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About Grayv

  • Birthday 05/10/1987

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  1. If I was a mistborn I would be a jack-of-all-trades mercenary/hitman. You would send me the fee of acceptance (money just to look at the job), a picture of a person, and a metal to represent what you want to have happened to that person. Steel means assassination, iron means protection, copper means I need to hide them and bronze means I need to find them. Zinc means to publicly shame them, brass means to blackmail them. Tin means to observe them, pewter means give them a beating. (All of this is in jest considering my personality would hinder me in so many ways)
  2. I was think more long term. Will the "dragon head" parts be pushed towards the middle of the continent effectively closing off areas like the purelake?
  3. I'm still curious how the ever storm is going to affect the geography in the long run if they can't find a way to stop it.
  4. I just had a thought. If you were a mistborn, rioter, or soother, you could hire out as "special affects" and help produce the desired emotions for actors in their tv/movie scenes.
  5. I will look through this and we shall see what happens (though it will mostly be me going " i wanna do that"). I like to know what i am getting into and make sure i can contribute properly with the way i play.
  6. What if the highstorm didn't always go east to west?
  7. Only power: the ability to copy the power or ability of fictional characters from both literature and non literature (video games, movies, anime, etc.). Also a gifter of sorts Weakness: Books on Law (they are very boring) Brand of Evil: use humans as guinea pigs for his gifting of powers from new books and having them use those powers on each other to see how well they work.
  8. I loved it but was horrified about what the ending truly meant about the actions within the story. On a "slightly" funny note, makes me think about what is truly happening in the world.
  9. Mine would be sleeping and it will be a form time travel, but sadly only into the future.
  10. Now I just need to find a group that plays in my area, then get a work schedule that doesn't change.
  11. If Roshar is being "rebuilt" extremely slow due to the highstorms, what's going to happen now with the everstorm (if it isn't stopped somehow)?
  12. I am not good at explaining my reasons for recommendations, but I would recommend continuing Skip Beats. After a while, the whole "gaining points" thing moves to the background.
  13. I just started reading Witch Hunt by SM Reine and the name Brandon Sanderson popped up in reference to the main character's book collection. Made me laugh a little.
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