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Everything posted by Quiver

  1. Certainly! I like it -it lets me pretend I'm a real writer!- but it does sort of handicap whatever team I'm on, since I don't do ANY strategic planning
  2. Yeah, no. Pretty sure what I've learned is tht I suck at the SE games. Honestly, I mainly used them as RPing stuff, which... was not a great way to play
  3. The reason Oliver Queen hasn't cleaned up Star City is because he was just trapped on an abandoned island in the middle of the Chinese Ocean. If he washed up on Australi, he'd have come back with the skills to solo Supergirl.
  4. Tis a testament to Australia's reputation that the possible lethality of these critters went unquestioned for so long.
  5. Yeah, I saw it in the RP forum... but as I say, I don't know enough about mechanics to really judge the games meta. I've been playing a Paladin character on the grounds that a paladin's main role is to smash things good, and I can follow that Honestly, as a Nalthian fanboy, I'd love to see Awakeners as a class; I'm just not quite sure how you'd manage a marionette-style class in a table top RPG without things getting hopelessly complicated too easily. Most obvious thing I can think of is, like, awakening clothes to give yourself an AC boost or something (representing cloaks moving to block attacks) but... yeah, I'm not a designer or anything. (You could probably build a campaign around Nightblood though...)
  6. No, that's fair I just figured it was worth asking. Okay, then, so I think there are some things i's worth considering here: - The timeline. When was Martin shot. It' worth noting that our protagonist didn't see Martin the entire evening; Arabella did, and she's the one who said he was going to pick something up. The room he was found in was "a little side-room", so it must have been close by... but no one noticed the sound of a gunshot. That suggests the time of death may have been while the corks were popping of the wine so no one would notice it. When Isabelle reported the death, however, she had "one hand bloody", suggesting she handled the blood when it was fresh. - Where Martin was found. He was sitting in the chair. Since there hasn't been any mention of damage to it, I have to conclude that the chair wasn't damaged; that is to say, the killer didn't come up behind Martina dn shoot through the headrest. That suggests that Martin and the killer were facing one another at the very least. - The cast. We have some dissenting opinions among them regarding Martin... but all of them still appeared at his party. Maybe they felt an obligation - "If I don't show up, the boss will make my life Braize" - but based on the information we have, I don't see anyone hating him enough to kill him. Therefore, my hypothesis: I believe Martin killed himself. I believe that when he went into the side room to "pick something up," the something in question was the gun. I believe the reason he delayed so long in coming back was because he wasn't sure if he DID want to kill himself or not; he hesitated, weighing up his options. When the champagne started, I think Isabelle went to find him, and found him cradling the gun. I think they may have argued over it, with one of them -in the struggle it wasn't clear which- pulling the trigger and shooting Martin. The blood on Isabelle's hand come have come from blood splashing out from the impact point, or from her instinctively trying to hold the wound shut after it happened.
  7. I've been playing some Pathfinder lately... but honestly, I don't know the intricaies of the mechanics well enough to comment on it's balanced-ness or not. (I'd recommend posting the build on the GitP forum, actually. If you aren't a member, I could do it for ya, if that would help?) I totally advocate making more Sanderson Pathfinder classes, though That's an RPG system I actually use so it'd be nice to play them.
  8. @A Budgie Can you describe the wound that Martin had? We know that he was shot; but was it a head shot, gut shot, shoulder? What kind of gun was used; do you have a bullet calibre? Have they found the bullet itself yet?
  9. Ya know... given the pop culture depiction of Florida as having lots of mosquittos, I can't help but think of this as some form of protection racket
  10. This is one of the funniest comic book pages I have ever seen: I think the best part of it is the everything.
  11. "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years, I have returned home to save my city. But to do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else. And then the murders begin." A not-inaccurate description of Arrow's first season, frankly
  12. Given the recent Zelda release, I'd say go with this.
  13. "With Great Power, there must also come Great Responsibility. And then the murders begin." ... 'kay, not a book, but still.
  14. There is a trend in media that idealism is weak, and cynism is a sign of strength and wisdom. That is a philosophy that I reject wholeheartedly, and I'm glad that you(r username) seems to suggest that you too!
  15. Hmm. Okay first off: a movie? That's odd. I know there are three two Death Note movies live-action films already... but that story is one which, in my opinion, is better suited for a serialised medium. The point of it is watching how the characters and the world changes in response to this supernatural phenomenon... which, yes, you can do in a movie, obviously, but doing it as a series of 13 episode seasons seems like the more effective way to get that done. (Plus, that way you don't have to do a time skip, which was a problem for lots of reasons) I have to admit, the first time I saw Light there, I laughed; my browser froze on his face when he found the notebook, so he looked sort of goofy. But... But I like that. He doesn't look like the kind of guy who would go nuts and commit mass murder... which is very much part of Light's character. Honestly, if I have a complaint, it's that the Light they have here looks more like an everyman character than an Honor Roll student. (That might be the angle they are going for though; how would an "ordinary" person react to the Daeth Note rather than someone who was "exceptional". Ryuuk claimed that a normal person wouldn't have written so many names... but going mad with power IS kind of a thing.) If I have a complaint, it's that the trailer shows a lot of big flashy scenes... when the appeal of Death Note was it's psychological mind games. Again, a reason why I would have preferred it as a series. Still... I'll probably get around to it eventually. Have the Marvel Netflix and Sense-8 to watch first.
  16. Semi-rambling side note: I wonder what the "original" Arrowverse timeline looked like. I mean, the whole point of the first season of the Flash was that Thawne had screwed up the timeline, resulting in Barry becoming the Flash years before he was supposed to. And that mucking in the timeline has had effects which would have ratcheted across everything else: - Oliver is going to be older and (even more) experienced by the time Barry get's his powers and starts being a hero. But Barry was (one of) the reasons why Oliver finaly started to lighten up some; not the only reason, by any means, but certainly an important factor in making Oliver and Team Arrow re-evaluate their methodology. Presumably Oliver will still face down Ra's, Darkh and Prometheus, since Barry hasn't really factored into any of that; but not having a super speed pal means he might take his season five "kill when necessary" approach sooner, out of sheer necessity. - According to the future newspaper, Hawkgirl was involved in the Crisis. I have no idea how she and Carter survive Vandal Savage in the present without Team Flash; maybe Vandal gets held up somewhere, giving Kendra and Carter time to become superheroes and have a career in the present before he offs them? - Snart and Rory probably don't get their guns, and remain normal criminals. At worst, they get them after the particle accelerator accident. - Stein and Ronnie might become Firestorm eventually, depending on if they happen to still be in Central City when the accident happens. Without the accelerator accident, Jax probably scores his scholarship and goes to college, so... good for him. If we assume that the "normal" timeline had no time travel, period? - Ray and Sara aren't going to join the Legends. Both of them were looking for purpose in their lives. I imagine Ray probably would have become a more permanent addition to Team Arrow, while Oliver would reach out to Sara following the stuff with Laurel in season four. So, they are both probably going to be full-time additions to Team Arrow. - Since Team Arrow will consist of (minimally) Oliver, Sara, Ray, Felicity, Sparta and Curtis, Oliver probably doesn't decide to start recruiting. There is a pretty solid experience pool of heroes there, so they probably just won't bother bringing Reneé or Artemis into things. Rory is a bit of a grey area; Havenrock is going to happen in the timeline anyway, so he's totally a piece of the board. The big question is whether Oliver decides to recruit and train him, or if he's going to send him packing. - On the plus side, Quentin probably has more of a relationship with Sara than he does in the show at the moment, so if he still ends up hitting the bottle, it might not be quite as hard. It does mean that Thea probably isn't going to become his honorary daughter though. - Without joining the Legion, Malcolm is still going to be a wild card, one who is now one hundred percent focused on ruining Oliver's life. So that feud probably gets ratchetted up in intensity, pretty damnation quickly. Frankly, Oliver should be thanking Thawne; if he hadn't recruited him, Oliver would probably be fending off attacks by both of the Dark Archers. - Thawne didn't seem to expect Flashpoint, so that's a good argument for "that wasn't part of the original timeline". So, that means all the things Barry changed aren't going to have happened: that's good. Whether or not the bad future of Grant Wilson is going to be averted is another question entirely; it might just be that John's kid becomes the new Black Canary in a lawless wasteland rather than being the new Green Arrow in a lawless wasteland. Anything else jump out at anyone?
  17. You're a Samurai Jack fan, so it's fair to say you have good taste.
  18. Well hey, so far as hints goes, it beats appearing on a monitor with a tiny puppet and inviting his owner to play a game of "Saw your leg off". So.
  19. Bandoliers are kind of a western trope... but as others have pointed out, it's not exclusively purview of the Western. It sometimes get's play in post-pocalypse stories... and, really, Roshar kind of fits that bil as a blasted, desolate, literally-forsaken-by-the-gods world. Also, it looks cool. Brandon is a great worldbuilder and story teller... but sometimes, he does do things just to be cool. See: Kaladin's duel. Bandoliers are cool, and a short hand for survivalists. Therefore, by giving Jasnah a ragged appearance and a bandolier, he makes her look cool, establishes she's had a rough time doing whatever-she's-been-doing, and set's up an easy utility belt for her to draw items from as the plot requires them. (And yes, I might be comparing Jasnah to the Batman with that last point.)
  20. Burning tin might be kind of complicated. The main thing that Vin, Kelsier and Spook comment on is their enhanced vision (namely being able to see through the mists)... but that could be because vision is the main way those characters interact with their surroundings. Spook comments on tin amping his other senses after he becomes a savant... but I'm not sure if it's a case of "Your other senses get heightened when you become a savant," or "Your other senses are always heightened when burning tin, but by becoming a savant Spook became more aware of the metals ability on his other four senses". So... I dunno. Depends on whether normal tin heightens other senses in addition to sight, I suppose. If it does, then burning tin would heighten the other senses. If it does, then until you become a savant, you probably get no bonuses to any of them. Either way, I don't see tin making someone who is blind able to see.
  21. Quiver

    lovely gal

    Huh. I never pictured the Parshendi as having a Predator/Ax-Hound jaw, but I suppose that DOES make sense... Cool art!
  22. And... from what I hear, Iron Fist starts off bad and gets better about half-way through? Compared to the other Netflix series, "gets better" might not be good enough... but I admit, I have a bit of a train wreck fascination, so I might jump ahead to watching Iron Fist. (I've seen Daredevil season one, and am about half-way through Jessica Jones.)
  23. You receive two lab rats. They seem perfectly normal, but unbeknownst to you, every night they try to take over the world. *inserts a blank manuscript*
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