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Everything posted by EHyde

  1. EHyde

    Steel Inquisitor cosplay

    a number of people had asked about that, so I put together a post here
  2. My Steel Inquisitor cosplay as worn at DragonCon 2015. For reasons of practicality, I didn't want to wear a bald cap, so I wore a hood the whole time.

    © Ellen Hyde

  3. I just finished binge-watching all of Yona of the Dawn, really enjoyed it, then I read all the manga that's out so far. I really hope the anime gets a second season!
  4. I just installed Cockatrice, if anyone wants to add me as a buddy there my username is fallenwithstyle. I'd mostly be interested in playing EDH.
  5. I went to the most recent pre-release when I was still a very new player, and still managed to have a lot of fun!
  6. I just started playing Magic this past fall and I've mostly been playing limited so far (I've built an EDH deck, but I don't have as many opportunities to play with it as I'd like). I tried playing Magic Online but unfortunately my computer (a 5yr old laptop) doesn't seem to be able to handle the software. Otherwise I would definitely add you!
  7. Well, I finished it and still really like it, but I can definitely see where you're coming from and why it might just not appeal to some people. Jemisin's style is very different than what I usually see in fantasy novels.
  8. I'm disappointed that Navani's not on the list, not so much because of her character but because I'd honestly be more interested in learning more about fabrial engineering and the more technological aspects of Roshar's magic systems than in having an entire book devoted to each order of surgebinding. I also ... well, I'm in the minority here for sure, but I'm not super excited about a flashback book for Dalinar, either. Sure, the stuff about his wife and the Nightwatcher is all mysterious, but as far as character development goes, I think that's been covered very well in the books already. Of course, I wasn't all that excited about a book for Shallan either, but now after WoR I care more about her than Kaladin, so. I trust Brandon's ability to make me care about what I'm reading I also wasn't at all excited about a book for Szeth, but then that surprise crossover happened and now I'm really excited.
  9. It would probably be wise to wait till I'm finished before asking what you didn't like about it, but I am curious. (and like I said, I'm less than halfway through--my opinion could change, this has happened before)
  10. I'm currently a bit less than halfway through The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by NK Jemisin. I'd been hearing good things about it for a while and then seeing Brandon recommend the author bumped it up on my list, and I'm really enjoying it so far. It's cool to see a book that features gods taking an active role in the story, I feel that's something that (surprisingly, now I come to think of it) doesn't show up a lot in the high fantasy that I read.
  11. I would think a potential love interest who is guaranteed to be a Sanderson fan already would be even better (though if this is in response to me, I'm unavailable regardless )
  12. I'm at goodreads.com/e-hyde I only started using goodreads recently, but I'm trying to write an actual review (or at the very least a few sentences) about every book I finish reading, since I want to get better at talking intelligently about what I've read (you know, beyond "this was awesome you should read it!").
  13. (moving this to Creator's Corner) I am! Aside from costuming I also knit (I know how to crochet, but I'm not very good at it yet). Buying yarn for a new project is so much fun! I'm one of those people who has to have a project already in mind when I'm buying yarn, though often as not I'll later decide that I don't want to make that project after all ... that's how my stash grows. Are you on Ravelry? I'm EHyde over there, too. I'm not really into drawing/painting ... probably my favorite creative outlet after fiber arts and writing would have to be cooking.
  14. Believe me, I'd have told people about this much sooner if I hadn't had to sign an NDA They're pretty big on their secrecy!
  15. We have three cats. Phoenix is the smart one, she is also the most affectionate around people she knows, and the most skittish among people she doesn't. Banshee is loud, persistent, and playful, she is always asking for attention. Shadow is very relaxed and likes everyone and is ... not smart. I wrote a ketek about her when she was a kitten (it's in the keteks thread). Phoenix and Shadow Banshee
  16. This past spring I made a costume for a promotional video for Magic: The Gathering. The video has been online for a while now, but I just got copies of some still photos today, and I thought I'd share them here. This was my first professional costuming job of this nature so it was really exciting! And it also possibly contributed to me being more interested in actually learning how to play MTG as well. the video can be seen at huntbiggergame.com
  17. There are a few I haven't seen yet, but my favorite is Laputa: Castle in the Sky. I love the Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind manga, but I think it lost too much in the translation to a movie. I was super disappointed in Howl's Moving Castle when it first came out, because it was so different from the book--I started watching Miyazaki in the first place because "someone's making a movie of a DWJ book? let's see what else he's done!" Watching it again later and deliberately seeing it as its own thing rather than as an adaptation, I liked it a lot better.
  18. nope that was me XD He hasn't answered my other question yet.
  19. I don't have a lot to add to the reasons behind this, I think a lot of excellent points have already been made. I just wanted to chime in with two of my favorite female villains, both from TV shows. One is Glory from BTVS and the other is Vee from Orange is the New Black (obviously not fantasy, but still, she's one of the best villains period I've seen in a while). I would love to see more female villains in high fantasy.
  20. Brandon will not be there this year, but if any Sharders are, it would still be cool to meet up. I'll be there all four days, cosplaying Vin on Friday :-)
  21. There was one episode where Alison didn't show up, and I had a brief moment of "well maybe the actress had a conflict during filming" ... followed by a pretty epic facepalm.
  22. Here's my finished hat! I did get it finished in time to wear to the signing, that was a lot of fun (Brandon liked it!). I also made some changes to the chart as I was working, so I'm updating the image in the first post.
  23. I had been wondering if rotational vs mirror symmetry was a Shadesmar vs Roshar (or cognitive vs physical, I guess) thing, though I don't really have any reason to associate the void glyphs with Shadesmar other than the similar aesthetics of the voidbinding chart and the Shadesmar map. It's probably worth noting that Pattern is rotationally symmetric as well, and that the shapes of the Dawncities seem to be both.
  24. I haven't watched a whole lot of anime, though since I moved here I've been doing a weekly anime night with my friends so I'm watching more than I used to. We watched Night Raid 1931 which is about a group of Japanese agents in 1930s Shanghai who have superpowers (but don't hear "superpowers" and think it's gonna be all actiony, it's much more of a political drama. I liked it a lot). We watched Chihayafuru at the same time, very much a change of pace. Now we're watching Eden of the East which is I guess a techno-thriller, sort of? And just started Beyond the Boundary so I can't say much about it yet but so far it feels kind of Buffy-ish.
  25. I didn't think they were related either, but it was Brandon who used the word. It was very surprising to me.
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