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Everything posted by Khyrindor

  1. My theory is that that Braize is the Tranquline Halls. Odium is somehow able to prevent people from moving on, and he steals them to Braize to war with his Odiumspren.
  2. You're welcome lol EDIT: Not just me, there were like 14 of us on there. I did most of the outside Q&A though.
  3. 1. I don't think going after Devotion and Dominion necessarily helped Odium find Ambition, he probably ran into them, or gave up on his search. I made a theory a while back about Odium's decision to Splinter Devotion, I think it is likely that Devotion and Odium are a Shardic pairing/opposite, one involving love, and one involving hate. If this is true, Devotion was probably number two on his hit list, so he probably figured he'd take care of them while waiting to hear from Ambition. 2. I remember a WoB about that, but I can't remember what it says. I think it may have been possible for a Vessel to survive afterward, but in weird ways. In part, their Cognitive Shadow sticks around, like the Stormfather/Tanavast. I imagine that's what's happening on Sel, and wherever Ambition was Splintered as well.
  4. Thought a little more about this. If each other the powers combined makes a Resonance, what kind of crazy Resonances would the Lord Ruler have had? Would each combination make one Resonance, or would all combinations together make only one? If your theory about Feruchemical gold and Allomantic bendalloy is true, then the Lord Ruler wouldn't have needed to use Atuim, unless the Resonance is different, or all of the combinations just give one Resonance.
  5. Oh, by the way, feel free to put credit to questions in the transcription if you were the speaker.
  6. I imagine that just takes skill and practice with speed bubbles, I don't see anything abnormal about what he does.
  7. It also kind of sounds to me like he almost confirmed that there wasn't a Perpendicularity there, but caught himself, rushed his words a bit before stopping and saying "Silverlight is really weird"
  8. Yep, I've already listened to it a couple times. I remember that happening at the end of his signing in Calgary a couple years ago, there were maybe six of us that stayed after the line and each got a few extra questions in. Really appreciative of Brandon for being so devoted to his fans like this!
  9. I'm only 6 minutes into the Outside Q&A and there's already so much stuff.
  10. Well, Isaac is part of Team Sanderson. And since Isaac has a hand in the creative aspects of it, in the form of art, I suppose that's why. I doubt he'd let anything be published that contradicts his plans for the Cosmere, though.
  11. Ok, let's see if this works. I made a google doc for transcription, and I think anyone with this link can see it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dlROFtLJS6QMt1hoBYwDwS9TJFdgi83ovEgVy5WuDAw/edit?usp=sharing Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll try to fix it. I can't help with it at this moment, but I probably will be able to this afternoon. Please only put relevant questions, you don't need to have every word spoken by anyone, obviously. I have two parts in the document for the Signing Line and the Outside Q&A. EDIT: and the General Q&A. Do we have a recording of that?
  12. Is there going to be transcription made for these? If someone starts one, I can help out a little bit. Just want to be able to reference some of these elsewhere without pointing people towards a 45-minute-long audio.
  13. I asked Brandon a while ago about that Shardpool on the Horneater Peaks, assuming it was Honor's, and he told me not to make assumptions. Since it's obviously a Perpendicularity, it's almost certainly Cultivation's.
  14. Spook kept his tin flared constantly, so he became a tin savant. Which is why he had the insanely enhanced senses. maybe the savantism is why he picked up pewter so fast. And I wonder what happened after Harmony healed him...
  15. Well, he's talking about it from Khriss's point of view. If she doesn't know about them being worldhoppers, she'd probably remark on them being "suspiciously cosmere aware" or something like that in the essay. That's how I'd interpret it.
  16. I think we kind of figured that out a while ago. He more or less confirmed it last year sometime, and since then we've kind of gotten used to knowing it. It's kinda funny that he likes that particular bit so much. XD
  17. Thank you! Now that we have that cleared up... Maybe the Nexus of Transition or the Nexus of Imagination are Braize and Ashyn, though I don't know why those ones fit at all.
  18. Am I the only one who doesn't see Vibrancy on that map? I'm very confused right now. I see Densities, Truth, Transition, and Broken Sky in the north. The seas in Roshar Proper. Then the Expanses of Imagination and Vapors.
  19. I ordered within the first hour, so I kinda hope it's in the top hundred. Would have been closer, but I was busy when it was made available. My best number so far is #26 for Shadows Beneath.
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