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Channelknight Fadran

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12 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

Woah, hi. Certainly been a while since anything happened over here. Hmm... I don't know. We could go for something else if the witch plot is a dead end


Yeah, if you want to do something we could I guess. 

6 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Just a heads up, Fadran isn't around anymore. I will regretfully admit that I had something to do with it


Oh dang, that sucks. 


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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

Hmm... I don't know, honestly. Anything you're interested in? I know I had a character that can interfere with other's magic...


Yeah, you had Antin the monochrome cloaked shadow chap and I was playing Quest the awkward professor sort of druid. I don't know, if you have anything you want to do, I'm down, but I don't really have any ideas. 

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

Gosh, I don't know. I'm pretty far removed from this at this point. Maybe we could sort of start over with those characters and see where it goes?


Sure, sounds fun. Do you want to try and get anyone else in the thread, or just go with us? 


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44 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Could I make a new character to join y'alls plot? 


Yeah, for sure. I'm down with that proposition if Archivist is.

Also, character:


Name: Quest

Race: Tre'Ketan

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: He 

Magic: Basic manipulation of fire and life elements. Minor stuff like a ball of fire, making a plant grow slightly faster, mild healing. His magic is broadly undefined and weak, though he has creative applications for it.

Personality: He is fairly amiable and usually travels alone. He is very curious and likes problem solving, and becomes absent professor-y when he focuses on something. He is empathetic and generally peaceful.

Backstory: Vague! 

Other: Quest's arms are covered in tattos, jagged red lines that are overlayed with flowing green branches. He carries a walking stick that is still growing and he wears an old, moss colored cloak. His weathered face is framed by cracked rim glasses and he carries a leather satchel with his notes and herbs. He also has little goat horns.


3 hours ago, Ookla the Silver said:

Whats this?


An old RP that died a half year ago or so, partially because I abruptly left. It was epic, with like 6 different threads of characters at some point, and I'm currently seeing if I could restart the ones that I were a part of. 

Edited by Mr. Misting
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Ya'll I started getting notif's for this rp and had a heart attack, this was my first rp on the shard and I was so sad when it died.

I'm completely up for starting it up again if we want! I don't believe I was a part of any of the threads Mr. Misting was in, but if you need more players, I'm here!


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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:



Okay I remember now!!

Do you want to pick up where we left off, (rich annoying lady had us 'arrested' and was taking us back to her town) or join another group? My character was Whist (the ex governess sun sorcerer)


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35 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

Want to start with Quest alone doing something, and Antin can show up?

Quest slowly pulled himself off the road. He stood up slowly, legs still shaking and ears ringing. He blinked.

Quest wobbled forward until he was standing on the edge of the crater in the middle of the road. The jagged hole went straight down, so far Quest couldn't see where it ended. Something seemed to be glowing, with a strange red light in the hole. So something really had fell from the sky. 

"Oh, well," Quest said, "that seems improbable." 


Ookla the silver:

Yeah sure, whatever you want. As long as you're not absurdly overpowered, that should be fine. 

Ookla the Reborn:

Awesome! Good to see you too.

@Ookla the Silver @Ookla the Reborn

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Okay, am I crazy? I swear there was a PM or something where we talked about stuff, but I can't find it for the life of me. (Beyond the Archiplelago Worldbuilding Ideas document; I checked the comments and there are some conversations I remember having that just aren't there.)


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30 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Quest slowly pulled himself off the road. He stood up slowly, legs still shaking and ears ringing. He blinked.

Quest wobbled forward until he was standing on the edge of the crater in the middle of the road. The jagged hole went straight down, so far Quest couldn't see where it ended. Something seemed to be glowing, with a strange red light in the hole. So something really had fell from the sky. 

"Oh, well," Quest said, "that seems improbable." 

@Ookla the Silver @Ookla the Reborn

He caught a glimpse of a cloaked figure out of the corner of his eye.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:



Sounds good! I actually still have notes for where the story was going . . . so we're good to go! 

They continued down the dusty road. Grace in her obnoxious pink carriage, the guards forever grumbling. Muriel, Lady Graces head guard, sits on her horse, uniform pristine and sharp. She watches over you as they travel, making sure no one escapes. Night falls, and the cavern sets up camp for the night. The exhausted guards are more then grateful for a rest after being pushed hard by their Lady all day. 

<A brief summary of what's happening if you forgot>

You were traveling from the small port village to a larger inland city called Caerlon. Whist, the middle aged retired governess, was sent there on a quest by her employer, Lord Larsik. Larsik lost his most prized possession (a stamp collection) while on a diplomatic trip to Caerlon, and Whist was tasked with finding it. On the road there, you ran into Lady Grace, who took personal offense in something and insisted on 'arresting' you and turning you into the authorities when you got to town. I believe there was an escape plan in the works, but if it's just me and infinite, then we might need to think of something else. 

Other group members (we're reviving this rp if your interested) @Quirksliver @Ookla the Lord Ruler @S. Stormy 

Edited by Ookla the Magician
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