart.



Nope.  I'm the Mom, remember?


Now behave yourself, Kobold, or I will turn this forum around and go straight back home.

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Nope.  I'm the Mom, remember?


Now behave yourself, Kobold, or I will turn this forum around and go straight back home.









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Well, it's official, then.  I've changed my member title.

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