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I'm honoured Wilson. May the Force Lists be with us in our quest to stop the spread of blasphemous Tables. ;)


And Roban, that's seriously awesome. That may well become my new member title if Aether or Wilson don't want it. 

Edited by AonarFaileas
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I'm honoured Wilson. May the Force Lists be with us in our quest to stop the spread of blasphemous Tables. ;)


And Roban, that's seriously awesome. That may well become my new member title if Aether or Wilson don't want it. 


The Lists will be ever in our favor, aiding us in our quest.


And I agree about the Listborn title. It is rather awesome, and I prefer it to List-Maker. It's less cumbersome. However, I'm rather attached to my current title, so you can have it, Aonar.

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Now's kind of the time for us to figure out who's still active and who's not. Could anyone who hasn't posted yet please do so as soon as their able, if only to say "I'm still alive and paying attention to the game"?

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My vote is cast for Master Aspren as well, though at this point it will make little difference one way or the other, I think.


I must say that I agree with Wes, however, in that if Master Aspren is innocent I will be suspicious of those who first voted for him. However, if Master Aspren is, in fact, guilty, then I will be watching those who were reluctant to vote for him.

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Might as well throw my vote in for Aspren at this point too. Seems pretty one-sided.
Does anybody have any argument in his defense as to why we shouldn't do this?

Edit: Changed vote from Aspren. Look below for details.

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Yeah, I'm active and voting for Aspren. Been a little delayed trying to come up with a cool RP post involving Quillion's 'revenge' against Ollivier.

Before The Lord Ruler's fall, the Canton of Orthodoxy had been a veritable fortress. Afterwards, it became a literal one; the first thing Ollivier commanded was for the doors and windows to be reinforced and barred, for guards and haze killers to mount the rooftops and grounds, and for all Obligators loyal to the canton to remain indoors when the mists fell.

There were, of course, exceptions. Quillion was one of those, though he didn't labour under any illusions of being the only one. Lord Ollivier had many loyal agents with the skills to go where they shouldn't have been, through doorways that shouldn't have existed. It was one of those Quillion approached now, a hole disguised in the walls of Urteays canals. He squeezed his way through the crack, and began to make his way through the man made corridor.

He navigated through his duelling canes, feeling out the wall with one while the other mapped the ground ahead. He didn't need to do that- he was so familiar with the place he might as well have been a Tineye- but it was routine, and it was comfortable. It helped distract from the thought in his head.

Lord Ollivier dies. Tonight. And I'm going to do it.

He wondered what his father would say if he saw him now. Probably nothing; he'd probably just beat him. Quillion had been born to a noble family- not a particularly prosperous one, but rich enough. He'd had duelling lessons, etiquette, and money long before he joined the canton. The one thing he didn't seem to have- the one thing that made everything else irrelevant- was that he wasn't a misting.

It was like a black shame on the family, or at least on his father. The old man never said as much, but the way he threw himself into his drink was proof enough of it. That was when Quillion began learning how to use two duelling canes rather than one- any advantage, even a minor one, would be of use against an allomancer, he thought.

Finally, the cave began to brighten, small lanterns placed a hundred or so yards apart burning smokelessly. Quillion pocketed his canes, and pressed himself against the cavern wall, edging forward. Just ahead, in the next chamber, was a door. It led to the basement of the Canton. In front of the door were two guards.

Quillion bit his lip. Each guard was hefting the wooden shield and cudgels of a haze killer. If that was all they were, he felt fairly confident in his chances to take them in a fight. Both were heavy-set, meaty looking men, but that was exactly the sort of persona who underestimated what a small man like Quillion, with greater skill, could accomplish.

He was about to strike, when one haze killer turned to speak to the other, and he caught sight of a vial hanging at the man's waist.

He re-evaluated the plan. Could he take a misting, as well as a soldier? He had to admit, they weren't odds that he felt entirely comfortable with. Besides that, he could feel a spasm beginning to run up his legs and down his arm. He'd been getting them a lot lately. The effects of Modefts poison- and didn't that just help motivate him to confront Ollivier? But what he didn't have was the antidote.

Fighting a misting, a haze killer and making his way through the Canton while poisoned? Bad odds.

He hesitated for a long time, weighing them. He'd come so close. With Cessie dead, tonight was going to be the night he did it the night he killed Ollivier for setting him up in all this. But what would killing Ollivier matter if he didn't make it out of the Canton alive?

With a silent curse, he turned and made his way out of the tunnel, into the canal, and headed for Dyrings- no, Robans- inn. He'd get the antidote for the poison, plan his move, and make a strike when things were more in his favour.

Either way, lord Ollivier wasn't going to live to see another day. Quillion promised himself that.

Revenge refused to wait.

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Changed vote to Windrunner. I would also like to request that the rioter attempt to riot me into changing my vote. It is the only way I can think of to prove I am unspiked as I am a Smoker and my vote shall remain unchanged for all to see.

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Now I'm not trying to take over anyone's job, and I'm not applying for the position of Apprentice Listmaker or anything, but since I was doing this for myself anyway I figured I would post it here, too, in case anyone was interested. No guarantees that it will be updated as time goes on.


Votes for Aspren: 11















Votes for Windrunner: 1



Votes for Matt: 1


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I guess Mat Is great. We don't really lose anything if he's actually good, anyways...


EDIT: Never mind. Just was given some compelling reason by Kurk via PM to vote for Aspren . Wow, I am really confused.

Edited by bartbug
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Okay, here's how it is. I'm fine with you guys lynching me as long as you lynch the four people I name next, once my innocence is proven.



Quellion (Lord Olivier)      Vron(unless he manages to prove otherwise)       Wilson      Seran


These four are the highest on my list table of suspicion. 



Secondary in suspicion I have Gamon and Kukri and. So if things get hairy and the above mentioned are dead, then it's maybe one of these two who is spiked. Though don't kill them without sufficient suspicion on your own part as well. 



Oh and I'm a non-spiked Smoker, as you'll soon see. I'll be sitting here burning my copper till the rest of you can decide on how you're going to carry out my execution. Now I know it's a bit weird for the accused to making suggestions as to the method of their own execution, but I would prefer if I was killed in a way that would make it impossible for my body to body to be taken and given to an Inquisitor as birthday present. That is to say, preferably totally disintegrated. I'm thinking cremation would be nice. Then again that's more to do with my body post-mortem. I for one don't have the stomach for disemboweling, and am divided as to whether quartering is a good idea. Decapatation would solve this accursed headache of mine, though I would knot mind a noose around my neck either. Okay, I think I should stop with the horrible execution jokes before it's decided that I be lynched on the spot.  

I guess I'm still open to suggestions. Any ideas?

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Blasphemy, Aspren! That is clearly a List. It's merely turned sideways. :P


Anyway, on a more serious note, I really hope you're right Aspren, and that you aren't killed pointlessly. If we start lynching your suspects and we still don't hit any Spiked, we're screwed.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Night 8 (Leaderless)


The Crew didn’t know what to do with themselves without Peng around to give them a guiding hand. They gathered in little groups and whispered to each other. Somehow, it seemed that killing the Inquisitor hadn’t settled things as much as they hoped. Many were in denial and were starting to look for someone to blame. It wasn’t long before the accusations started after that. Aspren bore the brunt of it. They knew that he was Modeft’s right hand man and many blamed him for being here in the first place.


He barely noticed the angry glares and snubbing. He was busy with his notes and charts. Most people just acted out of an emotional need to do something, but Aspren had learned long ago that if you did the math, and kept good notes, you were far better informed. He had kept track of everything he could since Modeft’s death, working hard to get retribution for his fallen leader and friend. People didn’t make a lot of sense most of the time, but numbers never lied, so he kept at it, hoping that something would jump out to him.


He was so entranced that he didn’t even notice that the inn had gone eerily quiet until a shadow fell across his notes. He finally looked up only to find almost the entire crew glaring down at him.


He knew the look in their eyes. He’d seen it far too often lately. Modeft, my friend, I’ve failed you, he thought. But soon enough, you’ll be able to chastise me in person.


He gently closed his notes and then held them up to the waiting crowd.


“Here,” he said. “After you’re done with me, use this. You’ll find everything I’ve recorded and everything I suspect inside. When we’re finished here, I’d prefer my body be burned. See to it, please.”


This took some of the Crew aback and for a moment, it seemed like Aspren might live after all.


But the inertia had already begun and Aspren did nothing to discourage it. As such, it didn’t take long for them to string him up and hang him. As per his unusual request, after thuroughly checking him for any spikes, they created a bonfire right outside the inn, right there on the street. It was a solemn crowd that watched it burn, spewing even more ash into the sky. So days, it felt like they would be drown in ash….



Night 8 Begins! My apologies for the less than stellar write up. On the bright side, the write up isn’t as late as I thought, but to try to keep it close to schedule, there will be 23 hours to this night!


Aspren turned out to be a Smoker!


Player Votes

Aspren - 9 (Barty, Wes, Seran, Kukri, Aonar, Herwynbe, Quillion, Roban, Wilson, Grave)

Windrunner - 1 (Vron)

Mathieu - 0 (Gamon)

No Vote - 4 (Windrunner, Aether, Mathieu, Aspren)

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Okay... No one's said anything, so I suppose I may as well start.

I kinda wish you'd have said why you suspect me Aspren, just so .i know what I'm responding to, but honestly? I can see why you might suspect me. I said it way back when .i came out that naming myself as a regular and an unsnapped was probably a gamble. Frankly, I'm kinda surprised it took this long for me to attract serious attention; saying I'm a regular would be suspicious for the villagers ("I totally don't have a power that I'm not using for evil!"), and it outted me as a potential target to the spiked for conversion.

So... yeah. I can see why it would look like Quillion/Ollivier might be hiding some nails under their cloak, and I wouldn't blame you for lynching me tomorrow. If it helps you narrow down the list, and find the spiked - good! Do that! But I reiterate my desire for a Survivor sized cult formed around me in my honour.

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It's an odd feeling, seeing one's name plastered across the wall in such big, bold letters....


I kinda wish you'd have said why you suspect me Aspren, just so i know what I'm responding to


Totally agree with this. The last I'd heard, he was running off a gut feeling, and it's kinda hard to refute a gut feeling. We've been running on gut feelings most of this game, so I'm hoping Aspren's accusations bear more weight than just that. It'd be really nice to finally get some of the Spiked.


Yeah, so...I'm not really sure what to say. I've already told you guys I'm a regular, and that hasn't changed. As for going off his List (yes, I did just call it a List, as it clearly is such), I actually agree with some of his accusations and think they have merit. So as much as I'd prefer to stay alive and see this thing through to the end, I can't really say "Yes, let's target a few on that List, but skip over others." I do, however, think we should target those on his List we all agree about. Or most of us, since we can't really expect the Spiked to agree when we target one of their own...

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On a Google Doc for us non-game players, this is what Meta said.



     UberTin does indeed exist, cause I’m evil like that. ;)

Feel free to tell him how evil he is. He also responded to this guess.


.    ...#6 Meta is evil… I confirm this right now. No guessing necessary. :P

(green is guess, black is Meta)


I only stuck to the basic metals. There is no UberBendalloy or anything crazy like that. I’m cruel, but you guys seem to think I’m sadistic!

We do Meta, we do. :P

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Day 9 (Indentions)


Kukri typically felt at home in the mists, but not tonight. Tonight, he was being followed. They were good; staying just far enough back that they were only a vague impression in the mists, almost as if they were made of mists themselves, but Kukri knew what to look for. Even if he hadn’t had a lifetime of people trying to kill him, the last few days would make anyone an expert at spotting discrepancies.


However, knowing that you were being followed and knowing how to handle it were two different things, especially considering he had a pretty good idea that it was the minions of the dastardly Inquisitor behind him. He did have a plan though. It dealt with stabbing them before they could stab him. He just needed a distraction so he could hide and wait for them to pass. In the meantime, that meant that he had to keep walking and pretending not to notice his tail.


A little before midnight, he finally got his opportunity. Someone had stepped out into the mists from a house across the street and almost immediately started convulsing. As they shook and flopped around, Kukri ducked into a nearby alleyway and hid behind some piled debris.


The alleyways in the Harrows weren’t very deep and most of them had been filled by beggars and the homeless, but they still served Kukri’s purpose tonight. He slid one of his knives out and waited in a crouch for his victim to pass.


No one came. Either they had seen him duck inside or they had given up. Kukri continued to wait though. His prey was a very crafty lot, as seen by their ability to stay hidden. For all he knew, they were waiting just around the corner for him to peek out.


What he didn’t consider was that, even though there wasn’t an exit out the back of the alleyway, that didn’t mean there wasn’t another way in. He heard someone thump to the ground behind him, as if they had jumped off the roof of one of the nearby buildings. Kukri cursed as he spun around to face his attacker, but it was too late. They tumbled as they landed and with a dagger already in hand, stabbed him in the stomach. Kukri’s turn just widened the wound.


Kukri gasped as his entire body seemed to grow colder and his fingers couldn’t hold his dagger anymore. Soon, he was lying on the ground while his distraction made their way to their feet unsteadily. They were the only one of them to ever rise again.




Herwynbe had never found it difficult to sneak into the late Dyring’s bar. In fact, for him, the trick was typically how to sneak out!  With Roban now in charge, that made things quite a bit easier. Roban had finally gotten around to cleaning the walls and floor of all the written messages, but afterwards, he had gone to bed. Either he wasn’t as diligent as Dyring was or more likely, he had realized that there was nothing to be done except to clean the messages later on. There was a sense of inevitability to these messages. Indeed, as Herwynbe entered the Inn, there was already a new message from the person he’d seen last time.


Herwynbe started to walk across the room when he felt something fall onto his back, near his  shoulder. He reached up to see what it was and his hand came back wet. When he turned it so that he could see it, his hand was covered in blood. Only then did his body and mind put two and two together and his shoulder blossomed into a fire of agony.


This time he heard the faint whistle in the air. His footsteps must have covered the sound last time. The new coin shattered one of his knees and this time there was no delay in the pain. Herwynbe fell to the ground, crying out as he tried to catch himself, but one of his arms no longer worked properly.


Two more coins thudded into his back, but with his body already wreathed in pain, he barely felt them. I’m dying, he thought.


No more coins fell. Herwynbe laid on his side bleeding out. He could see the shadows on the wall though, so he saw his killer drop from the rafters, slowing themselves on a dropped coin. They stood there for a moment before turning and walking out.


So this is how it ends, Herwynbe mused. Not with a bang, but a whisper.


And they’d never know his final secret. The one he had been preparing, just in case something like this were to happen. It was saddening, knowing that all that work had been for naught. The edges of his vision were already starting to darken.


No! They will need it! It might just save the rest of them! I cannot let it end like this!


He forced himself to wakefulness and started crawling towards the corner he had been heading to before when he had first walked in. When he got there, he felt for the hidden latch with numb fingers. If he could just get the trap door open…


He heard a faint click and he rolled into the opening, falling down the stairs as his last bit of consciousness faded.




When the Crew arrived the next morning, they found only one message scrawled onto the walls:


Let's cut to the chase, because I'm more than a little tired. Roban, Wilson, Quillion, Seran. Not seven, not a pretty number. We need to cut one down to make it thus.


If this is my last, then let it be a good one. All of this wait is driving me mad. I'm feeling positively ruinous.


There are few who we must trust. I am one of them, our lord Mistborn Investing his confidence in me, among a few others. For all of the untested out there, I am the conduit (along with my friend, the wonderful first tineye) of information from us to you. You'd do well to trust me.


I have room for a poem:


Reaping quickly/two shed blood /Spiked/a bloodshed two/quickly reaped.


Good night.


It didn’t take them long to find the blood trail Herwynbe’s body left behind though or the stairs leading into a secret cavern underneath the Inn. Herwynbe’s body was still at the bottem of the steps, already grown cold over the night.


The cavern wasn’t very large, so it didn’t take them long to find the steel plate embedded on one of the walls. It had been etched with a message of some sort:





Day 9 begins! There will be 48 hours to the day.


Kukri turned out to be a Regular Crew Member! Herwynbe turned out to be a Tineye!



Updated Player List

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