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15 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

[OOC: JNV asked for permission to pass it on to me and Wonko, citing [GAMBIT] concerns. They agreed.]

So probably not what I said earlier, unless something very weird and unconventional is going on. Though it's not like that hasn't happened like 4 times recently >>

Still curious to know obviously but I guess it's fine if I don't. I maybe feel like killing them is the surest way to cover all our bases here but that seems kind of rude if it's the only reason :P.

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[TAG: RP, 303 words]

18 minutes ago, Archer said:

Pass what on, the fact he'd roleblocked TKN? 

[OOC: Yes, and their identity. I cited worries that it was an Elim claiming to implicate TKN (yes TKN, I don't rule this out even now.) The Roleblocker agreed to have their identity disseminated to Wonko and myself. They can't kill us both at one shot unless TKN wants to go hogwild or something but that's what I have nahlrout for.]

7 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Still curious to know obviously but I guess it's fine if I don't. I maybe feel like killing them is the surest way to cover all our bases here but that seems kind of rude if it's the only reason :P.

[OOC: Yeah, there's that. I'm sort of leaning both ways on this but having arrived at 50k, Analyst!Hard!Kas has actually arrived on the battlefield right now as I read through the threads for the first time and actually do post and vote progression analysis. Worth noting this now makes me V!read you, but, unfortunately, I guess I'm a menace when I play at 30% :P ]

lxx. paperwork

“Oh?” Master Bob looked up at him and then shook his head as Kevan related the entire sorry tale of his encounter with the Chancellor’s Office to the Master Physicker. “God, I remember and hate every single occasion I have to deal with the Chancellor’s Office. Sometimes, I wonder if every last officer working there is really a skindancer.”

Kevan looked at him. 

“You don’t think they are, are they?” Master Bob mused aloud. “Maybe we should get Master Alys to check. The threat could be hidden in the Chancellor’s Office instead of the student body after all! We could’ve been looking in the entirely wrong place!”

Kevan cleared his throat. “Well, Chancellor’s Office is pretty evil, si–Bob. But I really just need a signed letter of approval from you endorsing my 27B/6 form which gives me permission to underload in terms of classes for the term.”

“But you aren’t underloading, are you?”

“No, no,” Kevan explained hastily. “The form allows Chancellor’s Office to let me drop the extra classes you’d like me to drop. Then I’d need to take a lower level class to make up the minimum, and I’m fine with that, Master Anders has a fairly interesting class on social epistemology. It’s just that bureaucratic procedure requires me to first have permission to underload before I can get rid of any classes.”

Master Bob shook his head. “I’ve never understood why the University has become so bogged down in forms and paperwork,” he admitted. “Aren’t we an institute of higher learning?” He signed the indicated underline with a flourish and scribbled out a quick note of approval, which Kevan fervently hoped would be enough. “Well, good luck with wrangling the Chancellor’s Office. And—”

Kevan looked at him, queryingly.

“—Do check, will you? And be careful. If they are skindancers.”

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Super Secret Kas PM this time, evil begone!:


I think [A] would be preferable as the other option is less helpful in both the short and long term.

Unfortunately, I wasn't thinking ahead properly and as such am not in Imre this turn, but I will be next cycle.

Also, math stuff, don't bother trying to understand it, just know that it's good news Kas.

19.34 + (20 - 12) = 27.34 | 27.34 - (30 - 9) = 6.34


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6 minutes ago, The Known Novel said:


Cmon, it'd take like 1 second of effort :P. And like sure it's meaningless but if people are still willing to maybe read you as village it's useful information.

And it's also useful info if you're evil so that's another plus

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37 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Cmon, it'd take like 1 second of effort :P. And like sure it's meaningless but if people are still willing to maybe read you as village it's useful information.

And it's also useful info if you're evil so that's another plus


You asked for it. 

Super Secret PM, Sealed to the Flame, Darkfriends and Skindancers alike, no peeking:


I'd probably go with Plan Number 2, it will be a bit of a scramble, but should work.

As for me, I'll go for Mat probably, maybe Ash. Your attentions should probably be on Szeth or Wonko. AnonPlayer should probably go after Sart.

That's what I think, does that sound good to you?


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[TAG: RP, 313 words]

lxxi. bureaucracy ii

Unfortunately, despite the anger thundering in his head, despite his frustration spiking to unbearable levels, the Name of Water did not come to Kevan. However, it was, he thought, fairly unsurprising. While it was certainly known that some students at the University first began to Name in strong emotion, it was, ultimately, the stuff of gross exaggerations, legends, and stories.

This situation fit none of them.

“Unfortunately,” said the officer at the Chancellor’s Office, whom Kevan really wanted to throttle by this point in time, “We cannot accept your application to drop a class.”

“What,” Kevan said, flatly. “Look. I’ve got my sponsor’s approval—” he waved the endorsement note from Master Bob, though Master Bob suffered from a terminal case of physicker’s handwriting and Soren’d teased him that he was beginning to develop it himself. “—and the 27B/6 form has been endorsed.”

“Yes, well,” said the officer, “It has to be endorsed by the Chancellor as well.”

Kevan took a deep breath. And then another. But the knots of tension wound about his head and throbbing in his shoulder-blades simply would not ease so easily.

The red mist lingered.

“Are you telling me,” he said, slowly, with an irked emphasis on each word, “You told me to get my sponsor’s approval and didn’t tell me I also needed the Chancellor’s endorsement on the form?”

The officer looked at him as though Kevan was an idiot. “This is University policy,” the officer emphasised. “Naturally the Chancellor has to endorse it.” As though he was saying the sky was blue, or water was wet.

“And is the Chancellor still Master Emon?” Kevan asked, resigned to having to go through even more bureaucratic hoops just to drop Advanced Sympathy II.

“Oh, no,” said the officer, and Kevan’s heart plummeted into the pit of his stomach. “It’s Master Volatile now.”

“Oh,” Kevan said, faintly. “Oh, great.”

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3 minutes ago, The Known Novel said:

I don't think it matters, since I don't pay Tuition anymore, and you can't PM spy on a public message.

But the GM spreadsheets tracks all, so the question yet remains

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[TAG: RP, 297 words]

lxxii. submission

Kevan gingerly held the endorsed form, which was, at the minimum, stained with coffee, though he really did not want to know if there was anything else there at all, no thank you, and scurried away from Master Volatile’s domain as fast as he could.

It wasn’t so much that the Master Alchemist-now-Chancellor and him didn’t get along, it really wasn’t. They just didn’t exist in the same world. Didn’t share the same wavelength. Whatever sort of phrase you wanted to use for it. There wasn’t hostility or enmity there, just a complete…gap.

Either way, Kevan’d at least only needed to explain his predicament once, staring very much at the forms and not at Master Volatile’s eyes. He’d surrendered the form when he was told to, and then—with an inner sigh of relief—accepted it back when it was endorsed, thanked Master Volatile, and then got out of the Alchemy department as fast as he could.

He made a beeline straight for the Chancellor’s Office, and then slammed his completed paperwork down on the wooden counter. There was a curious series of dents there, and part of Kevan’s mind entertained the fantasy that decades of frustrated students had worn those marks into the wood.

“27B/6, endorsed by my sponsor and the Chancellor, along with signed letter of approval.”

For a long moment, as the officer pored over his papers, Kevan was terrified that the officer would tell him he needed another form for this one, or he needed witnesses to endorse the already-endorsed form or letter of approval. But evidently, this time, what he’d done was enough.

Looking up, the clerk said, “Well, everything seems to be in order—”

Praise Tehlu.

“—I’ll process your application and get back to you by the end of next week.”


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1 hour ago, STINK said:

But the GM spreadsheets tracks all, so the question yet remains

Well, you could just ask the GMs. But regardless, I doubt it.

Edit: @Kasimir


I really like that new addition to the plan. What you've outlined feels like the best path going forward.


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[TAG: RP, 270 words]

lxiii. fourth wall

“Honestly,” said Kevan, “Do you ever get the sense that you’re just a pawn in a game, a rhetorical device for someone else to work through their great many issues, including those with undergraduate years in university, and also some sort of huge grab bag of the things they learned in university, mixed together with random character development, inconsistent characterisation, and atrocious writing?”

“That is a curiously specific question,” said Master Anders. “Did you perhaps mean the Simulation Argument? Or the passage in the chronicled stories of Aethe where a man dreams he was a butterfly and then is unsure whether he is a man dreaming he was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he was a man?”

“No,” Kevan replied. “Come on. I know who I am and I know who I’m not.”

“Talking to yourself even for kudos and artificial game points and ridiculously arbitrary goals isn’t particularly healthy, though,” Master Bob pointed out.

“Hey, you don’t get into this!” Kevan grumbled. “Do you know how much ‘character development’ in the guise of trauma I was put through in your Medica because the GMs and the IM sent the wrong result to a player? And how the player is even now trying to justify that bit of character development despite the mistake happening forever ago?”

“The what,” said Master Bob, who’d gone back to licking a brick of tea in his cup.

“A lapse,” Kevan said. He sighed. “Tehlu, I really hope I’ll get a more relaxed arc now. A nice beach? Something like that?”

“Don’t stop believin’,” someone sang in the Eolian and smashed the piano keys.

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Ah. Well. Many apologies to everyone for inactivity. I kind of checked out from the game over the weekend, as I had GenCon to deal with and had gone insane. I didn't find out until right now that I escaped. Well, I'm here now; I still need to read the last few cycles, but I thought I should post to let people know I'm here.

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[TAG: RP, 305 words]

1 hour ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Ah. Well. Many apologies to everyone for inactivity. I kind of checked out from the game over the weekend, as I had GenCon to deal with and had gone insane. I didn't find out until right now that I escaped. Well, I'm here now; I still need to read the last few cycles, but I thought I should post to let people know I'm here.

[OOC: Welcome back! :D ]

lxxiv. suas sios

The fingerings on the lute were, by now, familiar. In that sense, they soothed him.

Kevan was an indifferent musician: he’d picked up bits of it here and there, snatches of song, in the way you did on Yll, which was entirely by listening to others, learning from them, and then putting your own flourish in the way you played the song.

He’d heard this song, played by an itinerant musician who’d come to Tirnagh, and the tune’d stuck with him, and he’d set his own words to it, idly.

Set it in Yllish, for no reason Kevan could possibly discern. He didn’t care for Yllish. And yet he’d set it in Yllish anyway, as though something about the tongue his grandmother continuously sought to preserve should matter so greatly to him.

(Maybe it did. Some things struck too close to the bone.)

Still, it was a haven in the middle of the clamour and bustle of the University. He sat by the willow, by the banks of the Omethi river, and played the lute. The words in his heart.

“You should try for your talent pipes, you know,” Soren’d said once.

Kevan laughed, merely, and shook his head. You needed real talent to get your pipes at the Eolian. While hopefuls continuously besieged the Eolian, some of them wanting to recreate the legend or the magic of Kvothe, well. 

You weren’t usually as good as you thought you were.

You took the blows, Kevan thought, as he played that old tune, a song on his lips, the words in his heart. Up and down it went, leaves bobbing in the river water. You put your troubles in a stone, cast the stone into the water.

The water tells you there is no truth, and it cleanses you. The water took all your troubles away.

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1 hour ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Ah. Well. Many apologies to everyone for inactivity. I kind of checked out from the game over the weekend, as I had GenCon to deal with and had gone insane. I didn't find out until right now that I escaped. Well, I'm here now; I still need to read the last few cycles, but I thought I should post to let people know I'm here.

Huzzah! He has returned!

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6 hours ago, Archer said:

0. Yeah but for one talent more you could have kill protection from the Horse and Four

a. got a better option? I felt good about the last couple of exes, but the game has kept going. It's less CC and more might be a deepwolf. It's a minimal loss proposition 

b. steel hasn't elevated

maybe i was already content with the level of protection i had hmm? :P. 

honestly, prior to the game I just wanted to make master, so I chose the extra EP to make master asap. 

yeah, I mentioned it to kas but I'm leaning STINK over Szeth at the moment. I feel like although I do think STINK's content is not much greater than Szeth's in terms of differentiating CC and non-CC complaint, STINK has that connection to TKN - Kas' hypothesis that STINK's lashings might have forced TKN to submit the kill, because I agree, TKN is a weird choice to submit kills. 

Also, hints of a frame-job in that JNV kill. Because Kas mentioned in the thread that if JNV gets killed then the roleblocker would be a suspect. And JNV does get killed which makes me wonder if that was the exact purpose of the kill. Which is why leaning towards v!RBer and e!TKN.

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Vote Count:
Szeth (6): Archer, Archer, Kasimir, Kasimir, Kasimir, Kasimir

While it's certainly possible that the elims are low activity, I always get paranoid about that possibility. I'm going to spread the love to Ashbringer. @Ashbringer You haven't voted yet, and I'm curious as to your thoughts. Do you think the elims are low activity, or are we dealing with deep wolfing?

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Issal had to focus. He had to. He couldn't, but he had to.

It had been half a year of classes. He wasn't exactly sure how much you were supposed to progress in that time. Likely, not as far as he had. El'the within a term, like Kevan. Even now there were only... he'd lost track. Blast it why couldn't he focus. The El'the's got their own study rooms, all he had to do was go outside and count them and he... he couldn't.

For the third time, he carefully covered his project and started towards the door, then shook his head and went back. It looked worse half-finished than done. Done it could hide.

Surrounding him was a pile of failure. He hadn't exactly been expecting to create gold in his first year, but... he'd gotten close so many times. So many times. And yet he was missing something. The Master Alchemist had advised taking a break, then advised looking at a new project when that was met with blank stares. So he'd started a new thing. He'd almost asked for Kevan's help, then hope had arrived anyway.

He couldn't do this alone. Kevan didn't have the skills that he needed. He didn't need any skills anyway, he needed another brain, someone who could actually do things that they wanted to. It wasn't a rational thing. But Issal wasn't operating on reason, not right now. Save reason for the meetings and the Horns and the expulsions. This was... this was danger. This was a need.

He needed Percyl.

Issal wasn't sure if that was what he had in mind. But then Jenali and Elena suddenly appeared on school grounds after being locked into the Crockery for months. They'd done the impossible. They'd escaped, on their own. Sure, they had some Names. Perhaps they had more. Percyl hadn't gotten any recognition before he crocked, but Issal knew he had potential.

Maybe their plan was over now. The Philosopher's Stone out of reach, at this University. Whatever Archivists there were were doing other things. But, maybe not.

And so Issal went back at the mix of chemicals he was looking at, at the liquid he'd kept in the artificially cooled container. 

Bone-Tar. If he was caught with that, he'd... he wasn't sure. Probably get expelled. Definitely get lashed. And no one would ever look at him the same again.

But he could live with that.

I'm going to get you out, Percyl. If I can.


Editor's Note: No I can't do that, not on my own, and it's not what I've been busy doing. Issal doesn't know that though :P

27 minutes ago, Sart said:

While it's certainly possible that the elims are low activity, I always get paranoid about that possibility. I'm going to spread the love to Ashbringer. @Ashbringer You haven't voted yet, and I'm curious as to your thoughts. Do you think the elims are low activity, or are we dealing with deep wolfing?

Do you have a contract to get me exed or something :P

My thoughts are mixed between a lot of things. Like Grad School, and whether or not to spend time RPing or analyzing.

Possible votes are Kas, Steel, Wonko, Archer, Ash, TJ, Szeth, Stink, Sart. The first three are pretty much out (Kas is Kas, Steel is entirely inactive, Wonko is an NK target). Leaves 6, 5 if everyone discounts themselves.

One Elim at least is clearly paying attention, both on the decision to shoot JNV again and perhaps doing so to try and hide TKN's Roleblocker. One Elim also clearly put in a kill. Those aren't necessarily the same one. I don't have enough outside info to know if plans have been disrupted in a way that suggests a deepwolf.

I will say, I don't think Szeth made the call to shoot for last turn. I don't know if anyone tracked when he was / wasn't online, but JNV's kill was pretty precise. I do think, based on the fact so many potential actions were around, that Szeth being the one to put in a kill makes sense.

I also don't think I'm in great shape to go deepwolf hunting. Going for low activity suspects to force more actions out gives the Archivist time to work.

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2 hours ago, |TJ| said:

I feel like although I do think STINK's content is not much greater than Szeth's in terms of differentiating CC and non-CC complaint

I genuinely like do not know if you guys are playing the same game as me

Like TKN had a little thing calling me smug which fine annoying when I wasn't being smug smug but w/e they were being caught out

Idk what I've done to the rest of you but /shrug

Least I don't gotta care about tuition anymore rip the RP character 

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4 minutes ago, STINK said:

I genuinely like do not know if you guys are playing the same game as me

Like TKN had a little thing calling me smug which fine annoying when I wasn't being smug smug but w/e they were being caught out

Idk what I've done to the rest of you but /shrug

Least I don't gotta care about tuition anymore rip the RP character 

I was joking when I called you smug. Since you were sus of me before than got your suspicions 'confirmed'

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Super Ultra Secret PM, All Skindancer's Turn Aside @Kasimir:


So, for my action, should I redirect [Suspect] onto themselves, or should I redirect actions on [VIP] to [Suspect]?

Edit: Oh wait I might not be able to. Well, I don’t think there's anything I can do otherwise, so could try on the off-chance [Suspect] is in Imre this turn.


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[TAG: RP, 276 words]

6 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Fwiw I just straight up read Stink as village

Good vibes

[OOC: FWIW I sort of do? IDK but the irritation here feels genuine and makes me think of Illwei's frustration in...MR56 I think? Ironically.]

8 hours ago, STINK said:

I genuinely like do not know if you guys are playing the same game as me

Like TKN had a little thing calling me smug which fine annoying when I wasn't being smug smug but w/e they were being caught out

Idk what I've done to the rest of you but /shrug

Least I don't gotta care about tuition anymore rip the RP character 


[OOC: As you all know, there's often a bit of a balance to be struck between timeliness and allowing players enough rope to hang themselves, or not killing the thread.

Took an insane amount of setting up you would not believe how much, but we now have a redcheck on TJ.

It...sigh. I kind of don't want to believe this but ngl I also can.

In my eyes, this is a good look for STINK, due to TJ's pushing him, and moderately negative for Szeth.

I'll note that there's one other reason to have a more positive read on STINK, which anyone paying attention will probably have worked out.

In celebration of Wonko's return to us (sorry Wonko, hope this helps but uh, I'm sort of just writing fast and loose now: ) ]

lxxv. bonestorm

Soren and Valerra and Jarvik’d stumbled upon the Resterford records as part of the Fae Lore class that Master Alys was teaching, and then understood why Elena Resterford was accompanied by guards (imprisoned, Valerra’d wanted to say, shaking her head crossly) throughout the University grounds.

“Most likely related to Sev Resterford,” Soren said, aloud. “Probably his daughter.”

Sev Resterford, the Namer who had been responsible for the bonestorm. (It was always Naming, Kevan’d thought, somehow. Naming that made legends. Naming that caused Lannis Massacres. You never feared Rhetoric and Logic, because ordinary words, the words we used in our quotidian lives, could never hurt you. He felt like the people who could believe that were already so far removed, because words of all things could cut the heart deeper than knives.

Cruellest of all perhaps were the words inside your own mind.)

Elena’d left the Crockery—broken out, was the gossip—and soon the ever-present guards appeared, which probably meant the Masters’d sighed and agreed to accept it, or that there was more going on beneath the surface, Kevan didn’t know which.

(Sev Resterford, who’d done things with bone and wind that they remembered only in harsh whispers. Who’d made the dead walk, and crucified the last of the skindancers. Who’d left Imre, cackling, at the head of an undead army. For all Kvothe was feared, there was at least one song about Kvothe. About Sev Resterford, there were hushed whispers, and wonder. But the root of wonder was fear; you saw them twined together when the ancients described falling stars and portents in the sky.)

Who better, Kevan wondered, to deal with the skindancers than Elena Resterford?

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30 minutes ago, Kasimir said:


[OOC: As you all know, there's often a bit of a balance to be struck between timeliness and allowing players enough rope to hang themselves, or not killing the thread.

Took an insane amount of setting up you would not believe how much, but we now have a redcheck on TJ.

It...sigh. I kind of don't want to believe this but ngl I also can.

In my eyes, this is a good look for STINK, due to TJ's pushing him, and moderately negative for Szeth.

I'll note that there's one other reason to have a more positive read on STINK, which anyone paying attention will probably have worked out.

In celebration of Wonko's return to us (sorry Wonko, hope this helps but uh, I'm sort of just writing fast and loose now: ) ]

Yeah, this is straight up a lie. 

No one that could have targeted me because I used Pickpocket and I got no money (literally got i did not have anyone to pickpocket) which is a proof that no one targeted me. Pickpocket of lower levels only work if someone targets me. Not a definite proof in any way, but the best I can do. 

Check your claimer. 

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[TAG: RP, 242 words]

2 hours ago, |TJ| said:

Yeah, this is straight up a lie. 

No one that could have targeted me because I used Pickpocket and I got no money (literally got i did not have anyone to pickpocket) which is a proof that no one targeted me. Pickpocket of lower levels only work if someone targets me. Not a definite proof in any way, but the best I can do. 

Check your claimer. 

[OOC: Oh, we absolutely did. I would've insisted on it. I usually treat people who try to get me to turn on you as sus, as we are both aware. It's a red line Aman has learned to be wary of when it comes to me, since that, among other things, got me to hard-reverse on him in AG8. Given I've believed the veracity of the scan even knowing you had Arithmetics, and that the scanners didn't report missing funds, I think it's pretty clear that I have both insisted on checking the claimer, as well as checking how the rules interaction works. Funny story: it doesn't class as targeting you, but it absolutely gives your alignment anyway. Wilson said she regretted letting me discover this. So yeah, I set up the exploit, and let the scanners pick their targets, as I never like telling players what to do with their actions.

P.S. Incidentally, even if it somehow didn't, I feel like being dead broke should probably help with that!]

lxxvi. fourth wall ii

“That prologue assumed I survived,” Kevan complained. “Looking at how everything is going now, it doesn’t seem as likely anymore. It also made my days at the University sound so chill, so slice-of-life vibing along with friends. And then look at how much of my storyline is straight up sadness and trauma from rescue work and undeveloped missing parent issues.”

“Look,” said Master Alys, “Sometimes stories don’t develop the way we want them to. Sometimes unexpected GMing mistakes that need to be rationalised can force a shift in the narrative. And sometimes, players just want to meet their goal and run with it, and then before they know it, everything becomes sad and also weird.”

She rustled through the Resterford records, cheerily. “Sure, you didn’t want to care about the skindancers, but since when have certain people ever been very good about staying out of trouble?”

Kevan sighed. “Look, at least Elena Resterford is here. That’s got to be something, right? It doesn’t have to be on me anymore?”

“Jellybeans jellyfish singing moonlight serenade cascading effervescent marshmallows rambling swallow light-fleeted silver on Tarbean Avenue!” rambled Percyl, wandering randomly through the Archives.

“Goddamnit,” said Kevan. Corrected himself, “Tehlu damnit.”

“My lad,” said Master Bob, “It was never on you anyway.”

“Yeah yeah have you seen how well certain players react to watching villages get wrecked? No can do,” said Renlin, cheerily.

Kevan felt as though his life was some sort of cosmic joke.

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