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New York Comic Con 2022


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I will be there tomorrow, Friday 10/07! 

Bringing my copy of Warbreaker with me. Going to Dragonsteel first thing to get my ticket for signing. If I get to meet him, WHAT SHOULD I ASK? I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY except incoherent crying sounds right now!

(Bad advice welcome. :))

Lastly, if you're going and attending on Saturday, ATTEND THE Q&A and tell us what happens because it's going to be crazzzzy!

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2 hours ago, Argent said:

Incoherent crying sounds are what most people say, so you are fine there :P

Ah well then I'll be among my people!

BUT FOR REAL I'm absolutely looking for question suggestions! Silly and serious alike!

(From Shardcasts of the past, I feel like I'm remembering that Brandon is known to troll a certain fellow whenever he tries to ask a question seriously — lmao)

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3 hours ago, sugjesstive said:

BUT FOR REAL I'm absolutely looking for question suggestions! Silly and serious alike!

I've got you.

My(incomplete) list if you need more, or what different ones I have them.


Can the ability to draw on the mists be stolen via Hemalurgy, and if so what spikes would you use?

There is a line in Rhythm of War hinting that Shardplate can turn invisible, are you willing to confirm this?

There are fabrials that can alter gravity, using these could you make a pulley and some conjoined gemstones to make powered flight.

Can any type of Radiant spren become a soulcaster?

Would metalminds, or hemalurgic spikes have different effects on fabrials than their base metals?

Could someone in a speed bubble hold a gun that is outside, allowing them to shoot with incredible accuracy, and then pull the gun inside the speed bubble in order to reload quickly?

Which polestones are the Tai-na(reshi isle) gemhearts?

Words of Radiance says that the Tai-na(reshi isle) don't need to eat, is this a result of the spren in their gemhearts or the amount of stormlight they can hold?

Axies the Collector says that Tai-na spren must be really impressive, could other greatshells bond these spren, and if so what would happen?

Do Rosharan have domesticated shellbeasts with every type of polestone gemhearts?


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6 hours ago, sugjesstive said:

BUT FOR REAL I'm absolutely looking for question suggestions! Silly and serious alike!

(From Shardcasts of the past, I feel like I'm remembering that Brandon is known to troll a certain fellow whenever he tries to ask a question seriously — lmao)

Eric is definitely likely to get trolled, and I am afraid I've reached similar levels of "I know you so I am going to have fun" :D

I don't want to ask you to dig for my personal theories (and Brandon frowns on that anyway), but I tend to think that worldbuilding question suggestions are innocent enough and potentially interesting to other people too, so I've got a couple you can pick from, all Era 2 in honor of the upcoming release:

  • How did Wax earn the moniker Dawnshot?
  • Sliverism is one of the major religions in Era 2, but we know close to nothing about it (except that Steris finds it "horrid" and that they revere Ironeyes, Marsh). It would be interesting to learn some things about their tenets, about what they actually believe in.
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14 hours ago, sugjesstive said:

I will be there tomorrow, Friday 10/07! 

Bringing my copy of Warbreaker with me. Going to Dragonsteel first thing to get my ticket for signing. If I get to meet him, WHAT SHOULD I ASK? I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY except incoherent crying sounds right now!

(Bad advice welcome. :))

Lastly, if you're going and attending on Saturday, ATTEND THE Q&A and tell us what happens because it's going to be crazzzzy!

Haha, I can feel your excitement! I hope it goes great! 

Honestly, these types of events make me want to move back to the US :D

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On 10/7/2022 at 1:08 AM, Argent said:
  • How did Wax earn the moniker Dawnshot?

THANK YOU @Argent for this suggestion — I panicked in the moment (and I got two moments, honestly) and couldn't think of a damn thing EXCEPT this question.

Here's the question and answer! Didn't have my phone out to film it, but I did have my boyfriend next to me. I walked away from the table and typed it down.

Q from Jessica: How did Wax earn his moniker, "Dawnshot"?

A from Brandon: (big smile) He was known to show up early to his duels.

New York Comic Con, 10/07/22, at the Dragonsteel booth.

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So I finally got my TWoK leather bound signed after lugging them around for 3 days and by golly it was worth it!

as for the Q&A that I wanted some info on;

Q: if a radiant summons their shardplate on braize will it work?

A: well it depends, in the physical realm or cognitive?

Q: physical

A: and you are asking about shards?

Q: Plate specifically.

A: ah, ok. So if they have already been able to summon the plate before it will work, but it will fail if it’s their first time.

also rithmatist 2 is still . . . Soon

‘twas pure chaos at the con and had my 6 year old with me, but wrote it down as best I could a few seconds later.

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1 hour ago, irongnome said:

Q: if a radiant summons their shardplate on braize will it work?

A: well it depends, in the physical realm or cognitive?

Q: physical

A: and you are asking about shards?

Q: Plate specifically.

A: ah, ok. So if they have already been able to summon the plate before it will work, but it will fail if it’s their first time.

This distinction Brandon offers at the end is very interesting. 

Wonder if it has to do with Honor's investiture being tied specifically to Roshar/not extending the same way to Braize?
Or if this is a perception thing, e.g. "I have done this before and believe I can do it, so I can continue to achieve it"?

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1 hour ago, irongnome said:

A: ah, ok. So if they have already been able to summon the plate before it will work, but it will fail if it’s their first time.

Interesting. My guess would be that you form the bond with the spren the first time you summon it, so if the bond is already established you're fine, but if it's not you're tough out of luck because there aren't any spren nearby to bond to? Since Kaladin describes the windspren choosing to enter the Physical Realm and Connect to him.

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4 hours ago, LewsTherinTelescope said:

Interesting. My guess would be that you form the bond with the spren the first time you summon it, so if the bond is already established you're fine, but if it's not you're tough out of luck because there aren't any spren nearby to bond to? Since Kaladin describes the windspren choosing to enter the Physical Realm and Connect to him.

And that in turn would suggest that the Plate is always formed from the same windspren, which means that they must follow the Radiant around.
And since they are bonded, that would probably also grant the Radiant a measure of control over a wind nearby, as we have seen Kaladin do previously.

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Heavily paraphrased from memory here.  Can note name as 'jmcgit' since I've been using that on discord and reddit, and don't post here so often?  If it matters I also had asked about what happens when a moment you're excited about doesn't really work out in the non-spoiler Q&A.

I had phrased my question, is there anything more to learn about why Helaran was on the battlefield that day when Kaladin killed him?

His response was Yes, but you already know the basics of that story...

I walk through, Like it was definitely him on the battlefield, he was with the Skybreakers, his target was Amaram...

He nods, and says the 'more information' is more about the Davar family in general.  

I had asked whether it was that Helaran was looking for Radiants, I had suspected maybe he would have struck at Amaram again if he was determined to kill him?  Maybe he thought Amaram was a Radiant and taking the Shardblade disproved that?

No, the Skybreakers knew about the Sons of Honor, they had a good opportunity to strike at the organization and they took it.

Postscript: Moved on out of the line at that point.  Presumably there wasn't another good opportunity after he became a Shardbearer.  Kicking myself a bit for not asking one more follow-up, for comment on Kalak-Restares and Nale's relationship!  Got my Mistborn era 2's signed with 'there's always another secret!' on Bands, plus WoK Leather v2.  Also could have gushed more, but I had done a bit of that the day before in the non-question/personalization line and that's not me anyway!  I was torn between asking about Helaran and asking about how Szeth's [attempted] murder of Taravangian impacts his oath to follow Dalinar's will, when Dalinar wanted him alive.  Figured I'd ask the question of the resolved event as it's less likely to RAFO and might not make it into the books if it's meant to be resolved.

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Heya, if we're supposed to throw our questions we asked during signings here this was mine: 

"if you put an emotional allomancer, say a rioter, on roshar and have them riot a crowd to increase the number of fearspren, would the fearspren be at the feet of the rioter or the crowd?" The answer was the crowd.


My friend asked if Vin became evil at any point and a piece of me did die.

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20 hours ago, renaaria said:

Heya, if we're supposed to throw our questions we asked during signings here this was mine: 

"if you put an emotional allomancer, say a rioter, on roshar and have them riot a crowd to increase the number of fearspren, would the fearspren be at the feet of the rioter or the crowd?" The answer was the crowd.


My friend asked if Vin became evil at any point and a piece of me did die.

Not exactly a surprising answer in my opinion, but definitely a creative question and the confirmation that the mechanics work that way is nice. Good work.

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