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Szeth's Facepalm

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Szeth's Facepalm last won the day on April 5 2023

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About Szeth's Facepalm

  • Birthday November 1

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    At nothing. That way you will hit it every time.
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    Like the ICU, but it's an Intensive Care Quokka.
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    I like capybaras :3
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    jabber? jabər? ɹǝqqɐɾ? յׁׅɑׁׅ֮ϐׁׅ֒ϐׁׅ֒ꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ? ꠹ꪖ᥇᥇ꫀ᥅? j̶̙͚̗̟̃̐̃̉̂̈̔̋̈́͝ā̵̱ḇ̶̛͕͓̙͓̜̯̉̃͘b̴̢̖̜̬̪͍̦͑̿̈é̴̡̨͍̲̫̘̰̈́͊̒͌̆͆͜r̴͕͕̣̦͍̜͊̃͗?ʝǟɮɮɛʀ? ᏠᏗᏰᏰᏋᏒ? ʝąცცɛཞ?????
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    I haven't used skype in years...

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    Due to scheduling issues, Wednesday has been cancelled.
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    Right behind you.
  • Interests
    Mushrooms (especially the red spotted ones)
    Maggie Steifvater
    Having the heads of my enemies fashioned into a tankard for drinking w/ Drehy, Skar, and Adolin
    Reading (especially The Raven Cycle, Stormlight Archive, and Neverwhere)
    Not being wanted by the government
    Gerbil snorting w/ my pals from the freelands
    Pretending to be older than I actually am
    Attempting (and sometimes succeding) to write
    Attempting (and sometimes succeding) to draw
    Disney cartoons
    Dream Sweet in Sea Major
    The Magnus Archives
    The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir
    Peanut MnMs

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    @Elf: ELf! I still remember how we "met": we were arguing over who could stay on TLPW the longest, and then you asked me to check out some writing you had done in Creator's Corner. from that fateful day has sprung a wonderful friendship :D you're a cool person and a great writer,  not to mention how we have the same (excellent) taste in books. you're an awesome person, keep it up!

    @King of the Oreo: *runs in happy circles* OREOOO! My favorite sharder! Your SA art trade piece is my computer background:  you were my first follower and, quite literally, the only reason I've continued drawing. That fan mail you sent me a long time ago (which you probably don’t remember) really inspired me, especially because I didn’t like how my art looked then and also thought (and still think- though I’m trying not to compare mine to others now hehe) yours was way better than mine. You’re a really cool person. I promise I'll get that elantris art done soon!

    @Doomslug The Destroyer: DOOMIEEE ma boi!!!!! Reasons why Doomie is amazing: 1. He is an incredible writer  2. He is very good at romantic advices 3. He has fabulous hair 4. He gives off excellent vibes 5. He is an awesome person :D love you bro! (and idk why but it won't let me change the text so it's not bold lol)

    ok, those were pretty long. the rest will be shorter, not because I like the rest of you less lol but because I'm supposed to be doing my math homework rn ;-;

    @Thaidakar the Ghostblood my shardbuddy!! I read TLT like a novel bro, good work. 

    @Sequence my colorful friend! DEATH TO ALL MONOCHROME AND COLOR FOREVER!

    @The Storming Stormfather I know we don't interact that much, but I will never forget the time you took away two of my reps so I could get a screenshot of 420 rep. you did a great service to humankind that day, mad respect.

    @DramaQueen @Channelknight Fadran you guys are SO nice. at risk of sounding like an old person, you are pillar stones of the Shard community and it would most certainly not be the same without you (lol I did sound like an old person). Fadran, I haven't gotten around to reading all of the Iconar Collective yet but I will soon! Queen, I am turning into a theatre kid lmao, so if you have any musical suggestions I'd always love them :D

    @Robin Sedai you are sweet and cool and nice and funny and awesome :D

    @Mystic Syn love love LOOOOVE your art! hang in there bro <3

    @i am a fish (not gonna actually tag him cause he's scary) I really love how you acknowledge my existence on here and how you interact with me,  it really makes me feel like you value me as a friend and a cousin <3


    jk I know you you've barely even been on here since I made an account and tbh I would be embarrassed to be related to me if I were you

    @Experience you are an honorary minor for life. you're awesome bro :D

    @Dannnex you've been giving off annoyed older brother vibes recently and i am absolutely living for it. keep it up lol

    @Morningtide you are really good at checking SUs and also you are cool :D

    @#1 Taln Fan absolute mad respect to coppermind editors. also mad respect to you individually cause you're awesome <3



    the cosmere and the shard have gotten me through some tough times, and I'm so glad I could find this fun nerdy community that I really fit into. never forget: Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Elf


      Ohhh man i missed your shardiversary I'm so sorry! I also remember that day, it was the start of something AWESOME

    3. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      IM BACK


      just now saw this. 

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