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Long Game 69: The Politics of the Passions


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2 hours ago, Illwei said:

I never said you posted vote counts or asked questions. I- I said you performed one of the three activities. You seem awfully defensive there? but I mean villagers can be defensive too.

I thought the last post was a lot clearer on what I meant than the other post, but-


Oooh sorry

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So anyways I just did that completely relateable thing where you dip your paintbrush into a glass of milk instead of the white paint and there hasn't been much activity here so I might as well post some of my...reads? thoughts? probably thoughts. I'm still not sure which posts are ai for either side, so...everyone is a shade of null. sorry. anyways-

Experience - Uh, didn’t really say much except for analysis, and only 3 people so far - Null+ ?
Matrim - Asks a question that if he was elim he might have asked in the elim doc instead, Weird vote shenanigans, seems to be scared of acting on his suspicions? - Null
Lotus - Uh, wants to be killed, going inactive?
TJ Shade - thinks he found a elim tell on Sart, not saying it. Understandable, but could be an elim trying to start a lynch without any proof? Idk we’ll see as time goes on - Null/gut vil
Frozen Mint - adds a vote so sart’s target, says something is off about TJ’s lynch on Sart - Null
Kynedath - posts table and passion analysis, kinda falls into my “posting things but not saying anything” category so - Null/sus same level as sart
Vapor - Voted people for them to join the sicdussion, didn’t join the discussion herself, being generally defensive - Null/sus 
Silber - Typical Silber?
Elkanah - Posted some sort of code, posts feel just a tad bit chaotic. Null//?
Pyro - Been inactive, asked people what they thought about lotus but didn’t actually say anything - Null/sus same level as Vapor
Ashbringer - Doesn’t see role analysis as AI
Sart - opens the tables discussion, doesn’t really contribute? I mean, kinda does. Kind doesn’t. - Null/sus? Maybe at a bit lower level than Pyro and Vapor
Elandera - weird vote shenanigans? First thing they do is defend a lynchee, resulting in said lynch-er immediately removing the vote? - Null/gut vil

Kind of unrelated personal opinion: if you state that a vote is a poke vote then it defeats the purpose of the poke vote. 

Edited by Illwei
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1 hour ago, Illwei said:

Matrim - Asks a question that if he was elim he might have asked in the elim doc instead, Weird vote shenanigans, seems to be scared of acting on his suspicions. - Null

Vote shenanigans? I just changed it a lot xD, if that's what you were referring to. What makes you think I'm scared of acting on my suspicions? Last cycle I didn't really have any when I voted (I don't really count Elk/Kyne, because they were weird guts, and Elk is relatively active) so I just went with the visible reasoning I agreed with the most, that being yours. Now, though, I actively suspect Lotus/Vapor, and intend to vote on one of them next cycle, unless something happens that would convince me otherwise. (Like a scan result, or something of the sort.)

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Just now, Illwei said:

Wait, yeah. I had in my mind that Kyne was your suspicion, but you were following Elk on that weren't you.

Yes :P. Which is why it's weird, because Elk was my only other suspicion. That's why I didn't vote on either of them.

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21 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

what made you vote Mist?

I voted on Mist because they were the best choice among the current lynch candidates, and I wanted to vote on a current lynch candidate to see how vote patterns would shift. Voting on a new player at that point in the cycle wouldn't have been much of a threat and votes without much teeth don't prompt much action, which doesn't give us any hints on who the elims are.

18 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

 I have a feeling that I figured out an elim tell, so I will not be telling my reasons now because if Sart is an elim, he'd avoid doing it in the future. 

10 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

My reason was essentially that Mint was trying to get you to say why you suspected Sart, and that she seemed to be thinking it would be suspicious of you not to share. I don’t like that.

I don't think it was suspicious. I thought it was strange and I couldn't think of a reason for it early in D1 since there wasn't any way that TJ could have had secret information. I did have a slight dislike of the approach. Reasoning behind reads is what drives thread discussion and, consequently, what eventually reveals who the elims are. But if TJ feels that keeping it to himself is best so that he can keep an eye on Sart, that's valid. I'll just respectfully disagree.


I'm having trouble getting elim reads, which isn't surprising for me in early game. Reading Ash more as village, for being direct and straightforward of their suspicion of a villager (i.e. me). :P Especially since he doesn't have a longer list of suspicions he can "hide" behind.

Edited by Frozen Mint
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1 minute ago, Frozen Mint said:

I voted on Mist because they were the best choice among the current lynch candidates, and I wanted to vote on a current lynch candidate to see how vote patterns would shift. Voting on a new player at that point in the cycle wouldn't have been much of a threat and votes without much teeth don't prompt much action, which doesn't give us any hints on who the elims are.

Yes, but why did you think that Mist was the best choice? That's what I'm trying to (and having serious trouble to) understand.

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Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

Yes, but why did you think that Mist was the best choice? That's what I'm trying to (and having serious trouble to) understand.

To be honest, it was a very "I have to vote on someone fast" decision because I thought the cycle ended the next day since I messed up the time conversion. :P I had village reads on you and Kynedath, so those options were out. It's harder for me to explain why I chose to vote on Mist over Vapor. Vapor's posts just seemed very similar to how his posts always are, but to be honest, it was mostly gut read. I didn't have much time to look into it.

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1 minute ago, Frozen Mint said:

To be honest, it was a very "I have to vote on someone fast" decision because I thought the cycle ended the next day since I messed up the time conversion. :P I had village reads on you and Kynedath, so those options were out. It's harder for me to explain why I chose to vote on Mist over Vapor. Vapor's posts just seemed very similar to how his posts always are, but to be honest, it was mostly gut read. I didn't have much time to look into it.

Okay. (Also, Vapor is female) 

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Yadsv looked at the faces in front of her, she couldn't believe her ears as the advisers in front of her detailed the conversation they had heard between Elandera and a stranger, detailing the current events of the campaign. Elandera had been one of her top advisers for several years, this didn't seem like her at all! Unfortunately, with all of these people claiming to be witnesses, she didn't have a choice but to believe it. Especially with the rumours of moles in amongst her crew. With a resigned sigh, she opened her office door and called the adviser in. A few moments later, the press watched as Elandera left the building with a box in her hands, her desk cleared away. 

Elandera has been killed, she was a member of the loyal campaign staff. 

Day Two has begun, and it will end in approximately 48 hours, Friday September 4rd at 0100 UTC

Player List

  1. Experience - Shard
  2. Illwei
  3. Matrims Dice - Phil
  4. Lotus - Sunwalker
  5. TJ Shade - Ylns
  6. Frozen Mint
  7. Kynedath - Tktk
  8. Vapor
  9. Lord Silberfarben
  10. Elkanah - Lknik (a possible addict)
  11. The Young Pyromancer - Mancia Young
  12. Ashbringer - Faleast
  13. Mist - Tara Night Loyal Campaign Staff
  14. Sart the Bard
  15. Elandera Loyal Campaign Staff
Edited by Zillah
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8 minutes ago, Lord_Silberfarben said:

i just want to say i got research and saw sart as Loyal Campaign Staff

lol. So I guess that...that clears Sart and...kinda...you...unless you both are elims and you're just trying to clear him, or you're an elim trying to get village cred by pointing out a villager to get village cred...
My paranoia is completely under control I swear.
I mean, I just realized that there isn't really a downside to claiming to see people's alignment is there? (...isn't there?) because anyone could be an alignment scanner at any turn :P.

Edited by Illwei
lol I posted the same thing as matrim at the same time (just in a lot more unnecessary words, huh.)
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6 minutes ago, Lord_Silberfarben said:

I just want to say I got research and saw Sart as Loyal Campaign Staff

I'm going to assume this is true. Could technically be an E-E but that seems too risky for C1, and it also could be E-V, I suppose. I'm gonna assume though that it's a V-V interaction.

Edit: Ninja'd

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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I would say that Sart is somewhat cleared now but not Silb. An elim has nothing to lose by confirming a villager. I suppose they might want to keep their options open for future mislynches, but this could also be an easy way to try and gain some village cred.

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Hmm. I'll do this a bit quicker than I had anticipated I would. Lotus.

I'm keeping the reason for the earliness of this to myself, at least for now. Similar to what TJ did, I suppose.

Actually, now that I think about it, @TJ Shade, what do you have to say about Silber's supposed village scan of Sart? How do you view your hidden reasoning for suspecting Sart now?

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I’m honestly great with being lynched. Stuff keeps pilling up on my plate and I set an absurdly high word count goal for this month.


Also, with the whole Sart/Silber thing I think we can’t really know either way. Maybe someone could check Silber with a alignment check, that would clear both definetly.

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1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Actually, now that I think about it, @TJ Shade, what do you have to say about Silber's supposed village scan of Sart? How do you view your hidden reasoning for suspecting Sart now?

My hidden reasoning was based on a single post of Sart's. It was based on something I have observed as being increasingly used by elims, but it's not a strict elim-only alignment indicative, as it's not impossible for villagers to do it as well. But because I've seen it being used by elims more, I wanted to see if my theory is true. Apparently not.

About the claim, I've not seen Silber pulling any risky moves in the past, so I'll believe his claim (albeit with raised eyebrows). He knows that if anyone gets Research next he'll be the likely target (and yeah, if anyone else does get Research, consider using it on Silber) so this was definitely a high-risk move for an elim. 

For the person who sent me an anonymous message: No.

Since roles are not permanent in the game, I intend to reveal my actions for each Night in the following Day in the interest of transparency to provide more info. I got Passion of Passions from Table II and I chose to role-block Elkanah. I figured if Vapor and Lotus are elims, they wouldn't submit elim kills since they would be the obvious choice to role-block, so I went with one of the fringe voters who did not participate in Vapor-Mist voting. So he did not submit the elim kill, but still could be an elim. He could have redirected my role-block onto someone else but I'm not sure if elims can use 2 actions per Night. @Zillah, can an eliminator use both elim kill and the Passion action during the same night?

Lotus is not doing us any favors, because if she's village, elims have a proper reason to bandwagon because she voted on herself and we'd get very less info from such a voting cycle. So I'll be voting for Vapor because elim!Vapor would given more evidence to elim!Lotus, but not the other way around.

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9 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

Since roles are not permanent in the game, I intend to reveal my actions for each Night in the following Day in the interest of transparency to provide more info. 

That's probably a good idea :P and in my case is the reason I voted on Lotus so quickly.

I chose Table II and received the Passion of Sabotage. I then used it to roleblock Lotus. It succeeded, but then Lotus claimed this:

12 hours ago, Lotus said:

So, someone targeted me with the passion of coercion last night. At least that’s what I assume it was, because my table is decided...

And I don't know if this would even happen if she was roleblocked. I certainly think it's interesting that she didn't mention it. @Lotus, were you told you were roleblocked? If so, why not mention it?

9 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

Lotus is not doing us any favors, because if she's village, elims have a proper reason to bandwagon because she voted on herself and we'd get very less info from such a voting cycle. So I'll be voting for Vapor because elim!Vapor would given more evidence to elim!Lotus, but not the other way around.

This is a good point, but I'll wait for Lotus's response before switching to Vapor.

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Sorry everyone, I'm back.

13 hours ago, Zillah said:

Day Two has begun, and it will end in approximately 48 hours, Tuesday September 3rd at 0100 UTC

I have so many questions. :wacko:

approximately 48 hours should be Friday September 4th at 0100, right?

Neither Tuesday nor September 3?

13 hours ago, Zillah said:

Elandera has been killed, she was a member of the loyal campaign staff. 

Why Mist and Elandera? I will not be lynching or killing either of you for a good long time after this game.

13 hours ago, Lord_Silberfarben said:

i just want to say i got research and saw sart as Loyal Campaign Staff

Awesome. Thank you for sharing! This is more information than I've had on day two in a while. 

As a note on this development, anyone with a protect today should consider protecting Sart. Silberfarben is very unlikely to be elim killed. IF he's village and found Sart, the elims can't kill him without proving Sart is good. If he's elim, he won't be targeted by elims anyway.

13 hours ago, Lotus said:

So, someone targeted me with the passion of coercion last night. At least that’s what I assume it was, because my table is decided...

I'm not alone! :)

13 hours ago, Illwei said:

I mean, I just realized that there isn't really a downside to claiming to see people's alignment is there? (...isn't there?) because anyone could be an alignment scanner at any turn :P.

No, but there's a decent upside for you whichever team you're on.

10 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

For the person who sent me an anonymous message: No.

You reject my kind offer?! For this you must die!!! TJ Shade!!!

10 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

 I got Passion of Passions from Table II and I chose to role-block Elkanah.

Oh. Well this is awkward. TJ Shade

I mean

10 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

 I got Passion of Passions from Table II and I chose to role-block Elkanah.

How dare you!! TJ Shade!!!

10 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

So he did not submit the elim kill

Oh wait, this is a good thing. TJ Shade

10 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

but still could be an elim.

Heyyyy! <_<

10 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

He could have redirected my role-block onto someone else but I'm not sure if elims can use 2 actions per Night.

I don't think they can, but that's all beside the point because I chose table three like I said. Oh, I guess survival is on there too. I didn't quite get narcotics, but I got the next best thing. Coercion! :) Greatest of passions. except I couldn't use it because of reasons (naming no Shades).


Sorry this post is all responses and no accusations. I'll do what I can to go back and find real suspicions. I failed a kind of important test on Monday and need to do a lot to make that up, so it's likely you won't see me again for the next ten to twelve hours. Go ahead and @ me with anything you want a direct response about, but I'll definitely do another one of these catch up posts either way.

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36 minutes ago, Elkanah said:

You reject my kind offer?! For this you must die!!! TJ Shade!!!

Before others misunderstand, there wasn't any kind of offer in the PM I received, so I doubt Elkanah was the one who AN-PM'd me. He is probably joking here. xD

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1 hour ago, Elkanah said:

You reject my kind offer?! For this you must die!!! TJ Shade!!!

12 hours ago, TJ Shade said:


1 hour ago, TJ Shade said:

Before others misunderstand, there wasn't any kind of offer in the PM I received, so I doubt Elkanah was the one who AN-PM'd me. He is probably joking here. xD


Just now, The Young Pyromancer said:

And now we know the PM probably did not contain an offer. Nice job, Elkanah.

Uhh... I'm confused :P @Elkanah please clarify, thanks.

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