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I'm going to put a vote on Mailliw. I'm not too sure what point he is trying to get across with his votes, and maybe I'm being a bit hypocritical here, but his level of activity hasn't been super helpful recently. I'm still not super up to speed on this game since a lot of the conversation happened when I was really busy IRL, but erratic voting patterns don't really help anyone.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Well sorry to Orlok and to anyone else who was waiting to here more from me today- I ended up with far less time to devote to this game today that I thought I would. *le sigh*

But at the very least, here's a condensed version of why I think the CCd merit. You claim I'm trying to break the game with it- I disagree. I posit that the game is already broken, in the sense that as soon as anyone gains a reputation for being a "good/dangerous/cunning/vocal/etc" player it kills (pun unintended) pretty much any chance of them surviving to the the end of the game. AKA fear kills. Take the <insert deific title of your choice> Wilson- say what you will about her we can all agree that she is one of the most valuable players for whatever team she's on. And when she gets so frustrated that she says, "...I'm recalling my proactive play style. If it only gets me slaughtered, there's no point in doing it since I can't help my team if I'm dead," then something is definitely wrong with the meta of the game. (Quote taken from the MR8 dead doc.

But it's more than just that. It seems that anyone who tries to be vocal inevitably attracts suspicion and gets lynched or killed and all too often you end up with games where only a handful of semi-active players are left alive at the end of the game struggling to get more than a page worth of discussion before the end of each cycle. That's lame.

So I started the Contribution Crusade to try to combat the "lynch the person who's talking the most" mentality that is so prevalent among us. No the CC isn't perfect, far from it, and yes if we all adopted the CC as the end all be all strategy it would result in the village losing every game. But that's not what it's meant for. The CC should NEVER trump real suspicions or other viable tactics for finding and lynching the eliminators. The CC is there for when you don't have any good suspicions and you don't want to risk lunching a valuable teammate. It's meant to stop the eliminators from controlling the vote by (ideally) forming a lynch mob on a player who doesn't matter because they've stopped playing the game. Of course it doesn't fit every situation- and in spite of what I've said earlier there are a lot of reasons why it's not a great plan for this game (the biggest one being the lack of a seeker role. If we had a seeker the CC is excellent for buying them a few extra rounds to find players to trust and eliminators to lynch). But I've had to push the CC as hard as I can in every game to try to shift the meta-think that has developed over 30+ games. And so far, barely 3 games along, and already I think it's starting to work. I am glad to see in this game that roughly half-way through and many of the players who would normally be dead by now- whether because of reputation or for ring vocal- are still alive (Alvron, Maill, Joe, Alvom, myself, etc). Now there is a very good chance that one or more of those players are eliminators, but with a half dozen cycles to watch and analyze their behavior we ought to have a decent idea of which of them to suspect. And we've also given the rest of them- the villagers- a chance to apply their talents to finding the eliminators themselves. Far better than if we had just fear-killed all the experienced and vocal players and then left the game up to the semi-active players to try to eek out a win.

Anyway, it looks like this post became longer than I first thought. There you go, my two cents. Do with it what you will.

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So, I'm going to take advantage of this extended cycle by taking my vote off of Hero. Him removing his vote from Dowanx as a means to ensure his own death in order to divine some sort of useful information for the village, I think, is a noble act and has made him worthy of reconsideration. As it stands, that makes it a three way tie between him, Mailliw and Dowanx.


Though Dowanx claims to have found Hero suspicious most of the game, he has failed to discuss it prior to this post, which to me seems like a statement born purely from desperation to save his own skin. I have said before when Orlok did the same thing that I do not support accusations such as these. I truly believe that few real townfolk would resort to this tactic as it mostly helps the Corporates (in that it delays them from being found out / be closer to the majoity). Though sart has consistently voted on Dowanx (for what reason I’m unsure and would like to hear) he has also had more of a presence in this game than Dow thus far.


From things I’ve heard from other players and in dead docs, Mailliw has a tendency to troll games like these. Whether it yields him any results or not I am unsure, but he still has been one of the players who have posted more frequently throughout this game. I want to remind people that he was one of the few who did post last cycle, and although it is certainly possible he did not put in a kill order on purpose to throw us through a loop (as Joe has suggested) I am not convinced. That may be a good tactic for an MR or LG, but a QF? Though the Corporates have a significant lead on us already, I don’t think they’d take that risk.


It is for these reasons why I am voting for Dowanx this cycle. Hero is more or less cleared in my mind - which makes me wonder about Orlok - and I am still very suspicious of Joe and Alvron. I would not be surprised that the real reason behind the early abrasiveness between Orlok and Joe (and the sudden certainty Joe had of Orlok’s innocence a few cycles after) was all staged, nor if Joe’s real reason for trusting Alvron had nothing to do with a swear but because they have been on the same side this whole time. Honestly I was already frightened by the idea of a Big Bad Joe and wary of the things Alvron could accomplish on the side of evil, so I can’t help but shudder at the thought of them working together against us.


Here is an up-to-date vote tally, for everyone’s consideration.


(2) Hero: Orlok (1), Alvom Halbin (1), Orlok (3), Dowanx (1)

(0) Araris: Mailliw (1)

(3) Dowanx: Sart (1), Feligon (1), Hero (2), Alvom Halbin (2)

(2) Mailliw: Joe (1), Araris (1)

(0) Orlok: Hero (1)

(1) Phatt: Mailliw (2)

(1) Alvom: Alvron (1), Orlok (2)





Edited by Alvom Halbin
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I still have some suspicions of Hero. Winter said that the cycle would be ending "later than usual" to make up for the short cycle yesterday, and he could have seen that and taken the vote off of Dow to alleviate suspicion. Or not, and he's just trying to do what's best for the village.


Regardless, I'm placing my vote on Dowanx, as he seems like a better prospect than Hero at the moment. If Dow is innocent, though, I'll probably be voting on Hero next cycle.

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What Hero did was not for the best of the village.  If you are a villager you should do everything in your power not to die... Hero's removal of his vote was a great move that seemed to have worked.  


I am not an Eliminator.  It is the 6th cycle and we have yet to find an Eliminator... don't get this vote wrong guys.

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If all people are concerned about is self-safety, they wouldn't participate.You'll notice that some of the most helpful people in these games are killed the earliest. Why make themselves targets for the eliminators by helping? Obviously the goal is to win, not to survive. You want to survive, so you can keep helping your team, but surviving should never come before helping your team.

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If my death got us an Eliminator I would say kill me right now, but it doesn't.  


Hero's action do not help the village in any way.  If Hero was a Villager why would he sacrifice himself just to make sure there isn't a tie lynch.  His basic logic is that someone dying is better then no one dying.  That is horrible logic if he is the one dying and he knows he is a villager.  That action does NOT help the village in any way.  The only advantage to that action is to manipulate people into thinking he is trying help the village.  


Do I know 100% that Hero is an Eliminator? No I don't.  You can't in these games unless there is a seeker type role, but this last action by Hero is not something a villager would do.  

Edited by dowanx
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I think soon is the best bet, this cycle has been way too long. 




From things I’ve heard from other players and in dead docs, Mailliw has a tendency to troll games like these. 

Sorry, part of it is lingering from LG14, and I haven't quite tossed it. :/

Edited by Mailliw73
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What Hero did was not for the best of the village. If you are a villager you should do everything in your power not to die... Hero's removal of his vote was a great move that seemed to have worked.

I respectfully disagree. When I withdrew my vote the vote was tied, and the cycle could have ended at any time. It would have been far better for either you or I to die and be proven an innocent than to have another tie vote. We learn nothing from ties and it just gives the eliminators another turn to kill one of us.

However, your response to my move has cause me to- well not trust you, but to suspect you less. So instead I think I'll be voting for Maill. Out of all the names being tossed around he's by far the most suspicious to me (hey look a non-CC suspicion coming from Hero! Yes, it does happen from time to time). His surprise at the last cycle ending early could have easily been that of an eliminator who thought he had more time to get a kill order sent in. Also, his random votes (I don't mind the unexplained nature of them too much, but the random vote switched is off putting) don't sit will with me.

I need to check the vote tallies before I make it official though. I don't want to tie it up again.


So no, it won't tie the vote. It should put Dowanx at 4 and Mail at 3.

Edited by Herowannabe
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This is awkward... Both of my suspicions are on the chopping block. Dowanx hasn't done anything to eliminate my guilt of him. In fact, his remarks about Hero make me even more suspicious of him. On the other hand, Mailliw has been playing so erratically, that I can't help but suspect him. He's been doing a bunch of changing votes, but he hasn't been participating in the main discussions. I could make a case for both of them being eliminators. However, I doubt the Eliminators would let two of their teammates be up on the chopping block. I'm keeping my vote on Dowanx, mostly because I've been suspecting him for longer than Mailliw. If he's innocent, or even if he turns out guilty, I still think we should lynch Mailliw next cycle.

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I'm going to move my vote from Downax to Mailliw.  The main reason I voted for Downax in the first place was to make sure that the village lynched someone and got information, but Mailliw has seemed at least a little more suspicious to me.

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Exisa watched as people started throwing stones at Dow and Lami. Lami ducked away and joined the people throwing rocks at Dow. 

"Ow! Stop that! I didn't kill Lopen! Or any of the others! And I'm not going to kill anyone tonight! Promise!" Dow was shouted. 

"SEE HOW HE LIES!" Shouts Lami. 

"Liar! Liar!" The crowd took up a chant. "Kill the liar!"

Exisa shook from side to side. He was quezy. He'd had a bad packed lunch earlier. It had tasted gross, maybe some dirt had gotten in.

Little did he know, earlier a Corporate had snuck a poison that made him sick into his lunch.

"I didn't kill them! I'm not a liar!" Dow dodged a rock and threw it back. The crowd scattered. 

"KILL HIM FOR THAT!" Shouted one of the four accusers. "DEATH!"

Harmony, Harmony! Thought Dow. Please, help me!

Surprisingly, Harmony replied. 

Sorry. I cannot take sides.


Also Preservation. I am both. Harmony added.

Exisa felt tears come to his eyes. Sickness wracked his body. 

A large rock hit Dow and he fell down. He died but they saw that he had been good all along.

Exisa rushed forward to the river and vomited. He shook. Everyone was still converging around Dow's body, but one. The other stood behind Exisa and shoved his limp body back into the river. Next to Abigail's corpse. 

Phattmer was a Miner!
Downax was a Miner!

Hero: Orlok, Dowanx
Dowanx: Sart, Alvom, Paranoid, Dow
Mailliw: Joe, Hero, Feligon
Alvom: Alvron

1. Shallan, Cation Vinid
2. Alvom, the Wanderer (guy who wants a Shard)
3. Phattmer, Exisa (a guy who claims he's a "coinshot" with a gun) Miner
4. STINK (a guy) Miner
5. Nabs (a guy with a complicated backstory)
6. The Pooh with a name (a guy, I think)
7. Doctor McNinja (a guy with a history of multiple quick fixes) Miner with a Larger Pan
8. Joe, Joel Tormander (a mistborn guy)
9. Lami Willen
10. Orlok, Locke 
11. Ripple, Lady Abigail (a lady) Miner
12. Venture, Maximus (a guy) Miner
13. Bridgeboy. Slade (a guy who's a mercenary) Miner
14. Downax, Dow (a guyMiner
15. Alvron, Swift (a Steelrunner guy)
16. Feligon, Nifergo (a scoundrel guy, I think)
17. Kipper, Kipper (a guy in the band, Kipper and the Cryptics) Miner with a Mercenary
18. a smart guy, Surtile (a guy who follows the path and is also very smart)
20. Lopen, Lopen (a guy who's a fan of THE Lopen) Miner with Metal Detector
21. polking horn, Rel'Dan (guy who's a poacher)
22. Paranoid King, Tommy (a guy who wants another guy dead)

Appoligizes for the very little info, but hey, I have a Shadows of Self to read. 

Edited by Alvron
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I would be reading the new book, but the bookstore I go to doesn't have any q.q


I'm going to vote for Mailliw again.


Also, there's probably 4/12 people here that are eliminators.  We have 2 cycles left unless we can find one of those rusting corporates. (assuming that we keep lynching people)

Edited by Feligon
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Um, I didn't save Mailliw. He was my number 1 suspect, but the votes were tied at 4-4, so I changed my vote to let the lynch go through. It would be more correct to say that I killed Dowanx. And seeing as this is a QF, I probably won't have time to get back on before the cycle changes again. That being said, Mailliw already has enough votes on him now so I'll hold off right now.

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Um, I didn't save Mailliw. He was my number 1 suspect, but the votes were tied at 4-4, so I changed my vote to let the lynch go through. It would be more correct to say that I killed Dowanx. And seeing as this is a QF, I probably won't have time to get back on before the cycle changes again. That being said, Mailliw already has enough votes on him now so I'll hold off right now.

Apologies. I miscounted.

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Araris. I'm surprised it took this long. No one noticed that I voted for every person who was killed? Except when I voted for Ripple, no kill went through. And then, when it came down to me being lynched, I had to save myself, but my vote had been on Phatt.
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