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I can't believe I'm doing this.

I have been designing a sci-fi universe that I want to write a story in. But, currently, the story is kind of slow going, and there is still worldbuilding to be done. In order to get an idea for the earlier years of this universe, and to scratch a creative itch that came to me a little earlier, I started coming up with an idea for an earlier story in which humanity was colonizing other planets. And then the idea came to me to make in an RP. So here it is.

For now, this is just gauging interest, seeing who would want to join and helping those people understand the world and make characters. If we get enough, we'll start officially, and see how far we can get.

Background (A lot of this is from my attempt of a novel):


In the year 2038, soon after the return of the first Mars mission, a discovery was made in the minds of a small percentage of the human population. These people had, suddenly and with no explanation, gained senses and abilities that were unexplainable by science at the time. These people claimed to be able to sense the fabric of space and time, or understand certain aspects of the mechanics of the universe with a detail that should have been impossible at their level. 

Most surprisingly and vitally, the more powerful among these could affect the universe around them in impossible ways. They could  control the minute details of chemical reactions or shift the path of light as it flew. Most notably, they could bend and warp the fabric of space-time itself. 

The implications of this ability, which came to be known as Starshaping, were revolutionary. After a few years of experiments and testing, technology utilizing the effects of Starshaping were put into practice. Clean energy that once seemed out of reach became easily obtainable. The access to new technology served to end and reverse the negative climate effects of industrialization. More resources were produced safely that lifted nations out of poverty, improving life for many on Earth. The Earth slowly returned to a natural, pristine state, as Starshaping helped humanity co-exist with their homeworld rather than destroying it.

At the same time, the nature of starshaping was dangerous. Political leaders feared powerful weapons based on the aspects of Starshaping being used against their countries. A secret cold war began even as humanity grew and progressed. Government employed scientists and engineers frantically tried to design and build weapons and defenses against the possibility of weapons of unimaginable destruction.

In response to the mutual fear of a “starshape war”, secret international meetings were called in 2055. These talks continued for more than a year as ideas were proposed and plans created. In late 2056, it was announced that a compromise had been met. A new world government would be formed, one that provided fair opportunity to all countries, and one that brought the people of Earth together as they began to reach for the stars that were suddenly within reach. This new government was instituted in 2060.

Colonization and exploration boomed in the following decades. The first FTL jump, facilitated by a wormhole created using Starshaping, occurred in 2061. Using this ability, distant bodies within the reaches of the solar system were accessed, studied, and mined, providing building resources for new cities and stations on and above other worlds. Cities were established on the surface of the Moon, Mars, Titan, and other moons, while others floated in the skies of Venus, Saturn, and others. Large habitat stations were constructed, many utilizing ring shapes to facilitate artificial gravity. Others used gravity provided by Starshaping.

By the year 2200 AD, humanity had thoroughly colonized the Solar System, and was ready to set foot into the stars.

In the year 2219, the first interstellar expedition set out to the Alpha Centauri system. During the expedition, a new planet was discovered orbiting Alpha Centauri A.  As exploration of the planet commenced, it was found to have a vibrant biosphere, strikingly similar to that of Earth. The life of the world followed the same chemical pattern as the life from Earth, including a reliance on water and the use of DNA as a genetic molecule. This was a surprising revelation with huge implications for astrobiology. In the year 2222, the planet was named Eden.

With further confidence in interstellar travel, colonization efforts exploded. Dozens of scientific expeditions set out to nearby systems, both to explore previously discovered worlds and to discover new ones. Colonization ships followed close behind, and these new worlds were populated by the people of Sol.

This is where our story starts.



The year is 2276. Colonization ships have been sent to nearly a dozen worlds, with preliminary exploration continuing on dozens of others. 

A planet discovered by one of the missions of the Interstellar Distance Gravitational Area Reconnaissance probes, or the IDGAR missions, was explored by the Interstellar Surveillance and Exploration Agency, or ISEA, and deemed to be habitable to human life. The world, known as IDGAR IV-287 d, is an ocean planet, with a relatively low percent landmass and an abundant earth-type biosphere. The planet was officially named Namaka.

A new colonization expedition has been approved by the United Government, and is in it's final steps towards departure. The primary spacecraft of the expedition, the Hawai'iloa, has been fully constructed, and applicants for the ship's first colony wave of 10,000 people have been screened and accepted. Primarily among these colonists are those of native Hawaiian and Polynesian descent, though plenty of colonists from other ethnicities on Earth and other worlds in the Solar System are represented as well, though in smaller percentages.

Your characters are among those colonists who will be traveling to Namaka to continue the exploration of the planet and carve out a new life there.

Character Sheet:



Gender / Pronouns:


Physical characteristics:


Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity (WITHIN the solar system; colonization isn't big enough yet for them to be from another system):

Backstory (get creative; why does this person want to leave their old home behind? Why set out for the stars?):

Powers: (the only option is Starshaping, but if your character has access to it, what is their strength level in it? What special skills do they have? How would they use this for the benefit of the mission?)


If this RP does end up working, it will probably be more focused on character interactions and development, as right now I can't think of much action going on, at least for a little bit. I might be able to change that later.

Please ask me any questions about the worldbuilding or ideas for characters. Remember, I want to use a future version of this universe for a book. If there's any confusion about the world or how it works, ask me.

Let's see how this goes. I'll add more stuff about our starting setting once people have some solid ideas down.


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2 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

As exploration of the planet commenced, it was found to have a vibrant biosphere,



Name: Frialio

Gender / Pronouns: Male, Xe / Xer

Age: 42 (Yes, I am the answer)

Physical characteristics: Short cut silver hair. Short stature, gaunt and pale. Thin enough to make it look like a gust of wind would blow me over.

Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity: A Brit. 

Backstory (get creative; why does this person want to leave their old home behind? Why set out for the stars?): Everyone around them has died, one by one. They seek to be alone, to run from it all, to never deal with anyone again. Then of course they find people they appreciate the presence of. Mild training as a doctor, though not much skill. Main skills are as Xenobiologist, which was their life's purpose and they have been waiting to go off world to use their knowledge.

Powers: None


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9 minutes ago, The Last Fæ said:


  Hide contents

Name: Frialio

Gender / Pronouns: Male, Xe / Xer

Age: 42 (Yes, I am the answer)

Physical characteristics: Short cut silver hair. Short stature, gaunt and pale. Thin enough to make it look like a gust of wind would blow me over.

Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity: Born on a station orbiting Gliese 667Cc (my favorite exoplanet). 

Backstory (get creative; why does this person want to leave their old home behind? Why set out for the stars?): Everyone around them has died, one by one. They seek to be alone, to run from it all, to never deal with anyone again. Then of course they find people they appreciate the presence of.

Powers: None



Looks good, except for one problem that I forgot to mention:

This is early colonization efforts, so each of these characters would have to be from Earth or somewhere in the Solar System. Gliese 667C c will come later, unfortunately.

EDIT: Though I do like Gliese 667 as a system for colonization, so I may use it for a book idea later.


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8 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

This is early colonization efforts, so each of these characters would have to be from Earth or somewhere in the Solar System. Gliese 667C c will come later, unfortunately.


Oh sad, okay then: Xe is from Farlary.

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I would love to be a part of this, but I have no idea how busy I will be in the near future. For now, sign me up, but if I unexpectedly disappear it's because I did end up being busier then I thought.


Name: Bennu (pronounced Benn-ooo) Caspinson

Gender / Pronouns: Male

Age: 28

Physical characteristics: He has short brown hair that's kind of curly and a beard. He has a sturdy body type, with broader shoulders, his mom wanted him to be a football player but he isn't cool enough for that. Also he has glasses and usually appears sleep deprived. 

Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity: He's from England

Backstory (get creative; why does this person want to leave their old home behind? Why set out for the stars?): Bennu is an Astrobiologist. Other than that he's an extremely normal person. He's going on the trip because he wants to study the life of Namaka and report back to other scientists of his field. He was somewhat reluctant to go, the idea of leaving earth scares him, but his curiosity as a scientist outweighed his fear (also he's getting paid a lot for going so . . .). He has a wife named Shia.

Powers: (the only option is Starshaping, but if your character has access to it, what is their strength level in it? What special skills do they have? How would they use this for the benefit of the mission?): none

Profession: Astrobiologist


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ooo exciting! i’m not sure how far i’ll actually get with this if it starts, but here’s a character sheet anyways.


Name: Echo Lopez

Gender / Pronouns: Nonbinary, pronouns they/them

Age: 17

Physical characteristics: 5’1 AFAB with short, brown, curly hair and glasses. They present androgynously (think oversized t-shirts, ripped jeans and jewellery) and tend to look forgettable in most circumstances.

Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity: Born in mainland America but have lived in Hawaii for most of their life; their parents are from Central America.

Backstory: Echo, born Emma Lopez, grew up surrounded by politics. Their parents were important members of the United Government and it was generally expected that they follow in their mother and father’s footsteps. They were brought up to believe that Starshaper powers were dangerous if left unchecked and that they were a thing to be harnessed, controlled. This quickly grew in Echo’s mind to the toxic belief that Starshapers were wrong, different and bad. However, aged 14 their house was broken into by a Starshaper gang. Echo, alone in the house, tried their best but were clearly no match for an experienced magic-wielder. As the intruder made their escape through an open window, Echo manipulated the gravity around them, leading the would-be burglar to fall extremely fast out of the window and into the lake outside. The intruder was killed on impact, and Echo has never forgiven themselves for ending the life of another human being. Over the next three years, they realised they had to get away from the planet that had caused them so much emotional hardship, that had trapped them in a suffocating prison. They wanted nothing more than to soar among the stars, free from all the politics and hurt of Earth, and when the opportunity arose for this mission, they jumped at the chance.

Powers: They discovered their nature as a Starshaper aged 14 and have been practising in secret since then. However, their powers are still underdeveloped and they are limited to basic manipulations of gravity (although this might evolve over the course of the roleplay??)

Woah, I kinda got carried away on the backstory part :P


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13 minutes ago, Shadowed said:



Your backstory here is really interesting. The idea of the ability being used for crime is something that I didn't really consider for the world.

Just because Earth is now a much better world doesn't mean these things don't still exist...well done.

EDIT: The thing about their parents being from Central America is interesting, because I planned for there to be a space elevator in Panama City to the orbital ring up above. We might be able to play on that for a tiny bit of nuance.


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Oki I'll try it, tell me if I'm doing stuff wrong or...anything. I'm really not that experienced at RP.


Name: Riyu

Gender / Pronouns: he/him

Age: 23

Physical characteristics: Pretty normal, kinda short with messy brown hair. He has big glasses and usually wears mismatched orange socks.

Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity (WITHIN the solar system; colonization isn't big enough yet for them to be from another system): Let's stick with the theme and say England, because we can.

Backstory (get creative; why does this person want to leave their old home behind? Why set out for the stars?): Mostly, he's just bored. He's kind of an idiot, and nothing really interests him, at least, not for long. His parents have good connections, but don't want him around, and so are quite glad to see him leave. He's looking for something to use his life for, and trying to have a good time.

Powers: (the only option is Starshaping, but if your character has access to it, what is their strength level in it? What special skills do they have? How would they use this for the benefit of the mission?) If it's possible, can he be quite powerful, but have no idea that he has the powers? Or if not, he can just be a weak little child. 

Profession: He's a therapist, his purpose for coming is to make sure everything goes well in people’s brains, and that sort of thing.



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17 minutes ago, Edema Ruh said:



The main problem with Riyu is that he doesn't have any attributes or skills that would make him desirable for a colonization expedition. These pioneers are among the best of the best, selected from millions of potential applicants. Why was he one of those selected? What is he going to bring to the colony? Change that and we'll be fine.


I love how I design the planet and expedition ship after Hawiian culture and mythology and then everyone's from England.


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Name: Pokermastonableobdus (Nable for short)

Gender / Pronouns: Male (He/Him)

Age: 25

Physical characteristics: Short height (5'9") and on the lower spectrum of an average build or the higher spectrum of a slender build, red hair and very fair skin with one blue eye and one green eye. Typically wears Hoodies/T-shirts and Sweatpants/Shorts.

Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity: Earth/Ireland/Irish

Backstory: His parents were rich and aristocratic and believed that their starshaping abilities let them do whatever they want. As a child (about 10) he was being held hostage for money (around $10,000,000 in today's money) his parents, believing that if he was weak enough to be captured, refused to pay. His kidnapper was about to kill him when he stole his kidnappers gun and shot him in self defense. He then escaped the house he was being held in and learned about the world and became extremely curious and empathetic. Determined to be a better person than his parents he enrolled himself in school and eventually graduated with a masters in astrophysics. He is studying for a PhD on the ship (his professor is @The Bookwyrm's character We have talked about this) and hopes to put his knowledge and powers to good use. He is also astrophobic, something he didn't know until they were already in space (he usually forgets about it but if he sees a window or someone mentions it he might have a panic attack.).

Powers: Starshaping (Specifically very proficient in the creation of wormholes)

Profession: Astrophysicist (on Earth) Student and Wormholer (is that what it's called)? (on Hawai'iloa)

Please tell me if there is anything I need to change.

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Name: Ladcral

Gender / Pronouns: He/They

Age: 27

Physical characteristics: Average Joe physically. Short black hair, brown eyes. High-effort medium-effort style. Glasses but insecure about them and doesn't wear them

Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity: Good ol' Earth / United States / East Asian (Thai)

Backstory: Wants to get away from it all. (Assuming Earth is like super busy and noisy) He was somewhat drunk when he signed up so he really has no idea what he's done until it was too late. This is how he makes most of his decisions, unfortunately.

Powers: Somewhat scared of it

Profession: Bio chemist (Please don't ask me anything I don't actually know chemistry)

Just a chill guy. Laid back, but can get serious fast. So he'd rather not.


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Alright, here’s my character:


Name: Cyndi

Gender: Female

Age: Late 30s - early 40s (she doesn’t know)

Physical characteristics: Thin, fairly short. Wears fairly short black hair in a bun

Homeworld/Homeland/Ethnicity: Earth/USA/Black (I don’t want to be British :D)

Backstory: Cyndi was a scientist who was working on an anti-amnesia project, and ironically, instead of curing amnesia she caused herself to be hit by it. Hard. She remembers her name. And she’s good at science. Other than that, it’s all gone. (Yep, I’m going the amnesia route!) She wants to join the expedition to create a new life for herself, and she hopes her scientific expertise will help the crew. For in her heart of hearts, Cyndi loves to help people, to brighten their day

Powers: Very weak Starshaping, mostly instinctive. Will sometimes happen at not so good times

Profession: Psychological scientist



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This looks fun :P

Warning, I may not be super active but I will try my best this time around.



Name: Minh Le

Gender / Pronouns: Female (She/Her)

Age: 29, born September 14th, 2247

Physical characteristics: Around 5'4", long black hair tied up in a bun, rather dark skin (think olive with a little extra darkness), strong build.

Homeworld: Born on Earth, lived on Mars from age 3 / Homeland: Vientiane, Laos / Ethnicity: Vietnamese

Backstory: She was born to her parents on Earth in the East-Asian territory of Laos. Her mother died during child birth and her father left soon after Minh's third birthday. She was sent to foster parents (who she inherited her Australian accent from) on Mars at the age of three, where she lived with a loving family for nearly sixteen years. There she met a woman named Jessica who she married on Earth, near her homeland. On their honeymoon to the Philippines, Jessica drowned after a particularly rough night at sea on a sailboat. After spending nearly a month idle in bars and hotels across Eastern Asia, Minh decided that she never wanted to see the oceans of Earth again, and went as far away from them as she could.

Description: Despite the tragedy in her life, she keeps an upbeat tone and never hesitates to crack a joke when the opportunity presents itself. She's strict and makes sure everybody is safe when operating among machinery, and is very adamant of doing the job perfectly. "Awfully specific question eh? Well, 'if I could complete the job without putting in the maximum amount of effort and still achieve a satisfactory efficiency level, would I?' Well the answer is hell no! If you don't do a job to the best of your abilities, maybe you should find another occupation!"

Powers: None

Profession: She's the chief(?) engineer on board the colony ship, and she is in charge of operating and repairing the machinery needed to harvest resources and colonize the planet. When it's time to put up shelters and drill rigs, Minh Le and the engineering crew are the ones to call.


Sorry if this isn't particularly well thought-out or original, I'm not the best at coming up with characters. :wacko:


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3 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:



No, I'm good, my character is actually based on some parts of me, but will be a pretty ordinary guy.



Name: Donovan Smith-Baker

Gender / Pronouns: Male

Age: 26

Physical characteristics: Just below average height, medium build, weighing about 175 pounds. He is of Hawaiian decent, but it probably wouldn't be the first ethnicity you guessed. He has black hair, which he has grown into a short, groomed beard.

Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity (WITHIN the solar system; colonization isn't big enough yet for them to be from another system): Hawaiia, but he regularly travels to and from the Continental USA.

Backstory (get creative; why does this person want to leave their old home behind? Why set out for the stars?): He burned too many bridges with his family on earth, through both him overfocusing on his fighting and his family acting in not good ways. One day he got a broacher for life in the greater solar system, and started looking into it. Though he eventually decided it wasn't for him, he did discover the interstellar expeditions, and researched them. He applied for this one, and received an approval. 

Powers: (the only option is Starshaping, but if your character has access to it, what is their strength level in it? What special skills do they have? How would they use this for the benefit of the mission?) His power is really weak, not being able to manipulate anything, but he can sense others Starshaping, and he leaned into it.

Profession: Security, Tactical Advisor, bodyguard. He made money by protecting paranoid people in the off time, and running a Martial Arts Studio/Shooting Range/Tactical Learning Center as his main job.

Skills: He is skilled at Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Boxing, Muay Thai, and Wrestling. He is a skilled shooter with rifles, pistols, bows and more. He is a combat professional.




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AHHHH i really wanna join this but im in a crunch of inspiration for my drawinggggg

I'll try and get on later and make a character sheet, but for now i need to draw

if you see me online later and i havent done that yet, you may yell at me and tell me to come here and do it. ^^

EDIT: can there be younger characters in this?


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