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Far too much discussion has taken place regarding my own alignment. This time will be far better spent on other matters. Further, it will prevent a tie, and allow you to look at who has voted for me.


My own suspicions are Ripple, for the reasons I stated yesterday, with her post trying to put suspicion on me through flawed reasoning,

One of Mailliw, Joe and Alvron will be an eliminator, of that I'm sure.


It is probably worth lynching Joe - his control of the thread, and information placed him perfectly for an eliminator in the early cycles.

I shall endeavor to better put my analysis later, but may not be able to.

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The Corporate sat down in a flushy chair in headquarters and sipped his coffee. Content. 

"So, should we kill someone this cycle?" One Corporate asked. 

"Nah." The first Corporate put down his coffee and nibbled on a cookie. "The snacks here at HQ are great, right?"

"Agreed." The other Corporate ate a mini-cake. "Let's not kill someone."


While the Corporates ate cakes and coffee, the Miners worked long and hard. There was a discussion on who they were going to murder - Locke or Abigail, but it was quiet. Probably because the almighty GM had decided to be annoying and cut off the discussion prematurely. 

"Your dancing was terrible! Besides, who was dancing with Lopen when he got stabbed?" Locke shouted. "TWO people died at your party."

"And one of those deaths was your fault!" Abigail shot back. 

Locke ran forward and punched Abigail in the gut. She fell backwards into the stream. Rel'Dan rushed forward and held her head underwater. Abigail drowned to death. 

Abigail was a Miner!
The Corporates had coffee instead of murdering someone!


1. Shallan, Cation Vinid
2. Alvom, the Wanderer (guy who wants a Shard)
3. Phattmer, Exisa (a guy who claims he's a "coinshot" with a gun)
4. STINK (a guy) Miner
5. Nabs (a guy with a complicated backstory)
6. The Pooh with a name (a guy, I think)
7. Doctor McNinja (a guy with a history of multiple quick fixes) Miner with a Larger Pan
8. Joe, Joel Tormander (a mistborn guy)
9. Lami Willen
10. Orlok, Locke 
11. Ripple, Lady Abigail (a lady) Miner
12. Venture, Maximus (a guy) Miner
13. Bridgeboy. Slade (a guy who's a mercenary) Miner
14. Downax, Dow (a guy)
15. Alvron, Swift (a Steelrunner guy)
16. Feligon, Nifergo (a scoundrel guy, I think)
17. Kipper, Kipper (a guy in the band, Kipper and the Cryptics) Miner with a Mercenary
18. a smart guy, Surtile (a guy who follows the path and is also very smart)
20. Lopen, Lopen (a guy who's a fan of THE Lopen) Miner with Metal Detector
21. polking horn, Rel'Dan (guy who's a poacher)
22. Paranoid King, Tommy (a guy who wants another guy dead)

22 atium in the pool.

Ripple: Orlok, Araris, Rel'Dan
Orlok: Ripple, Mailliw

Edited by Alvron
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Just wondering by the thread title, did you by chance read the story behind my username in that one thread? Because I used to go by Ripplestream on the internet, so wonderful pun!


Also, I told you so.

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Okay, that's two cycles that I haven't been able to participate in. I'm sorry I haven't been very active, but real life has gotten in the way for me. Anyways, the good news is that the Eliminators didn't put in a kill last cycle. The bad news is we barely got any discussion either. This is one of the few times I believe the Contribution Crusade to be a force for good.




Do you have anything to contribute? I mean, we can't just let the Eliminators win this! I know it's the weekend, but that should hopefully mean more activity, not less.

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I haven't had much computer time, sorry for being so inactive, but I'm just trying to type somnething out fast here.


I think that CC wil have to kick in, cuz there's not a lot going on.  I want to make sure somone is lynched so I'll vote for Downax as well.

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Ok. We really, really need more discussion.

Hero, care to provide any justification for the crusade, and your lack of contribution outside of it?

As I have repeatedly said, real life has conspired against me and devoured my free time. I worked over 60 hours this week- most of it physical labor that does not lend itself to frequent checking of forums and does lend itself to coming home and collapsing from exhaustion.

I have not had time to do anything resembling an analysis of other players.

I have not had time to create and carry on multiple PMs to feel out players and create/refine suspicions.

I have not really even had time to follow the thread, and have barely managed to get my item actions submitted to Winter the past few cycles.

Furthermore, I stated days ago, multiple times, that such would be the case until tomorrow (Sunday) at the soonest.

Yet you persist in hounding me with your poke votes. Orlok. While I fully support the CC going on for lynching Dowanx, I feel compelled to call you into accountability for you dogged pursuit of me. Your stated reasons for voting for me are both unfounded and stale.

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Timezones issue. It is now Sunday my time, and having seen you online over the weekend, I had thought that you might get a response in this cycle.


I have so far been unsuccessful in finding eliminators, and hold the greatest respect for Alvron's abilities. I would suggest we go along with him this cycle.

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I’m writing this post under the assumption that if a player with a mercenary was attacked it would be stated in the Write-Up. I am relatively confident that the Corporates not making a kill last cycle was not intentional, but a result of inactivity. I wish I had the time to sit down and write this earlier because by now I can’t accurately determine who among us never came online that day, so I will instead consider what players posted. Excluding Ripple, the players who posted are as follows: Orlok, Mailliw, polkinghorn and Araris. This does not necessarily mean these four players are all innocent, but I find it far more likely that a majority of - if not all - of the evil players are among those who did not post.


Hero, Joe and Alvron, up until yesterday, had the most consistent activity before last cycle, and therefore are the most suspicious to me, in descending order. Considering their personalities, I would not be surprised if one of them is the driving force behind the Corporates. I think I believe it when Hero says he’s been too busy to post analysis, but he has certainly been active enough to put in kill orders, and whether or not it’s true it sure is a convenient excuse for him to not help out the village in rooting out the mafia. I honestly think that he needs to be lynched this cycle, partly because the consistent back and forth between him and Orlok is pretty distracting and at this point I’m almost certain that one of them is a Corporate. I want to trust Joe more now that he’s revealed some of the information he gathered, however I can’t considering how long it took him to do that and the fact that we can’t really confirm if he didn’t embellish the information (unless everyone says what we told him). As for Alvron the vote he just placed makes me even more suspicious of him because of his lack of evidence. I have not personally voted since D1 but have been very open with my thoughts and have provided multiple points on people who still live. In the meantime we’ve been lynching innocent players, one of which (Stink) I even defended.


Now that Orlok has gone along with it I’m also a bit wary of him. I have publicly stated several times that I trusted him and provided many counterpoints when people have called for a lynch on him, so I will admit, I somewhat feel betrayed.. Alvron, can you please list for us all of these little things that make me seem evil?







(1) Hero: Orlok (1), Alvom Halbin (1)

(0) Araris: Mailliw (1)

(2) Dowanx: Sart (1), Feligon (1)

(1) Mailliw: Joe (1)

(1) Orlok: Hero (1)

(1) Phatt: Mailliw (2)

(2) Alvom: Alvron (1), Orlok (2)





Edited by Alvom Halbin
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Don't worry, Orlok, you should get the post I've been promising sometime later today.

I agree with a lot of what Alvom said- I think that last cycle was evidence that the eliminators have at least a few inactives/semi-actives. However, I know that I am not one of them, so I'll be voting for Dowanx.

(And @Alvom, while I don't have any particular suspicions about you, I want to point out that "defending" innocent players is a common and easy eliminator tactic, since you know who all the innocents are. So that doesn't really do anything to clear your name.)

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@Alvom. I was active yesterday, I just didn't post in this game. So I would have had time to send in kill orders.

I'm not sure if the Corporation genuinely forgot to send in kill orderrs due ro inactivity, or if they're trying to frame the inactives. Either way, I'm not going to change my vote for now.

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I have found Hero suspicious for most of the game.  I am also suspicious of you A smart guy.  For some reason this is the second time you have started a vote on me for basically no reason.  Honestly it sounds like you are only posting that vote to make others think that you are doing something when you really have done nothing.  If the votes were different you would be getting mine today.  

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If my count is right then Dowanx and I are tied at 3 votes each. Since we don't know when the cycle will end I'm going to withdraw my vote for Dowanx.

Better that I be lynched and people have the chance to learn something from my innocence then to have another tied vote. I'll keep an eye on the thread and cast my vote again if I can break another tie.

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