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Hoid’s Lightweaver Truths


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Hoid has bonded a Cryptic. Now to progress through his “oaths” he must speak truths about himself. 

What truths might Hoid speak about himself? I assume must be truths he hasn’t already said, even to himself. I don’t think we have enough information even to guess, except maybe for one truth about this immortal being surrounded by mortals who cannot understand him:

“I am alone.” 

I doubt he will say that, but it’s my only guess. What do you think?

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Oooh this is a great thought!  Now that you mention it, I really hope we get to see these in the next book.  My instinct would tell me that we won't (maybe we'll get flashbacks in later books or a future worldhopping-Hoid easter egg), because it may reveal too much about him.  But still!!!   

Maybe one would be that he's sometimes not sure who he is.  A being that long-lived...I mean, I can't imagine.  Must be hard to keep who you are straight sometimes.  

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I hadn't even thought of it, and it's intriguing to finally learn another thing about Hoid!

Even though we only have Shallan as an example, it seems like Lightweaver oaths are not just about observing oneself but also about admitting and accepting lies about who and what one is. I agree that us seeing Hoid tell us his truths seems unlikely, but maybe we'll get hints of the lies he has trouble letting go of. In that case we might learn something about the Shattering, how and why he was offered a chance to participate (and declined). Maybe we'll learn more about his actual goals, Cosmere-wide and on Roshar specifically. So that's my main guess-- bits of information on what we think we know about him that are revealed to be untrue, but not the actual truth.

Alternatively, the Lightweaver oaths might end up having to do with Taravangian-Odium's meddling with Hoid's memory. That would fit with Shallan's experience, and it might be very difficult and painful for Hoid to recover his true identity and purpose after subtle manipulations. At a minimum he might have to confront not being so clever as to be untouchable, but that doesn't feel quite poignant enough (to me) after some of what we've seen of Hoid's behavior on Roshar.



I have counter-questions: do we know how far Hoid has progressed as a Lightweaver by the end of RoW, and how far does he need or want to go with his Lightweaving?

It seems clear he's collecting magic from different Shards:


He's a Mistborn after swallowing a nugget of Lerasium on Scadrial. He has perfect pitch and didn't before, suggesting he's accumulated a good amount of Breath from Nalthis. Now he's now got a Cryptic bonded to him from Roshar. But he didn't seek out the Bands of Mourning even though I presume he could have gotten them.

So it doesn't seem like he's trying to get every available power, and he's knowledgeable enough pursue the ones that suit his purposes. He may have some degree of Lightweaving already, given how he interacted with some of Shallan's illusions in Oathbringer, So maybe he already has the powers he wants? Additional oaths bonding him to a spren might force constraints on his actions that he doesn't want, though a Cryptic bond might be the least significant type for that concern.

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Deep personal truths?
My guess he just had to admit out loud, to himself and a spren, that what Zahel said about him at the beginning of ROW is quite true.

At least some of the time.



Bonus points if he then had to try to explain to Design why some words are considered vulgar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do wonder if Hoid would actually have trouble with truths, or if he's the type of character who can lie easily to others but has trouble lying to himself. He may be someone who has already spent ages digging down to who he is.

The main line that makes me think of this is when he was talking to Dalinar (I think). He said something to the effect of him liking people but that he would burn the world to the ground to get what he wanted. This doesn't strike me as someone who has deluded themselves into believing they are better than they actually are.

Although, depending where Brandon wanted to go with it, the Truth could be the opposite. "I'm weak. I'm not willing to let Roshar burn just to aid my goals". If Hoid was lying to himself about how determined he is.

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I can't think of any at the moment, but I really like all the ones that have already been said. I think his truths could be related to people he may have hurt to get to his own goals. Maybe he's convinced himself that they're fine, but he needs to admit that he causes legitimate problems?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think that the a real truth he will tell is the exact opposite of what ya'll are thinking.

For example, I could see a new scene where Shallan hugs him again, or Jasnah admits that she does care about him in her own way, then hoid reaches his 3rd truth.

"I am not alone".

Its pretty clear that the lie that hoid believes is that He is alone in the cosmere, as evidenced by how shocked he is when shallan hugs him the first time. He's used to thinking that no one cares for him.

And I just want to acknowledge how crazy awesome it is that Sanderson made the story trope "The lie that the character believes" Into an actual recurring plotpoint.

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"I am every bit as manipulative and brutal as the monsters I aim to destroy"

"I don't think I can win"

"I dont bear the responsibility for what happened to Adonalisium"

"Its not my responsibility to restore the Cosmere"

"I dont posess the moral high ground" maybe?

I dont know what lies a being as ancient as Hoid would tell himself. I imagine he's had plenty of time to reflect on who he is and what lies he tells himself.

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"I can't do this."

"I have lost who I am over these years."
"I can't keep fighting."

"I actually do care about this world. Jasnah-" (Sorry I am a Jasnahoid shipper-)

"I have to let go."
"I can't let go."

"Who am I? I am not sure."

I love him telling himself, "I am alone,"
But then realizing later, and having his fifth/fourth truth be:
"I am not alone."

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