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Gauging Interest and Rule Discussion & Ideas for: Capture the Flag... With AI

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Two kingdoms have warred since antiquity, gathering slews of champions and warriors to throw at each other in a grand battle for dominance. History tells of incredible feats and awe-inspiring phenomena clashing in mighty battles of legend, with even the greatest of sorcerers and masterminds falling to the other side's forces. All this is done for but one purpose:

To capture the other kingdom's flag!


This is... hugely experimental. I acted like Conquer the World was experimental, but I knew from the best content streamer on the planet (DougDoug) that it could totally work with a few rules. This time I have no idea if it's going to work.

Basically, this is Capture the Flag. However, we're going to make it actually interesting by changing up a few rules with some funky ideas of mine.

To begin, here are the basic rules:

  • On your turn, you can do one action. This can be attacking another player, defending yourself, or anything else. I'll make a list of actions later down (after I've thought of them all).
    • Please write out your action for me to input to the AI to see if it succeeds or fails. Anything you write will be subject to editing so I can ensure your input is open-ended (for example, you can "run for the flag" but not "grab the flag," because the AI can either choose to let you succeed or fail for the first, but will build off of the non-conditional "grab the flag" as a given).
    • If you succeed: great! Hopefully this means you'll be in an advantageous position.
    • If you fail: not great! Depending on the action, you might be put at a disadvantage for future actions and reactions.
  • In addition to your action, you can make one move. Generally this is just from one space to an adjacent space (diagonals are fine).
  • Some things specify having a bonus action, which are conditional. These don't count towards your action.
  • If a player makes an action directly against you, you can make a reaction immediately afterwards. These also don't count towards your action.
  • It takes at least two actions to capture the flag: one to grab it and one to get it back. Regardless of what mystic powers or incredible speed your character might have, it'll take at least two turns to complete this.
    • Once you grab the flag, your turn ends. You're stuck in the flag safe zone until your next turn.
    • You can't return to the safe zone once you leave it. Additionally, once the flag leaves the zone it stops being safe, meaning any other players in the zone are no longer safe.
    • Which one of these should we do?
      • If you're tagged with the flag it goes back to the safe zone
      • If you're tagged with the flag it "drops" and can be picked up by another teammate or returned by an enemy
        • Does the enemy return it manually or...?
        • ...Does the flag return as soon as an enemy grabs it?
        • Alternatively we could make it so you can't touch your own flag at all but I think that's boring so nah.
  • For now I'm going to say the game is best out of three, but this'll be subject to change depending on how long each round takes.



This here is the map of the arena. Pretty basic. Red side is for the red team, Blue side is for the blue team, the light-colored areas are the prisons, and the white areas are the safe zones around the flags. Throw in a basic grid system for movement and BAM: map.

Here are the basic rules for the map:

  • You cannot be captured while you are in your own area.
  • You can only capture an enemy player while they're in your area. You decide which of the two prison areas they're sent to.
  • You cannot capture an enemy player if they're inside the flag safe zone.
  • You cannot enter your own prison area.
  • Uhh... which prisoner freeing rules should we go with?
    • Once you reach a prison you pick one player to free and both of you get a free walkback
    • Once you reach a prison area you and everyone else there gets a free walkback
    • Once you reach a prison area everyone except you gets a free walkback (you still have to escape yourself somehow - I'm partial to this one)
      • The inside of the prison area counts as a safe zone and enemy players can't tag you until you leave
      • Optionally you can't enter the flag area if you're in a prison area (really only applies to this one because otherwise you go back to home base)
    • Complete anarchy: everyone in the prison is freed but still have to escape
      • No entering the flag area
      • Prison zone is still safe
  • Entering the flag area ends your turn.
  • You cannot enter your own flag area.

There are a few ways to tag a player:

  • You are in the same area as an enemy player and succeed an action to tag them.
  • You succeed a ranged attack action to "defeat" that player, thereby sending them to jail.
  • They fail a saving action against a trap or idle tagging area, thereby sending themselves to jail.

I guess it might be fine if we left it at that, but I've been watching (and reading) way too much anime (and manga) lately - namely Jujutsu Kaisen - and I'm hankering for some whacky magical chaos. Doing a nen system in a regular RP is kind of ambitious, but for a NovelAI hijink thread... well, it just might work.

Your ability to perform incredible feats of whackiness is based on your Power Level (definitely not a term stolen directly from Dragonball). By building up your power level you can perform whackier and whackier actions, from summoning a familiar to shooting out to shooting a power beam to nuking the opposite team with Gojo Satoru's Cursed Technique Reversal: Red.

Anyways, here's where the real experimentationalism comes in.


To create your character, we're going to be doing some good ol' D&D stats. Nothing too crazy, but I think it'd be fun to throw some (sort of) arbitrary numbers in there. To determine a stat simply roll a die and use that number. I don't really care if you roll for each stat as they come or roll all numbers beforehand and assign them later - just don't cheat. Here are the stats we'll be using:

  • Strength - Basic attack power
  • Speed - Basic movement and agility
  • Defense - Basic consitution and tankiness
  • Energy - Basic power buildup
  • Limit - Basic power output

And here's a basic rundown of how they'll work in-game:

  • When stats come into play for player versus player, you'll be using your stat as an Action and they'll be using theirs as a Reaction. Depending on how far apart they are I'll try to guide the AIs response, but ultimately it'll be up to the AI to determine what happens!
  • When directly fighting a player it'll be Strength versus Defense.
  • When trying avoid or evade another player it'll be Speed versus Speed.
  • When building up your Power Level it'll be Energy.
  • When using Power you won't be able to use more than your Limit allows.

This, of course, leaves the most most most experimental part of the game: how does Power work?


On your turn, you build up your Power in a number of ways:

  • Take an action to focus entirely on building your Power directly. During this action you cannot move, defend, or do anything else. You can continue doing this until you choose to stop or are interrupted, building up 50 Power * your Energy stat for each player's turn that passes until you stop.
    • For example, let's say I have an energy stat of 3. If I began building Power, and then Kaladin, Shallan, Adolin, Renarin, Dalinar, and Navani all take their turns, then I've built up 900 Power. I can build up 150 more while Szeth takes his turn, but then Lift decides to shoot me with a laser beam. Without any defenses she pretty much automatically succeeds, and my buildup stops at 1050.
  • You can take an action to build up Power while keeping your move action, or neutral focus, which is a flat 50 * Energy Power buildup.
    • It's my turn again. I have 1050 Power, and my teammate Jasnah thinks that The Lopen is probably going to go for some prisoners soon, so I decide to move into a defensive position beforehand. Without any other actions to do I just do this, getting another 150 Power, getting me to 1200.
  • You can take a bonus action to build up Power while making another non-Power action (such as a tackle or a dodge), or idle focus which is a flat 10 * Energy Power buildup.
    • The Lopen runs at the prison full-speed, hoping to dodge around me. I just barely manage to catch him using just my Speed, so I can still build up 30 Power for a total of 1230
  • Depending on where you are, there's an idle bonus to your Power buildup.
    • While in enemy territory, jail, or the flag area, there's a 1x bonus (no effect)
    • While in area 3 or 1, there's a 1.25x bonus
    • While in area 2, there's a 1.5x bonus
      • So turns out I lied. I start in area 2, so turns out I actually got 1575 Power that time around. Moving to area 3 gets the 1.25x, so I get 187.5 (round up to the nearest 5, so 190) for a total of 1665. Last of all I get 30x1.25 (which rounds up to 40) for a total of 1705.
    • While in jail or the flag safe zeon, there's a 0x bonus (can't build power!)

Once you have some Power, you can use it in a number of ways:

  • Flare: Boost a stat temporarily as a bonus action - 300 Power per +1 stat boost per turn
    • Turns out The Lopen's run was just a feint, and now Teft is running at me too! He's going at full tackle to try to knock me aside, so I decide to boost my Defense from 3 to 4 for that turn, expending 300 Power, leaving me at 1405.
  • Powerup: Permanently increase a stat:
    • 1 -> 2: 300 Power
    • 2 -> 3: 900 Power
    • 3 -> 4: 1500 Power
    • 4 -> 5: 2100 Power
    • 5 -> 6: 2700 Power
    • (For now 6 will be the max but maybe if stuff gets crazy down the line I'll let it go higher)
      • I don't really hit the gym all that often, so my strength stat is actually a 1. I expend 300 Power to increase it to 2, leaving me with 1105.
  • Ranged Attack:
    • Ranged attacks still count as player versus player, including an action and a reaction. Depending on how much Power you use, this attack can have increased range, strength, and speed.
      • Per area of range: 200 Power
      • Per unit of strength or speed: 100 Power
        • Now I need to smite Moash running towards the flag, having used his teammates as bait like the crembucket he is. He's in B2 and I'm in A3, meaning I need a range of only 1 to hit him. His defense is a lot higher than his speed, so I decide to hit him with a wave of grappling vines instead of a hyper beam. For a speed of 4 and a range of 1 I need 600 power, leaving me with 505.

The amount of Power you can expend on one turn is equal to 150 * Limit for a minimum of 300 (yes, a 1 is as good as a 2). If my Limit stat is 4, then my maximum power output is 600, which is why I couldn't hit Moash with a speed of 5 even with an extra 500 Power in the tank.

H O P E F U L L Y  I can make that work. If not I might throw some dice-rolling into the PvP mix and use the AI for solving discrepiancies and narrating our chaos. Most likely the stats system will work by me rerolling it a number of times for a more reasonable outcome.

Speaking of - we need some flavor. First of all, I expect that everyone will throw in some fun descriptions of what their various attacks and powers do, but unfortunately I don't really want to stop there.

See, like I said earlier, I've been reading through all of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga recently, and one thing I think they did really well were these things called Cursed Techniques, which are powers unique to the wielder that can be used in battle to do weird stuff. I'm not going to go into detail but suffice it to say that I want to incorporate this system into this already incredibly chaotic and overcomplicated game. Here's how:


  • When you make your character, please create one Technique for that character.
  • I'm going to define a technique as a soft exception to the rules stated above. Think of it as a role card in a board game that gives you a special ability (like in Pandemic or Bang!); this bends your interaction with one or more rules in the game. Some examples could be:
    • Energy Savant: Your Power buildup during Focus is increased
    • Escapist: You can break yourself out of prison by expending a large amount of Power
    • Godspeed: You can expend Power to move an extra space on your turn
    • Homeknower: You can expend Power to teleport anywhere within your own area
    • Minelayer: You can expend Power to set a trap in an area that requires an enemy to make a check in order to avoid/defend against
    • Changeling: You can expend Power to swap two of your stats
    • Soulmixer: You can expend Power to swap someone else's stats
  • As you can probably tell, using a techique almost always requires Power. When you propose your technique idea, I'll workshop it with you to determine how much Power should be required to make it happen alongside other balancing issues. Please come up with the weirdest scud you can imagine: after all, if Hisoka can use his nen to make Bungee Gum (a substance which possesses the properties of both rubber and gum, you see), then you can make a technique that allows you to temporarily merge areas into one or exchange yourself for a prisoner or whatever else might come to your head. As long as I give you the a-okay that it's been balanced, then you're good!
  • For now everyone will only have one Technique. That might change in the future.
  • One more thing: if you want to keep your technique secret (just between you and me), then go ahead. I'll try to be impartial about it (or maybe I just won't join in this time... sadge), but I also might give one last homage to Jujutsu Kaisen by slightly powering up the techniques that have been revealed (a condition that increases the effectiveness of cursed techniques called showing your hand). Food for thought :ph34r:

TL;DR - it's gonna be crazy. Hopefully you like that sort of thing.

Here's the basics, laid out for you all nicely:

Character Sheet:




  • Strength:
  • Speed:
  • Defense:
  • Energy:
  • Limit:



List of Actions:

  • Dash: Move 1 extra space
  • Attack: Make a strength-based attack on another player
  • Speed: Make a speed check against another player
  • Full Focus: Build your power (eliminates movement - 50 * Energy / turn)
  • Neutral Focus: Build your power (allows movement - 50 * Energy)
  • Expend Power:
    • Boost a stat
    • Improve a stat
    • Make a ranged attack
    • Use a technique
  • [Lemme know if I forgor any]

Map Rundown:

  • You can move 1 space for your movement on your turn
  • Moving through a space in enemy territory occupied by an enemy player allows them to make a reaction against you
    • If there are multiple enemy players in a space, they can each make a reaction
  • You can only capture an enemy by defeating them while they're in your area
  • Defeating an enemy in their area prevents them from capturing you; they're still free to make an action against you on their turn after the fact
  • Defeating an enemy with a ranged attack:
    • If they're in your area: they are captured
    • If they're at home: they are stunned (you choose if they can't move or take an action on their next turn)
  • You cannot build Power in prison or in the flag safe zone
  • You cannot enter your own prison or flag safe zone

That should be everything. I might expand the map if we get enough players, and all of these rules are subject to change if they turn out to be unbalanced or boring! Please sign up by making a character and reviewing them with me.



xinoehp (Jet)


Name: Jet Echo

Team: Blue

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 2
  • Defense: 4
  • Energy: 6
  • Limit: 5

Techniaue: Ascended. Can level stats up above 6. (Power spent increases linearly as according to the chart, i.e. each level costs 600 more than the one before it.)

Shining Silhouette (Dahc)


Name: Dahc

Team: Blue

  • Strength: 4
  • Speed: 5
  • Defense: 2
  • Energy: 2
  • Limit: 3

Technique: Soulmixer - They can expend 300 Power to swap two of an adjacent player's stats (EXCEPT limit). This effect lasts until the player expends 200 Power to counter it.

Enter a Username (Jhigcuff)

  • Name: Jhigcuff
  • Team: Blue
  • Strength: 5
  • Speed: 6
  • Defense: 5
  • Energy: 6
  • Limit: 3 (by the way my cat rolled this one)
  • Yes I swear I got these legitimately

  • Technique: [Insert clever name here]: Spend power to randomize any one stat for any one character (I've got a few variations if this doesn't work)
  • Flavortext: A robot built by Builders League United that traded its arms with @PyroPhile's character (assuming he makes one), which makes it a robot with (presumably) human arms.

PyroPhile (Teran)

  • Name: Teran
  • Team: Blue
  • Strength: 6
  • Speed: 2
  • Defense: 3
  • Energy: 1
  • Limit: 2
  • Technique: Ubercharge
  • Expend 1000 power to get 10 defense for one turn; defense drops to 1 for two turns afterward; can only be used once every ten turns
  • Flavortext: Traded his arms with Jhigcuff; always packs a sandwich



 Wandering Wizard (Ly)

  • Name: Ly
  • Team: Red
  • Strength: 4
  • Speed: 3
  • Defense: 4
  • Energy: 2
  • Limit: 6
  • Technique: Constriction. As an action they can select a an adjacent space to be Constricted. They may only have one constricted space at a time. By constricting a space they can spend 100 Power times the enemy player's speed to constrict them when they move through it. When constricted, all friendly players have an advantage over them in all actions.

NerdyAarakocra (Luit Relan)

  • Name: Luit Relan
  • Team: Red
  • Energy: 4
  • Speed: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Limit: 4
  • (Not the best stats, but I can make it work)
  • Technique: Armor Piercing: When Luit hits an enemy with a Ranged Attack, she can expend additional Power. If she does so, the enemy gets a -1 penalty to their defense. Power cost = 300. This triggers on hit.
  • Flavortext: Luit was drafted into the great Flag War after blue pillaged her village for its canvas supply to make decoy flags. She burnt the shipments as blue was leaving, and that started her war against blue. 

Channelknight Fadran (Yagani)

  • Name: Yagani
  • Team: Red
  • Strength: 3
  • Speed: 2
  • Defense: 3
  • Energy: 4
  • Limit: 5
  • Technique: Todo-san. Yagani expends 500 Power to swap the positions of two players within two spaces of him (can include himself). This cannot be used on people in safe zones or on people holding flags.
  • Flavortext: The sort of guy to stare at himself in the mirror chanting "tatakae; tatakae." Everyone he ever knew has been killed by the ruthless blues, and now he vows to destroy his enemies so that his people can finally be free.

Aspiring Archivist (Duine)


Name: Duine Sgileil


  • Strength: 4
  • Speed: 6
  • Defense: 3
  • Energy: 5
  • Limit: 5

Technique: Killstreak. Upon capturing another player, Duine may make a bonus action to Flare for [100 Power per +1 per Turn]


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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Name: Jhigcuff

Team: Blue

  • Strength: 5
  • Speed: 6
  • Defense: 5
  • Energy: 6
  • Limit: 3 (by the way my cat rolled this one)
  • Yes I swear I got these legitimately

Technique: [Insert clever name here]: Spend power to randomize any one stat for any one character (I've got a few variations if this doesn't work)

Flavortext: A robot built by Builders League United that traded its arms with @PyroPhile's character (assuming he makes one), which makes it a robot with (presumably) human arms.

By the way, I think you forgor Idle Focus



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Name: Luit Relan

Team: Whatever works.

Energy: 4
Speed: 3
Defense: 3
Strength: 3
Limit: 4

(Not the best stats, but I can make it work)

Technique: Armor Piercing: When Luit hits an enemy with a Ranged Attack, she can expend additional Power. If she does so, the enemy gets a -1 penalty to their defense. Power cost = 300. This triggers on hit.

Flavortext: Luit was drafted into the great Flag War after [OtherTeam] pillaged her village for its canvas supply to make decoy flags. She burnt the shipments as [OtherTeam] was leaving, and that started her war on [OtherTeam]. 


Edited by NerdyAarakocra
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15 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

You can’t expend and build power at the same time

Hmm. I guess I'll do a different technique then.

Armor Piercing: When Luit hits an enemy with a Ranged Attack, she can expend additional Power. If she does so, the enemy gets a penalty to their defense (and maybe speed so that this isn't just a slight discount) roll based on the amount of power Luit spent. This is not a permanent debuff and only applies to the attack that triggered it. 

(I got this idea from minifig wargames like Warhammer 40k and Conquest. Sorry that it's not very anime.)

Edited by NerdyAarakocra
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Name: Teran

Team: Blue

  • Strength: 6
  • Speed: 2
  • Defense: 3
  • Energy: 1
  • Limit: 2

Technique: Ubercharge

Expend 1000 power to get 10 defense for one turn; defense drops to 1 for two turns afterward; cannot be used while debuff is applied

Flavortext: Traded his arms with Jhigcuff; always packs a sandwich


Edited by PyroPhile
Change of technique
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1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:


Yes, I'll sign up. Not going to have a character right now...

Well I know their race, Snake-humanoid-thingie.


And I have a idea for a Technique: Spend X amount of power, if a enemy player would move into a space infront, behind, or to my side I can cause them to end their movement and all tag actions against them while constricted have advantage, but I can only have one constricted person at a time. Rough idea, I'm willing to lower it and change some things if you think it is too OP

@Channelknight Fadran

...Too much D&D like I think :P 

ED2T: @Ranryu @That1Cellist, I think you may be interested in this.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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10 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


Yes, I'll sign up. Not going to have a character right now...

Well I know their race, Snake-humanoid-thingie.


And I have a idea for a Technique: Spend X amount of power, if a enemy player would move into a space infront, behind, or to my side I can cause them to end their movement and all tag actions against them while constricted have advantage, but I can only have one constricted person at a time. Rough idea, I'm willing to lower it and change some things if you think it is too OP

@Channelknight Fadran

...Too much D&D like I think :P 

ED2T: @Ranryu @That1Cellist, I think you may be interested in this.

Yeah this might be interesting, but my ability to commit and continue doing things like this is not the greatest.

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17 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


Yes, I'll sign up. Not going to have a character right now...

Well I know their race, Snake-humanoid-thingie.


And I have a idea for a Technique: Spend X amount of power, if a enemy player would move into a space infront, behind, or to my side I can cause them to end their movement and all tag actions against them while constricted have advantage, but I can only have one constricted person at a time. Rough idea, I'm willing to lower it and change some things if you think it is too OP

@Channelknight Fadran

...Too much D&D like I think :P 

ED2T: @Ranryu @That1Cellist, I think you may be interested in this.

I echo the Cellist's sentiment. This sounds super fun, but I don't think I would be able to fully participate. 

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On 1/2/2023 at 2:00 PM, Enter a username said:

Name: Jhigcuff

Team: Blue

  • Strength: 5
  • Speed: 6
  • Defense: 5
  • Energy: 6
  • Limit: 3 (by the way my cat rolled this one)
  • Yes I swear I got these legitimately

Technique: [Insert clever name here]: Spend power to randomize any one stat for any one character (I've got a few variations if this doesn't work)

Flavortext: A robot built by Builders League United that traded its arms with @PyroPhile's character (assuming he makes one), which makes it a robot with (presumably) human arms.


Looks good to me.

On 1/2/2023 at 4:51 PM, NerdyAarakocra said:

Name: Luit Relan

Team: Whatever works.

Energy: 4
Speed: 3
Defense: 3
Strength: 3
Limit: 4

(Not the best stats, but I can make it work)

Technique: Armor Piercing: When Luit hits an enemy with a Ranged Attack, she can expend additional Power. If she does so, the enemy gets a -1 penalty to their defense. Power cost = 300. This triggers on hit.

Flavortext: Luit was drafted into the great Flag War after [OtherTeam] pillaged her village for its canvas supply to make decoy flags. She burnt the shipments as [OtherTeam] was leaving, and that started her war on [OtherTeam]. 


Looks good to me.

On 1/3/2023 at 6:40 PM, xinoehp512 said:

I'd like for my unique ability to be leveling above 6.


Perhaps this could be an option. Do you have the rest of the character in mind?

On 1/5/2023 at 8:30 PM, Whysper said:

Hello. Just want to mention that I have an interest in this, but haven't had a chance to read everything carefully and design a character.


Take your time or whatever. No obligations or anything.

On 1/9/2023 at 5:23 PM, PyroPhile said:

Name: Teran

Team: Blue

  • Strength: 6
  • Speed: 2
  • Defense: 3
  • Energy: 1
  • Limit: 2

Technique: Ubercharge

Expend 1000 power to get 10 defense for one turn; defense drops to 1 for two turns afterward; can only be used once every ten turns

Flavortext: Traded his arms with Jhigcuff; always packs a sandwich


Ten turns is a long time. Considering the power cost for just a temporary boost that then significantly hinders you later, I think you could probably drop the reset rate for until after the debuff ends.

23 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Gimme  c h a r a c t e r

21 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Yes yes yes, this sounds quite fun! I would like to express interest. I may not have time as I am taking some intense big kid classes at school so I will get back to you. :P This sounds awesome though!!!


I doubt there'll be much of a time requirement.

21 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


Yes, I'll sign up. Not going to have a character right now...

Well I know their race, Snake-humanoid-thingie.


And I have a idea for a Technique: Spend X amount of power, if a enemy player would move into a space infront, behind, or to my side I can cause them to end their movement and all tag actions against them while constricted have advantage, but I can only have one constricted person at a time. Rough idea, I'm willing to lower it and change some things if you think it is too OP

@Channelknight Fadran

...Too much D&D like I think :P 

ED2T: @Ranryu @That1Cellist, I think you may be interested in this.


Constriction sounds interesting, but as a single snake how do you plan to control three whole spaces?


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