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Clockeyes the Fablesmith

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Everything posted by Clockeyes the Fablesmith

  1. Tetriona! (cool name) I find myself happier to receive a warm welcome than any clever quip I am neither! I have clockwork eyes.
  2. In my experience, I believe it's actually 41. I swear that number follows me around.
  3. It is an honor and pleasure to be a part of your community. I've never done anything like this before, but I have such admiration for Brandon and his work that I have found myself surfing through the forums. You guys are amazing. Such detailed theories, such depth! I aspire to one day write epic fantasy, and it's communities like this that make it all worth the work and hair pulling. After a few weeks of being a guest on here, itching to give my own two-cent perspectives I decided to give in a create an account. I'm currently working on some Realmatic theory, as I believe I found the fodder Brandon has been pulling from to create his three-tier realm. More on that later. Again. Thank you for creating and being a part of such an excellent community and, as Lift would say, stay awesome! I'd hate to create a whole thread just to introduce myself so: it would be great if you guys wanted to say hello by telling me about your favorite theories! It doesn't even necessarily have to involve the books. Crazy stuff that's stuck out to you in your own experiences. Be it literature, quantum mechanics, or life. I'm a philosopher and love some good ole' speculative rambling. Have a glass of port and ramble away! (Copy and pasting is most allowable)
  4. Before all things comes Observation. I come to you a humble observor, seeking acceptance among your ranks. Observation is the keystone of sentient reality, and thus it would be an honor to be placed amongst those enlightened enough to see. I accept your ideals and will allow myself to be bound by them. On a side note, I've never done the forum thing. This is the first time I've ever created such an account. I simply love Brandon Sanderson's writing and would like to be involved with the community of fellow readers. Namaste.
  5. Windrunners originally had my vote. Being able to fly would be the single greatest ability as far as fun goes. But Windrunning seems to lack practicality. Sure, they are incredibly mobile on the battlefield and can reach distant battlefields quickly (although teleportation as a surge would be even faster.) Edgedancers, though. A well trained edgedancer can't be touched, even by a blade. They are the ultimate assassins since no wall could hinder them, and i'm sure that since friction doesn't apply to them they make very little, if any, noise when the move. They can also act as field medicss with their Regrowth surge. Lift was able to bring her friend back to life, and his throat was slit. Edgedancers would be ideal medics, since they could float through the combat "like a ribbon on the wind" finding wounded allies, healing them, and then dancing away. They can also grow food for troops with their Growth surge. They even seem to be gifted as innately nimble and quick. Flight is awesome, but I have to give Edgedancers the 'edge'
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