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Thanks to those who summoned me/PMd me.

Life has been... Interesting. My sister was hospitalised last week, among other things, and I've struggled to catch up.

I've analysed nearly 250 posts today, from D1 (I did N1 a while back), but have a long way to go. I'm expecting to be caught up by the end of the week, at the current rate, but will try to be done sooner.

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Contribution Crusade Report:

I PMed everyone yesterday in the name of the Contribution Crusade. The following people have not replied or read the PM yet.


Gamma Fiend



Just sharing in case anyone wants to draw any conclusions from this info.


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Night 10: Rinse and Repeat

There was a stench of desperation on the villagers, as they went about trying to find their latest target of the lynch mob. It had been some time since they’d last hunted down one of those that were pierced by metal, but the death toll kept rising. So they still had work to do… didn’t they?

What if they had actually already found the last one and they were just killing each other over nothing? How would they be able to establish a decent defense before the Koloss arrived at this rate? Especially with most of them still being so divided?

No. They couldn’t afford to think that way. They would keep fighting and keep striving until they either won the day or everyone was dead.

Besides, they felt they had a good lead on who the Spiked was today. Ever since Cassius had been found dead in the remnants of the Letter Sixteen, rumors had spread like wildfire about the inn’s proprietor. What if he had been the one to poison Cassius? He would have had access to the liquor supply after all. And no one had really heard from his since the incident.

They finally found Grumbles in the basement of the Letter Sixteen. In their haste, they had entirely forgotten about the cellar until after they had ransacked half the town.

As the villagers approached, they noticed that there was something very, very wrong with the man they knew as Grumbles. He crouched in the corner, facing the wall. He was rocking back and forth while scrubbing at a single spot on the floor. It looked at if he had been there for awhile, as there was a clear indentation in the ground from where he had scrubbed the floor smooth.

“1, 2, 3. It’s all gone wrong,” Grumbles would mutter. “1, 2, 3. It will never be clean again.”

Surely this was the rantings of one of those Spiked, right?

“1, 2, 3. Not even fire can cleanse the bloodstains.”

The villagers nodded to each other, feeling some of the tension leave them. This had to be confirmation. They were doing the right thing here and would be vindicated. They raised their weapons high, read to slay the evil lurking amongst them.

So you can imagine their disappointment when they found no spikes and no metal piercings of any sort afterwards.

Day 9 is over and Night 10 begins. You have 24 hours.

Gamma Fiend was lynched! They were a Regular Villager!

PMs are now CLOSED again! I repeat, you can no longer send any PMs!

Gamma Fiend (4)- Assassin in Burgundy, Jondesu, Herowannabe, Araris
Assassin in Burgundy (2)- Magestar, Wilson
Magestar (2)- Joe in the Bush, Hemalurgic Headshot
Stink (1)- Wyrmhero
I am Stick (1)- Sart

No Votes (10)- Elbereth, Wonko, Orlok, Gamma Fiend, Bugsy, Stink, Droughtbringer, Conquestor, I am Stick, Seonid


Player List


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova) Village Soother
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg]) Survived!
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat) Regular Villager
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents) Spiked Mistborn
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives) Village Seeker
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum) Regular Villager
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist) Village Thug
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip) Village Rioter
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat) Regular Villager
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook) Survived!
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly) Village Soother
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist) Regular Villager
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky) Village Lurcher
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk) Village Thug
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac) Spiked Mistborn
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly) Village Smoker
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist)
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity) Regular Villager
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist) Survived!
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)


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Day 10: The Wrong Questions

And while this pseudo worship seems to still be in its fledgling stages, there is an ancient feel to it as well. Perhaps these Spiked have emulated parts from other religions? Perhaps that is part of why they have such a dedication and intrinsic piercings? Could they have pulled on the teachings of the Canzi people?

Alas, there is still little known, but I shall record what we do know for later perusal.

There seems to also be some connections to Jaism, as the followers of this religion are consistently bringing up the concept of ruining things. This may, in fact, be why they are here in the first place. We view them as malicious (and if we are being quite honest, they are), but they could just be following the tenets of their religion. This could be less a coordinated attack and more of a display of zealousness.

I brought up before the metallic piercings and their connection to the Canzi. To expound on this further, the suggestion has serious merit when considering not only the precision of the piercing, but also the location. I have beared witness to some incredible feats that show a higher understanding of human biology. I have seen piercings that have gone through the heart and yet, must have not punctured anything vital, as the subject lived on. I have seen spikes wedged within shoulders that did not inhibit the movement of the subject in any way.

This would not normally be remarkable. Inquisitors are capable of living on with those spikes driven through their eyes* after all. But these Spiked are not Inquisitors and they seem to have no connection to the Steel Ministry. In fact, in the few times that I have had the opportunity to listen to one, they seem to have a derisiveness for anyone and everyone.

I have yet to hear one name some form of figurehead for their religion. The closest they have come is in their devotion to the idea of ruination. I have yet to hear their thoughts on the rewards of an afterlife as well. Perhaps there is no god form? And if so, does this deregulate this fledgling religion to more of a philosophy rather than a doctrine?

I shall continue my research, but recently, I have begun to fear that the constant pressure these Spiked have unleashed upon the town will be the cause of my death before I can complete my research.

Thus, I write to you with my initial findings; so that you may continue to monitor them in the face of my possible absence. I do not hasten towards my death, but I will not waver from the possibility of it if it means that I will learn something new.


*Note: this may be another area from which these Spiked have pulled from the religions of others. More research is required in the matter.

The Spiked read through the note. Annix, or at least what had been Annix, laid slumped over in his chair with a dagger in his back. The kill had been quick and, frankly, disappointingly easy. They had caught Annix in the middle of transferring information back into his copperminds and so there was literally nothing Annix could have done to stop them.

When they finished the letter, they tossed it down, into the pool of blood that was forming on the ground with a scoff and a shake of their head.

“He should’ve just asked,” they said as they turned and walked away.

Such a busy Night! I’m surprised I could even keep up! :P Night 10 has ended and Day 10 begins! You have 48 hours.

Bugsy was attacked! He was a Regular Villager!

Good Luck!


Player List


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova) Village Soother
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg]) Survived!
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat) Regular Villager
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents) Spiked Mistborn
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives) Village Seeker
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum) Regular Villager
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist) Village Thug
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip) Village Rioter
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat) Regular Villager
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook) Survived!
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly) Village Soother
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist) Regular Villager
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky) Village Lurcher
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk) Village Thug
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac) Spiked Mistborn
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly) Village Smoker
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist) Regular Villager
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity) Regular Villager
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist) Survived!
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)


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Right now, by my count we have 18 people still alive. With the Exception of Wonko and maybe one or two others, everybody else has been reasonably active. It is still far too early in the game for discussion to be dying off. So let's hear your suspicions everyone! 

@A Joe in the Bush I'm especially interested in hearing your suspicions, seeing as your the only confirmed player left that's still active.

As for voting, I'm tempted to cast a vote for @Hemalurgic_Headshot- his posts just haven't felt right to me lately- but I hesitate to do so because he's actually one of the most active players right now. I might vote for @STINK or @Wonko the Sane for inactivity, but I'm not sure that's the best move at this point. @DroughtBringer, if you are a Coinshot, why did you not attack an inactive last night? Or someone you suspect? I assume that's what Joe is asking about, too  

also, when I sent out all the Contribution Crusade PMs I received a couple requests from people returning to activity to summarize what had happened so far to make it easier for them to catch up. I would love to do that, but I just don't have the time. Could somebody else please put together such a summary? Thanks.

On the 10th day after this terrible business began, Herwynbe called a meeting in his Master's manor. Where once the Great Hall had been filled near to bursting with noisy guests, eagerly devouring food faster than the servants could bring it out to them, half the seats in the hall were empty. The people that had gathered sat apart from each other, casting suspicious glances at patrons at nearby tables and openly glaring at anybody who came closer than that. 

Herwynbe stood before the somber group- it couldn't really be called a "crowd" anymore- and began speaking. "Fellow citizens of Tyrian Falls, my master thanks you for coming tonight. We have all suffered losses during recent days, primarily due to the actions of those 'pierced by metal.' They may take our lives, but we must not let them take our hope. If we withdraw from one another and shrink back into solitude and isolation, it only enables these traitors to do as they please- to bring ruin down upon our heads. This is what they desire- to divide us asunder. We must work together if we are to root them out of our midst! So please, I ask of you, speak. Discuss. Share your thoughts, your hopes, your fears, and yes, even your accusations with each other, that we may find and purge these evil persons from among us."

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Carmichael had decided it was time to leave town.  Things were getting hectic, and he knew he couldn't stay here much longer.   So, he had gathered his things, bought a cart, and was going to attempt to leave town as soon as possible.  He had spent the last three nights quietly moving his things to a small cave just outside of town, and he was almost ready.  He had also left a list of his notes in the hands of someone he trusted, in exchange for some small favors.  And now, here he was, in the center of town.  Annix was dead now, as well.  He was running out of friends, and the people who remained were growing steadily more suspicious of him.  When he was gone, he had made sure that people would find out who he was.  It was all written down, somewhere nice and safe.  He sighed.  He'd miss this place.  It held many memories, for him.  But now, with the Koloss practically visible on the horizon, and the spiked growing more powerful every day, it was time to leave.  Hefting a bag over his shoulder, Carmichael began to slowly walk out of town.

Ok then. :P  Carmichael's feelings express my own pretty thoroughly, so I'm not sure exactly what else to say.  I think that my death will honestly do the village more good than anything else I can do.  However, if a lynch on someone else does pick up, I'd be happy to lynch them instead of me, obviously. :P  I do think that the village can still win, but we need a couple good lynches, and I'm honestly unsure what to do.  A big group of people have gotten really quiet, myself included, so my analysis skills, weak as they are, can't really do anything.  Personally, I'd like to lynch El, who I think has basically gone inactive, and I was also suspicious of, and who I'm curious of how she's survived this long.  I'd also lynch almost anyone else, because I have so little to go on.

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Aralis was disappointed in the town. After all the kerfuffle they had made about the "Spiked" and "Koloss," it seemed like everyone was just going to lie down and die. But if they thought about it a while (which Aralis had), then they would realize that there really couldn't be that many people trying to throw the town into chaos, regardless of what they were called. Aralis had been alive long enough to see some skaa rebellions, and the relative success of those had hinged on their small size and secrecy. Well, whatever was going on in Tyrian Falls certainly seemed small, and the discovery of two perpetrators both decreased the size further and took away a large part of the secrecy. If this was a skaa rebellion, and the Inquisitors had caught two rebels, the whole thing would have been over in a couple days. Surely the townfolk, deluded as they were, could manage to put up some resistance.

So as Aralis put it, this game is nowhere near over. I mean, I expect there to have been a total of  ~6 elims this game, based on the square root rule. That is now down to four (again, based on my assumption). With 18 players left, we are still ahead of the game in that the square root of 18 is greater than 4. Not only that, but we aren't shooting blindly in the dark, either! We have 9 days and 10 nights worth of discussion and actions to go with. Even if we started over and completely ignored the parts of the game that have happened, we are winning. The strongest ability is the power to vote, and we all have that left. If you feel overwhelmed by what has happened so far, look at the list of confirmed players, and then play as if it was Day 1! That is far better than not contributing at all. If you can look at the lynches of Dalinar and Nyali, even better!

Now I said all of that, but I am right in the middle of my school day, so I'll be back in a bit and actually put together some analysis and a vote.

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I'm voting for Elbereth. I had asked drought to kill her last night, because she was one of the few people who refused to reveal their role, for reasons of 'PM safety'. That, combined with her inactivity made her the best target I had.

I'm also perfectly fine with lynching magestar, or really any of the smokers. We have far to many smokers for Arinian to have seeked so successfully.

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45 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

So as Aralis put it, this game is nowhere near over. I mean, I expect there to have been a total of  ~6 elims this game, based on the square root rule. That is now down to four (again, based on my assumption). With 18 players left, we are still ahead of the game in that the square root of 18 is greater than 4. Not only that, but we aren't shooting blindly in the dark, either! We have 9 days and 10 nights worth of discussion and actions to go with. Even if we started over and completely ignored the parts of the game that have happened, we are winning. The strongest ability is the power to vote, and we all have that left. If you feel overwhelmed by what has happened so far, look at the list of confirmed players, and then play as if it was Day 1! That is far better than not contributing at all. If you can look at the lynches of Dalinar and Nyali, even better!

You're right, Araris. :P  I had thought of this earlier, but it was after I had written the RP and liked how it sounded. :P Carmichael.  I'm back!  Heeheehee.

1 minute ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

I'm also perfectly fine with lynching magestar, or really any of the smokers. We have far to many smokers for Arinian to have seeked so successfully.

I've only been using my ability on myself, to make sure that my vote couldn't be moved.

Carmichael turned back, tears in his eyes.  After talking to the old town grump, he had seen things in a new light!  He would save this town.  If anyone could do it, he could.  He cracked his knuckles, ready to start.  First of all, he'd have to at least put all of his furniture back.  That would be easy enough.  But who to lynch?  El seemed like a good choice.  She'd been unusually quiet lately, and an apothecary would have plenty of opportunities to kill someone.  Yes, that'd be a good place to start.  Carmichael strode towards the center of town, to spread the word.

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3 hours ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

@Herowannabe, IIRC Wonko was scanned by Arinian. 

I knew that, and I knew that we didn't want to lynch Wonko. I honestly don't know why I said that. That's what I get for posting at 7:00 in the morning without getting enough sleep the night before. :rolleyes:  

27 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

I'm voting for Elbereth. I had asked drought to kill her last night, because she was one of the few people who refused to reveal their role, for reasons of 'PM safety'. That, combined with her inactivity made her the best target I had.

I'm also perfectly fine with lynching magestar, or really any of the smokers. We have far to many smokers for Arinian to have seeked so successfully.

I support lynching  Elbereth.  Those are some good reasons you've listed and since you are the one confirmed active player we have left and the one that PM'd everyone looking for info, there's no reason NOT to vote along with you. 

However, I fear that if everyone simply votes along with Joe that it will squash discussion even more than it has been already. @A Joe in the Bush, could I ask you to maybe share a handful of your suspicions with us? That would at least give us something to start discussing, and it's a probably a good idea to get that out in the open in case the Eliminators come after you next and you don't have any protection. 

You mentioned going after smokers. I can agree with that, for reasons we briefly discussed in our PM. Also, as I think about it, the eliminators most likely have at least one smoker, maybe two. But if ONE eliminator can burn copper, then TWO of them can safely claim smoker to you. I take it from your comments and from Magestar's post that he is a smoker, and I'd be curious to know who the others are.

Before you tell us who they are (if you decide to), can anyone think of a good reason why it would be a bad idea for the village to know who has claimed to be a smoker? I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm still tired and might not be thinking clearly, and I don't want to suggest something that might end up hurting us.

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On 2/7/2017 at 7:09 PM, A Joe in the Bush said:

I'm voting for Elbereth. I had asked drought to kill her last night, because she was one of the few people who refused to reveal their role, for reasons of 'PM safety'. That, combined with her inactivity made her the best target I had.

I stood in the crowd assembled in the town square, listening to Jack go and rile people up. Mob justice, huh? Yeah, right. There's no justice in mobs of any kind. Just a load of anger and pain that something in the world isn't right and that only violence will solve it. Leave the peacekeeping to people like myself. ...Well, not myself, not anymore. I wasn't an enforcer, hadn't been for many years now, I just investigated. The militia would be the ones making any sort of arrest. I looked into things and hoped to protect people that way. If I gave the right information to the right people, things would work out. That was the idea, anyway. How true it was... Well, that was anyone's guess. Better to light a candle than curse the darkness, I've heard it said. Some days though, felt like cursing would do more good.


But you know, as much as I hated myself for it, I could see where Jack was coming from. Why his words had the effect on the crowd. Maybe there was some Allomancy in there, I don't know. But his words made perfect sense to me. Why would Arinian lie about Jack's innocence to us like that? Sure, you could construct some kind of reasoning for that, but really, only sensible answer was that he wouldn't. So Jack and the rest we could take as trying to help us rather than hurt us. So in that case, why would you not tell the guy what you could do? Jack didn't seem like a gossip, she could've even just impressed on him why it was so important he didn't squeal to anyone else, so why did El simply not tell him? Simple answer - It would incriminate her.

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What choice is there but to... bandwagon! Yes, with this limited time offer, you can vote for El for FREE! Yes, I said free, and if you order in the next sixty seconds, I'll even throw in a lifetime supply of chouta! So order now while supplies last!

Hemalurgic_Headshot is not responsible for any poisonings, spikings, wild boar attacks, political unrest, debt, or an eternity of pain and torture wrought upon your soul because of your decision. Side effects of chouta may include queasiness, vomiting, hallucinations, strange animal noises, constipation, Ebola, Zika, the Black Death, Donald Trump, and/or death.

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Lovely of everyone to start voting on me about an hour before I finish reading through the thread, so it looks like I'm just responding to that instead of actually having finished. :P I have a lot of comments to make about previous cycles, but I'll address this quickly first:

I didn't claim to Joe because I was far enough behind on the thread that I didn't know he'd been scanned yet, and didn't learn that until... sometime yesterday, I think. I wasn't particularly interested in trusting his word that he'd been scanned, so I was going to wait until I came across that in thread, but got interrupted shortly and didn't get there until after PMs had closed. 

I'm perfectly willing to claim now, though - I'm a regular villager. Which, I know, is very helpful in proving myself. :P 

Sincerest apologies for my inactivity - I got behind on the thread due to my birthday and other real life happenings and didn't manage to catch up until just before I started writing this post. I can't promise that it won't happen again, but I very much do not want it to. >> I really don't like being inactive. 

Suspicions and thoughts and RP coming in a longer post in a few hours once I finish writing it, likely. Or I'll edit RP into this post, since otherwise it'll be the first post this game in which I haven't posted RP, which would be sad... 


Locke was the last person El had seen in six days now. After the fourth death or so, El couldn't manage it. No one came to her door to be healed - they seemed to have forgotten she existed. She knew that there were likely more deaths happening out there, perhaps more that she could help with, but she couldn't quite bring herself to care. If the village was to kill itself in murder and paranoia, she didn't feel any motivation to try to help. And she hated herself for not caring, but... she still didn't. She wasn't even sure she cared about her parents, anymore, and that very nearly frightened her but didn't... quite. 

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Guys, in Elbereth's own words: "Confirmed good is not confirmed right." Just because I'm confirmed good does not mean you should follow my vote absolutely. Like hero said, that kills discussion. I'll post all my suspicions when I get home to my computer.

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2 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

I take it from your comments and from Magestar's post that he is a smoker, and I'd be curious to know who the others are.

I said I was a smoker in-thread.   It's possible that the Elims have a seeker, which is why we have so many smokers, but it's also possible it's to combat the Mistborn's powers.

1 hour ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Guys, in elbereth's own words: "Confirmed good is not confirmed right." Just because I'm confirmed good does not mean yoi should follow my vote absolutuely, like hero said, that kills discussion. I'll post all my suspicions when I get home to my computer.

Ik.  I had actually decided to vote on El before you posted, but my post took a while to write, so it got posted after you did.

1 hour ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Okay! So I can reroute the bandwagon, just taking a slight detour, onto Mage

Thanks.  Besides what Wilson has said - and if I'm remembering correctly, Wilson is the only one who's given viable reasons for lynching me - why do you want to lynch me?  Because, right now, your vote has no backing, in the face of, while it might be a bandwagon, a lynch that has some sense to it.

Still, I have no problem with dying.  I just would like to make the most of my abilities, in whatever way possible.

El!  Glad to have you back.  Sorry that you came back to find yourself being voted upon.  Perhaps you'll follow my lead and escape being lynched only to realize that the other lynch was completely awful.   To be honest, I hope you're an Elim, because then I would have been right the whole time, and we'd have a successful lynch. :D 

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