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Everything posted by Quiver

  1. So, this is...part a question, part a theory, I suppose. It isn't based on any kind of realmantic knowledge though, so this is more me asking if this is possible or makes sense: Was Rashek's personality affected by holding Preservation? The reason I ask is because the Rashek of Secret History reads somewhat differently from the Mistborn books. In the trilogy, Rashek seemed to want to protect -or Preserve- the world from Ruin; he even kept himself in a personal stasis by decorating his innermost sanctum in the fashion of the old Terris people. He prepared the caches (even if he didn't think they would be much use) and, while an extremist, seemed to believe his goal was worth the methods. In Secret History, however, he just scoffs and pops off to the Beyond, expressing disdain for the people he was, supposedly, caring for. That could just be a result of dying; having just been killed by one of the people he was trying to protect might have made him decide "Screw 'em," and finally take off. But I was wondering if it was possible that Rashek's attitude, in life, was colored by his holding of Preservation during the Ascension? as in, despite using the power up, if that intent to Preserve rubbed off on him and affected how he acted while alive.
  2. Honestly, between the fact that we got a live action Cinderella last year and a live action Mulan coming out, my only hope for this film is that it ends with Nick Fury introducing the Princess initiative. #DisneyPrincessCinematicUniverse
  3. I think it depends on the type of fairies, and how they are used? I'm not really a fan of the sugar plum dumpling type of fairies, for instance; you know, those warm and cheerful and friends to the boys and girls. I do t see any kind of interesting hook with them. But, their existence does make the fey a lot more interesting. I'm thinking mostly of Pratchet -read Lords and Ladies, it's amazing- but also, I think... Celtic mythology has a lot of characters and gods and goddesses who would feed into that fey angle. I think the thing that's interesting about them is that tint of darkness, that alien wildness to them. It's compelling, almost intoxicating. The fey -and fairies, obviously- I think are maybe interesting because they are more liminal that straight up gods abd goddesses? They are just human enough that we can understand them, just alien enough that we can't. They have their own worlds - Tir Na Nog - but unlike, say, Olympus, it's a place mortals can go to...but unlike Valhalla, going there carries a price (ie: the stories about people crossing over and coming back after a few days to find centuries have passed). I don't know. It's an interesting question, and these are off the cuff rambles. Sorry.
  4. I have just discovered Twine. I've been reading a (Not very good) visual novel lately, and thinking "I could do better than that." Twine isn't a VN-software, but still, tempted to pit my money where my mouth is.
  5. Quoted and upvoted for (depressing)truth. Those social truths are at least part of why I was really miserable as a teenager ...and okay, still am sort of miserable vis-a-vis the relationship angle.
  6. I...have to bow out. Thought I'd have more time off, which, didn't get. Sorry...
  7. Fantasy-western would be the best way to describe the series. The protagonist is a very Clint Eastwood type character; the first book in the series is even titled 'The Gunslinger'... But the series is complicated to describe, because of spoilers
  8. I used to be on the Jasnahdin bandwagon, and if she has to have a relationship, he'd be my top choice. (I've kind of grown to like the idea that she is actually asexual, but... yeah. I wouldn't be opposed to the two of them getting together, rebelling against cultural norms and all that) ... part of that is definitely fueled by the fact that I don't like Shallan and Kaladin as a relationship, though. The (arguable) male lead and the female lead being the canon pairing of the series is... kind of a boring prospect for me?
  9. It is when it suddenly becomes impossible to use them all. I want to. But.... Honestly, I feel kind of bad spending holidays? Since it means someone else will have to come in and cover my shift. I've been on the recieving end of last minute "can you do this shift for us" stuff before, and it sucks. ... but, I've been on that end of things. I have paid my dues; it's why I earned so many holidays to begin with. According to our accountant, I've worked about 2300 hours since I started there, and I've only ever taken 4 days off. (One of those was a last minute, too-sick-to-work situation; the rest I booked off four or five months in advance). I've been holding on to these holidays because I wanted to get the rota published; the last time I booked holidays without a rota, I ended up working every other day anyway. But apparently, we aren't allowed to book more than 8 days off at a time, and I'm not the only one who is going to be spending them now, so...
  10. I... might have ended up in a situation where I'm gaining work holidays quicker than I can spend them. I work 48 hours a week, and our work gives you one holiday for 100 hours work (so, about a fortnight of work for a day off). Okay so far. I have twenty holidays so far. Even if I start burning off whole weeks of work, i'll still be racking up holidays pretty dang quickly. And I can only have three carry over to the new work year (July 1st).
  11. I've heard good things about both of those; been meaning to check them out, but never quite got around to them. Thinking I'll wait until they have finished their runs and just pick them up after that in collections; for Image, I'm invested in the story, while with my main buys (DC), I'm in it for the serialization, so...
  12. You misspelled Warbreaker. Welcome! Hope you enjoy the experience!
  13. I am so sorry. (For context: there's an on-going RP based on the Reckoners series, set in Oregon. Naturally, a bunch of epics means that stuff has gotten out of control there. ) No, but seriously: welcome! If you want to get involved in social stuff, I'd recommend checking out the General Forum and Random Stuff thread.
  14. As the title says: The Cosmere is, basically, one huge on-going story, a 40-book series made up of smaller series. So, that kind of raises the question: What genre of story is the Cosmere? Right now, it's solidly fantasy thanks to the magic, but we know there are science-fiction elements in place now, and in the future. It has elements of epic and divine tragedy in it (mostly in regards to the Shards), but the generally tone is more reconstruction of fantasy than deconstructive. So... yeah. What do you guys think the cosmere is, overall? Or is the point to reflect life, with no set genre or type of story?
  15. @traceria I'll add this as another voice for Iron Blooded Orphans though. Also, I can confirm: Konosuba is pretty good. I got up to date on the series yesterday, which...unfortunately means I have to wait for new episodes. (Also, I have opinions on how that show handles some stuff and blah. Soap boxing Point is, I enjoyed that show) On the other hand, I dropped the Naruto manga pretty hard after some of its plot developments. I've started watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure to try and fill that shonen space, but that series is long enough that I don't mind having it as a slow burn series while I marathon other stuff. Other new shows... I caught the first episode of BanG Dream. The poster made me think it would be more rock than the first episode implied, but hey: music can be fine, so...gonna give it a few episodes to win me over. And...caught the first few episodes of Miss Kobyashi's Dragon Maid. I'm...not overly impressed? The episodes feel more like a number of sketches than whole episodes, despite each having a throughline. Still, giving it a few episodes to win me over... But yeah right now, Konosuba is the best anime I've seen this season.
  16. "The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go." - The World Ends With You
  17. Random character concept pitch: an epic who thinks they're a vanilla teams up with a vanilla who thinks they are an epic. Shenanigans ensue.
  18. SO, I HAVE THOUGHTS ON THIS. Yes, there are similarities with Cap; the both that both characters are getting their first films produced as period dramas (with superheroes!) and presenting the idea of "superhero as warrior" is a thing that both films that definitely pushing. Basically, Wonder Woman is the Thor analogue (character wise) but her film looks like it'll be their version of Cap. That being said, there is a major difference between the two, and that's where I'm a little concerned: namely, that Wonder Woman is set in World War I, while Cap had World War II. World War II is -and I think I can say this without controversy- one of the most "just" wars ever waged. I don't think that there is much debate about the merits of, and whether it was worth, fighting fascism. However, World War I is... messier. It was called the Great War for a reason, in that it was a grinder for human lives, and the reasons why it was fought are a lot less moral and justified than other wars are (basically, a network of alliances without any kind of international checks and balances dragging the entire world into a conflict). That is actually a fantastic setting for Wonder Woman; part of her deal, historically, is meeting violence with love and redeeming villains. So, putting her in one of the worst, and most morally complicated, wars in history is a pretty cool idea, since it means that you have her in a place where she can be trying to solve the problem, rather than just winning the war. ... My concern is that the film makers aren't going to recognize that, and the sides are going to be presented as stereotypical, with none of the actual complexities that marks World War I as different from World War II. @Orlion Determined @Deliiiiiightful I might be working on a piece of fan fiction that I might post featuring Wonder Woman and/or Captain America.
  19. RAFO Yeah, we don't know who swapped it. I think there are theories about who did it, but we haven't got any answers on that front yet.
  20. Actually, thought about it, and maybe a slightly different idea? What if Diana Prince replaces Steve Rogers? As in, young woman living in America, probably as a munitions worker doing her best to serve her county. One night, she ends up helping a German immigrant by the name of Abraham Erskine, which prompts him to use her for Project: Rebirth over the objections of the military brass, turning young Diana Prince into the Sentinel of Liberty. Of course, a woman as military Captain would be ridiculous, so she would need a different name, such as, say... Wonder Woman.
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