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24 minutes ago, Arinian said:

You know that I didn't wrote any RP not allows you to say things like that about my character(maybe I wanted to write that he is 100 years old?). Better you don't do that again.

Sorry about that. I was trying to reference the fact that you are new to this game in RP. My apologies if I detracted from your character.

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1 hour ago, Sart said:

"Oh for crying out loud." Sartinia and the others had finally managed to get Arinian out of his room. She was surprised to discover that he was just a kid! While she couldn't discard the possibility, she doubted that someone that young would be an Assassin. She was also beginning to be suspicious of the people who had joined her on the hunt. Did they know how young he was? It troubled her. In addition to Arinian, there were several others that hadn't left their rooms. Namely, Stub-Tail (Alvron) and Galerion (Orlok). They couldn't afford for anyone to hide in the shadows. Come to think of it, didn't someone call Stub-Tail (Alvron) the master of shadows. That seemed like an awfully good assassin name.

"Get them out of bed! We need everyone to discuss the murder." Well that, and she didn't want them searching for the treasure without her.

Somewhere deep in the Shadows

Stub-Tail alternated between flicking his tongue between his teeth and using his dagger to pick out chucks of meat his tongue couldn't dislodge.  Upon hearing his name he chuckled quietly to himself.

Let these fools run around scared.  While they hunt for a killer, I'll be hunting the treasure. And I already know where to start.

That's probably going to be the extent of my RP for the game. :( 

Ooklathelion aka Ec3.  No real reason.  Just hopping the bandwagon.  Yes, I know this will make me look suspicious.  That's the idea.

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1 hour ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Kasimir voted on Ecth twice, the second time just for emphasis I'm guessing(or else his memory is failing :P).

Kjartan make vote twice. Once for Kjartan. Once for Mus. Mus matters :P

So, if Alv says he's voting for no reason, isn't that a reason? :P *philosoraptor face*

If Lopen is correct, then I would find it strange that JUQ pushed a lynch under the guise of tying it off. (I will check this, just not right now as I need sleep.) While I'm wary of Stick's views as they do seem to discourage bold Village discussion, I'm very much aware this view can be held by Village players. Still, it's worth flagging.

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Archmagister Vanus Galerion died a great many years ago, according to the official histories. He, and the friendly voices the palaces of his mind entertained, disagreed.

The journey from Leyawiin had been arduous, but by Auri-El was it a relief to be free of the pond-scum... Stump-Tail was clearly an irritation, but Galerion was determined to ensure he wouldn't remain so for long, particularly inhabiting his basement.

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Okay, I give up on merging my RP with my gameplay. There's no way I can get Jayjay or even Other!Jayjay to say this stuff. 

Kynedath originally voted on Lopen for throwing suspicion on inactives who hadn't posted, which was part of Lopen's master plan to "be more trusted and less likely to be accused later on". That sounds like an overreaction. If Lopen really wanted to worm his way into the village's good graces, he'd probably have to work harder than just give a list of those who hadn't posted yet.

Now, it's entirely possible that Lopen is an eliminator. However, I don't think that Kynedath's suspicion of Lopen for posting a list of those who hadn't posted yet was a well-founded suspicion. It sounds like a forced suspicion, not like a natural gut read. Also, Kynedath dropped his vote very quickly, which also feels off.

I think Kynedath is more likely to be an eliminator than other players, so my vote's going on him. Doc, Kynedath.

Edited by Arraenae
Quote didn't need to be in here. Whoops.
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11 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Kynedath originally voted on Lopen for throwing suspicion on inactives who hadn't posted, which was part of Lopen's master plan to "be more trusted and less likely to be accused later on". That sounds like an overreaction. If Lopen really wanted to worm his way into the village's good graces, he'd probably have to work harder than just give a list of those who hadn't posted yet.

Now, it's entirely possible that Lopen is an eliminator. However, I don't think that Kynedath's suspicion of Lopen for posting a list of those who hadn't posted yet was a well-founded suspicion. It sounds like a forced suspicion, not like a natural gut read. Also, Kynedath dropped his vote very quickly, which also feels off.

I think Kynedath is more likely to be an eliminator than other players, so my vote's going on him. Doc, Kynedath.

Yeah, it is kind of a forced suspicion, but it's not because I'm an eliminator. This is Day 1 in a purely discussion based game. I like to normally wait and get a solid read on people, but we can't do that in this game. If we don't get discussions going really quick, then we are at a severe disadvantage. I know that I was reaching a bit far for something suspicious, but it was, and still is, a possibility, even if it is a small one.

About it not being "like a natural gut read", in all honesty, I don't have very many gut reads. I go off of mostly facts and analysis. I'm not used to contributing to Day 1 lynches either.

Yeah, I dropped my vote. That's because other people came up with real possible evidence against someone that I hadn't noticed. Like I said, I normally go off of facts and analysis, but we don't have very much of that since the game just started.

And just something picky about your choice of words, more likely to be an eliminator indicates the probability of the RNG making me an eliminator. I had just as much chance as everyone else did. I think that you meant "I think Kynedath is most likely an eliminator" or something along those lines, indicating the probability of me actually being an eliminator out of all the choices presented. Sorry for being a grammar nazi though. I just noticed it and thought it prudent to say something.

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3 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

About it not being "like a natural gut read", in all honesty, I don't have very many gut reads. I go off of mostly facts and analysis. I'm not used to contributing to Day 1 lynches either.

Fair enough. The point still stands, since I don't see how analysis could get you to the conclusion you had claimed to get. I still think you're most likely an eliminator.

Is that better for your grammar nazi-ness? :P

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Innocent stood up. "So...um, let's see. How do I defend myself against a cycle one bandwagon?" If this is because of my "suspicious-looking" appearance, people need to learn to not judge people based on how they look on the outside, he thought.

He continued: "I have a copy of 'The Five Tenets' in my items. I thought everyone had one. Guess not, apparently. The GM didn't tell me what it does, so I was trying to see if anyone knew."

While everyone discussed what he meant by "GM" (except that Helchon guy, who just called him a fool), Innocent made a few more pointed remarks at Boris: "Why did you vote on me D1, after I had already made the most posts? That's not how D1 lynches work!"

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Boris replied, "Because not just anyone runs around with a copy of the Five Tenets in their item stash. We all carry things that are important to us [reflect our characters]. I, for one, pack around these bottles of wine." *gestures to one in the chair and one in his coat* "Don't tell anyone about those. Now what would a member of the Brotherhood have on their person? A copy of the Five Tenets fits the bill. I would bet one of my wine bottles that you slipped up and disclosed what you had before you realized that it incriminated you."

[If any player wants to take that bet of the wine, I'm up for that]

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Might I remind you that we're supposed to be looking for assassins? Why are you racist against the Dark Brotherhood? Just because some of my Dark Brothers decided to hit up another place called Summitmist Manor and do some assassination doesn't mean that's what I'm here for.

Edited by Ookthelion III
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Sartinia had a hard time believing that someone could be so innocent.

"The Guild we are referring to is the Guild Of Assassins. They always leave a bloody hand-print as their calling card. I'm surprised you don't know that. Then again, you  are literally named Innocent, so you might have picked it up without knowing."

OOC: Since items were tied to character descriptions, the GM might have made a joke about Innocent having a trademark Assassin item. I'm not sure this is the best grounds for lynching.

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5 minutes ago, Alvron said:

I'm always up for a good bet.  While I think you are correct, I just can't pass up the bet.  I wager my [Fur Boots].


3 minutes ago, Ookthelion III said:

Why are you racist against the Dark Brotherhood? Just because some of my Dark Brothers decided to hit up another place called Summitmist Manor and do some assassination doesn't mean that's what I'm here for.

So now you're admitting to be from the Brotherhood?

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Rhea looked confused. "Isn't the Assassin's Guild named 'The Dark Brotherhood?'" she asked, trying to recall what she knew about them. "You are just making me more and more suspicious of you." The khajit can wait, Rhea thought. I would rather go after someone suspicious, like Innocent (Ecthelion) than someone who is just a product of his upbringing, like Fjord (Assassin in Burgundy).

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19 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Boris replied, "Because not just anyone runs around with a copy of the Five Tenets in their item stash. We all carry things that are important to us [reflect our characters]. I, for one, pack around these bottles of wine." *gestures to one in the chair and one in his coat* "Don't tell anyone about those. Now what would a member of the Brotherhood have on their person? A copy of the Five Tenets fits the bill. I would bet one of my wine bottles that you slipped up and disclosed what you had before you realized that it incriminated you."

[If any player wants to take that bet of the wine, I'm up for that]

Zelda calmly raised her hand. "I'll take you up on that bet. I'll bet my [Jeweled Amulet]. I received a divine dream last night that disproves your theory of our personal belongings condemning us. It went something like this."

12 hours ago, Haelbarde said:

I figure it's probably worth clarifying here, seeing as a number of people asked - I'm sure most of you have noticed that I included an inventory of items in your PMs. I added them as a flavour/RP thing for people to have fun with. They were all decided before alignments were worked out, and have no bearing on the players alignment. They also have no gameplay affect. So no, if you have a weapon, you can't kill people with it. You can still try and use stuff and maybe some fun stuff will happen. ;P

"So," Zelda continued. "As you can see, the fact that Innocent has such an item hardly proves him an Assassin."


Storm it Alv, you beat me to the punch(or, wine, in this case :P). Uhhh, actually, lots of ninjas. I really need to work on my typing speed. >.<

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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2 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Storm it Alv, you beat me to the punch(or, wine, in this case :P). Uhhh, actually, lots of ninjas. I really need to work on my typing speed. >.<

Len's got several bottles of Wine.  Nothing says we can't all get a bottle.

Edited by Alvron
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7 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Storm it Alv, you beat me to the punch(or, wine, in this case :P). Uhhh, actually, lots of ninjas. I really need to work on my typing speed. >.<

I've actually got a second one, so you're on! (Even though that word of GM has me seriously doubting my reasoning).

I'll keep my vote on, however, because even without the tenets, Ecth's tone still has me reading him as an elim, and I don't want to run the risk of letting him go.

Edit: @Alvron I've only got 2 bottles, but I still took Lopen up on his bet.

Edited by Elenion
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3 hours ago, Elenion said:


As for the lynch, I really am not liking this Arinian bandwagon. Based on my suspicion that Ecth is an elim, it seems like his teammates might be starting a counter-bandwagon to save him before the cycle is out.

Actually for me it was just because at the time I voted I was tied with two other people (Arinian and Ecth) for lynch so I voted someone else to break the tie.

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13 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

"So," Zelda continued. "As you can see, the fact that Innocent has such an item hardly proves him an Assassin."

Oh, whoops, I missed that detail! Innocent (Ecthelion).

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23 minutes ago, Elenion said:

I've actually got a second one, so you're on! (Even though that word of GM has me seriously doubting my reasoning).

I'll keep my vote on, however, because even without the tenets, Ecth's tone still has me reading him as an elim, and I don't want to run the risk of letting him go.

Edit: @Alvron I've only got 2 bottles, but I still took Lopen up on his bet.

Excellent! Though I can't say I agree with you about Ecthelion. Nothing he's said has stood out to me as suspicious.

I'm not crazy suspicious of cloudjumper either, but I think I'll leave my vote on him unless a better candidate pops up before the Cycle ends. So far, cloudjumper has only acted as if surviving is his goal. I wouldn't say it's terribly condemning, but, it's the best I've got right now.

Edit - Vote tally:

Ec3(4): Elenion, Kasimir, Kynedath, Alvron
Arinian(3): cloud, JUQ, Ec3
cloud(2): Doc, Lopen
Alvron(2): Sart, Orlok
Stick(1): Arinian
Kynedath(1): Rae

I kinda feel like Doc has been suspiciously absent lately. He was pretty vocal at the beginning of the game, but he hasn't posted in a while even though I'm pretty sure I've seen him on once or twice.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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