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Mid-Range Game 17: Hic Sunt Leones


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As of the end of C2, I had 25 merit.

I got an ionblade from Bugsy's lynch, so he probably had the most merit out of his teammates as of C1. He couldn't have earned it C2, because the lynch comes before the moment when Foresworn get their ionblades. It is possible that he earned it at the start of the game or was given it in exchange for another item by a Foresworn Julii. We know that anybody who had more merit than Bugsy C1 is probably not a Foresworn. If somebody could give us merit counts of C1, that would help us immensely.

Any thoughts on what I should do with the ionblade?

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24 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

As of the end of C2, I had 25 merit.

I got an ionblade from Bugsy's lynch, so he probably had the most merit out of his teammates as of C1. He couldn't have earned it C2, because the lynch comes before the moment when Foresworn get their ionblades. It is possible that he earned it at the start of the game or was given it in exchange for another item by a Foresworn Julii. We know that anybody who had more merit than Bugsy C1 is probably not a Foresworn. If somebody could give us merit counts of C1, that would help us immensely.

Any thoughts on what I should do with the ionblade?

If you just hold onto it, it does seem likely it'll just get taken by a Foresworn Julii, or else you'll get killed during the next night cycle and they'll take it then.  Probably best to find someone you think is suspicious enough to use it on, or coordinate with a Julii you think you can trust, if you've had anyone say they were.  I can't remember if we had anyone come out as Julii.

I also find it very odd no one really stuck up for Bugsy.  I don't think Bard was really trying to defend him, and if he was, he wasn't trying very hard.  I didn't really pick up on anything suspicious, in fact, though I don't have much to go on since there's been little more than role play so far, aside from that duel.

BTW, I had RL stuff interfering at the end of the last cycle so I didn't get to respond, but I currently have 13 Merit, since I haven't spent any. Only one person has PMed me, and they initiated that.

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I apologize for missing turnover; my afternoon nap stretched into an evening nap. :P

Okay, now that was too easy. Putting myself inside the eliminators' heads, one of three things must have happened:

  • The elims thought that Bugsy had dug himself too deep with both the pathos use and the Doc plan reveal, and so they thought saving him wouldn't have been worth the suspicion. The corollaries to this plan are that the elims have players to spare, that the elims are decently-well coordinated, and that the elims are attempting to use the lynch to soft-clear themselves.
  • The elims weren't coordinated enough to stop the lynch, so they went with it as a way of getting more cleared. This one also means that the elims are trying to clear themselves with the lynch, but implies that their PM system is inefficient.
  • The final one is a bit more out there: they thought that Bugsy was a Rath. Bellona would be a great cover for a Rath, especially if said Bellona doesn't post enough to trigger their bonus. Bugsy claimed Bellona to the other elims, the elims got suspicious that he was lying and really a Rath, and so Bugsy gets bussed just to make sure.

Of the three above, I think that the top one is the most likely, the second is decently-likely, and the third is unlikely but possible.

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Pierce walked over to the "gathering". Around 10 Lancers stood in a ring around two more Golds. Nyanah and....is that Sevro?? What did he do know, the foolish Pixie.

As he drew close he heard a swift thunk and a thud as something heavy hit the floor. The Lancers parted to make room for him, and he witnessed his first Duel since he reached Mars, it had been a few years since he had seen one.

Sevro growled and had lept to his feet, razor in hand, and lept at the girl. That's when he...tripped? No, that wasn't the right word, his foot seemed to be stuck to the floor. Pierce narrowed his eyes as the girl kept muttering "I'm sorry" over and over again. "Get on with it," grumbled the Lancer on his left under his breath. As if on queue, Nyanah swung a strange blade which had materialised in her hand, onto Sevro's neck, Sevr'ing his head. With a dull thunk, Sevroo's head hit the floor, amid the pool of blood that had begun ammassing. The girl seemed to be wiping her hands absent-mindedly, as if wiping off imaginary blood off her hands. Her shoes were badly stained by the blood, and her blade dissapeared... Pierce decided he would keep an eye on her. Everyone else had seemed to be so caught up in the act, they hadn't noticed the strange happening. 

The crowd dispersed, and a few Browns came and cleaned up the mess, stripping Sevro of everything. A whisper-gem fell out of his pocket, and a voice boomed out, Sevro's voice, proclaiming himself to be a traitor.

Forsworn scum, Pierce thought, spitting on Sevro's corpse. Everyone else has stopped to listen, and now they began animatedly chatting about the recent events. 

Nero's hand extends this far..... Pierce thought, disgusted. He moved off to find his rooms, it would be good to catch some sleep before anymore drama occured.

Great first day back....


So. We got a Forsworn XD I, a bit surprised we got one this early. Oh btw, does anyone have a rough idea of how many Forsworn there are? 20 players...

Around 5-7 Forsworn? What do u guys think?

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Stifling a yawn, Spartacus took a look around the War Room. What a mess.

A duel had taken place last night, between Nyanah the Rosharan (he finally remembered where he had seen the lights before. Plus, the sphere of leaking light kind of gave it away) He had arrived back at the medbay after walking Tia to her room, just in time to see Nyanah declare her challenge.

Sevro had tried to run, but he, along with four other lancers, had stepped up to block his way of retreat. He had harbored suspicions of Sevro himself, after the lancer had leaked one of his plans to find the Forsworn traitors, and then had been the time to put them to the test.

And now Sevro’s head sat on the table, staring sightlessly at a wall. 

Oh, he had been a traitor in the end. And Spartacus had been enormously relieved that he had not supported the murder of an innocent. But was it worth it? Sevro au Bellona. Tiberius' own son. His eyes drifted to Tiberius’ empty seat. His hearts ached for the man. In the span of a single day he had lost his favored pet, a loyal companion, been punched in the face by another friend, and now his son had been exposed as a traitor and killed.

It was no wonder he had not shown up today. He’d expected to be relieved not to be confronted for the punch, but this… he had never wanted this to happen, especially to a person he would call ‘friend’.

He took another long gaze around the room, wondering who he should approach...

Right, Merit counts for Cycle 1.

Bugsy himself has claimed to me he received 8 Merit in cycle one, and unless he randomly started with the Blade, or the Blade was passed to him by a Forsworn Julii (Which is not impossible, seeing as how Bugsy boldly asked to be scanned in cycle 2) and they're taking refuge in audacity, It means that the highest merit any of the Forsworn earned was 8. Now that is interesting, because that would immediately clear anyone who earned Merit above 8. For cycle one, those who earned above 8 merit were Elbereth and I. 

Those who earned less I will list now.

Wonko - 8 

Arranae - 7 

Magestar - 7

Sheep -4

Lopen -4

Chaos -4

Elenion -4

Daniyah -3

Jefry -3

Stick -3

Darkness -2

Assassin - 2

Burnt Spaghetti -2

If my counts are wrong, I hope you will correct me. I fully expect my numbers to be off by at least one or two, but they should roughly be what you all earned, right? So yep, anyone on the list could be an Elim. Arranae I believe is cleared, as she was instrumental in killing Bugsy. The rest are still a little murky. I am especially inclined to watch the RP only posters, as I have mentioned before. 

It does look like Elbereth and I are cleared as a result of this, but I would remind you to be vigilant, heh. I'm still not taking my eyes off anyone, and I fully expect all of you to do the same.

In other news, Rae earned the highest amount of Merit last cycle at 7 (plus around 5 from killing Bugsy), followed by me at 8, and then Magestar at 6

Now, on to the voting patterns. While Elbereth has a valid point about the eliminators deciding to bus Bugsy, and some of the people cheering for Rae could be Forsworn, I would instead look to those who promised cheers for Rae but never fully delivered. People who said that they might cheer for Rae, but did not in the end. I'm looking at those who said the lynch against Bugsy was half formed, and yes, I'm looking at Bard, Jondesu and Darkness, who might have been trying to redirect the vote by accusing Straw and Living Legend. 

Elenion, I like your points, and I do believe one and two are the most likely scenarios. I do hope it's the second scenario, and that the Forsworn are still trying to get themselves coordinated. That would be excellent. 

So. Anyone has any solid suspicions?

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I happen to have just the thing, yes. :P 

Lumina parted ways from Nirgal when they got to their rooms, agreeing with him to meet again later. 

She walked into the relative safety of her room and unbelted her sword, absently hanging her razor in its place on the rack as she did so. 

Wincing, she slowly unsheathed the sword at her waist. It stank to high heaven, of course, and the sheath was equally dirtied. It was going to be a long night. 

She spent hours on the sword, washing it, polishing, soaking the sheath, meticulously making sure the blade returned to its previous condition with no hint of the ordeal it had been put through. 

At midnight, she finally lifted the blade to her nose, and all she could smell was rosewater. She smiled, and set down the sword, leaving it out so that the sheath could finish drying overnight.

After a brief stalk through the hallways and a few other bits and pieces of routine, she went to bed, waking early the next morning in order to be at the meeting on time.

As early sunlight spilled through the pale snowy forest outside her window, Lumina moved about quietly in the pale light. She dressed - black, of course. Formally, as she might dress when she was on bodyguard duty for Tiberius. 

She paused a moment in front of her rack of blades. After thinking, she picked out a katana, forged and reinforced enough to stand against a razor if necessary. This particular katana was worn crosswise across the back, so she slung it on and wrapped her razor the other way. 

Lumina came to the war room shortly afterward, about fifteen minutes early. Punctuality was rather important, particularly at a time like this. 

Everyone filtered in over the next fifteen minutes, apart from those who had been there when Lumina arrived, one and all looking at the very least uncomfortable, particularly when they saw Sevro’s head at his place. 

She ignored them all, though her gaze did land briefly on Sanis when he sauntered in, before glancing away again to stare distantly at the opposite wall.

Within the hour, it was fairly clear that Tiberius was not coming. Everyone muttered in groups to each other, eyeing everyone else in the room, until she judged the time right. 

Lumina stood and sprung onto the table around which all of the lancers were nervously sitting. Sanis sat near the end of the table furthest from Tiberius’ place, as his apparently low status as a bureaucrat manager suited him. Appearances had to be kept, after all, even if it was an open secret that Sanis was a bit more than a manager. 

Sanis,” she said quietly. Her voice carried through the now-silent room. “We have been called together to fight the Sons of Ares, and now to find Kavax’s murderer. One of us. A traitor.”

She walked down the table, soft boots making no sound against the polished surface. No one spoke. “And yet, last night, I managed to find this in your room?” She pulled out the ionBlade she’d taken from him last night. 

There were murmurs at the sight. An ionBlade? Razors were one thing, but ionBlades were quite another. And Kavax had been killed with one. 

“Traitor. Oath-breaker. Forsworn.” She cast the ionBlade at him, not caring whether he managed to catch it or not. “I declare a duel, here, now, between Sanis au [?] and Lumina au Julii. May fortune favor the faithful.”

Wonko, I challenge you to a duel of debate and of RP. :D Think we can tell a good story between us, in the next 40-whatever hours or so? :P I’m up for it if you are.  

Another post will be coming in a bit, explaining exactly what happened and why what I just did was a stupid idea and why I did it anyway and all of that. I just wanted to get this out there first, and better to separate them because that post will be plenty long enough without 500 words of RP added to it. :P 

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Spartacus gave a violent start at the accusation, whirling towards Sanis, the violent twist of betrayal twisting his heart. 

"What? What?"

An incredulous laugh issued from his mouth. Well well well. Well well well. And to think he had been more suspicious of Lumina. 

He rose to his feet from where he had sat, clapping loudly. "Well played, au Julii, well played!"

He swung around the table, clapping softly, mockingly,  as he walked towards the end, where Lumina loomed over Sanis like a silent, implacable angel of death.

"Sanis au Julii?" He called, still walking, "Meet Lumina au Julii! Lumina au Julii? Sanis au Julii." 

Finally reaching them, he grasped both of their shoulders, smiled - too widely - at them both, then released them, watching Sanis with hooded eyes. 

"Go get him, Lumina."

I have no words. No words.

Well, now you know, people, the identity of the first Julii to contact me. Sanis au Julii. The identity of the Julii I gave my plan to. The identity of the person who leaked the plan to Bugsy. The person who claimed for the last two cycles to have no items to enact our plan with. 

With an Ionblade? Hah.

Well played, Wonko. Perhaps in another cycle or so, you might have even gotten me to trust you entirely. 

Now it's very clear why only one Julii contacted me. I'm not surprised at all, knowing now who the second Julii was, heh. Perhaps it was for the best, as I've stated, I was more wary of Elbereth than I was of Wonko, and if they had both contacted me the first cycle, I would have trusted Wonko more. So that's interesting. But now, after what Wonko has told me and what Elbereth has revealed...if Elbereth is right, then Wonko is a liar.

Good job Elbereth. if you're right, you did amazingly. 

Edited by Doctor12
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Right, explanation time. One, I’m a Julii, obviously. (Thus, for instance, why I thought of Doctor’s plan almost immediately - that’s also why I never claimed to him. I was nearly certain I already knew what he was going to say, and I was correct.)

Second, I stole an ionBlade from Wonko last cycle. 

Two questions, then - why, and what does that mean? 

First, why. I had intended to make a tally of Merit earned C1, actually, but I had an unexpected doctor’s appointment this afternoon adn didn’t get home until after turnover. Fortunately, I’d put in contingency orders (because I forgot to put in ordders at all for C1…), and I happened to pick Wonko, because I remembered him as posting a lot. Apparently Doctor is who I should have picked, if I wanted the highest Merit poster apart from me, but I didn’t (and still don’t) remember that he said that much, so Wonko was who came to mind. (Also because I’d been discussing his character with him fairly recently, so he was on my mind.) And then I never got on to change it, and so I got an ionBlade in return. :D 

What does that mean? A lot. One, it means Wonko is Forsaken, obviously. 
Second, it means Bugsy’s ionBlade must’ve been there from the beginning. That makes sense to me, that the eliminators would start with an ionBlade, and obviously Bugsy wouldn’t have been able to use it (nor would a Julii be able to trade it away) before the duel last cycle. I would guess they wanted to save it for later cycles instead of using it C1, which does imply to me that they’re at the very least not organized enough to think of bussing Bugsy before last cycle, since otherwise he would’ve used/gotten rid of that ionBlade. 
Thirdly, it means that, as Doctor said, anyone who posted more Merit than that is clear. Given that Wonko and Bugsy posted the same amount (intentionally, perhaps?), it’s the same two people - Doctor and I. Personally, I also consider Doctor semi-cleared by Bugsy being Forsworn (and how much Bugsy wanted to learn Doctor’s plan, specifically), but this just solidifies that for me. 

…And Doctor just told me (in PM, before his post in thread) that Wonko is in fact the Julii who claimed to Doctor. This… actually makes a fair amount of sense. Wonko learns the plan and spills it to his teammates, and Bugsy forgets and spills in thread? That’s much more plausible than thinking that Doctor could be a SK going after Julii. 

I… think that’s all?
Oh, about ionBlades. Rae and I both have one, and since we now know that there is in fact a Forsworn Julii and who precisely they are, it’d be really nice if someone with a StunFist would use it on Wonko so neither of us get stolen from. :) 

Right. Also. This was a dumb idea. What I did? Do not do this. I could’ve used a proxy, and had that person claim to thread. This way I am much more likely to be roleblocked and/or killed within the next two cycles, which is not only sad for me but also sad for the village because I wouldn’t be able to find any other Forsworn or soft-clear any other villagers. So why did I? Well, a few different reasons - one, we just got an eliminator and are about to get another, so it’s not like my death will be too horrible for the village; two, I shouldn’t really be playing in the first place so dying isn’t necessarily a horrible thing for me; three, the idea of a RP battle in thread was really, really appealing. :P Particularly with Sanis, since his is a fantastic character (I actually had some instinctive trust for Wonko because I didn’t think he’d play his character the way he was as an eliminator. Apparently I was wrong about that.). Oh, and by releasing this this early I also sitfled game discussion this cycle, at least to an extent. So yeah. This was dumb. >> But hopefully it’s worth it. 

I think I have more strategy and thoughts floating around in my head, but it’s 11 o’clock and I have a headache, so I am going to bed. Hope I wake up to some RP, and preferably game talk as well. :) We still have all of last cycle to analyze and get suspicions from if possible, and Wonko’s past posts as well.  


Good night. 

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@Doctor12 I think I earned 4 or 5. Are there any Lunes out there that can scan Assassin in Burgundy? I would seem poetic to have The Jackal, a Forsworn. So I'm assuming you don't want to RP @Elbereth and @Elenion, want to RP? I've asked before.


Peirce woke at 0630.

He woke up thinking he was early, so he took his time getting dressed, wearing robes more to his size. He went to the bathroom, shaved with his razor, pocketing it for further use, then stepped out. 

But the corridors were empty, surely, he wasn't that early. Then realisation struck him and he made off to the War-Room. Running faster than he had ever run before. He skidded at the first corner, and received a carpet-burn on his feet, which he realised, too late, had no shoes on them.

Gorydamn this all  he cursed, hopping gingerly, he made the last few corridors to the War-Room. He pushed the door open and stumbled inside, promptly kneeling on the marble floor, refreshingly cold against his burn. 

"My lord! Forgive me for my tardiness! Please don't kill me! I swear upon my blade It shall NEVER happen again! Punish me as you see fit, but don't kill me my lord!"

"Err, Pierce, I think you can stand now, Tiberius isn't here," said a female voice that Pierce recognised.

He stood up and dusted himself off, and winced at the burns on his feet, hopefully he won't have to visit a Yellow. He nodded curtly at Lumina and the rest of the Golds gathered around the room.

"Aah, so the old man couldn't be bothered getting out of bed did he? After all those threats to us Golds who wouldn't get here?" Pierce grinned, smile faltering as everyone else's expression darkened. "Ah, ok, that's how this is...ok," he smacked his lips and sat on a spare chair at Lumina's right. The Gold on his right quickly recounted what had happened during the past hour. Pierce whistled softly, And here I was, thinking I would catch some sleep before all the drama. He shook his head, things were dreary indeed.


Huh, so we have another Forsworn aye? Wonko, Wonko, Wonko.... So there's a Julii Forsworn. I reckon one of them will be a Lune. Maybe a Rath, one Bellona, maybe two. And the rest would probs be Fabii. Would be pretty useful if I were an Elim.

And Doctor, how did u get the merit counts? Did you just go to the other cycles and guess them based on our posts?

EDIT- Soz ws forced to double post, wouldn't let me edit for some reason

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"Oh, one here or there.  Not necessarily fools though.  Sometimes it's just unavoidable though. Unfortunate, but ultimately unavoidable."  He went silent for a moment, thinking this over.  As a Scarred, all this, conflict, would probably not be expected to unsettle him, but in reality it did.  There was a reason most of his missions took place as far from the rest of humanity as possible, and a reason why he lived so far.  He spied his rooms ahead of them and bid a good night to Lumina. That hadn't been long enough for a reunion, but they'd agreed to meet again later, so it was alright.

As he entered his rooms, he flicked a switch on a small box and the far side of the room lit up with the night sky.  It wasn't the normal night sky that one might see from these parts, but instead the sky from several kilometres up in altitude, where the atmosphere thinned and the light coming down wasn't distorted nearly as much by all those gases they'd pumped into it oh so many years ago.  That sky was his home, his true home, really.  He longed to return to it, to lie in his meadows, to rest in the house he'd built himself.  But this was more important than that, or so Tiberius would have him believe.  The ArchGovernor was important by Society standards as well, so Nirgal supposed that made him objectively more important than himself.  A.. sad, thought.

He removed his shawl and left it on the side for the Browns to clean later, then put on some clothes of a less grandiose effect and lay down on his bed, staring out at the stars.  So far away, most of them.  Incredible how they could journey across the system in less than a month, and then require centuries to go anywhere else past that.  He would be the first on a ship to Proxima Centauri, or any other of those foreign parts light years away.  For once he would be a true explorer, going places no one before him had ever gone.  What a thing that would be, eh.


He awoke to shouting from further down the corridor and hurriedly dressed into something at least palatable by the haughty folk outside and rushed down towards the War Room, only a few minutes late by his reckoning, his razor wrapped in a loop through a string around his waist.  He pushed open the door towards the War Room and found his eyes resting on Sevro's disembodied head.  He felt sick.

Sevro had been another friend from the Institution, one he'd also been close to.  They hadn't had a chance to speak face to face with each other yet, but they had been talking over communications a fair lot and Nirgal had been hoping to see him soon, if only for a little while.  But now Sevro was dead, and they'd never talk again. What... he struggled to follow his own thoughts and they kept jumping from thing to thing, anything so long as it wasn't what was before him right now.

"Who did this to Sevro?" he mumbled under his breath, feeling a little faint.  Then he saw them over at the side, arguing, one of them holding an ionBlade, the other, Lumina.  What in Jove's name was happening in this place.

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Tiberius isn't coming. What a waste of time. Servo's head sits on a seat, his eyes staring into nothingness, it makes Stick's stomach churn- she looks away. 

Tiberius isn't coming. Stick considers making her way back to her rooms when Lumina gets up and jumps onto the table in a quick motion and....wow. Sanis? Stick didn't get a chance to personally talk to him, but he seemed trusted enough by the other lancers. Oh well.

Tiberius isn't coming. But another fight sure is. Stick grins, and hopes this one turns out just as well as the last one did. None of the Forsworn came to the defence of Servo, so maybe none would come to Sanis' either. She wished she had popcorn as she cheers Lumina on.

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21 minutes ago, Wonko the Sane said:

You had doubt? Huh. My compatriots had been trying to convince me that I could still be saved. I guess they were right. Oh well.

You can't make a decision without hearing both sides, no matter how convincing one side may be :P


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Cheering Elbereth (is this the right colour?  I really can't tell...)

Now, El raised concerns about hindering game talk for the cycle, which isn't good at all.   I guess I'll start...

@Dankness Ascendant, I think 7 eliminators is far too many for a small player amount like we have, even with the disadvantages the eliminators had.  5 and at a push 6 seems more likely.  A quarter of the players as eliminators is discomforting as well.

Next, I went through the players who've only RPed since Doc's list yesterday and updated it:

  • Burnt Spaghetti
  • Lady of Chaos
  • Jefry
  • Wonko the Sane

We're all pretty sure Wonko is Forsworn, so let's consider the others.  The thing about RP is, as someone before me who I've forgotten has pointed out), it's fairly good cover for an eliminator who doesn't want to post anything incriminating.  Quite a few people posted actual game discussion since Doc pointed this out, so it's good to keep them in mind in case they are just responding to Doc's prompt in order to avoid the very suspicion I'm having now.  If these people could post game talk that would be nice.

Next, @Assassin in Burgundy cheered for Rae last round to "avoid vote manipulation".  So this is a strategy that the village came up with in LG25 because the eliminators were using a vote manipulation a lot.  This is because literally everyone in the game had access to vote manipulation.  This strategy has then been carried on to other games where it really doesn't apply because there is not nearly as much vote manipulation.  There are gonna be 1, 2, maybe 3 vote manip roles in this game, and not all of them can be elims.  There is very little chance of the vote being skewed towards Bugsy at all.  Thing is, it's also a good way of getting on the village's good side by helping to bus a fellow teammate.  So, keep that all in mind.

Finally, both El and Doc are reading village a fair deal to me, both of them having helped supported both of the past two lynches, El having iniated this duel and Doc having his plan leaked by eliminators.  I'm kind of suspicious of Asssassin because of aforementioned points and also of Jondesu but that's more gut than anything.

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6 hours ago, Magestar said:

Wow.  All the reveals.  This looks pretty conclusive, so Elbereth.  I do think I'd like to hear Wonko's end, however.   I also hope this doesn't kill discussion. :P 

That was one of the reasons I debated with myself for a while before doing this, yes. Having someone else reveal about halfway through the cycle would've been a smarter play. But... I'm not doing this for strategy. I'm doing it for fun. This kind of thing is memorable. This is what you tell stories about, later. And that's worth more than doing the optimum strategy, in my opinion. 

2 hours ago, Wonko the Sane said:

You had doubt? Huh. My compatriots had been trying to convince me that I could still be saved. I guess they were right. Oh well.

Eh... yeah, you could've made some arguments. You could've said (if you hadn't told Doctor you had no items to trade) that you traded the ionBlade from someone else and then I traded it from you (since there'd be a 50/50 chance of that). could've tried to accuse me of not being Julii at all, although it's pretty easy to guess I wouldn't sign my own death warrant like that. Could've said you had an ionBlade from the beginning of the game, actually. That wouldn't have been a bad argument at all - the fact that you had no items to trade doesn't mean you don't have an ionBlade, only that you're not willing to trade it. I could actually see that as having saved you. But, hey. If you just want to reveal, that's fine by me. :P 

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