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Sometimes I wish that I was less of an adult again. I'm in my mid-30s, married with a 3 year old and a not-quite-one year old. I work much of the day (thankfully from home) then I help with the kids and meals. Don't get me wrong, I love my life, but it would be nice to have more than 30 minutes, after the kids are in bed, to read. I see these youngin's saying they stayed up all night to read TLM on release day and I'm here on chapter 10! Not to mention, if I try staying up all night to read, it will take me a month to recover that lost sleep...hell, I'm still recovering from Daylight Savings.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/3/2023 at 8:03 PM, Knight of Iron said:

Hey, guys?

How long of being an adult does it take until you feel like an adult?

I think there was a glitch when I updated, I seem to have a disconnect between my age and how old I feel.

Well. I only recently graduated from childhood. I don't feel like an adult. I bet I'll feel like a child till I'm like 40. Soo, ya

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm starting to think that no one ever feels like an adult or knows what the heck they're doing. I'm 26, have been out on my own doing the adulting and taking care of myself for the past 7+ years. I have 2 degrees and working on a 3rd, I've moved countries twice. I pay my own rent and everything. I tick most of the adult checklist marks (I ain't ever having kids). And I still feel like it's a miracle I can even feed myself on my own. 

Also, adulting sucks. I'd like to be 10 again. Those were the days. 

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  • 3 months later...

Anyone else dealing with the inevitable drifting apart of friends?

Uni friends tapered off after graduation, several of them either moved across the country or lived there to begin with and even a best friend of years is now not replying (although wanting more out of it probably contributed to that).

I have a few friends still, but work, relationships and growing families make trying to catch up with them like herding cats.

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On 5/26/2023 at 0:38 AM, jamesbondsmith said:

Anyone else dealing with the inevitable drifting apart of friends?

Uni friends tapered off after graduation, several of them either moved across the country or lived there to begin with and even a best friend of years is now not replying (although wanting more out of it probably contributed to that).

I have a few friends still, but work, relationships and growing families make trying to catch up with them like herding cats.

Yeah, but like you said, work, relationships, and growing families mean catching up is like trying to schedule a session of D&D together, only on hard mode.

I guess I definitely see it as inevitable: we were friends when we shared the same major because we'd keep showing up in the same classes, but then our lives didn't overlap after that, so of course we'd start drifting apart. I have made some new friends though I don't know if we'll stay that way due to my constant lack of energy but I guess that's life, innit? 

I discussed this with a high school friend recently, because she was considering breaking off a friendship with another friend and we both reflected it's hard to expect to stay friends once your interests and priorities change. Maybe that's just how it works.

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