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What Order would you be?

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136 members have voted

  1. 1. What Radiant Order would you want to be, and why?

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  • 8 months later...

Windrunners originally had my vote. Being able to fly would be the single greatest ability as far as fun goes. But Windrunning seems to lack practicality. Sure, they are incredibly mobile on the battlefield and can reach distant battlefields quickly (although teleportation as a surge would be even faster.)

Edgedancers, though. A well trained edgedancer can't be touched, even by a blade. They are the ultimate assassins since no wall could hinder them, and i'm sure that since friction doesn't apply to them they make very little, if any, noise when the move. They can also act as field medicss with their Regrowth surge. Lift was able to bring her friend back to life, and his throat was slit. Edgedancers would be ideal medics, since they could float through the combat "like a ribbon on the wind" finding wounded allies, healing them, and then dancing away. They can also grow food for troops with their Growth surge. They even seem to be gifted as innately nimble and quick.


Flight is awesome, but I have to give Edgedancers the 'edge' ;)

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As many have stated, I'd like to know more about the exact capabilities of the lesser-mentioned orders but I'm very intrigued at what Dustbringers could do! From the prelude it sounds like they can light things on fire (makes sense with abrasion). As it stands though, hard to not want to be a Windrunner!

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Speaking of dustbringers, I'm finding it amusing that while edgedancers (as said above) make really mobile field medics, dustbringers also have abrasion but are pretty much the opposite, being more highly mobile artillery.

Skybreakers are the most awesome in combat, but man is that a strict philosophy.

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My vote goes to Elsecaller, because, well, it's in my name.  And Jasnah became my favorite character once I got to know her a little better.


My second choice might have been Lightweaver, but I am terrible at drawing or any other form of art: anything I try to emulate looks like Sarene's paintings, if you've ever read Elantris.  :/

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My vote goes to Elsecaller, because, well, it's in my name.  And Jasnah became my favorite character once I got to know her a little better.


My second choice might have been Lightweaver, but I am terrible at drawing or any other form of art: anything I try to emulate looks like Sarene's paintings, if you've ever read Elantris.  :/


This is me too. I am realising that I'm quite a lot like Shallan - which is odd because I do find her quite an irritating character (sorry Shallan fans, I have tried to get over my irritation but I'm not there yet ... maybe SA3?).


However, the major difference is our art skills -I'm definitely from the Sarene school of art (my school art teacher wept tears of relief when he confirmed that I wasn't continuing with art classes to examination level :P ). So, yeah, maybe I'll just be the world's worst lightweaver and plan secret assassinations and covert operations with my army of lightwoven stick-figures. (*leaves the thread open for some stick related humour to follow that comment*)

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Even my stick figures look horrible.  I really do look quite similar to Shallan, I'm just a few inches shorter.  Hopeless at art, and photographic memory is a loss on me.  Anyway, on the art subject, I tried to draw a badger once, and it ended up looking closer to an elephant.  At least it had four legs!

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I have excelent memory when I actualy bother paying attention to stuff, am good at abstract thinking, consider myself criative and couldn't lie to save my life.

A pity, I would like to be a Lightweaver.

Let me see, maybe I could be a Truthwatcher? I like esoteric matters and never speak of what I do if there isn't a reason, and sometimes even if there is, and I am somewhat like Renarin on my more insecure days, althought I am not sure what "Learned" and "Giving" actualy mean in pratice, even if I may fit under some definitions.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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  • 3 weeks later...

Skybreaker, I think. I am a major stickler for rules. Whenever I'm asked to break one I get really queasy and don't feel right about it, even if I might do it. I also have the tendency to rat people out if needbe (I can keep a secret but if it harms me I will tell).

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I chose Truthwatcher, definitely. I love the surges, because while I have a creative mind like Shallan, I don't have her memory or her courage to use it in the way she does. I also love learning. Not school or research necessarily, but just the idea and methods and action of learning in all ways. I've had to restrain myself in the giving aspect, and I have a lot of tact that mostly means I just stay silent. I'm also secretive and quiet. All in all, I can't think of a better order for me. I don't know if that's good or not.  :)


\Lightweaver would be my second. I am great at lying but very introspective and strive to help those around me reach their potential. I also participate in most Arts. 

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Well, this is a difficult question. Which order would you ideally (pun not intended, but I'm keeping it anyways) belong to or which one would I most fit with?


Revising my earlier opinions (as I have, in fact, posted here before), I'd say that if I could choose any... Surge-wise, it's actually really hard to choose. There's so many good combos.


The ones I'd fit with best, however, I'd have to say either the Lightweavers (as I'm fairly artistic-minded, though technical minded as well -- my brain's weird) or maybe the Willshapers.


Or maybe I'll go with what the KR quiz gave me, and say Truthwatchers. :P

Edited by Slowswift
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would be an Edgedancer. Well, for what we know about them. Elegant. Refined. Deadly.

Quiz says Truthwatcher. I guess. I dont like interacting with people tht much. But I love helping people. Dont need anything in return, just like tht feeling I get. My motto is learn something new everyday. Are those Truthwatcher aspects?

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This is a really hard question to answer mainly because i feel like we know so little about the ideals/beliefs of several orders as well as we have very little information regarding certain surges.Until we get a fuller picture of all the orders and their surges (Cohesion and Tension in particular) i can't give a definitive answer.


If i went by the Knights Radiant Quiz then i would be either a Bondsmith, Skybreaker, Stoneward, or Windrunner as i scored over 50% on all of them. 


However, if i choose on what appeals to me based on what we know currently about the orders i would choose Windrunner. I love their adherence to Honor and protecting people. Also, Flying (technically it is falling) would be awesome. Granted i am scared of heights but i feel if i had control over flying/falling, then i wouldn't be so scared. I don't really feel fear in an airplane, but at the top of a building i get queasy. Besides their color is blue, and that is my favorite color. 


Skybreakers and Dustbringers/Releasers sound pretty awesome based on their surges. Skybreakers can both fly/fall and blow things up. While Releasers can glide around and blow things up. Pretty cool surges. But Skybreakers are a bit too stuck on the letter of the law for me. Which is why i think i fall more into the Windrunner camp of adhering to honor. I would like to learn more about Releasers because they might be pretty awesome. Also i want to learn more about Stonewards as "resolve, strength, and dependability" characteristics sound interesting to me.


For all of you who love lightweavers but don't feel you have any drawing skills, don't fret. If you have an affinity for any of the arts, including being: "writers, artists, musicians, painters, sculptors." then you should be fine. 

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