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I think that at this point, it would probably be a good idea to lynch inactives. Of course, this is night, but next turn we could discuss it more. Assuming that no KRs have squired diagrammists, then we can probably win. So far we have killed 3, right? Hero, Orlok, and Ren. So 2 of their knights and one squire. They'll probably have an Elsecaller squire, and maybe 2 other regular. If the Elsecaller could make 2 squires, or if the windrunner could, they might only have 5 though.

Does anyone have a current player list?

Edited by phattemer
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Sorry for not voting last cycle. Still getting back into things.


We can learn a lot from the lynch of a conspirator. They aren't above voting for each other, but they don't want to make a lynch happen.

Kipper, as the first to place a vote, but could have just put it there to make it look like he wasn't affiliated with orlock.

Emerald and Phattemer are (mostly) cleared as the second and third votes are what really decided this lynch from what I see.

Joe and clanky hopped on the lynch bandwagon after it was already leaving. This is actually suspicious to me. Seems like a tactic to distance yourself from your ally at the last second, ESPECIALLY Clanky who voted last and whom Orlock voted for, both after the lynch was all but decided in favor of Orlock.

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Sorry for not voting last cycle. Still getting back into things.


We can learn a lot from the lynch of a conspirator. They aren't above voting for each other, but they don't want to make a lynch happen.

Kipper, as the first to place a vote, but could have just put it there to make it look like he wasn't affiliated with orlock.

Emerald and Phattemer are (mostly) cleared as the second and third votes are what really decided this lynch from what I see.

Joe and clanky hopped on the lynch bandwagon after it was already leaving. This is actually suspicious to me. Seems like a tactic to distance yourself from your ally at the last second, ESPECIALLY Clanky who voted last and whom Orlock voted for, both after the lynch was all but decided in favor of Orlock.


I was actually the deciding vote on orlok until someone used transportation to transfer a vote off of me onto Orlok. Also yes I did wait for the last minute to vote for Orlok because I thought Joe was more likely to be a Diagramist then Orlok was. I guess I was wrong. Besides if both Orlok and I were Diagramists I don't think I would've expressed openly that I thought he was innocent right before he was almost guaranteed to be lynched.


EDIT: Random words removed





Actually now that I think about it that might be exactly what i would've done as an eliminator since you wouldn't expect it from one.

Edited by Clanky
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Peng, I realize that not much that I can do will prove me to be a village.

But forget the I Know You Know, and ask yourself if an Eliminator would bus another Eliminator after two are already dead. I didn't just vote for Orlok. I pushed his lynch for Days, even expressing my suspicion during a Night.

I realize the I Know You Know exists, so just forget about it and ask yourself what you would do as an Eliminator. I would not do that and reduce the team to 2/5ths or one half of its original size.

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One more problem with your point about me "jumping on to the last minute bandwagon"(even though it wasn't really a bandwagon):

If I had not voted I very well could've been killed since I would have been tied with Orlok. Also we could very easily have ended up with a tie vote which is definitely not a good thing for the refugees especially this late in the game.

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I think the question now is what to do about Joe. On the one hand, Orlok was going for him pretty hard, both before and after I started putting pressure on him. On the other hand, it could easily be a distraction technique, meant to draw suspicion off Joe if Orlok died. In the second scenario, If it looked like Joe might get lynched he would've written up a nice, long, "satisfactory" post, and Orlok would've retracted his vote.


Overall, I'm not inclined to trust Joe more or  less as a result of the shenanigans here. I definitely think he'd make a good candidate for a Division kill, since losing him would mean nothing to the village if he's innocent, but everything if he's not.

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Day Seven: Learn to Swim


As the sun went down, a storm swept through. The storm father must have been very upset, because the storm lasted the whole night and was so powerful no one dared venture out in it.



No one died! Radiants and Squires are recharged.


Everyone has (note the change in time due to me being behind in posting this) 47 hours for the day. 

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So were we going to go for Joe, or not? I would say not, since Orlok didn't look like he was retracting anytime soon and also, doing so would have raised questions. I would be more inclined to think that the remaining 2-3 diagrammists are probably more inactive than the dead ones were. Does anyone have a player list? If not, I will make one.

The Only Joe- Sani

Peng the Just- Justin

Mailliw- Madon

Araris Valerian- Wol

Phattemer- Seixa

Emerald- Em C. Palah

Idolevy- FindiltinFindilt

Bridge Boy- I refuse. The stupidly long one.

Twelthrootoftwo- Torren

Kipper- Kip Sturm

Clanky- Cla

(thanks 12th)






For some reason, I think there are 11 people left, unless I'm confusing this with qf9 which I know has 11 people left.

Well, 9 people voted last day, and 2 are now dead. This should be right. I think. Gawd, I hate trying to remember character names. Let me know if you see a problem, but this should help.

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You're missing a few:





...which is not really surprising since the last time any of them posted was Adamir way back on Day Four. Given the number of inactive players, how do we feel about getting some of our spare kill abilities to start cleaning them up?


Speaking of inactives, I have a pet theory. Ren paid a great deal of attention to Idolevy - more than can be justified, I think, for aone out of multiple inactive players. I suspect he was trying to lynch an inactive teammate, to gain trust. This is also the best explanation I can come up with for Orlok's post where he got Ren and Hero confused - to keep attention on Idolevy. So Maill, what was the point of voting for a player who hadn't even been online since night 1, at the same time as commenting going after inactives isn't that helpful?

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I didn't see Feligon on either of those lists, but he is still alive I think.

I am also going to vote on Mailliw, although not solely because of the vote on Idolevy. I explained my reasons during day 6, but Mailliw has a lot of ties to both Hero and Renegade. I would have to go back and look at Orlok to see if there is anything in there as well.

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The last time that everyone survived a night the write up said -- Someone was attacked, but survived! -- this time we got -- No one died! --.


I assume by that it means no-one was attacked and not the person who got attacked was defended. That gives us a few options:


1) Tension was used on the player who was attacked and it ended up blocking the diagramist kill.

2) Adhesion was used on the diagramist performing the kill and it blocked the attack from occurring. 

3)The remaining diagramists were all inactive during the cycle so nobody put the kill order in

4) The diagramists purposefully didn't put in a kill order to make us think the above scenario was occurring and get us to kill all the inactive players.


If it was one of the first two options could we get some confirmation from the KR who did it so we can confirm what happened? You don't need to come right out and say it yourself but you could maybe get your squire to leak the info.

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Well, the 4th option only works if they continue to not do kills, and that's probably a risk they're not willing to take. I's say they probably just are inactive, but not the people who haven't posted since like, the first cycle. (idolevy). I would be more inclined to say that they are the people who have read the thread, posted a few times to look active, but not really contributed anything.

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I realized that a a vote on Idolevy became pointless, but never  had a chance to switch it. At this point, with almost half of the players inactive, I think we might want to start attacking them. Since after this cycle, I won't have much time to be on, I'm going to vote for Adamir as well.

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Araris, why do you have to blow my cover like that?  lol.


I still got nothing to contribute, but hopefully I can do some stuff before I have to leave for a week (mon-sat).  Anyway, I've been busy with rl stuff, just started a new job and using all my free time to play videogames.

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GM Question: is the wording in the OP intended to imply what Clanky is thinking? That no one dying and someone surviving are distinct and separate?


I have done my very best to try to keep things as consistent with how Aonar has run them, to the point that I've been going back through previous cycles to see how he worded things. 


As such, if someone had been attacked, but survived, it would mentioned in the results. 


There is a mini write up done and edited in that might help clarify things. 

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From the mini writeup, it looks like nobody decided to send in any actions. Now the question (as Clanky realized) is: did the eliminators decide not to kill anyone in an attempt to put suspicion on the inactives, or they genuinely inactive? I'm definitely inclined toward the second.


If they keep not killing people, they're not advancing their win condition, and they pretty much can't win. In that scenario, they're still only getting one kill per cycle, and not one that's guaranteed innocent at that. They can either rely on their gambit to hopefully lynch an innocent, or they could just up and kill one. I don't know about you guys, but I doubt this could be an eliminator gambit, there just isn't enough to gain in it.


Because of this, I don't think we're really looking for people who've been active in other parts of the forum (read: Adamir) because people tend to be more active when they're eliminators. If they were an eliminator, even if they don't post in thread, they'd probably have time to get on and check the doc if they were active elsewhere.


I looked through the player list in Kipper's sig (thanks for that, very helpful.) and checked the activity for every member I don't remember posting much. Here's what I found (I really like bulleted lists, if you haven't noticed.):

  • Jain - inactive since Aug 3
  • Idolevy - inactive since Jul 16
  • Feligion - inactive between Aug 3 and Today
  • Dow - inactive since Aug 3
  • Eowyn - inactive since Jul 25

What do I see here. . . ah yes. Hypothesized three eliminators. Three people inactive for the correct time period, each inactivity period start August 3. Of those three, the post Feligon made this cycle has caught my eye.


GM question: Can I ask for a day extension? It seems unfair to me that the eliminators can get more discussion time if they need it, but that we can't.


Edit: Y'know, one day, I might actually be able to make a post without fixing the spelling somewhere.

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