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Everything posted by Quiver

  1. My interest. You have piqued it. I'm always interested in seeing representation in media. (On which note, I'm going to say Rukako is an awesome character) That's a common cover But some of them can be...dull.
  2. The real question is, is he a yaoi lead or not. Anime songs can be weird, too. Comic book covers. I mean, they spoil when they don't outright lie
  3. Well, I just finished my first set at the archery range. First off all: ow. My hands and arms hurt. I think it was a longbow I used, but I still wasn't expecting the draw to be so much. Unfortunately, I don't have any fun stories. I NEARLY split an arrow, but that wasn't intentional, so even if it had happened, not something to brag about But... I enjoyed it. So, there's that.
  4. ... I have finally finished the Invasion crossover. I'm slowly getting up to date...
  5. Deathstroke has two eyes. Clearly this series is worthless and not worth my time! ... Nah, honestly, I'd never heard of this series. I will definitely check this out, thanks!
  6. Maybe? I mean... Dick is awesome. His personality is "cheerful, well-adjusted Batman". He's actually more popular among the superhero community than Superman. I'm just...concerned how that might be translated over. I'm...not sure what you're referring too. Sorry...
  7. ... 'kay, haven't had a chance to set up a PM yet. But suffice to say, I will have questions. I don't suppose anyone has any Beginners Guides they could recommend? ... On a separate note, Nightwing, one of my favorite DC characters, is now scheduled to get a film. Considering the quality of the DCEU, I'm not sure how to react to that news.
  8. @A Budgie Solfa was one of the few things my meagre attempts at research turned up that I understood Actually, I had heard it referred to as Solfege, so I was planning on using that as the name of this setting. ... But wow. The more I hear about this stuff, the more I realize how little I know. Thanks to everyone!
  9. To: everyone who replied to me with regards music... Thanks! Er... I'm on mobile at the moment; maybe it's just my mobile, but I can never really add multiple people's names using the reference feature. Which is why, haven't named you all here. Sorry 'bout that. Anyhow! I'll drop ya'all a PM with some questions, if that's okay, but right now, I do have a dumb question: What is an Octave? I've seen them mentioned a lot, but I'm not sure if I understand them correctly...and they sound important in understanding how notes ad pitch and tone works. If I understand it correctly... Octaves are like, degrees between notes? so there's (for example) A, then an octave below that is a different A note, an octave above is another different A note, and if you move up enough octaves, you reach the next note (in this case, B). Is thatright, or am I even dumber than you thought possible?
  10. There's a great quote I read in a Transformers comic. Of course, being a comic book, it requires 50+ some issues if continuity to make sense. So: In an issue of Transformers, Megatron was fighting Optimus Prime, and declared this: Flash forward fifty or so issues...and Megatron is trying to reform. He's renounced his former ways and joined the Autobots. When quizzed on his motives, he references the above speech, and says:
  11. When someone tells you there's a hurricane outside, and you respond with "No, that's a Highstorm".
  12. Yeah...Haven't posted anything about it since it IS completely underdeveloped, but I want to change that.
  13. I've kind of been playing around with an idea for a fantasy setting, where the magic is based upon music; kind of blending synaesthesia with shamanism, to an extent. ...but, because music is BIG DEAL for this society, not knowing anything about it on my end is kind if holding me back some in terms of "How do I develop this thing", so...
  14. I...am kind of starting from scratch, frankly. The problem is, I don't know what it is I don't know, ya know? So I'm not sure how to research it... I'm a little confused by definitions. I know a note is the most basic level of music. I'm a little less clear on pitch and tone, and how they differ from one another. And then there's timbre, which is...quality of sound, I think, but I'm not sure how one judges that? In all honesty... I'm starting pretty much from square one. The problem is that it feels like stuff which explains definitions (like Wikipedia) expect some kind of knowledge of music, which... I don't have.
  15. ...Would any musicians here mind if I PM them about stuff? I'm trying to create a setting based on music, and having a bit of difficult researching it; was wondering if people would mind me asking them questions directly.
  16. Maybe this better fits the Tech discussion forum, or the creative corner...? Anyway. I've been batting around the idea of doing a blog for a while now. I have a bit of a tendency to ramble and de-rail topics start talking at length about stuff I'm interested in; typically comic books, sometimes anime, representation, or whatever. Well.. I'm kind of considering actually starting a blog... but I'm kind of running into a roadblock. (A few road blocks, actually, starting with "I have no idea how to make worthwhile content", but that's a whole other topic... ) Anyway, the main problem I've got right now is... I have no idea how to start a blog. I know there are a few websites that can be used for that kind of stuff -WordPress, BlogSpot, Tumblr- but I don't really know how any of those three work, what would be a good one to use... you know, foundational sort of stuff. So... figured I'd ask here: Anyone got any advice on how to start something like this, or where to do so? (I also more than invite topic suggestions )
  17. I commented on some of this above, but yeah. I generally think that the bright palette and the cartoony style helps make things less uncomfortably over all, but the, er... jiggle physics (especially in the opening sequance) can be rather indulgent. (I didn't really notice any shots of Aqua though. I remember one scene from the first episode, and the opening sequence, again, stood out a little in that regard... but I can't actually recall any other time when attention was drawn to that. All of Aqua's comedy that I recall comes from her water magic and bratty attitude) But... fan service is a recurring problem for anime in general, which is definitely one of the worst aspects of the media.
  18. I'm kind of disappointed. You got all the Paranormal romance references in there, and not one 50 Shades joke? I mean, that started as Paranormal Romance fan fiction, and Dullahan has a whip. The opportunity is right there! Other than that, I liked. I think that should be obvious by now; you're one of the strongest writers on this site, so should go without saying. It actually leaves me unsure what to post, because I hate just saying I like something without elaborating on it. So, something I'll say; I liked the little touches you gave to flesh out Cora's personality. Some of it is obviously a kick at Bella Swan - like her liking stuff from forty years ago, but only if it's not mainstream - but the "shoving breakfast in my mouth because of god all of the late" and pulling her tee-shirt on inside out was... Yeah, it's parody. But I do feel like it's kind of human, in a way? Like, if you weren't going for the parody angle, you could actually turn those traits and make Cora a real person. ... Which, I guess, brings me to my only real complaint: I was left terrible confused by the characters name. Cora isn't mentioned until about half-way through the story, at the lunch room table. On my first read through, I actually assumed that her name was Jordan* since that was the name mentioned first, and it was said by Dooly, which gave a connection. So, my only recommendation for what to change might be to add something nearer the start? Like, show a scene with her father at the begining. Play into that Charlie-parrallel for later, sure, but also have him mention Cora's name so that it's clear off the bat that that is who the protagonist is. ... Of course, that's a really minor nit-picking point, so. Yeah. I liked.
  19. I haven't seen the anime yet, but I DID play the game. Just the original - the spin offs, sequels and etc don't appear to be translated yet... ... but wow. That game is amazing, and easily one of my favorite stories. The whole cast is fantastic, I enjoyed the writing...yeah. Cannot recommend that game enough. (To the point where I really want a 'Science Adventures' RP set in that universe, but that's another story...)
  20. via Imgflip Meme Generator ...but, snark aside...wow. Congratulations. I would be really lucky to write 5k in a week, never mind 10K. Seriously! Major kudos!
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