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The Plot to Murder Lord Ruler (SANTA!!!)


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Telrao writes 'The Plan to Murder Santa' on the whiteboard.

"Our goal is to conquer what has never been conquered before - the Lord Ruler, the Man, Santa."

She throws muffins to everyone. "Any questions?"

Aaallll righty people. This is a roleplay - the plot to murder our Lord Ruler, Santa. We'd kinda appropriated the Girl's Only thread - so I'm moving it here. Just for the sake of things (and continuity). Please state your character's name, species, gender, and a random tendency that could mess up the mission ('cause it's funny) in a quote box, like this:


Name: Telrao
Gender: Female
Species: Shapechanger elf
General desc: When in elf form, she is fairly short with shoulder length blonde hair. She's pretty skinny with pointy ears, and her arms are coated with tiny scratches from years of labour in the toy factory. In cat form, she is a smol, floofy kitty. Think a longhair birman.
Tendencies: She has a nervous tic - her hands twitch uncontrollably for a few seconds when she gets spooked.

If your character already has a role (eg: distraction, ops) please state that in the quote box too.

Characters and mission groups will go in here:


Character names & Descriptions




Name: Telrao

Gender: Female

Species: Shapechanger Elf

General desc: When in elf form, she is fairly short with shoulder length blonde hair. She's pretty skinny with pointy ears, and her arms are coated with tiny scratches from years of labour in the toy factory. In cat form, she is a smol, floofy kitty. Think a longhair birman.

Tendencies: She has a nervous tic - her hands twitch uncontrollably for a few seconds when she gets spooked.

Mr Misting


Name: Mr. Misting (Misting for short)

Gender: Male

Species: Human turned into an animated top hat

General Description: A top hat, with a slightly worn look to it. He can not move by myself.

Abilities: Elsecaller

Random tendencies: When ever Misting hears the words 'Sweet Caroline' without thought he responds with 'bom, bom, bom!' This was how they took role in the coal mines and it is ingrained into his memories.

The Wandering Wizard


Name: Wizard

Gender: Male

Species: Ancient tiger

General desc: Appears as a white tiger, 5 ft tall and 13 ft long. Has some arcane symbols that glow and pulse with light from the scale of white to black

Tendencies: He glows at night and sometimes gets easily distracted.

Role: Part of the distraction team



Name: Nerdy

Gender: Nonbinary

Species: Aarakocra

General desc: Bird person.

Tenancies: Crashing into windows.

Infinite Insanity


Name: Insanity

Gender: female

Species: Human. When she's not something else.

General desc: She's a shapeshifter so there is no good description of her. I guess generally she's a shorter person with longish brown hair but other than that she likes to change her features to match what she wants to be for the day.

Tendencies: Very afraid of mirrors. There's a reason but she can't remember what the reason is. Also has a tendency to dance around to the constant music stream playing in her head.

Role: Infiltration.

Shining Silhouette


Name: Brightlord Silho

Gender: Male

Species: He has a twinkle in his eye that makes you question his humanity 

General Description: Dapper. Indubitably dashing in every possible way

Abilities: Infuriatingly distracting, apprentice to the one and only Wit

Ookla the Forgettable (Potato's Wit)


Name: Potato

Gander: Female

Species: Sentient potato 

General description: Just look at my profile pic & you get the idea.

Tendencies: May leave in the middle of the plan to go make explosive &/or poisoned baked goods. (Not those muffins I made though for sure...)

Mystical Shadows


Name: Shadow (she has a surname, but chooses not to introduce herself with it)

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: Young woman with short brown-with-purple-highlights hair and glasses. Identifiable by the lilac barrette she always wears in her hair. Favours stiff, school-uniform type clothes.

Tendency: Her nervous habit is to discuss the scholarly aspects of something while refusing to address the task/problem at hand. She is also very difficult to get to stop talking if it’s a subject she’s interested in



Name: Evalyn Rodriguez

Gender: Female

Species: Human

General Description: 5'10" human woman, tan skin, brown eyes, blond hair always in a ponytail. She wears a leather jacket and tight denim jeans, with high top converses.

Tendencies: Sassy, tends to be kind of a rebel. Can be swayed if presented with enough evidence.

The Bookwyrm


Name: The Bookwyrm

Gender: Male

Species: Human....mostly.

General Description: A young traveller who's been to many worlds. He's gathered many types of magic (Many from the Cosmere, many not) and seen many different things. 5'9'' with short brown hair, hazel eyes, and blue glasses. His outfit changes depending on what he's doing.

Tendencies: Thinks too much. Makes obscure references that are not very helpful.

Role: Infiltration, and whatever else you need me to do

Ookla the Pencil Taxi (Shallan Stormblessed)


Name: Stormy, goes by Pencil Taxi

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes. Petite, is 16. (because this is how everyone imagines me, apparently!:))

Tendency: Often wears blue and occasionally goes on tangents about books. Enjoys drawing

Ookla the [Redacted] (Channelknight Fadran)


Name: Kris

Gender: Male (Cis and stuff)

Species: Some kind of humanoid.

Description: I designed this guy to be somewhat nondescript but I'll probably change that eventually when (if) I  d r a w  him.

Abilities: He's an engineer, scholar, and all-around friendly guy.

Other: I randomly pictured him with glasses/goggles like Hanji from AoT has so yeah now that's a thing.


Name: Vacity

Gender: Female

Species: A frickin inkling

Description: A frickin inkling

Abilities: She has ink guns and ink bombs and ink missiles and ink body and everything.

Other: Woomy!


Name: Ynma

Gender: Non-binary

Species: A hive mind megabrain sort of thing made of......... legos.

Description: A hive mind megabrain sort of thing made of......... legos.

Abilities: Can reconfigure themselves into whatever the heck they please. Y'know: like legos can do.

Other: Made in a freak accident in Santa's super-duper-quadruple secret lab. Unclear as to how they escaped.



Team members:


Mr Misting
Brightlord Silho



Mr Misting



Silho - Breezesprinter
Wizard - ops
Brightlord Silho
Nerdy - Cause a feud between the Reindeer




Other roles




Schematics & Maps!


General map of Santa's Base



Facing North side view of Factory Complex



Santa's Mansion!



Santa's Security Measures




If you want to see the OG conversation, go to the Girls Only! club pages 43-45

Let the plot ensue!

Edited by Ookla the Floofy
Adding characters - whooo
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Name: Mr. Misting (Misting for short)

Gender: Male

Species: Human turned into an animated top hat

General Description: A top hat, with a slightly worn look to it. He can not move by myself.

Abilities: Elsecaller

Random tendencies: When ever Misting hears the words 'Sweet Caroline' without thought he responds with 'bom, bom, bom!' This was how they took role in the coal mines and it is ingrained into his memories. 


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Name: Wizard

Gender: Male

Species: Ancient tiger

General desc: Appears as a white tiger, 5 ft tall and 13 ft long. Has some arcane symbols that glow and pulse with light from the scale of white to black

Tendencies: He glows at night and sometimes gets easily distracted.

Role: Part of the distraction team


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Name: Insanity

Gender: female

Species: Human. When she's not something else.

General desc: She's a shapeshifter so there is no good description of her. I guess generally she's a shorter person with longish brown hair but other than that she likes to change her features to match what she wants to be for the day.

Tendencies: Very afraid of mirrors. There's a reason but she can't remember what the reason is. Also has a tendency to dance around to the constant music stream playing in her head.

Role: Infiltration.


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3 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

@Telrao do you want to summon the people that have joined the quest so that we can continue it?


Ah, yes, I'll do that.

@The Bookwyrm, @Potato's Wit @Shining Silhouette @The Halcyon Girl @Tani @Shallan Stormblessed (and @That1Cellist if you want to spectate)



Telrao strides through the portal into the large, comfortable room. The soft carpet is luxurious underfoot, and many beanbags, sofas, and pillows are scattered about the room. She places down the sack and pulls out (Mary Poppins style) the whiteboard and schematics. She belts a toolbelt covered in many different whiteboard markers onto her waist, then positions the whiteboard at the front of the room, tacking up the schematics and maps.

"Welcome to the planning room!" She smiles as she welcomes everyone in. "Please, take a sofa, beanbag, or pillow. Whatever you prefer! Oh, and cookies and milk are in the corner." She points to a shelf on the other side of the room. Piles of cookies are strewn over the counter, and several large jugs of milk sit in the cooler. "I bake cookies when I'm nervous." Telrao says sheepishly as she takes up her position. "Oh, and some muffins!" She throws two to every being in the room.

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Just now, Telrao said:

@The Bookwyrm, @Potato's Wit @Shining Silhouette @The Halcyon Girl @Tani @Shallan Stormblessed (and @That1Cellist if you want to spectate)

Telrao strides through the portal into the large, comfortable room. The soft carpet is luxurious underfoot, and many beanbags, sofas, and pillows are scattered about the room. She places down the sack and pulls out (Mary Poppins style) the whiteboard and schematics. She belts a toolbelt covered in many different whiteboard markers onto her waist, then positions the whiteboard at the front of the room, tacking up the schematics and maps.

"Welcome to the planning room!" She smiles as she welcomes everyone in. "Please, take a sofa, beanbag, or pillow. Whatever you prefer! Oh, and cookies and milk are in the corner." She points to a shelf on the other side of the room. Piles of cookies are strewn over the counter, and several large jugs of milk sit in the cooler. "I bake cookies when I'm nervous." Telrao says sheepishly as she takes up her position. "Oh, and some muffins!" She throws two to every being in the room.


WOAH I didn't see this!


Name: Brightlord Silho

Gender: Male

Species: He has a twinkle in his eye that makes you question his humanity 

General Description: Dapper. Indubitably dashing in every possible way

Abilities: Infuriatingly distracting, apprentice to the one and only Wit


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Wizard's tail swishes and he paces. "I have the plans of the facility right here."

Wizard pulls out a disc and inserts it into the projector. A short film begins playing showing the protections of the north pole.

"What we have to look out for most is the Prep and Landing elves. They will be guarding everything! And they don't let anything get in the way of christmas!"

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Name: Potato

Gander: Female

Species: Sentient potato 

General description: Just look at my profile pic & you get the idea.

Tendencies: May leave in the middle of the plan to go make explosive &/or poisoned baked goods. (Not those muffins I made though for sure...)


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Telrao nods and pulls out a maroon marker, writing Prep and Landing Elves - guarding entry and exit EVERYTHING!!!

She taps the marker against a thin lip, then pulls out an emerald green marker, drawing a few stick figures angrily chasing off some other stick figures

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:



That sounds absolutely amazing. I've had a dream when my school bus crashed on the way to a camp, and one of the teachers ended up being evil and locking us up in a massive dungeon. It was great!


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Telrao stands, slightly confused, then draws a perfect replica of the Lord Ruler's ruler on the whiteboard with a black fine-tipped whiteboard marker. She takes a bit of a muffin and raises an eyebrow at Brightlord Silho. "Excellent, Brightlord. Do you still have that ruler?"

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"A ruler. Right. So that's why you've joined us - to get the "lord" back into "Brightlord." Lovely."

Telrao scribbles Brightlord wants to be a Brightlord in neon pink marker. She grins and twirls the marker between her thin fingers.

Edited by Telrao
200th post whoooooo
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Telrao winces. "Actually... I'm bonded to Santa Paws. So killing her will permanently damage my psyche. So... we can't kill her."

She writes Save Santa Paws! In a sky blue marker, then adds don't kill her, please in small lettering underneath. "But we can kill Santa Clause! Grammar is so annoying." She writes KILL SANTA CLAUSE in scarlet marker underneath the gold lettering of Revenge and vengeance!

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8 minutes ago, Potato's Wit said:

Potato fidgets. "So... What should I do? Stay here and make more baked goods for you to use as weapons?"

Telrao pauses, then grins. "I think I know how we'll get the sedatives into Santa's food." She scribbles sedatives - Potato under infiltration. "We can sneak you into the kitchens. Since you're a potato, you can blend in. Then, you can slip the sedatives into Santa's food. Sound good?"

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