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The Moon Pie Initiative (MPI)


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Here is the HQ for the Moon Pie Initiative (MPI)! This is where any person or other sentient creature can provide input on how to best make the one and only MOON PIE. 

Mission Statement:

The Moon Pie Initiative (MPI) is dedicated to creating interplanetary, interdimensional and interspecies pastry delights. Our mission: to create the ultimate pastry - the Moon Pie.

The Council:

President: @Cash67

Vice President: @Telrao

Executive Platypus: @Being of Cacophony

Logistics Master: @Lord Gregorio

High General: @Witless of Shinovar

Special Forces Commander: @Aes Sedai

Spymaster: @NerdyAarakocra

Minister of Crusts and Jellies: @SymphonianBookworm

Master of Ceremonies: @Shining Silhouette


If y’all want a summary of what’s happened so far in thread, check here


So a couple of the people in the Boys thread in Social had the idea to turn planets into food, and we latched onto the idea of a Moon Pie. We spent a week gathering forces and materials, and pied the USA’s government and the USA’s Allies as well. We then attempted to recruit @The Bookwyrm as our astrophysicist, but we went ahead and pied the moon before he joined. He stated we were crazy and attempted to infiltrate NASA to stop us, forgetting that we owned NASA. We arrested him and picked Jupiter as our next target to our, and in the process of doing so, Bookwyrm cleverly escaped. 

That’s about it! Interact with this thread and have fun!


Edited by Cash67
Formatting/story summary
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9 minutes ago, Lord Gregorio said:

Heck yes! Glad to be here. I just saw the thing on Boys and only boys but not only boys or whatever it is called. I will assist in the mission statement!

Do you accept the title of Logistics Master? Will you guide and direct our chaotic team into “productive” activities? (If not what title do you want?)

7 minutes ago, Witless of Shinovar said:

I hath been summoned!

And what title do you want?


(this may be turning into a chaotic rp, but such is the way of the Shard)

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3 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

Do you accept the title of Logistics Master? Will you guide and direct our chaotic team into “productive” activities? (If not what title do you want?)

I will accept this title as graciously as I can and do my best to keep the team somewhat on track.

Status will be updated. :lol: This will be interesting.

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4 minutes ago, Witless of Shinovar said:

I will be...whatever title, as long as it's head of the brigade of defense and conquering to take over the solar system for this initiative

I hereby bestow upon you the title of General. Will you make sure our pie efforts are protected, oversee our forces, and advise the council on the optimal celestial body to pie?

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1 hour ago, Cash67 said:

I hereby bestow upon you the title of General. Will you make sure our pie efforts are protected, oversee our forces, and advise the council on the optimal celestial body to pie?

I will

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6 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:



1 minute ago, Witless of Shinovar said:

You can be my right hand person! or head of the warmongering department against alien forces

I agree! @Aes Sedai I bestow the title of Special Forces Commander. Anything that the Generals tactics can’t cover, or if the General needs assistance on the battlefield, you are the one the MPI will depend on. Do you accept?

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Alright we do need a mission statement. I propose the following:

The MPI is dedicated to sharing its powerful pastries with all the universe through the baking of celestial objects by any means necessary

Does the council have anything else to add/edits to make? Also, what does our general @Witless of Shinovar declare to be our first target? (Anywhere irl or in the Shard's Community/RP forums is on the table)

Also we are hiring, so if you all have people that can further our cause summon them!

Edited by Cash67
fixing grammars
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2 minutes ago, Telrao said:

Greetings, fellow Moon-conquerers!

I will accept title as vice-president. You deserve to be in charge, @Cash67

I can assist with the mission statement :P Summon me when you're ready!

I got a draft one post above, what do you think?

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19 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

I got a draft one post above, what do you think?

Looks good - but we should so address out initial mission, like:

The Moon Pie Initiative (MPI) is dedicated to creating interplanetary, interdimensional and interspecies pastry delights. Our mission: to create the ultimate pastry - the Moon Pie.

Something like that, ig :P 

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11 minutes ago, Telrao said:

Looks good - but we should so address out initial mission, like:

The Moon Pie Initiative (MPI) is dedicated to creating interplanetary, interdimensional and interspecies pastry delights. Our mission: to create the ultimate pastry - the Moon Pie.

Something like that, ig :P 

As President, I nominate this to be our mission statement!

All in favor say “Aye”

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2 minutes ago, Witless of Shinovar said:


I say our first mission is to make the government a pie so we can take control of NASA

What about SpaceX? If we take them over (kill off Elon Musk and forge a will) then we will have the funds to create a MARS PIE

(With extra crispy pastry)

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