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Metalborn Transportation


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Has anyone else taken note of this line (chapter 48):


"We believe," he whispered, "there is a way to transport objects large distances using a conflux of Metalborn powers. It is a thing Harmony doesn't yet understand himself. But I wonder... if someone feeling the transcendent power of the Bands... could solve the puzzle.

I wonder. Could this be referring to the mechanics of the Community Perpendicularity, Era 4 FTL travel, or a proper Elsecalling/teleportation mechanic? The implications of the scenario (namely the fact that they want to use the Bands to move the bomb away from the city) seem to imply an Elsecalling mechanic might exist within the Metallic Arts, I think. 

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On 11/29/2022 at 10:17 PM, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

I thought it was just forming a perpendicularity by having a lot of metalborn together. Though looking back on it I think FTL is more likely.

I don't think it's alluding to a perpendicularity because the Community Perpendicularity required many Allomancers, but TenSoon implied that this transportation could be accomplished by one Metalborn with many powers. Though, I do not see the use of single-person FTL in the situation at hand.

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On 11/29/2022 at 8:57 PM, Ookla the Observant said:

Has anyone else taken note of this line (chapter 48):

I wonder. Could this be referring to the mechanics of the Community Perpendicularity, Era 4 FTL travel, or a proper Elsecalling/teleportation mechanic? The implications of the scenario (namely the fact that they want to use the Bands to move the bomb away from the city) seem to imply an Elsecalling mechanic might exist within the Metallic Arts, I think. 

 Does anyone have a clue, Which powers of the 32  Combined would do this?

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1 hour ago, bmcclure7 said:

 Does anyone have a clue, Which powers of the 32  Combined would do this?

It kinda depends. FTL travel might be the same powers as airships, plus A-bendalloy and A-cadmium. Perpendicularities seem to be just a large number of metalborn near each other for a long time. And we cannot guess as to Elsecalling, if it even exists.

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3 hours ago, Ookla the Observant said:

I don't think it's alluding to a perpendicularity because the Community Perpendicularity required many Allomancers, but TenSoon implied that this transportation could be accomplished by one Metalborn with many powers. Though, I do not see the use of single-person FTL in the situation at hand.

A soulbearer can make a perpendicularity



Could you Invest... Could you use a nicrosil metalmind to Invest the sort of Investiture enough that you could open a Perpendicularity up to the Cognitive Realm?

Brandon Sanderson

So, I'll just say it this way. Enough concentrated Investiture in one point is going to pierce the Realms, no matter what form it takes. 


...So, it doesn't have to be a nicrosil metalmind.

Brandon Sanderson



Okay... But it could be?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. That is theoretically possible. 

Oathbringer release party (Nov. 13, 2017)

Now it's likely too much power for the bands to hold, but Tensoon said he wasn't sure how it would work.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

A soulbearer can make a perpendicularity


Seems like that implies that any Feruchemist (or compounder, more likely) could make a perpendicularity, actually. Assuming any metalmind could hold that much Investiture. 

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21 hours ago, Ookla the Observant said:

It kinda depends. FTL travel might be the same powers as airships, plus A-bendalloy and A-cadmium. Perpendicularities seem to be just a large number of metalborn near each other for a long time. And we cannot guess as to Elsecalling, if it even exists.

What are you talking about?

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3 hours ago, Leuthie said:

He's drawing parallels between Roshar powers and Scadrial powers.

 Yeah but it never said that that the gathering of metal born produces a perpedicularity. I mean the only perpendicularity we saw Was produced by raw investiture.   It was near a large gathering of metal born but I don't recall them ever saying that was a factor much less the only factor.

 It can't be the only factor we have large gatherings of metal born all over the place. 

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19 hours ago, bmcclure7 said:

 Yeah but it never said that that the gathering of metal born produces a perpedicularity. I mean the only perpendicularity we saw Was produced by raw investiture.   It was near a large gathering of metal born but I don't recall them ever saying that was a factor much less the only factor.

 It can't be the only factor we have large gatherings of metal born all over the place. 

Get enough Investiture of a single Intent in one place and you get a perpendicularity. The "large gathering of Mistborn" was simply a nod to that fact. Couple thousand Mistborn all burning metals will probably create a perpendicularity, but it isn't the only way, or even a particularly good way.

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8 hours ago, Leuthie said:

Get enough Investiture of a single Intent in one place and you get a perpendicularity. The "large gathering of Mistborn" was simply a nod to that fact. Couple thousand Mistborn all burning metals will probably create a perpendicularity, but it isn't the only way, or even a particularly good way.

I really need to go reread that section of the novel, but it seems to me Marasi gathering all those allomancers to burn metals is what stopped to perpendicularity from forming.

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I understood it to be a large amount of investiture, with metal born in the area being used to connect it to Scadrial. That's why the metal born were needed, otherwise it's just a bank of power not attached to anything.


And it's why they were able to burn it 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was thinking about this.  

For perpendicularities, I think a Nicrosil Compounder could do it.  They store Investiture, right?  And that's something that can be compounded.  So, compound it, and you essentially create a metal object that pierces the realms.  A Rod of Realmatic Transmition, so to speak.  

As for teleporting, that's a little different.  But...If you can manipulate speed and time, then you can do some strange things.  

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